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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Yeah the question is which one are you going to learn? I dont want to learn on then find out its not as good as the other . You know what I mean it takes a while to learn how to use something very well. I dont know what I like atm I'm looking in to them now. edit: Just looking at adobes flex examples i'm impressed. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It looks like its integrated with flash? because when you right click on it it gives you the flash 9 player settings. http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/ microsofts silverlight demos look crap imo. I also got errors too and it seems to require MS dev suites to build, sounds like alot of money and also you need the highest price suite to get all features /yuk. Flexible Programming Model with Collaboration Tools * Based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, Silverlight enables developers and designers to easily use existing skills and tools to deliver media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. * Simple integration with existing Web technologies and assets means Silverlight works with any back-end Web environment or technology. No "rip and replace" required. Silverlight integrates with your existing infrastructure and applications, including Apache, PHP, as well as JavaScript and XHTML on the client. * Choice of development languages including JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C#, Visual Basic .NET, and more. * Role-specific tools for both designers and developers that take advantage of Web standards and the breadth of the Microsoft .NETconnected software features. * For designers: Microsoft Expression Studio for creating interactive user interfaces and media rich experiences, preparing media for encoding and distribution, and creating World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards-compliant sites using modern XHTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, and ASP.NET. * For developers: Microsoft Visual Studio for developing client and server code with full Microsoft IntelliSense, powerful cross-platform debugging, rich language support, and more. * Consistent presentation model by using XAML, the declarative presentation language used in Windows Vistabased applications. Controls, visual designs, media, and other elements can be presented with full design fidelity in both Silverlight and Windowsbased applications. * Extensible control model makes it easy to add rich content and behaviors while enabling efficient code-reuse and sharing. * Dramatically improved performance for AJAXenabled Web sites with the power, performance, and flexibility of Silverlight and .NET-connected software.
  2. nice free stuff is always good. too bad you didnt think ahead and signed up a new email and gave them that one. I do it all the time too I sign up with my real email then end up getting spam right away ; ;. what dvds did you pick?
  3. Thats so cool, reminds me of paycheck . What I want is something like that projecting out of my glasses so its like a screen and then I'd be able to work all day on programming and design. I would use my eyes mind to control input. That way I would be able to work 10x faster or more lol.
  4. I've hand similar dreams where you fall down somewhere steep and wake up just as you are about to hit the bottom. But lately I havnt had any dreams at all. I dont know if its because of my bad memory where I did have a dream and just woke up and didnt remember having them or what. I do miss having dreams often though it gives you something to think about while your sleeping and keeps you entertained ^^. As long as they are not nightmares they should be ok. In a way I do think dreams happen for a reason, trying to tell you something maybe or even re inacting something thats happen in your past or maybe even just mean nothing.
  5. I think all schools in USA should have one security guard with a gun to deal with people who bring them to school. That way if someone goes on a killing spree atleast you have someone to fight back and hold them off until the cops arrive. It may even save a few lives instead of the crazy person being able to roam around freely and kill people till the cops arrive and he kills himself.
  6. You can just define the left and right divs width to equal a value that gives enough space in between them.
  7. In your example (2 column) you float content area left and right <div id='cont_left'></div><div id='cont_right'></div> #cont_left{float:left;}#cont_right{float:right;} I think with this method though its going to float all the way to the right and left. so its probably best to have an empty content container with a defined withsay 600 px if you want it that wide over all <div id='cont'><div id='cont_left'></div><div id='cont_right'></div></div> #cont{width:600px;}#cont_left{float:left;}#cont_right{float:right;} ok unless there is some positioning available to control how far wide out they float and it works well then you dont need to use the above example.
  8. I've had a similar problem on my PC. The PC would boot up and no sound errors would go off but the monitor just displayed no signal. I switched the monitor to my other pc and it works fine. So at this point I'm guessing its my PC. I plug it back in and same thing. I try severl reboots and then finally I kill the power at the back to the power supply wait a few then turn it back on and it works. This happens again a few days later I kill the power supply. wait a few and turn it back on.. It works, I'm not sure why it had anything to do with the power supply.
  9. Yeah you have to replace "Bleep" with <Femaie Dog>.
  10. I knew there was some talented artist here on our forums. I really like the first one, the colors are so vivid and the design is just awsome. Can anyone tell me if illustrator is what freehand used to be? I mean I've used freehand before and everysince adobe took over macromedia I dont know what happen to it. Illustrator seems to be similar to freehand.So how long have you been doing art? I'm just curious, I have a few friends who are artist and I'm kinda jealous of them in a way , they get to draw and create all day.
  11. You can lose credits also from having your post being edited/moved/deleted I believe by moderators. Maybe this is what happen to your credits. I cant think of any other reason why else you would lose credits unless there was a glitch and your credits were wrongly deducted. I hope you get your credits back.
  12. Thank you for pointing that out. I was confusd and always thought that ".../" meants two levels up. I will try this soon once I get back to working on my PHP project.
  13. Hey its sounds like your planning to save 100+ credits or so before you apply for hosting. That would be a waste because once you apply for hosting your credits reset to zero. I dont hink you can save up to 310 credits then apply for free hosting package 2 + domain name + 1 month hosting. I think you gotta be hosted first with package 1 or 2 then get your credits reset. Build up credits again from zero points while being hosted up to 280 credits then you can apply to get domain name + 1 month hosting.
  14. Yeah I've had alot of experience with people growing up who go to church but in the playgrounds they are big bullies to the smaller kids. I dont get it how can you go to church and say you believe in god and all that yet come to school and commit some nasty crimes. They even talk about how they go to church and stuff like they are proud of it and look at you differently when you say you dont go to church. I'm starting to think they only go because they had to or their parents would beat the crap out of them. I'm not joking this isnt very uncommon in new zealand with family abuse. There was even a new law put out that parents can get sent to jail for over spanking their kids. This is of course the bad people I'm talking about as I know myself some very nice people who do beleive in god and follow his rules.
  15. $result will equal a resource object I beleive so comparing it to 1 will always result in false.You can use $count = mysql_num_rows($result); Then compare $count == 1 in your if statement.
  16. Thanks for sharing the link hitmanblood. I had a quick read over it and I think I understand what you mean about being able to inject JS code in the url. So I guess if your trying to build a secure (as possible) site your should not rely on any HTML fields or javascript for any sensitive data as JS injection can be used to exploit it. I've used hidden fields personally but thats just to store data to properly handle forms durings its life cycle. I think this time round I'ma think different when building my webpages. Thanks again.
  17. Ok I've been doing some revision and came across this operator again. I've seen it before but havent fully understood what it does or its surpose to do. Taken from "Objects first in java 2006" The example it gives (27 / 4) and the increment function to me dont seem to relate and this is where I'm confused as to why or how modulo is suppose to work. The increment function will increase 'value' by 1 everytime its run untill it reaches an int 'limit' then resets to zero. Well thats how it works but I'm still confused. For another reason the example is (27 / 4) where as the function would be ((lower number + 1) % limit ). A lower number on the left side % by limit which is a higher number. /sigh someone help explain this to me so I can figure this out.
  18. just add to the start before you use it $page = $_GET['page']; That way its already asigned and you wont need to change any code. Or you could go to everyline and change $page to $_GET['page'] which I think is too much hassle.
  19. This is one reason I try and not use any $_GET in my code. If I can I will always try and use $_POST so I wont have to deal with people trying to include their own code in there. I guess $_GET does have an advantage as it can be bookedmarked unlike $_POST. I think more experience will be able to tell you what you can and cant use. I probably will need to use $_GET sometime in the future but it hasnt come up just yet in my current project.edit:Thinking about it abit I cant see how anyone would be able to inject some javascripte code into the URL. I mean unless you parse out that varname+value pair in the URL in your code it would be outputed right? Unless I'm missing something else obvious here how can someone do that?
  20. <?php// This php script has been written and designed by Brandon Selvar - http://www.bcsproductions.co.nr/// This code must remain intact in this include for legal useif($page=="") { $page=""; } $complete="".$page.".php";if(file_exists($complete)) { include($complete); }elseif($page=="") include ("welcome.php");else { include ("404.php"); } ?> Your code your gave. I'm assuming thats only a small piece of it. are you assigning $page = $_GET['page'];? because if you havent thats probably why its not working.
  21. I'm not sure how you are using it, can you post some code that has the includes where its failing? I've noticed one thing about includes, it dosent seem to work unless its put into the 'includes' folder. I think theres a setting in php that tells it what folders can be included althought I'm not 100% certain on this. I do now php includes work for me and I have the php include files in a 'includes' folder in my root html folder. I also include my db.php in the root also and it works.edit: I've also had this other problem when working under XAMPP, I'm not sure what is causing it but lets say I have certain files stored down a few levels of folder 'root/includes/forms/modify_char.php' for example. I just store it there for the sake of trying to keep things tidy because I end up with so many *.php files doing small ajax outputs.When I try and include the 'db.php' in 'modify_char.php' with include('.../db.php'); it dosent work I'm not sure why this is. So eventually I copy db.php to 'includes' folder and try include('../db.php'); Now this works. I'm not sure why this is, maybe there is a limit of how many number of level folders you can include to?
  22. Yeah its pretty horrible whats going on over there. I've been to the website before and had a bit of read. Everytime you think your life is crap try and compare it to theirs they will laugh at you. They havent even got food and you have internet.
  23. haha it looks aligned now. does it still look ok in IE?
  24. that max-width 600px didnt work it still looks the same in ff. I would then try max-width 585px and remove that width of 600px just incase its affecting it somehow sotry max-width:585px;min-width:585px; just incase, sorry cant give you a straight answer my method is mostly trail and error since I still dont fully understand css effects and your page structure. the reason i'm suggesting 585px wide is because i'm counting on the padding being added on after to total 600px;edit:I just noticed looking at your css file you havnt given default margins or padding for body. a:link, a:visited {color:#3B3B3B;font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}a:hover {border-bottom:1px dashed #727272;color:#3B0004;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}.content {background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;text-align:left;text-decoration:none;width:600px;}.banner {height:300px;text-align:left;top:20px;width:600px;}span.highlight {background-color:#E5E5E5;border-bottom:1px dashed #000000;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;text-align:left;width:100%;}.footer {color:#E5E5E5;font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;width:600px;}.spacer {font-size:1pt;height:4px;width:600px;}.padding {background-color:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;max-width:600px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:5px;text-align:left;text-decoration:none;width:600px;} Its probably a good idea to start with body {padding: 0px;margin: 0px;} That way everything below inherits this and you just add margins and paddings when required. If you dont give body 0padding 0 margins then all other elements in body inherit what ever padding the broswer gives as default.
  25. I was doing ok in math up until year 9-10 in school but after that with too many distractions from school I just lost it. I mean I couldnt understand the conecpts easily and the times I did my memory would fail me the next day and I'd forget all over again. After high school I was bumming around for abit until I went to uni then I had to take some maths papers. Man did I fail that badly. Again due to lack of commitment and hard work I struggled to understand. I really do like maths growing up it was one of my favourite subjects but somehow I lost it. I can remember my teacher back in high school almost desperately trying to help me learn and understand when I was heading down the bad road. She was a lovely teacher. But yeah at Uni I failed two maths papers twice.Now I'm only able to do simple addition, subtraction and division /sigh. I need to get my head straight and pass them this year.edit:oh by the way do we have some kind of math forum here or something where you could ask questions? I mean It could be a pretty good place to learn and talk about the different kinds of maths subjects.
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