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Everything posted by nol

  1. The worst feeling to me, wasn't being shot, but more watching your best friend get shot in the back of the head and knowing that you could have done something to help him after he was there for you your whole life. Thats the worst experience I've had. You know sure, you can say it about you that you wouldn't care if somebody got shot and bled until he died or shot in the heart and died, but it really hurts to actually know the person. To actually acknowledge that hes gone and no more memories with him can be made, and then actually knowing who killed him is even worse because you know you want to get back at him, but then when you think about it for a minute or so you realize what will it do. I hear people tell me, you'll find another friend like him, but its not true, you'll never find that friend that stuck with you from kindergarten, or in my case since we were about 4. Those memories don't leave you, their the type of thing that you never forget that day, its like 9/11. Most people know exactly what they were doing that day, exactly, and where they were when they found out. I remember it just like it happened today, and even now, i turn back in my seat sometimes and say hey jorden look at that, or something like that and then it hits me, hes not there anymore. Although I didn't realize what just happened until like 3 days later, when i didn't see him at school and it hit me that he wasn't here anymore, and he never will be there. I don't think anything else can make me feel worse then I did that day, or even week. Its like you just want to be alone and people are trying to be there for you. You don't want them to be but then again you do because you know they feel a loss, but not as big of one as you feel. My second worse experience was feeling alone, without anybody when I left my girlfriend after getting her pregnant just last year. I felt so bad for 3 months, I eventually came back, but it was the second worse feeling I've ever had.
  2. Well, I can't tell you he is or isn't getting fired because its impossible to tell. However, I do know that it is against the law to give your family a job, of lower quality, and pay them higher, just as it is for races. I also know that you cant give your family a high quality job because its family, you have to give it based on their qualifications. I'd look into that if I were you, because I'm sure you can take some legal action against that. But then again, if somebody is telling lies your boyfriend needs to go to his manager or something and say you know what, the way you are treating me is pretty crappy, and I demand to get some more respect around here from higher authority and for people to stop saying crap about me, and if it continues I say just quit. I mean, its not worth it trust me. But, your boyfriend should definatly get more benefits to his working because he hasworked their longer, i don't know if its a law, but its common sense, and most businesses do that anyways, if your boyfriend can work overtime, do it, come in earlier, whatever it takes to get the manager's attention, wether it be 10 minutes early and leave 10 minutes later, it'll work, he'll get paid more, plus it'll show hes commited, thats probably the only thing I can say if he actually l ikes this job and wants to keep it and hopefully get a higher position then hes in. Even as a football player, if you come early to practice, usually you will get at least like a minute more gametime, but ifyou think about it, thats at least like 10 plays, which is pretty damn good. In this case, he gets paid for overtime, plus it shows the manager he has respect for the company and will show he is loyal and doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon. edit: (just read the last comment)If he is leaving, just tell your boyfriend to tell it to them straight. Expecially if hes leaving, make sure he does it maturely (because I don't a lot of the time) and it shows hes responsible and they just screwed themself over. I have no idea how old your boyfriend is, im thinking around 19-25 or so, because most businesses like it or not put too much pressure on them.
  3. I'm pretty sure the dns was given to you when you first got your host. Try looking there, or in the pm that was sent to you. Otherwise, I don't know where it would be at. Try pming buffalo if you don't find out in a day
  4. I don't really see searching a site like this. Its too big, well not too big, but I mean searching by hand would take days. I can't see searching it for anything really though. I mean if your looking for your own topic just go to your profile. If you want to find a tutorial I guess thats one thing. But like others said theres way to get the search done.
  5. I have a 100% genuine copy. I can't beleive some people are stupid enough to use illegal copies. Whats the point? I mean common! OS systems can cause huge damage to your computer. OS is basically what your computer runs off of and if thats broken then your basically screwed. Plus who would be desprate enough to use a illegal version of it.
  6. Wii is definatly fun. Seriously, think about harry potter. Ya, I know really little kids game type kinda, but wii makes it at least a little more fun. Sick of those shooter games? wii makes it 10x more fun. Graphics suck, but its just like a work in motion, the first car didn't look to hot did it? No, its new technology being developed and used to where we can use it in our home. Think about it this way. The arcade games. So expansive for one game system of it, it can't be in your home, and way too big. They were made into games like atari's pong at home, playstation, gameboy, etc. Now, nintendo is bringing another classic so you can play, those shooting games that use motion sensor type stuff (you know what im talking about, those shooter type games in the restraunts and arcades), but nintendo brought it to the next level and put real motion stuff in it. Not just shooting, but bowling and etc. My friend and I did the math one day. Lets say it costs $10 to go bowling for one round. 10 rounds and you already paid for 1/3 of the price just about. Sure, the shoe rental and everything, but the wii can do so much more than bowling. Think of it this way, when you turn 21 you can make so easy games out of bowling and not worry about actually hurting yourself with the ball when your drunk. Like Strike everyone but you gots to take 2 sips, etc. (I could give more rules on it but I prefer not to as I think it may be against the rules). Really, only way you can actually decide if you want this system, is do you have a couple siblings? Preferably girls? Thats perfect, I don't mean to be sexiest but more girls will like wii games then xbox 360, just a fact. Otherwise, if you don't have siblings, do you have a lot of friends th at come over a lot? Wii is perfect for party games. Plus, super smash bros the brawl is coming out december 3rd!!!
  7. Somethings that could've happened;1. Your computer on caps lock?2. You forgot your password, or something of the sort.3. You left your password to default and now are screwed because it got hacked.4. Your password got hacked cuz it was too easy to guess5. Mis-spelling your password?6. Caps in wrong spot?Remember I'm just guessing, these are the usual reasons people get hacked. A good password has at least 3 different numbers in it, and at least 8 characters long.
  8. I have used a couple different ones, however its early in the morning and I cannot remmeber all of them that i have used, however wordpress, I do recall using sNews, and I beleive it was pretty good? At least i have heard of it before. Anywys, with all my experience with designing web pages, and still learning, it seems to be the same everytime. CMS's are great for easy, fast websites. However, they usually aren't that flexible. The main reason to use a cms is for easy and fast updating of a webpage. Such as news, which is why I think sNews is pretty good, if you can't find one after awhile, my best advice to you, if you really want that news type thing, do a iframe. That way, you can put in news, and the news can be changed from a simple page. Thats probably the best way to do it, but remember that just because you can't find a good cms, doesn't mean you can't make a simple one yourself.
  9. Wow, thats definatly illegal isn't it? Fraud? Im pretty sure that would fall into the category. Kinda gay, how much did they charge you? I never use netflix, im sticking to good old blockbuster, their doing the same *BLEEP* that netflix does, plus they have a store so if you need to you can go in and complain. I don't know if netflix has a store, but im guessing they don't. But I think even blockbuster may be cheaper? I never really compared.
  10. Thanks, I was looking at best buy, since i have like a couple gift cards for there, i was looking online at least, it looks like they only sell premium? at least only like 1-2 different kinds of xbox 360s. I saw the halo 3 version of the xbox 360, it looks cool but idk if i wanna pay more just to have that, otherwise, it looks like the only other one they sell is the white xbox 360, about $350. Imma look again, but I think that is the premium. Also, does it come with a basic warrenty? or do I have to buy one? My friend told me I should get at least a 1 year warrenty incase of the red ring. Im looking at the bestbuy site its being updated, but ill look again later. I know definatly halo 3 im getting for sure, I have a wii and a ps2, so I don't really need any more sports games like madden 07-08 as I have them for ps2 and wii, but im thinking about maybe hockey as i played a hockey game with my friend, and it was awesome. I think the main reason for getting xbox 360, at least for me, is halo 3 and online play.edit: yea, im almost pretty positive its the premium. It includes component HDAV cable, composite AV cable and Ethernet connectivity cable. I'm just wondering, because my room, has a TV, smaller then hell, so I probably will just have my ps2 hooked up to that, and I have my parents room, which i don't hook anything up to, and thats all on the second floor of my house, my computer room is like on the opposite end of the house then my really nice tv, and my other tvs. I'm wondering, i don't think itll ever be a problem, but i think I wanna try like hooking the thing up to my laptop? Since I have a router, I wondering if that would work, if not, I can always just bring my TV from the basement that nobody uses up to the computer room, which actually now that I think about it, it'll be a little better. IDK I'll figure it out when I get it. Also I saw that gears of war is a great game, has anybody played it before?
  11. I'm thinking about buying a xbox 360, full my cash, I got my corvette for my birthday last month, and getting my my license back soon, so I don't have a use for this money I was saving up for a car.. I just need a hundred more dollars, which I'll have by next month (I usually only get $100 a month, as I usually save some for college each month, and gas, and clothes and food) so hopefully I can get a xbox 360. I plan on getting halo 3 as my first game, I heard xbox 360 comes with 1 month of xbox live is this right? Also, for xbox live, what do I NEED besides xbox 360, (like does it work with wireless, or do i need a usb cable?) also, as controllers what are some good ones? I'm thinking about getting the plain white wireless ones as I guess those are cheapest so ya. Also what are some games that are great for xbox 360? I'll probably get halo 3, and madden or nhl or something like that... Anybody know of anything real good for xbox360?
  12. From a test, yes it does seem to go to 0 then to -4 in just a day. I think its because you need to get 4 credits like stated before. However, I tested it for another day, and it does go down normal from that. I guess that is probably the way it works. As I think about it more now, if you think, when your first joined you have 0 credits right? Once you get hosting you start out with 0 credits right? If you start hosting and have 0 credits, it would count as already suspended. Maybe that is why OpaQue set it to go down to -4 credits after 0, just so you have to get to 0 credits again, for the thing to get un-suspended. I guess that kinda makes sense in my head.
  13. Looks like a great program. Infact, I'm looking for 3D modelers. I think there are a lot out there, but my friend gave me Autodesk maya, which he had to buy for a class he took ( I knew the guy from my brother in law) Its a good program actually, infact I am loving the autodesk maya, but blender seems like a free version, maybe not as many options, but it looks good. The thing I like about autodesk maya, is the fact that it has everything in one, plus more then you could ever need. Its very flexible and everything.I may download blender just to look at it, maybe not though. It looks like the best 3D option ive seen thats free, and maya looks like the best thats not free. So it looks pretty good both ways.
  14. ^^That is a very old topic :/. Why bump it up to the top? Anyways, I haven't seen many new announcements lately . Anyways, xisto is a nice company, i'll probably stay here for awhile. Why the heck would I pay money for a host when I can get all I need right here? I don't know... Anyways, great job Xisto, and xisto, keep it up.
  15. 1. Yes, you must be hosted and the domain will be pointed to your Xisto account. 2. Any you want, .com, .net, im not sure about .org. 3. I beleive they give you back your sub domain 4. Don't really understand the question, basically you MUST have 280 credits, 250 will be deducted, and for the 250 credits you will get the domain. 5. Umm, I don't get how this one is worded, however, when your hosted, your credits for the host account, is turned into how many days you get to keep your hosting. So 1 credit = 1 day. So when you get 280 credits, they'll take away 250, the 280 is because 1. you can only transfer credits as long as you have 30 credits left, plus then you have 30 days of hosting left. Hopefully that answers most of your questions. Youi need 30 credits, you apply for a hosting account. That 30 credits is deducted, and you must post to keep your hosting, 1 credit = 1 day. Then, to get the domain you need 280 credits. 250 credits is for the domain which will be deducted, then you will have 30 left. The reason you will have 30 left is to make sure you keep your hosting up. When you get the domain you will choose your domain name. Such as yourdomain.net, yourdomain.com, etc. Your domain will show up as the following: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (fill in xxx with .net, etc) or depending how you set it up http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Sometimes, if you don't take away the sub domain (the Xisto default one) you can do right click - properties and itll show a different domain. When you go to a different page, it'll show up as like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/page.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/page.php etc. Hopefully that answers your question
  16. Weird is more of a perspective. I guess its weird, but not the weirdest in the world. There are many weird things, however, some are bizzare, and some are set up to amaze you. Anyways, as far as weirdest in the world, that definatly could be NEAR the top, but definatly n ot the top. There are a lot of weirdos in our world, and a lot of strange unexplanable things, just like the huge giant squid/shark dinosaur they found in japan a couple years ago. All weird, also h ow we know more about the space, and everything else then what happens in those way way way down deep trenches and drop offs of the world.
  17. I don't know about lack of posts. However, I do find it difficult to find such a good post that I can actually get into the discussion and have a paragraph post. I agree to sylenzednuke. There are times back when I joined (not too long ago, but seems like a long time ago) where activity was actually higher. The only reason I keep comming back is the wonderful help with coding, and hosting of my things. They don't delete your things randomly, they don't mess around with your account, they play it fair and nice. Staff is great, but the thing is theres no real posts anymore! Well, ya there is, but its covered up by all those annoying posts about things you don't want to know about, and some of which is in the wrong forum because people can't look. Expecially the gaming section. I'm not dissing Xisto, or its staff, but more of those people who post private servers. Nobody likes those private servers, maybe the huge ones like LG Gunz, or something that has oveor 100+ users on at once, but whats with those runescape private servers? Their not flexiable, or anything. I'm not saying that we should ban runescape private servers, but its all over the gaming section, and alot of other private servers are. No point in them, make your own game if you think your good at coding. I don't like how people do this, plus it covers the real gaming topic discussions, which are the ones I get into. Otherwise I think Xisto has had its peak, but definatly isn't close to dieing.
  18. Well, other then what i can see, it looks like its your fault not Xisto. As Xisto is most likely (from what i've heard/seen) hosted on Opaque's and maybe buffalo's computer. Only way you could be hacked is if BF or Opaque would do it, or somebody does something to their computer. However, I doubt neither of th ose happened, as buffalo and opaque are both trustworthy, and would have no need for it. Therefore it lies into your password or failing to have good scripts/sql injection protection. As said before, make all the files you NEED 777, and all th eones you don't really need permissions set to 444. That way its harder to have sql injections, and then you'll just need a better password. If you are using a forum system like a newer one, get a better one until the other one gets more updated. By newer i mean those that have just started.
  19. Actually studies have been done, and people that play a lot of video games have better reaction time, and hand-eye coordination. Studies don't lie . However, I'd rather be doing sports, as studies have been done that those in school or team related activities help you have better social skills, grades, and dedication. So ya, if you have absolutely nothing to do, maybe video games can help you out just a tad.
  20. Wow lotsa info there, that should help a lot of new commers. I suggest maybe some more pictures if you want to enhance it more, however its still a very nice guide good job! How long did it take you to make it? Anyways, I may actually use it...I don't know, maybe, maybe not, ill look over it more see if theres any features i could use for sure .
  21. Good luck! I don't know much about karate or whatever your doing, but i know people who have gotten black belts and spent like 12 years trying to get it, sounds like a hard accomplishment to get pretty high, good luck.
  22. Ya, I know for sure yesterday i had 1 credit, and today i get on and notice -4. However, it seems the negative credits go up like 4x faster then normal credits so idk if thats part of it or not.
  23. Nice article you wrote, i'd make a defined statement that theres a difference of P2P (Pay 2 Play) and what your talking about. Theres a huge difference just about, and can sometimes be mistaken when your talking (depending on the context). Obviously you know what your talking about, and thought it out, good job . Hope to read more articles like this by you.
  24. Most free hosts suck. They truely do, Xisto, in my opinion is the best free option out there, plus i think its even better then some paid hosts. Paid hosts sometimes suck thats why i thiknk they need like a 10 day refund if wanted. Most don't IPS (most people know it is invision power board) on the otherhand actually do give refunds.
  25. you can use game cube controller, normal wii controller, wii controller w/ nun-chuck, or wii classic controller. Hmmm...well I looked at the site and I couldn't find the page I was looking at before where they said they already coded all 4 in (which they did) however, this page shows all 4. http://www.smashbros.com/ ummm...otherwise, it should be a hell of a game. it will be cool to see how much moving they actually put into it. But like before I said that they are trying to program a way so that if you open extra characters on your wii controller, you can bring to a friends house and use them there, so that would be the g cube controller any day. But we'll see..
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