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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. I'm from Mississauga, about 40 minutes from Toronto, but I have been to Windsor for a hockey tournament. I actually traveled quite a bit for hockey tournaments; I traveled as far north as Ottawa, south to Buffalo, and as west as Windsor.That's a lot of mileage on my parent's van!
  2. Well for me I bought my T41 for university; not only was it better for taking notes, but I had long days (8am - 7pm) with large gaps. The laptop saved my sanity.
  3. http://www.5gbfree.com/ is a free webhost that seems OK; they just bought out gigcities http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=yfma&e=com is a UK based post for host site expanding to offer paid hosting
  4. I'm from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.I'm the only Canadian so far.I know plenty of people from all over the world, but it's obviously rare to meet someone from Africa.
  5. Welcome to Xisto. I've also just joined these forums and they indeed are very well done. If you need to learn to make webpages you might want to check out the HP Learning Center: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/home.html They have free courses on webpage design, from planning to implementation, as well as advanced stuff like CSS. The lessons are written by professionals in those areas and maintain mini-forums for class discussion. The only thing is it's supposed to be for US residents only, so when you sign up just say you're from the US.
  6. Thanks guys. My unlisted "computer" hobbies keep me the busiest. Yes, I am Canadian, I hate being a cliche Barret-Jackson right? Yeah some cars go for crazy amounts of money but oh well. I saw my favourite car (a 1971 Dodge Charger Daytona) on ebay for $18K the interior was worn, but not ripped, the mileage was reasonable. There were three problems though:1) it was to be picked up in Florida 2) I didn't have my drivers license 3) I didn't have the cash $$$
  7. I have a desktop and 2 laptops; each have their pros and cons. Desktop: + more robust (ie HDD Space, vid cards) + easier to customize (hardware) + easier to replace hardware + customizable prices - big and heavy - use more power - generally noisier Laptop: + small and portable + no peripherals needed + runs on battery - less robust (ie HDD space, vid cards) - more background processes - more expensive My Desktop is a self built AMD 2400+ 512MB RAM and loads of HDD space My first laptop is an IBM T41 with 768MB RAM and a 40GB HDD My thirs laptop (I got off craigslist for $700) is an IBM T43p with 1GB RAM and a 80GB HDD. Along with my computers I invested in a $100 Wacom tablet; worth every penny. I didn't mention a certain CON of latops; hardware compatibility with linux. If you are trying to run linux on a laptop check out this site: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/
  8. I read in the paper that the planet's gravity is roughly 1.5 times that of earth. It also mentioned how the seasons are extremely short. I can't remember if it's 4 "seasons" in 13 days, or each season is 13 days long.Eitherway, it is really far away, and significantly different; I wouldn't want to go there.
  9. Hi, Renaissance here!First off, I want to say I know Renaissance can be a bit bleh to type so Ren is fine; I've adopted both.A bit about me:- I'm a 23 year-old male. I have a physical disability called Muscular Dystrophy (I don't let that affect me much though)- I like art; I have loads of sketches I've done over the past few years. I'm still an amateur- I like writing; I'm actually going to have one of my poems published later this year.- I like music; I was a percussionist in my high-school band. One year we recorded a professional quality CD.- I like sports; I watch hockey, soccer, tennis, golf, racing (any), curling, not so much baseball, basketball, or football.- I like woodworking; I'm currently planning on building a self-driven miniature sailboat- I like vintage/antiques; cars, planes, boats...- I especially like cars; my favourite car is a 1971 Dodge Charger Daytona- I have experience modding video games- I played sledge hockey (ice hockey for people with disabilities) for 10 years; I was on DI also do lots of other stuff but I have to stop somewhere
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