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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. Demongaara I'm Sorry but I Dont know what you are talking about . Its Confusing, give more details on what you are talking about. From.::DAMAN::.
  2. I have heard that XBOX 2 is going to have: # Better Graphic Card # I think the controllers are going to be the same, Microsoft made it so you can use the XBOX 1 Controllers on XBOX 2. # I'm not sure about this one, but i heard rumors that XBOX 2 will enable you to play MP3 songs. I've read some articles in http://www.xboxscene.com/ that you will be able to play XBOX 1 Games on XBOX 2.And I'm pretty sure that XBOX 2 will have its own hard drive. Like ReRush was saying "There will always be ways to get around modding". From .::DAMAN::.
  3. MajesticTreeFrogIpod Colour in Australia costs $750(Australian Dollars) But I'm not sure abot America.From.::DAMAN::.
  4. Piracy In India I'm an Indian, I'm going to India soon. The softwares are very very very cheap . 50 Rupees thats like 2 Australia Dollars. Is it only in Hyderabad, because I'm going to Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. From .::DAMAN::.
  5. To Everyone @ Xisto I lost my hotmail password and I dont know my secret questiona answer so I dont know how to get my password back!! There is lots of important stuff on my account. Please Help!! From .::DAMAN::.
  6. Posiordie Forget about the 80s and stuff like that. San Andreas ROCK!!!, it is much more bigger than vice city, You can do lots more stuff like modding your car up. I liked VICE CITY too, I used to sit there all day driving around the CITY mucking around and stuff. It took me a month to finish the game. Then I started modding it with cars, trucks and stuff.Now Vice Cith looks MAD!! Vice City Rocks but SA Better!! From .::DAMAN::.
  7. The Scrolly Things rocks, but i like the java ones better.From.::DAMAN::.
  8. Every1 @ XistoHi I'm conducting this survey, about peoples breakfast styles.From.::DAMAN::>
  9. I know how to change your sounds of your logon and logoff but I dont know how to make them rambom. How to change you log On and log Off sounds 1.This tutorial is only for Win XP 2.Go to your control panel(make sure you are viewing it in the category view) 3.Then go to Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices 4.Then to change the sound scheme. 5.Scroll down till you get Windows Log Off. 6.Click on log off then on the browse, and choose your sound that you are going to change too. Woola you should have your Log Off and you other sounds Changed. From .::DAMAN::.
  10. Everyone ate Xisto How do you get google on your site, How do you get google search engine on your site so you can search you site. From .::DAMAN::.
  11. I've just seen it on the news, seems he killed 7 students, 1 teacher and 1 security Gaurd and his own grandparents. He killed himself after he killed the others. How could he do this, Kill his OWN GRANDPARENTS. I'm shocked!! I agree with you talbotda13, I think he did this because people were picking on him!! From .::DAMAN::.
  12. ----------------------------------------------------------- ||||Which came out first Da Egg or Da Chicken?|||| ----------------------------------------------------------- From .::DAMAN::.
  13. Yeah I'd pefer fantastico, but there is this script that I really like in Bravenet. Everytime i try going to http://www.bravenet.com/ it comes up as the page cannot be displaed. I dont know if its the computer or the website it self!! From .::DAMAN::.
  14. Yeah I'm a huge fan of the Halo series too, Halo rocks but I like Halo 2 better, lots of new features in Halo2. I thought udlike to know that Halo3 is going to come out when Xbox 2's coming out!! From .::DAMAN::.
  15. Hi evr1 I've recently tried go to bravenet, but had problems viewing the website, it comes up a Page Cannot Be Displayed!! Is it just me or bravenet has shutdown!! From .::DAMAN::.
  16. DungeoN C:\Downloads\Games\James_Bond_007.*** What type of file are you trying to open!! From .::DAMAN::.
  17. Hi, I've been adding games to my website as well. If you ask me I would recommend you to MINICLIP. Its a great website they have a variety of games for you to play and download!!. From .::DAMAN::.
  18. Its a cool game, I like how you can rome around the city on foot and on car. I cant wait till it comes out on PC i can mod it!! From .::DAMAN::.
  19. Can anyone tell me a good website on the wright brothers, I'm trying to start a website on them.!! I trying to find details on their plane design!! But I havent found any!!
  20. There is an RPG on Xisto it self......KENKAI havent played it a lot, and I dont really get it. But I know its an RPG.Ps: Kingdom of loathing is COOL!! CHECK IT OUT
  21. scab_dog

    Hello All

    Hi Ramon Welcome to Trap 17, hope you like it. TRAP 17 is as easy as 1..2..3: 1: Post Forums. 2: Get lots of points. 3: Post you request and start you website!! From .::DaMan::. (V-Man)
  22. Havnt heard of The Moment of Silence, but after looking at the website the game looks Cool!! I might Buy it!! I waiting till SA comes out on XBOX!! From .::DAMAN::.
  23. Cool HTML Lessons, would have taken a long time typing it up!!
  24. Yeah it annoying isnt it, I have the same problem some idiot with the same IP address keeps on reloding the page and taking up my banthwidth!! Well Hamtaro is cool, I used to watch it last year but i'm sick of it now!! From .::DAMAN::.
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