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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  2. Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  3. Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  4. 1024x768 is the resolution of choice for me; not too small and easy on the eyes. I usually go a little higher when I'm using Photoshop/Photopaint or some 3D rendering but for the everyday I use 1024x768.
  5. Yeah, I kind of thought you would feel that way, which is why I left it open in case you had someone you knew better. In the end you'd have my word. I didn't know that.
  6. I am currently loving my PS3 that I got a month ago. I'm playing Stuntman: Ignition, NHL 08, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, NFS Carbon, and Virtua Tennis.
  7. None by name, but let me put it this way. If such an action was taken without 100% approval (and I doubt there would be) it would upset some people; perhaps making some people see the "heroes" as " terrorists". If their feelings were strong enough they could resort to a terrorist mentality. It's not an exact science but it's a matter of perspective.
  8. You can send the "excess" credits to someone and then have them give them back to you after you apply.
  9. Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  10. Hardly, I was simply stating that even if the terrorists were tagged as casualties of war, the nature of a nuke (mini or otherwise) is a radial blast; not precise and not discriminatory. So unless you can gurantee that everybody within a x-mile radius is a terrorist you will be mass murdering innocent people. Furthermore, even if you could gurantee that all the terrorsits in the world would be nuked at once, extreme action such as that would give birth to a whole new group/level of terrorist.
  11. Radiation, ecological and terrain damage aside genocide is a punishable crime even in war. You can't just kill people because you disagree with them or in this case because they are agressive towards you. This holy war is fought by extremists who take the teachings of their own people too far. It happened in a different form with the Christians during the Crusades, but nonetheless it happened. The true way to defeat such a regime of unjust acition and ill-conceived action is knowledge; lift the veil of ignorance and work towards understanding.
  12. Well it's fixed now (with a much stronger password).I've always had a 74 IP, hmm...
  13. Homework is a way for you to apply your knowledge. True, different course waiver in how well this is done, but some form of application is needed (at least for the majority of students). It's the old saying of practice makes perfect for math, science is more learn by doing, and English is the conceptual.
  14. Hi and welcome to Xisto!As you mentioned the community here is indeed something special. I hope to see you involved a good debate; just pick my side :)As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  15. It appears that it was indeed changed. Like the others I noticed a different IP login (
  16. I haven't really used my cPanel because my hosting is mainly used for a mailing list (for the time being). When I headr of the potential password breach I tried to log on but my attempts failed. I know the details are right since I saved the details in a txt file. Even more peculiar is that I can still log in via FTP. I tried to reset my password but got a error message stating that my password could not be changed.Any insight would be much appreciated.
  17. That's the thing. Whenever I put my foot down he quickly elevates the situation; he has no problem starting a big fight. One time we got in an argument because I caught him reading my email over my shoulder (our computers are on a 90 degree angle). I called him on it but he basically belittled my right for privacy, unfortunately it was a bad time to start a fight so I just left the room. Somehow it becomes me trying to avoid having too many confrontations for my mom's sake, he doesn't really care that much about how it affects her.I know it sounds bad but when I was in my early teens, when my social life was suffering and I was struggling to assert myself, I used to think "one push down the stairs and I can breathe". Of course I never did it but I feel bad for even thinking about it. Thing is it's true; remove him from my life and I can accomplish at least twice as much without this unnecessary weight on me.
  18. Just last Thursday I got a shot for pneumonia. My doctor did such a bad job that my arm swelled up over night and I had a bulge like an egg on my bicep. It wasn't so bad but the pain would spike whenever I did anything with my arm and I had stiffness that slowly spanned to my neck and shoulder. The pain and stiffness lasted 3-4 days. I have Muscular Dystrophy (MD) which is a neuromuscular disease. It's basically a lack of protein that causes my muscles to be weak. It affects every person differently but it generally gets more severe with age. It in itself is not terminal or anything but it means that my body is weaker and will progressively get weaker. I have a lowered breathing capacity (paralyzed left diaphragm) and scoliosis (curve) of the spine. Add the fact that they're not sure what type I have and my doctors like to keep a close eye on it. I see a cardiologist, respirologist, neurologist and orthopedic surgeon on a yearly basis. The cardiologist has me do ECG and echocardiograms, the respirologist has me do breathing and blood tests, the neurologist does that test where they use those needles with electrical impulses, and the orthopedic surgeon has me do annual X-rays. So yeah, I see a lot of white coats.
  19. Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for posting, don't force and it will come naturally, also feel free to jump right in and start a topic of your own!
  20. You guys get it, it's not as simple as "ignore him".I can't really assert myself though because as mentioned, I "have to be the understanding one".
  21. Indeed. Gertrude was a devoted wife and her sacrifices have given back her husband. At the same time Jan missed out on a lot but he's also been spared a lot of heartache. In the end it is always a good thing whens someone doesn't die.
  22. I have a genuine WinXP OEM (no disc) on my T41 laptop, and I bought a used T43p laptop which I just installed an WinXP OEM (w/ disc).I have a pirated copy of WinXP on my desktop which I'm going to install linux on.
  23. I use Corel Studio, GIMP, and Photoshop as my main programs. NeatImage is good for image tweaking stuff like brightness and noise.
  24. Stuntman Ignition looks good indeed.I played and passed the first game in a couple of weeks. It was fun and replay value was pretty good. In fact I started a new career last month. I was delighted to hear about Stuntman Ignition. Some people say it's hard some say it's easy. I'm guessing it comes down to the individual player.
  25. It's there, it's just not called/labelled CHMOD. When you're logged onto your web server right-click a file and click "Set Attributes". A window labelled "UNIX File Flags" will show up, different name but it's there. FYI: my version is 1.3 (copyright 1999)
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