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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. Um, the way I understand it your network layout is like this: | Wall | -> Modem -> Computer -> Router -> 3 WIFI computers Is that right? Either way I'm guessing the problem computer is one of the WIFI ones? Try connecting it via a LAN cable and see if that helps. You might want to remove that computer from the network first. You can do this either by doing an IP release, and then IP renew if it doesn't automatically reconnect. On a side note I had a friend who couldn't view the Adsense ads on any pages (no matter what domain). After a bit of trial and error he tried OpenDNS and it solved the problem. If it works, in your case it would be more of a workaround than a fix, but it wouldn't hurt to try.
  2. Although it's an excellent idea I have mixed feelings as well.My main concern is literacy, written and computer, if these people can't read or don't know how to use a computer then it doesn't make much sense. True they could have people go their to teach computers and such but that would involve more human resources; time, money, and dedication - I doubt they'd be paid.Philantraphists aside, I'm hoping this is one of the stepping stones to reducing the costs of computer components. Hopefully computers will be as common and affordable as a telephone. The hand crank is awesome; I could use that during blackouts at my cottage.
  3. It's a 2 hour drive so we try to go as often as we can on weekends but 3 weeks is the best indeed; there's nothing like it.The one problem comes when it's time to leave Oh yeah, I know you said that you're going back to Tennessee this year, but what do you normally do?
  4. I forget the name of the genetic law but the cells in our body can only reproduce so many times before they get "exhausted". It's sort of like those stories about cloning where generations of cloning leads to steritlity; after a copy comes a copy of a copy, then a copy of a copy of a copy, and so on until it is non-viable to make a copy. Anyhow, I think you may like this article from Life Extension Magazine
  5. It looks pretty good but I'd probably go with Notepad++. Notepad++ has some base improvements and otherwise functions with plugins; so you can pick what you want. For example, Notepad2 has HTML editing abilities as does Notepad++, but Notepad++ also supports programming languages such as java. Link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
  6. Yes there is lots of cool USB gadgets but I still say the USB Rechargeable batteries are a stretch. Especially at that price.As for USB in a car, I forget which company but they already have it where you hook up your Ipod/mp3 player without third party devices. I'm not 100% sure but I believe it is USB...
  7. First, yes I am Christian, and I believe in what can be called a global/unified religion (all religion is interconnected).For now let's do two things: be honest and remove the religious element. This thread started with merit because indeed some Christians say stupid things, and indeed I have heard some, but some (not all) of the remarks made here are baseless. To believe that all Christians, or Christianity itself is stupid, simply because you don't agree is ignorant. Honestly, people everywhere say stupid things, even atheists.I believe Christianity gets a lot of flack because it is under a microscope as a majority religion. Which is OK, it simply means that Christianity as an organization needs to be strong in it's convictions - but there's the problem. There are so many divisions of Christianity that some contradict each other. Furthermore, just like any religion, there is such a division as orthodox, or even beyond that fanatical.If you were to remove the religious factor you'd find that these people are probably ignorant and say stupid things. Religion, Christianity in particular is not about what others say, it's about what you believe. Some people take their beliefs too far. Let me use the example of the war in Iraq; Bush claims that the war is God's war (I'm paraphrasing). Now would that make you say "Christians are stupid" or "Bush is a stupid Christian"?In the end it all boils down to faith, if the misspoken words of a few push you away from your religion, then perhaps your beliefs did not match to begin with.I also find it interesting that this topic is not "The most idiotic thing you heard a faith leader say".
  8. This is of course awesome. I remember when Metacrawler was big back in the late-90s; they tried to advance but some of their ideas were weird, and not necessarily free. My only concern with Google is how the Google pages are starting to get cluttered with too many "gadgets"; like a swiss army knife too big to fit in your pocket.
  9. If I may be so bold I'd recommend front and rear spoilers. Perhaps a bit of a body kit for added design. Kind of like this image of a performance Nissan 350Z
  10. I use my computer too much, but hey thats the world we live in.I use it for playing the odd game, surfing the net, MSN, email, IRC, image/model design, music mixing, web dev, writing stuff, digital photo editing, you name it ...pretty much.
  11. Very nice. I'm into modding RTS's right now so my models have low polycounts, and no surface effects, but that is very nice. Are you thinking of adding any aftermarket stuff to it?
  12. Cup warmer is an excellent idea. Probably designed by someone like me who keeps forgetting to drink while they're surfing online. Who knows, someone already made USB Rechargeable batteries :)Link: http://www.usbcell.com/ Those do not really make a lick of sense to me...
  13. I use Firefox alright, just not as a main browser; it has a deserved reputation of being a resource hog. Opera too complicated? I guess it could be, but just as well firefox can be; they both fucntion with added extensions and such.As for popups I tell IE7 to block without discrimintation and a rarely get a popup. Granted I don't go gallavanting about questionable sites, and yes, I have to tell it when I do want a popup but thats fine. At least I know the page I'm looking at is appearing as it should.
  14. With laptops you can't go by pure numbers; it's all about chemistry, or maybe a better word is synchronicity. It is possible for a slightly lower spec'ed machine to outperform the other if it's components work well together. There's not much you can do but you can always try upgrading the drivers for graphics card.
  15. Welcome to Xisto. I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself in the forums.I'm pretty new here as well but I think we'll agree that Xisto, hosting aside, is a great community.I hope to see you around, and possibly get into a heated (but civil) debate with you
  16. Maybe the point is to be confusing :)Although I'd never use it, it seems like a neat way to stop spammers and annoying friends...
  17. I currently use IE7 as my main browser, why? Because I'm used to it and the majority of websites are designed towards IE standards (sad I know). The browsers I use from time to time (other than IE) is Opera, Firefox, K-Meleon and Lynx.
  18. Didn't they pull this type of stunt before? I might be thinking of another "battle" but I could have sworn that Microsoft already made this claim; perhaps they took this long to "acquire their evidence".
  19. Renaissance means Renaissance; I am what I am, Renaissance the Renaissance Man.Renaissance is a nickname given to me by my friends. My many talents my many ventures. I can't remember where, when, why, but it just stuck. Oddly enough it's practically never taken on forums, but domain names are reserved and/or expensive.
  20. Nice to meet a fellow Renaissance Man. I'm also good in math and science but hated taking those courses. As for philosophy yes, vegetarianism no, I'm a carnivore through and through; I love my beef, I love my bacon The thing about hockey in the US, I think you're right about the business aspect, but I also think it was because the viewers were/are saturated by footbal/basketball/basesball. My plans for my hosting are:- blogging - an image gallery for my art and diecast car collection - misc writings such as poems and stuff - a home for my video game modding projects I don't know how much I can fit but I'm in ro rush to do everything.
  21. This happened many years ago...My older brother was playing basebaell with his friends in grade 8. One guy with an metal bat was up with a strike and two balls, and my brother was up next to bat. I forget what happened exactly but the guy at bat hit a near homer, threw his bat like it was on fire and took off running; unfortunately the bat hit my brother square to the shins... yeouch! He walked funny for a while.
  22. Every year my family does the same thing; 3 weeks up at the cottage.It's very relaxing, go to bed late, sleep in, do as you please, and do so with no telemarketers...
  23. Wow, mucho ugly.As weird as it sounds that site has one excellent design point; I've never seen an animated gif move so smooth as the swan does. The again animated gifs are no longer "cool" to use.
  24. I'm from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. One of the fastest developing cities in my province.I see there are at least 3 other Canadians here...
  25. I believe that whether it's visible or non-visible it doesn't make a difference; what matters is how much it affects your performance. I myself have a disability, and although mine is pretty progressed, it is possible to have a job when you have a disability. I have a friend who walks with a limp and can't use his left hand and he has a job. Granted some companies didn't want him because they called him a liability but in the end he could work. On the other hand I have a perfectly healthy neighbor who is on disability because she claims working in a factory makes her feel claustraphobic; I understand that can stop you from working in a factory, but isn't that when you get a job outdoors or something? It just seems to me some people are to quick to be on disability. Perhaps, that individual is actually involved in insurance fraud? You know, claim they hurt their back on the job, get a doctor to agree, settle $$$, and go on disability.
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