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Everything posted by nol

  1. thats not true. Actually, depending how much you eat of what, lets say you go out and buy a ton of ice cream, you will get a lot of weight. However, the more you eat of healthier foods, lets so more balanced foods, of course then you won't get more fat, unless the foods have a lot of calories. As for the topic, I was just like you when I was 14 or so, of course im a lot bigger from doing what I will tell you now to do. I went in, and talked to my gym teacher and some of my football coaches. I said hey, I really wanna be a quarterback or linebacker, I got the arm for quarterback, as I'm already 2nd string. But the differences between me and first string, and me and the linebackers is, I'm small. I need to gain weight, and not just weight, muscle. They told me that many people have asked them before, and they said that, the perfect way, is first, get weights at home, or at a gym, or if your at a school, use those. Two, get a powdered protein drink, or just a protein drink. Then three, make one protein drink, drink it, wait half a hour, then work out for about 45 minutes. Do this every other day. I said to them, what kind of workout I should be doing. They told me to start out with low weights, remember low weights for high reps will tone your muscle. Which is what you want at first. So he told me to use low weights, and do weighted sit ups, and about 50 pushups, 50 situps, and 50 bench presses. The next day, do jogging for as long as you can. I did it with a friend, this is usually only used so you can run faster, and for longer distances, I don't know if you would really need it in your case, but I did. The day after that I would use weights. Remember though, to progressively get more weights, and to never, ever weight lift 2 days or more in a row. If you get in the habit of not weight lifting 2 days in a row, you will be fine, but if you do you will get very tired, and its very likely you will get injured. The way you gain the muscle is after you are done wegiht lifting, not during. WHich is why you should allow around 20-24 hours to rest. hope this helps.
  2. Well, I think that Obama is gonna be my choice. I mean, he is a great speaker, and a very intelligent guy, and everybody knows it. Hilary is the next in run when it comes to the elections. I mean, Hilary and Obama are all you see in the news now. Either way, it'll be a first for a nation (not being racist) hilary will be the first girl, or obama will be the first african american president. Which is why some (uneducated) voters will pick these two as their top. But really, do we really want Hilary in as a president? She says she won't let her husband have any effect on presidential issues, and do I have to even talk about what happened when her husband was president? Do we want that to even get close to happening? Obama is my choice, I think change will be good, even though I'm a republican to some degree, but also view ways of a democrat, when it comes to some issues mainly because my parents are democratic, and I am republican, neither of us want to see hilary in as president
  3. How come theres no multiplayer achievements in Call of Duty 4? This kinda makes me upset. I mean, Halo 3 has horrible achievements, but it makes it more fun when their online. Don't get me wrong, call of duty 4 is a GREAT game, but the multiplayer achievements not being existant turns me off a little bit. Also theres no co-op missions? This also kinda makes me sad..
  4. She can be my teacher any day...we need one of those at my school . But ya, for some reason it seems girls, when it comes to sexual acts, usually get off cleaner then men. I mean if you think about it, lets say a guy did this same exact thing (to a women or something), he would probably not get off as clean. However, a women probably would. Also, if she does get off clean, and gets registered as a sex offender, im willing to bet, the people she next lives by, won't really care as much as if she were a guy.
  5. Actually, what they mean about safety is weather conditions. At least where I live, I talked to my friend what they meant (hes a delivery boy for pizza hut) and he said, when pizza hut did the same thing around here, they had a somewhat same disclaimer, where if its heavy ice, snowing, raining, thunderstorm, lightning, etc, they will not give the pizza free if its past 30 minutes because of safety reasons, but they would for regular sunny days, (or winter days for that matter) with little or no risk to safety.
  6. Alright, first off, sorry about the title, can't exactly explain it well. Basically, I want to have it so; 1. My users sign up on my website (easy enough, don't need help with) Now, this part might get confusing, but I need major help, as I see no way of doing it, yet I would love for it to happen. When they post on my website (comment), (this part I don't need help with), I wish for their gamer profile to show up under their name, so It'll say; Nate posted on (date): (gamer profile here) blah blah blah the trouble is, I have no idea how to get the user's info. Like, the game profile, and make it show up.. If you don't know what a gamertag is its like this: http://www.xboxlc.com/ I wanna do something somewhat like that. just, no generator.
  7. I doubt it, for reasons that microsoft studios and bungie.net were a partnership on this, therefore if bungie did do it, they would not have full rights, however, im not sure about when halo wars will come out, if thatll be on all 3 platforms or just xbox 360. Depends.
  8. haha..shut up tramposch, imma get the meta game achievements when im out of xbl time, no use doing it during xbl cuz ill always lose...plus then i dont waste time with xbl
  9. Yes, I made it from scratch, but it took forever so i just included the document.
  10. You guys are missing the key elements and features that are contained in halo 3. 1. Campaign meta-game. Probably my favorite, I love competeing against friends will in co-op campaign, to see who kills the most, and most accuratly2. Forge, probably the most unique feature yet3. Theatre, another nice feature4. Bungie.net profile link to gamertag, so you can download forge games and game varients straight to your xbox5. Downloadable maps, more maps coming out, that you can download, and when the next set comes out, the previous become free! 6. Skulls that unlock armor7. Completeing all acheivements that u nlock armor8. unlockable armorTheres so much more, halo 3 is definatly the best out of the 3.
  11. Haha, no they wont sorry buddy. It also depends on how old you are. If your going through your puberty stages, push-ups and situps will do WONDERS for your body. If your past puberty, you will need to do about 2x, if your younger then puberty, you basically can't gain much muscle. Situps will tone your abs, pushups will tone different parts of your arms depending how your doing. Also think about doing situps with weights in each hand, running will also help. Remember this one thing though:When your weight lifting...High level weights, less reps = More Muscle being createdLow Level weights, More reps = Muscle being more toned and definedBy low I do not mean like 20lbs, i mean low as in, you can do 20-40 reps fine. High level I mean as high as you can go, with 3-4 reps. MAKE SURE YOU ONLY BENCH ON THE MACHINE WHEN DOING HIGH LEVEL WEIGHTS, that way you can get out safe, if your using uneven weights or freeweights or freefall weights, on a bench press...you will probably hurt yourself, its heavier, and you can hurt yourself doing high level weights with it.
  12. Heh, this is coming from a guy who fuxed up his life at the age of 13, adn then again at 16, but If her kids are young, they won't notice or see their 'mommy' as a person who would commit against marriage, which if they are young, then they probably dont even think its legal to cheat on somebody. So they dont think you as any threat to their mom. The best advice I can give you is, stay friends with her, and help her through it. If you ever want a chance with her, you must not show signs of 'loving her' or having a crush on her, and just help her through, and if her marriage is not what it is supposed to be, wait a couple weeks or months after they are divorced and then start acting like you like her as much as you say you do. That way she knows you are sensitive, and understanding, and didn't want to take advantage of her. She'll probably go for that. Again, this is coming from a guy who messed up his life at a young age, that and I've never been in a situation like this, but its the best advice I can give.
  13. Haha...its not unusual, you kidding me? All men have crushes on women. Its natural, and expecially older women (at least older women until you turn about 30 or so). I am the same age as you (maybe younger since your about to turn 18 you said), but i mean, theres nothing you can do, shes married, and shes a lot older then you, its age difference, obviously fate says you must be with another women equally pretty and amazing.
  14. Buy the movie called super size me...the things that McDonalds does to your body is un-natural, including cut off the production of sperm in a males body. Which, is pretty bad when you think about it. Think of it this way, if every man, were to eat McDonalds food, even 3 times a week, the population of the united states and around the world would probably decrease a lot. But thats not what this is about, I think this women will definatly lose. I mean its supply and demand, pretty sure I learned that 6th grade, and was taught it through junior year...If this lady is stupid, and doesnt think that iphone would eventually lose intrest and therefore drop in price, she needs to go back to 6th grade, I mean, its not even as hard as that show are you smarter then a 5th grader...COME ON WOMEN.
  15. I dont know about the 2 or the mysql stuff, but i do know for a fact you need to pay to get rid of the smf/coppermine thingy
  16. Thank you , I knew that there was something wrong when my hosting didn't come back, so I just waited...thank you for this! I'm sure all future, current, and old members will/do appreciate this work and effort put in on Xisto's staff.
  17. how many of you guys are gonna get the new halo 3 maps when they come out. Tramposch might know the exact date because we were talking about it before, I beleive its gonna be 600 credits? But in spring of 2008 when the next new halo 3 maps come out they will be free. The new maps look pretty cool, there are screenies on bungie.com and xbox.com. According to bungie the third map, foundry which doesn't look too special actually is. Its the first map to halo 3 that actually enhances the forge feature which is new to halo 3, and making users be able to edit just about everything on the map, including adding STAIRS, TUNNELS, and ETC. You can look at the screenshots and read more about the maps at this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. All the runescape private servers have changed since this guide was made, way too much the coding is run off of runescape's cache, so the best place to get help would be moparscape.org.
  19. It doesn't surprise me that megaupload is doing things like this because of the fact that they are popular, and they know they won't lose bussiness because a lot of documents and other things are there that people want, so they can do that just to make money off of premium accounts...just the way things work.
  20. I think I may have the same exact problem, im suspended but have over 4 credits..IDK maybe it was juts my imagination of having over 4 credits...but my account is still suspended, this was a few days ago, maybe it was fixed by then but after the hour is up i'll edit if its fixed.edit: yes, over 4 credits and won't get me unsuspended :s
  21. This is explainable, to get your hosting back you need 4 credits. The system automatically puts you at -4 after you reach 0. Real normal, the jump from -4 to 0 is extremely easy, less then a decent post will do it, don't worry about it its a known bug (if even a bug)
  22. Councling, my brother in law specializes in child therapy, well not child but more teenager such. Actually, before I even knew my sister was dating the guy (let alone gonna marry him) I went to him, because by law I needed some for certain reasons, and we got talking...really it helps when your depressed just somebody to talk to even would help. Being depressed doesn't always have to be a bad thing, and even if your a guy most guys don't show it, but many guys are depressed a lot. I know for a fact I am, I just get those depressed feelings coming its totally natural. I have friends and know people that have gone through stages where they were burn off skin, or cut their VEINS just to be anti-depressed. Eventually they got sick of it and the adrenaline wasn't enough of a high so they started beating the *BLEEP* out of each other, and eventually they went in for help. No pill will help you enough to stay anti depressed 100% of the time, but being depressed and knowing its 100% natural does help.
  23. Seems like iThis iThat is starting to get annoying, and so is the ipod series. To me, this looks like a over priced mp3 that has touch screen and looks like a wannabe apple iphone. Of course its still made from apple, but really, I'm happy with my ipod video from 2 years ago, fits me well . Of coursesmaller is always better now it seems, and more companies are developing smaller things with bigger compacity.
  24. Sweet velma great work going on . Is this for Xisto or just Xisto - Web Hosting? Or are all the hosts run of the same servers? Or is all that confidential? Also isn't EPSILON a german letter? I don't remember, anyways great job.
  25. Haha, wow. I'm not laughing at the article, but even being a guy and having hormones from hell its kinda funny how desprate men can get. I mean, why rape when it can lead to jail. just ask a girl out, but these are some pretty good tips, thank you.
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