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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. TRAP17's Layout is Fixed, And this problem is Offically OVER!!
  2. I was treating him with kindness, until he ran in front of the pole. But he didnt get hurt that much he is a cry baby, he cries a lot. But yeah if he dosent act goffy, and embares him self in front of the public, he would be alright, some times he acts as if he knows everything.
  3. *REJECTED* you should make a turorial on how to send messages, my school has username things aswell, i'm curious to know about that.Before i used to use Net Send Lite which is a software from rjlsoftware.com. but it has advertisement in it, nad it actually tells the coumputer number and the username.
  4. I apologized straight away, I didnt really mean to hit him, i was just seeing if i can hit a pole from a distance. I apologized to him thousands of times. What I think low is that him telling the teacher and complaning to the teacher about me. I understand that you would probely see a teacher for a first aid assitance but dumping me into the teacher thats low, and he is smart enough to call me his friend. Ages ago, one of my friend broke my arm, and i had to make up a story to the teacher, so my friend wouldnt get into trouble, he threw a rock at me once and he had to make up a story. I recon this is low, dumbing your own friend and then call that person your friend. From .::DAMAN::.
  5. Yeah, I always wonder about aliens, Life other than us, do they speak English, what would happen if we find aliens. Well, I belive in AliensFrom.::DAMAN::.
  6. I tried it in IE6 still the same problem, i tried the website on a different computer it works perfectly, maybe the site layout dosent fit into all the moniters.
  7. Well I'll start from the start: Well few months ago, i saw a "fat" person beign bullied by some bullies, the bullies left and the person was sobbing. I sat next to him and i comforted him. The next day he stared hanging around with me. I personally dont like him, hes so goofy, dumb and annoying. he started to hang around with me and ever1 at school thought i was a retart because i hanged around with him. Yesterday, i was throwing rocks at a pole and he rand in front of the pole and got hit by a rock, he told the teacher and i got into a lot of trouble. I missed out on the sporting carnival becaues of that. Anyway, i want to avoid him, with out hurting his feeling. He cries a lot, if you pinch him he'll probley cry. So how do you avoid him, with out hurting his feeling. From .::DAMAN::.
  8. I have been using a Multplaye patch, but no one came online. But I tried it today today and there was 2 people online, but the problem is you cant chat to anyone, and there cant be more than 2 people playing the game. Well here is the address: http://www.codenamevice.co.uk/ The website has lots of mods for Vice City, and you will be able to find the Multiplayer Patch in that website somewhere!! From .::DAMAN::.
  9. Is it just me or is the Xisto website layout mucked up, can you scroll to your right, its really weird, I'm not sure if it's just my computer or is it the Xisto layout itself.From.::DAMAN::.
  10. I have been hosted with Xisto for few weeks, i havent had any problem yet.I did something wrong with my cpanel and nilsc had to fix it.From.::DAMAN::.
  11. GMAIL duhh, 1gig now 2 gig and increasing, gmail gives you access to pop forwarding, outlook thing and lots more. if anyone wants a gmail account just email me: sankaravarun@gmail.com
  12. Cool, website . I like your index2 file, because the menu in on the left. The website looks really weird with the menu on the right. So yeah, i like the index2 one. From .::DAMAN::.
  13. I'm posting again, well i didnt know what shaloin soccer, until i watched it today. It was funny ate soem bits. My fave character is mighty steel leg. One of the fave scenes is when the egg lands on legs feet and the fat guy goes after the leg, then the egg lands on Leggs Nuts, and the fat guy goes after legs nuts From .::DAMAN::.
  14. KFC Rocks!! I support all those people who like KFC, I love chicken, KFC stands for Kentky Fried Chicken, Its all about chicken. and KFC chicken rocks From .::DAMAN::.
  15. TRAP17 ROCKS!! I have encountered a MYSQL problems when there are lots of users online, but that was only once, so you cant really blame anything. From .::DAMAN::.
  16. I go for KFC, it tastes really nice, I dont know how they eat McDonalds food. I just cant avoide KFC it is the best!! From .::DAMAN::.
  17. SNES is Super Nintendo Super Nintendo is a very very old gaming console, i dont think it is in the Market now but you can download roms and stuff. One of my Fav is Donkey Kong1 and 2. Its a cool game, I want to own the console it self but i'm tring to get one. From .::DAMAN::.
  18. Cool Dude: It works, but what does it actully do what does pipelines and the other stuff means. From .::DAMAN::.
  19. I checked everthing, I have all the requirements But when i insert the next cd it says i have insterted the wrong CD. Help!!PS: I splet it Pandorama but it is Pandora From .::DAMAN::.
  20. Meow Yeah, Kitten on the left . Well what topic do you always start. Well as said befor talk about kittens LOL. From .::DAMAN::.
  21. Installation Problem:I just bought Splinter Cell Pandorama, When I Installed iot it told me to insert disk 2 i insterted disk 2, but it said wrong volume!! Whats the Problem?Frpm.::DAMAN::.
  22. Can you give us a link to that game, i want to check it out!! From .::DAMAN::.
  23. If you watch the Simpsons, What is your Fav Character? What is your Fav Episode?My Fav character is Homer well he cool! My Fav Episode is the Halloween Special 1,2,3,4,and 5.From.::DAMAN::.
  24. Yeah, I might be able to buy Photoshop but I want some software at the moment for Free, You can check out my current website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The banner is a pixled I used Panit . Well Yeah I dont really want to buy a software at the moment. From .::DAMAN::.
  25. It Looks cool, but I dont really like the green backgroung with the white menu, You might be able to stretch out the navigation so it goes to the bottom of the page. But every thing elese looks cool. Ps: Can you tell me your website address I might be able to check it out!! From .::DAMAN::.
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