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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. So thats why I couldnt use Xisto for a while, it said "Installing Modifications, have a cup of water". I was typing this really long reply and i pressed add reply and it went to the login page saying installing mod~~~. Cool, I was jumping to conclusions, if i read my reply back it makes no sence.From.::DAMAN::.
  2. I'm a Australian, I'm From Moree, Loking at the Map seems Your are from South Australia. Yeah I agree they took up a lot of TV time, but The Royals left Australia Now, Prince Charles got Married, and Everything is Happy. Go the "Tigers".From.::DAMAN::.
  3. I found this topic in Xisto, I thought Xisto might be interested:
  4. The script for that game is downloadable, search the web and you'll probely find one it uses PHP but you can download the game and put it on your site, Like Xisto has the Army System on their site.
  5. I got TWO, well they are not exactly moniters, One is a Projecter and the other a moniter.
  6. if you noticed there are more than 100 guests coming online every day, they probely com to get some answers or something, but I think OpaQue is just doing this to promote TRAP27.
  7. I'm not a nerd, and i think I'm pretty goog with girls, every girl thinks I'm cute, We had a school play, and i was the cute one in it and girls had to fiddle with me. Well yeah, and good at computers but people dont think of me as a nerd, i play Cricket and Soccer even made it to the states. I think the Xisto people are normal people with brains.From.::DAMAN::.
  8. i'm not a pro at website desing< I'm only 12 so yeah, I used simple HTML to make my website, so there should be a lot of errors, but i now working on my website layout.
  9. Favorite Xbox Game Halo 2 Rocks the Gaming Nation, hope there is Halo 3. From .::DAMAN::.
  10. How I found Xisto Yeah, I signed up ages ago, but didnt know how to use Xisto, so well I forgot about it, then after a month I recived a E-Mail from Xisto about their sever Change, so I came back and checked it out and i understood about the rules. And now I hosted, Xisto is the only site you ever need. Oo, yes I foud the site first by web hosting lists. From .::DAMAN::.
  11. How to take a screen shot of your Desktop. You are not the only one, lots I mean lots of people have asked me on how to do this. And I amazed on how many people do and dont know about this. Doing this is really useful when making a walkthrough for a game like i did for Hitman, I took screenshots and made it a picture walkthrough. From .::DAMAN::.
  12. Yeah, I should improve th colours its manily all the same tone of blue, I have some time today so I'll fix it.
  13. Xisto & Xisto I'm a member of both Xisto and Xisto but I'm hosted with Xisto so well i dont use Xisto that Often. I like Xisto Because of the Army System and the Arcade Things. Its more fun in Xisto so yeah i would prefer Xisto. Another reson i dont like Xisto is cause of its name i would prefer ***.trap17.com rather than ***.astahost.com. Ps. You can only get hosted at 1 Site Xisto or Xisto. From .::DAMAN::.
  14. Lots of people have asked me on how to capture a Screen Shot of their Desktop. So I thought I should make a tutorial on how to... 1. Press the print screen button which should be: 2. Open an image editing program like paint: 3. Press Ctrl+V (paste) 4. It should have pasted the Screen Shot, Now save your image. You learnt how to take a Screen Shot of your Desktop. By .::DAMAN::.
  15. Yeah, I live in Australia and well we spell it the S way, not the Z. So well i splet it "organisation". In American style they mostly use z instead of z. And if you havent noticed my Signature you would find that it says........
  16. My Higest Score Is 1.724 Rocketing Rabbit This is Daman's Score
  17. Thanx Senior, If you want to check my website where it goes it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. I searched the whole Xisto Forums but couldnt find a banner which would fit my size, I myself is not a good banner designer. Can someone design a banner to the size below please: The banner above was the best i can do: I want the banner to be vertical. From .::DAMAN::.
  19. Dear miakelye Welcome to Xisto Ans 1: Once you got your site you have to keep on posting so your points stay above 0. Ans 2: 1 Credit Equals 1 Day, This is a Free Webhosting Service there are some set backs,The thing is You have to be active always, so just say you went on a holidays for 3 days, you have to earn 3 points, so you dont get your website dimish. Ans 3: If you want to get Package 1 you have to get 10points and then request for it. If you want to get Package 2 you have to get 30 points. But you have to get Package 1 before you move onto Package 2. Your posts are reviewed, read the rules before posting From .::DAMAN::.
  20. I have been with Xisto for more than a month or so, and I didnt even know that Xisto - Web Hosting is owend by the Xisto (OpaQue, NilsC) I thought that Xisto paid Xisto - Web Hosting to host Xisto . I had a hint that OpaQue owns Xisto - Web Hosting when he asked us to make banners for them. From .::DAMAN::.
  21. scab_dog

    Xbox 360!

    Cool, I have seen thousands of the New XBOXs but never heard of the 360 version, do you know when the XBOX is going to be released, Do you have a picture of the XBOX. If there is going to be a new XBOX they should make it so you can play the OLD XBOX games.From.::DAMAN::.
  22. You got tricked . If you read at the bottom of the page it says it was a April Fools JOKE!! . Any way, as GM said Grand Theft Auto London 1966 is the 4th GTA. And Vice City the 5th. From .::DAMAN::.
  23. This is going to be COOL!! There are going to mis NFS Hot Prusit and NFS Underground.
  24. Someone rasied my reputation for no reson, and the comment just said weird stuff, i complained about this to the mod and he deleted those rep.... I think this might have been caused by the same problem choetry had.From.::DAMAN::.
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