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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. I heard of a floppy install for XP a while back. I had to do a search but there is a fair amount of info out there. Check out this article on Installing XP with a floppy disk.
  2. I have Joost also. If anyone wants invites let me know.
  3. Welcome to Xisto!I hope to see you around the forums. You can jump right in anfd join some active discussions, or if you feel more comfortable you can start a your own thread on a topic that you're familiar with.
  4. I am excited that Transformers has been resurrected along with all the other vintage stories we've been getting but I have a nagging suspicion that it might come out a bit wrong.You see, whether you may have noticed it or not, every "vintage" movie made the past few years has been changed or in some cases "modernized" to the detrement of the movie. It seems that movie writers aren't going mainstream these days. X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Punisher, Hulk, are all storylines where certain changes not only didn't make sense, but made no sense.Example, in "Hulk", Hulk's powers were stretched beyond sense; the Hulk is super strong not super rubbery, so why did bullets make his skin jiggle like flab as opposed to hitting stone chiseled muscle?Spider-Man; why exactly did the writers go for the "more organic" power outlet? The common story, the mainstream one, is that Peter Parker learns/conceives how to manufacture the webbing. For it to come out of his wrists is OK but in doing so it kind of takes away from his science nerd persona.Fantastic Four. Dr Doom is a coneited villain (they got that right) but since when does he start turning into medal? The story goes that he gets a minor cut, a small imperfection, and his conceited nature drives him mad. He obsesses over that imperfection and so he dons the mask so no one can see how "hideous" he is. Again, if they did it to enhance the story all they did was add a cheap gimmick at the expense of undermining the main villain.But I digress, I just hope they don't do the same thing to my beloved Transformers.
  5. Very nice indeed. I just hope that places like that remain untouched as one of the few remaining paradises of nature. Here is a link to an image from the article
  6. Very nice tutorial!It is well explained and the images are helpful for those who might be new to editing the registry.PS - best custom Recycle Bin name: "Poop Chute"
  7. Yes, blood gasses, which uses a thicker needle and are taken from the wrist hurt much more than blood taken from the inner elbow. Add to that they generally bruise and cause discomfort in the wrist for a couple of days and they really suck.
  8. Renaissance


    Welcome to Xisto!You may have come for the webhosting but I'll bet you stay for the community.
  9. Renaissance


    Welcome to Xisto John!I hope you get the advice and support you need. Dare me to say that this community will become endeared to you shortly.
  10. Welcome to Xisto Eduardo!I hope to see you around the forums. Perhaps we'll get in a heated (but friendly) debate some day
  11. Renaissance


    Welcome to Xisto!I hope to see you around the forums as I know you'll enjoy this large and active community.
  12. Renaissance

    Hi All

    Hi James and welcome to Xisto!Indeed the hosting here is great but I bet you'll stay for the community.
  13. Desktop (self built)Win XP ProAthlon 2400+ 2 GHzNvidia GeForce (6200 or 9200)512 MB Ram120 GB HDD partioned in two (C:\ & D:\)180 GB HDDLaptop - IBM T41:Win XP ProPentium M processor (1600MHz)ATI Radeon 7500768 MB Ram40 GB HDD non-partionedLaptop - IBM T43p:WinXP installed, live-booting linux.Intel Pentium M 750 (2.13GHz)1GB DDR2 SDRAM ATI X300 Graphics Card with 64MB RAM60GB, 7200RPM Hard Drive
  14. As much as I can be I'm used to needles now. I figure any residual uneasiness is wondering if I'll get a butcher. My brother is a different story; his veins collapse. One time I entered a blood lab with the intent of drawing a single sample of blood (I was sick and they wanted to do a blood cell count). I left the blood lab with 7 puncture marks! Maybe the person was having an off day, but they tried and failed twice on each arm, twice on the left wrist, and finally got it on the right wrist (no pun intended). You should note that I do not have difficulty drawing blood, it's usually hit with very little miss. I get talkative when I'm nervous. In some situations it relaxes the nurse/doctor. The fact that you're expressing concern tells me you're not a butcher. The way I see it butchers tend to treat it more like they're working on an assembly line rather than performing a service on a human being. Yes there are butchers who are such because they just don't have the hands. I had one well intending person who couldn't quite handle holding the needle while changing the tube; I had the needle wiggling in my arm... no amount of words can express how that feels.
  15. I have a physically degenerative disability and so I have to do a lot of annual tests to "watch my progress". Unfortunately these tests often involve needles. That's 23 years of prick, prick, prick. Personally I hate needles. It may be because of my long history with medical institutions but needles give me sweaty hands and sometimes shortness of breath.Let's count my year so far:- yearly physical (1 arm prick)- blood gasses - respirologist (1 arm, 1 wrist, x4 days in a row)- neurologist CK test (1 arm)During these many years I have met two kinds of "professionals" outside of the norm; artists and butchers. The artists are a dream, if you are ever so lucky, these people can insert and remove IV needles with the prick of a mosquito. The butchers on the other hand are better suited for work not involving hands. They often prick with such force and coldness you wonder if you're stepping on their foot. This is compounded when there is trouble locating a good spot; this means getting poked more than once which I much prefer to the horrid wiggling. Indeed the butchers are quite bad. I once had a butcher miss the vein entirely. Note that when I mention butchers I'm talking about people settled into this profession. People who are relatively new have my sympathy. Many of them seem to be more nervous than anyone else.
  16. tekkensig3-1.png 8/10Overall it's the best one of the three but there are some parts where the glow is noticeably off (ie beside the eyes).As for the font, that yellow outline doesn't quite fit.tekkensig2-1.png 6/10The outline is off but it is consistent so it's ok in this one. The background is a bit noisy though.The font colour is appropiate but gets lost in the backgroundtekkensig1-1.png 7.5/10Good mix of colours, nice blend of light, but the outline around the head looks out of place.The text is appropiate.
  17. I tried mediamax also.It worked good for a while but they prefer that you install a file manager type program. The software bogged down my system and soon after stopped working altogether.
  18. Welcome to Xisto!You may come for the hosting but I bet you'll stay for the community...
  19. This "trick" would exlpain a video on I saw on youtube (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)When I first saw that I was like, "Gee that person must have spent way too much time indoors." Now I'm thinking, "That person is just a cheap rip off."
  20. You can look on craigslist (http://frankfurt.craigslist.de/) OR if you're not picky you can try Freecycle Freecycle is a community driven system where people give stuff they no longer need away to those who need it. The only thing is the computers would probably be closer to Win95/98.
  21. Monsanto is definitely up there in terms of evil, but I'm going to mention one that should not go unsaid: Disney. As many of you may know Disney, a company with high family standards, "hires" 3rd world workers, and maintains what constitutes sweatshops. Whenever they are confronted about it they always down play it or use the rationale that they are employing the needy. Here is a little research I did back in highschool.
  22. If you really think about it gas prices aren't that high. It's just that we are, in the developed countries, used to low priced gas. Yes, the oil barrons are padding their belts, and yes our governments are having their fun too, but it all sincerety you'd probably have to admit that prices can, and probably will, be much worse.
  23. Do you have a link to the tutorial or is it from a book?Eitherway 45 minutes is bad at all. Unless you are like me in the manner that you can get stuck on something simple, but at the same time you can get "inspired" and complete a relatively harder model quickly. Then I'd have to guess that the car was uninspired (since you mentioned it took a long time).I think threre's a program (maybe called 3m/3dm - not sure) it makes 3D models from 2D "blueprints" it looks quite cool. If you're interested I can find the link...
  24. My favourite OS? I don't really have a favourite. I actually like all of them to some extent, but not so much the Macs. I know that may sound weird to some of you but I make a haibt of making the best of things.Believe it or not I still use Win 3.1 on my old Travelmate laptop.
  25. Well I guess Vista is one of those things; you either love it or you hate it. Just remember what your pop always told you, "don't knock it unitl you try it." Personally, I'm not knocking it and I'm not trying it.I'm not going to upgrade. I'm using XP and plan to switch to Linux by 2009? (when XP is no longer supported). I've always wanted to use Linux so this is a good time I guess. I may indeed dual-boot Linux and Vista but that's not my immediate plan.The one thing I don't like about Vista is idea of eye candy over performance which emphasis it's pull on resources.
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