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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. I'm surprised no one is mentioning the utter garbage of having to ship your iPod to get the battery changed. You call that simple and user friendly? It's sounds like a smart way for Apple to make sure you buy their overpriced batteries. I have the uncontrollable urge to contradict the statement about the prices. Yes, each model has greater space, but hard drives have also become drastically cheaper. If someone did the math I'm sure they'd be surprised at who relatively dropped their price more: Apple or HDD manufacturers?
  2. I feel for you Sarah. My sister doesn't/didn't believe in hitting her kids but she has 3 kids and the youngest 2 are becoming brats themselves. Babysitting them is becoming frustrating.The kids in question are a 4 year old girl and 1 1/2 year old boy. The girl is basically 1 part undisciplined 2 parts spoiled. She is really smart for her age and that compunds the problem. She wakes up around 10am and takes more than an hour to eat a single toast; any attempt to wake her up earlier or hasten her eating causes her to rebel and go even slower. This attitude carries on into every corner of her personality. Furthermore her younger brother is inheriting her attitude.The thing thats really frustrating is that whenever we were babysitting my mom would say that it's my sister's job to discipline her kids (which is right). But there are times I think an uncle/grandfather has the right to step in and give a good smack.
  3. I'm not sure if anybody mentioned this but people are prone to forget the nature of high school's curriculim. Yes, it's to teach, to lay down the foundation of our future education, but it's also to help guide us towards finding and developing our traits towards our career.I don't know if you noticed but most kids under the age of 20 let alone 16 don't know what they want to do in life. Heck, do you know how many people change major's late in their program? It's not a fun choice. It's not a financially smart one. They do it because a career is a life altering thing; it's not something you make of life it becomes your life.More importantly High School is about refining your social skills. Yes, I too don't care for the cliques and hypocrypsy, and yes, it can be more than just a little immature at times, but those 4 years about the memories. Enjoy being a kid and living in the moment. Ever heard of the expression "don't be in a rush to grow up..."So, yeah, you got a GED and your attending college, let's put aside that it doesn't hold the same weight as a diploma, but you just missed on some of the most socially shaping years of your life.
  4. Wrestling; I dislike it with a passion. Personally I don't consider it a sport but apparently it is.Now, if I had to pick a real sport to be deemed my least favourite it would probably be something like swimming :XD:.I know it's obscure but I enjoy all sports, yes even golf and cricket.
  5. Welcome to the Trap!Accumulatin credits is quite easy once you get into it; just relax and don't force it, before you know it a topic will come along that will pull you in... :XD:
  6. I got Gmail a few months after the invite system was implemented, so yeah, I was happy.
  7. Hi Sarah! I've definitely seen you around Xisto and must say, that from what I've, you are a quality member.Keep up the good work!Oh yeah, sometimes being too smart is unconvenient, but it's never a bad thing
  8. Welcome to the community Joker. I hope to see you around the forums.
  9. A note: I menitoned that I found Xisto via wikipedia. Xisto's Wikipedia page has been removed.
  10. Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. I gave my dad a Canadian Tire gift card. That'll last all but 10 minutes
  11. Hmm, don't know how I missed that info, must be a case of late-night posting :PYou're right about the USB power being "necessary", I was just wondering how optimized it was. I'm not sure yet, but if I do buy it I can give it a real test! My cottage has wall-to-wall windows with sun exposure from sunrise to ~6pm. My laptop is a T41 (slim and black), the area I "work" in is in direct sunlight, and having no AC makes it really toasty. I know the USB-powered fan base can't make that much of a difference but anything helps; honestly a scenario like that makes me dream of a nitrogen-injected processor
  12. Even the most innocent thing said wrong is wrong; In this case it's not so innocent. I would never be grateful for being the center of derogatory behaviour. I may not turn the negative energy inward, but I definitely wouldn't accept it. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but as I was reading your post it sounded a bit derogatory. Women don't like it when guys talk to their chests, nor do they like us guys talking about them as if they were a separate entity. Breasts are a part of the female human body, they serve a purpose for the sustenance of infants, other than that they should get as much attention as an elbow. Yeah yeah, I know I'm a putz, but women should get judged by their real attributes (eyes, smiles, etc) Your point is valid though. Love your body. You are who you are. If you are person of faith you believe that your creator(s) made you that way, if you are a person of science you believe that your body evolved that way; either way it's your body for life. No sense fighting fate/nature right?
  13. 3 years strong! Here's hoping Xisto maintains itself as one of the best free web hosting communities on the web!!May the community live 30 years longer!
  14. Anything can get boring. Perhaps as a world population we are getting lazy; wanting to be served and entertained without end. Truth is the computer is what you make it. That's the great thing about it. It's a tool which is connected to a theoretically infinite source of knowledge. When a person gets bored they can simply find something new to learn.
  15. If it won't delete after rebooting try booting into safemode. If you still can't delete the folder (in safemode) it probably means you have corrupted data or a virus.
  16. Yeah, that's what I meant. There's not much point keeping a laptop cool if it wouldn't last long. I would suggest a small well-powered fan. Face it away from the laptop at the "vent" so that the air is being drawn from the opening.
  17. She has. I can't find the thread but there was another discussion on what should be done. You have to remember that discipline scares some off but others just return to being jerks.
  18. So far it looks good! Some areas may need a little"smoothening". I noticed a bit of a dimple on the front fender by the wheel casing, is that how it's supposed to be?
  19. I was looking at a similar method for use at my cottage. It is a nice find but you have to remember that it is USB powered. Is there any info on battery usage? Things will be fine so long as you maintain outlet power, but I have a feeling that it will kill your battery.
  20. Your body is something to be proud of. If you let their comments get to you it may lead to you being over-conscientious of your looks. Then again, I get the impression that you're an emotionally strong person, so you may be alright. Either way you should remember that the people making these immature comments are just that immature. That's not to say that you are mature, you have quite a bit of life to live, but you simply matured physically before they did.Other than that what can I say? Sometimes guys are just plain jerks.
  21. Mine was an Atari as well. I have 2 systems at my cottage and I still play some of the games via an emulator on my laptop.
  22. I get blood tests every year (annual physical + specialists).The butterfly needle is indeed excellent; it was designed with children in mind so you know it's good.A deep breath helps but somtimes talking works better. I noticed that some people have a tendacy to hold their breath indefinitely and it sometimes works against the purpose (not sure how exactly). It's almost as if holding their breath builds up tension. So yeah, talking may be better.
  23. I found Xisto via the Xisto Wikipedia page when I looked up "post for host".
  24. Just as I should not assume, it should not be assumed that such an installation can not be used as as offensive weapon. The assumption is not mine. In the article it is expressed that the installation is beyond the means of those countries (Iran and Iran). I realize that's not concrete but to leave it as a faceless lie would also be wrong. I see it that the Russia government may be overstating the technological capability, but there probably is some basis for it. That's not hypocritical. It's one thing to defend the US by placing such installations on it's borders, or even in neighbouring countries, but to say "we're defending ourselves by placing a such an installation halfway around the world" makes no sense. Now, if the true goal is to protect Europe (which makes much more sense) then such an installation should be administrated either by the European Union, the United Nations, or in this case Poland. As opposed to the public building? I agree that building such a weapon is careless/stupid/dangerous for reasons humanitarian and political; I honestly believe that nuclear weapons should be thrown out the window (metaphorically). But again, the US has multiple projects they've been building, all in secret, which is fine because that's how the technology of warfare evolves. However isn't that still a bit hypocritical? To say "we can build stuff but you can't". I know warheads are different but you have to understand that the US has a history of bullying and some countries on the short of the stick are probably tired of it.
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