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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. I dunno why you quit Diablo II the game was cool, and i check da forum and this game looks kool, might pl
  2. Cmon, Xisto Rocks, It has Everything you need, and only simple posting, Like write a long review on a movie or some thing any you get credits for it, 300 characters would earn you 1 cridit, 1 cridiet equals 1 day of hosting. Thas really simple, this is the best host i've had i've been wih atspace but didnt have cpanel, i went to some other free cpanel hosting service but they closed down, I wen to a ad supported service but then i read the reviews and it said something like iot was tapped. Then I found Xisto, its not only a free webhosting service but also a kool community, it has aracade, shoutbox, well the amrmy syatem got moved so yeah. STick with Xisto and be Da Real Man. I would have got half a cridet for writing this tiny piece of info
  3. Yeah, I liked the Toilet95 one it looked cool, but i think no 4 was the best!! Well I made this one: used a screen shot of fabel:
  4. Dude, I'll have a proper look at it later but it has 16,974 registered members, and they have made 80,954 posts, and there is already a user named daman, so i cant register as daman, and ther is someone already named cocktail, ROAR, they took all my fav names. Any way, i was look at the mods section and stumbled upon GMail Hard Drive it ws cool, and GMail Lite (snilidude87 already told me about it), it enables you to log into gmail without going to gmail.com, which i'm using on my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. COOL game, still loding, 8%,9%,56%, Loded YAY, I praticed before playing da game as you said....Its a kooool game, i''l play it tommorow, but my high scroe is
  6. Which Sig is Better? I just Started making Sigs, These are my first sigs so they are not professional so you can laugh at at freely: Sig No 1 Sig No 2 Sig No 3 Sig No 4 Sig No 5==This is the worst one i've made \/ Well Which one is better?
  7. Well I heard in the news abut the Da Vinchi Code and stuff, whats it really about, Like I've seen previews and yeah, codes that da vichi used or something, like the How Da Vichin Painted the First Supper and if you trace along all the people it says Da Vichi. So I like to Know What The Book is about???? Maybe I'll buy it and read it myself
  8. Yeah, I love Anime, It Just Soo Cool, Luke La Blue Girl, Anyway, My Friend gav them to me and yeah, i think he downloaded them of th net!!
  9. Whats your Religion? Just Kidding, Well I and My Famil are Hindu, And Yeah I hate it too but dont care, I'm really the odd one out, every1 eles is Christian, and yeah and I'm Interested in their Culture, and their interested in mine. So it goes well!!
  10. Below 100 Dollars, If your talking American, But I know you are from Australia Like My Self , Yeah, About 250 AUSD Dollars, They are filming it so yeah!!
  11. Have You Seen Neon Genesis Evangelion, Its a Japenese Show but has English Subtitles Its COOL!!!, Must Watch, My friend gave it to me and it cantoins 26 Episodes Each 25 Minutes Long, I watched them all in one day, it a cool show, its set in 2015 AD, and manily the Human Race is under attack and a child save the whole world controling the World. Its a Must Watch!!If you already seen the show what do you think about it, what would you rate it?I would rate it 9 out of 10, The point was taken off because its in Japnese and you have to read the subtitles .But its a cool Show
  12. Love Da Game Clocked it and Yeah, I love Beign Evil And Having Horns Then You spend some cash at the temple and become good and have a halo. Its a COOL Game!!
  13. Yeah, if you want to say a person named Jarrod Miller started to pick on me and tried to punch me, well he punched me once, I got over it and started bulling him mentally, not using words, but when he need severe Help, just stare at him funny, make fun of him, like he reads Saddel Club, Whatever you do dont tell the Teacher The Bullier Will Get More Frusterated and Well Be harsh on you, one of the thing i feel guilty about is when i well triped him ove the stairs and he gor very very bad injuries, Then I teamed up with my Friend and Made Fun Of Him and picked on him. He left the School, sometimes i feel sorry for him. One thing to do is throw something at him when the teacher isnt looking, then he'll throw something at you but the teacher is looking, so hell get into trouble. What I've learnt so far is, if they get Physciall and punch you sont worry DO NOT punch back: So yeah, dont fight back forget about it and carry on with your life.
  14. I agree with lamode, There are lots of People i Know who Loves Anime I even know About 10 people on Xisto WHo Loves Anime, So Why not consider my advice and Choose for da reson Anime/Manga, Well Most Of the People I know like Well Adult Anime, so yeah.
  15. Cant Wait For The Mivie to come out, its going to be cool, but have you heard when The New Harry Potter Book (Harry Potter and the Half Blodded Prince) Come out in Australia.
  16. Halo 2 ROCKS!! Well My Fav this to do is Get The Sword and Kill some PEOPLe, and just love the plasman Grenades, Can Wait Till The Nest Series
  17. Yeah, KFC is Winning, Just bought some chicken nuggets and french fries, YUM, Go KFC
  18. Yeah, I wondering the same thing, i found this ages ago, i mean ages ago, and i shouted in da shoutbox but well havent fornd anything. And If you check the thingy Registerd Users, thers like 2500 Users registered to that forums, WEIRD
  19. Had 120Gigs, But Well The CPU Blew Up (Overheat) and our Warrenty ran out, so they gave us a 60Gig one, 578mg Left But I bought This 2nd hand CPU, took out the Drive and placed it into mine, and have 100GiG, Now, and Alomost Out 6GIG Left If you ask me I used a lot of space
  20. Thankx a Bunch Snildude You DAMAN, Well My Name is daman, but you are the real daman, you helped me in lots of situations, I think you deserv a Rep Point
  21. WOW, 100 Tons Space Dust Falling On Earth Every Day WOW, and 8Tons of Gold in Da sea, But Compared to the whole Sea its that that much but compared to the land rates and stuff, thas like WOW, thats HEAPS!!
  22. http://talkingworld.com Well, I'm Not Sure What You eman, But yeah, This is a Forums When You get 1000 Points they Give you a Free Domain Name
  23. Yeah, They Probely Stoped Counting, I think What They Do is Wait Till You Like Use 10mg then They Expand Your Space To 20 Then When You use that to 30 and so on. I think Thats what haping. But Yeah They Stoped Counting Thingy
  24. How Do You Do This: Its Like a Marque, But Acts Like a GIF, The One On the Top of Xisto Forum Pages. I Really like to know how to do this.
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