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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. PRESENT: I Love Cars, Its Cool FUTURE: My Dream is to Created s small Flying Machine, Like a Aeroplane, but used like a car, This is in da future, I will love this transport
  2. Well, Chess is a cool game if you know how to play it: toilet95 Made it to the States, He is really Good. Too bad you cant have a competion for Chess, or hell be da champion
  3. I took The Test, and I will Live To 78, I dont want to live that Long, My Childeren Will Probely Put Me into the EVIL Retairment house
  4. Cool, Yeah But Who Wries The Blog The Staff at Google, Or Da Twins (Owner)
  5. Yeah Have PhpBB, But I might go with Invision: I found this GREAT Invision Mods Site: http://mods.invisionize.com/index.php
  6. One of My Fav's Would Be The Toilet One Where they blow it up, and the Tree Canaon, I also liked the one where They Put Alimumun Foil In The Micrwave, That was coool, But Yeah, The Show is Really Really Cool, I Evrn Downloaded some Episodes of The Net!!
  7. Do You People Watch Mythbusters? What is your Fav Myth They Busted? ______________________________________________________________ Whats MythBusters? MythBusters is a TV Show, Where Adam and Jamie, Well These Two People Bust Myths, Than is For EG: People Say That When You leave Metal Spoon In The Microwave The Microwave Explodes; Well These Two People Test That So They Well Manily put a Spoon In The Microwave and sees if it Explodes, If It Does The Myth is True, If It Dosent The Myth Is Busted, If The Microwave dosent Explode They See What Makes it Explode, Like Putting a Tin Of Coke in IT. Its a Cool Show(MUST WATCH) Its on Discovery Channel If you want to watch it.
  8. --MechVegita-- Yeah You Have To Pay for Your Own Domain name and Point it to The nameserver, Or You Can Just Use The Xisto Subdomain ***.trap17.com | From .::DAMAN::.
  9. Which Forum is Better? Yeah, I'm Having a Hard Time To Choose, If You Have Invision You Can Add Mods Like The Shoutbox, Member Map and Stuff, If You Have PhpBB or YaBB You Can Download Templates and Stuff And Change Its Looks, So What Do You Recommend For Me To Use?
  10. I prefer DSL, Because Well Getting DSL Unlimited than CABLE Bandwidth Limit. So yeah, I would prefer UNLIMITED because they are both the same price, CABLE Bandwidth and DSL Unlimited.
  11. HALO 2 ROCKS!!!, Halo 2 is sooo cool, on XBOX Live, ANd It has boooooseted users by the launch of the New Maps. So Yeah. Unreal is cooool too, I started playing it online and i was addicted to it, I stayed on it until i killed my first victim, and that was 4 hours after i started the game . Yeah I'm having problems on which one to choose but i like HALO2.
  12. Nop, Well I dont Think So But Maybe, Maybe We (Toilet95, P00ru, Iron Eagle, 2Pac, Daman might be able to dub them) LOL
  13. My Country List: I was tooo lasy to Type it up so I took a Screenshot LOL This is the Visitor list of 3Dolla, I have so far had 85 Vists, Hoping to get more, From .::DAMAN::.
  14. Have Seen Drg.... gt but dont like it, seen Dra...Z its alright, Havent Seen Drangonbaal So I'm Going with Drangonball Z
  15. Well, America is Upside Down They Use a Different System from us (Australia) they dont use the Metric System. And They Drive on the Left Side rather on the Right Side, USA is runned by the Precident (Bush) But Australia is by the Queen of England. We have Holden But They Ripped us of by ripping of Holden Cars. They are The First Fattest Country in the World, but Australia is Second Fattest Country in the world. Australia's Address is .com.au but Americas is .com. America Has Nuclear Wepons and Australia Dont. AMERICA is spelt Different Than AUSTRALIA, the differences keeps on going, so Yeah, I dont think Australia is like America. Every Coumtry is Unique.
  16. Dear Xisto Members Forget about Reviewing My Website, I changed my Mind, I going to stick with the good old templates: OLD SITE: OLD LAYOUT NEW SITE: NEW LAYOUT From, Daman
  17. ???F??h?||뷷?, Welcome to Xisto, This is an Excellent Host, Only been with it for a month or 2 but just love it, I'm an Australian Too, I live in Moree, NSW, I too hate Vegemite, I love Music, And I lOVE CRICKET, it is the best. Soooo, Welcome To T17. From .::DAMAN::.
  18. Computer Guided Bullets thats possibel they have Computer Guided Misseles, so yeah, ......military will be a bunch of computer gun repair men who fire the trigger blindly at Iran's forces......., This might be true
  19. Love your Scroll Bar Tip, Is there a way where I can make the width scroll bar so it comes on the top instead of the bottom, YDA
  20. I like the 2nd one more...Just a question why would you pay a person to look at your website?
  21. Love Anime, downloaded 1500 pictures as a Set you go ANIME
  22. KIDS DONT TRY THIS AT HOME, LIKE I DID Yeah We did in in the House dunno why, we did the bigger one outside, but wasnt able to capture a video of it!!, The video i gave you was meant to be 4min long but shortened it so it wont take time to load.
  23. Just LOVE the XBOX, even made a website about it, Weel, I like PSP but XBOX ROCKS!!
  24. Yeah, I live in the Kangroo Country, and this is amazing, i have seen in real life a snake eating a posum, and i have heard that these snakes can even eat Humans, If they can eat Wallibes(Kangroo) They surely can eat Humans, Well this is Cool!! ...and I'l Tell you wahts gross, when the snake spits the kangroo back after its digested it
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