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Everything posted by unicornrose

  1. Well I have had and have several types of pets. Cats are first cause they are so cute and cuddly. Once they pick their human they are pretty darn loyal unless that human is really cruel to them. They tend to know when you need them the most too. They are there for you when you are sad. Plus well they can be really funny. They are fun to play with and sometimes you gotta wonder if the positions they sleep in are at all comfortable.Hamsters are next. I like hamsters cause they are cute. Plus I love to watch them crawl around in the tubes and things that you can buy for them. I think its facinating to watch a hamster when it is digging around in its bedding and/playing with the toys you provide it. If the hamster is hand trained you can also pet them and play with them. Have you ever seen a hamster with food in its little cheek pouches? So adorable. LOL.Fish are next. Well I get serene feelings when I watch fish swim around in their tainks. If you have a larger fish tank with more than one you can watch them interact with one another and they sometimes chase each other. My molly fish like to follow my hand across the aquarium. They also come to the glass when I am looking at them. They are very friendly.Last of all are Sea Monkeys. They are little brine shrimp. Its very facinating to watch the life cycle in the tiny tank that they come in. Its just amazing. :rolleyes:That is all.
  2. It is the only index in the folder....the index.html that is. I just double checked and the information in the .htaccess file reads following:Options All IndexesIndexOptions FancyIndexingAnd from the main .htaccess file:## Apache/PHP/site settings:## Protect files and directories from prying eyes: order deny,allow deny from all# Set some optionsOptions All -IndexesOptions +FollowSymLinks All -Indexes# Customized server error messages:ErrorDocument 404 /index.php# Set the default handler to index.php:DirectoryIndex index.phpIs there anyhting that I should change?
  3. Well if you get your post count to 10 or above and come in and post two or three good posts every couple of days to maintain your 10 and above day posting credits you won't have this problem. Also if you know that you will only get to use the computer once every two weeks or more I would work on trying to get your hosting credits much higher than the amount of time you are usually not on. If you are able to post or log on to the internet every couple of days it only takes about 10 minutes to find a couple of things to post onto here. The what is forum has lots of topics that you can share your opinion on. You can write long explainations too.
  4. Well on the subject of the ads there are a couple I find annoying but I just refresh the screen to get rid of those and cycle to another one. I log on at differant times depending on when I have time to actually post and read. It all depends on how busy the forum is and how busy the internet is. If you are logging on during peak net times the internet in general will be busy. It also depends on how long my computer has been on. LOL I have an older computer so sometimes it slows down. Anyway sometimes when I visit Trap its slow as sin but most of the time its pretty fast. I do think the ads should remain because without them we would not have such a wonderful service.
  5. I had this error too when I first got my domain. After a month it finally started working so I believe the program can not give you stats until its been a month that your site has been up. I could be wrong though. Does anyone else have a better explaination?Beth
  6. My ideal phone has special rings for each person and it has voice activated calling plus a camera. It also has games, and a scheduler. It also has wallpapers, and chat and im, it also has internet and so much more.:lol:Beth
  7. Well I have been living in California for 13 years now this summer. I love this state I have never been happier anywhere. I am partial to NY and FL though. I would love to visit there. I also like Nevada and Oregon. Wisconsin has its pluses too. I lived there for a long time but I would rather just visit now. I would love to visit New Orleans. I also want to see Texas and Pennsylvania.Beth
  8. Tell us what your favorite things in the whole world are:My favorite things are friends, popcorn, pink, butterflies, cute little kittens, cooking delicious foods, hugs, playing a good game, curling up with a great book, lazy summer days, being comfy in my bed, dancing, and just having fun. I also love fog and thunderstorms. I even liked snowstorms as long as I was snug and warm in my house. Beth
  9. Newbie's come in all shapes and forms. I try to be patient with newbies. Many forums and such have frequently asked questions for that very reason. I have one forum that I hung out on alot that I started a faq and everytime a frequent question came up we would add to it. That way when a person asked we would say the answer to that question is in the FAQ and probably on this page. It helped some people but you sometimes would get an occational dork or meanie who just came to the forum to cause trouble. Then they are for the moderator to deal with. If you don't want to deal with newbies then don't. There are plenty of people on this forum who are willing to take care of the newbies and steer them in the right direction.
  10. Ideally I would like to be the owner of a company. Probably a internet company. If I could not be the owner and boss of a company I would like to be the manager of a department. Perhaps a IT department or a web design department. I might even be okay with managing a research and development department. I like to be in a management position. Its fun. A little stressful but fun.Beth
  11. Hello there! You can find alot of neat DHTML scripts for free at dynamic drive: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ I am not sure if they have exactly what you are looking for but even if they don't you might find something that is useful for you there. Have a great day!
  12. As the post above you says RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. You could do a neat intro page and then go into the forums. :(Its hard to say. What are you looking for in a website?Beth
  13. It works with php indexes and modules that I have installed to a subdomain but it does not work with html indexes. Does anyone have some helpful advice?
  14. Hi there. When I creat html indexes they do not show up on my subdomains unless I directly link to them ie http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know I should be able to just link this way http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and the index show up. If you will go there you will see instead it shows the directory index. How do I get it to stop showing that? Thank you very much! Beth
  15. I want to know what everyone thinks is the biggest issue today.What I mean by this is what is the most important issue to you as a person? I would hope that everyone can be civilized in discussing this topic. Everyone I believe has their own thoughts on this. I believe that our feelings on what is important come from our current life experiences. I think this is a fact because at differant times of my life differant things are very important. I would like to see what other people say before I mention what is important to me. :(Beth
  16. I wrote this in my website blog. I thought I would share it here. Plus I am wondering what other people's opinions are on it.So many times in my life I have heard people say who cares about the environment and the atmosphere it does not affect me directly. So it will be a problem in the future but that does not hurt me at all. In reality yet it does. We as human beings are slowly killing the earth. The atmosphere that keeps us safe from the vacuum of space is slowly being eaten away by green house gases. The atmosphere does not protect us like it did when I was a little girl from ultraviolet rays. Its saddens me that in 30 years the atmosphere has degraded so much. There have been great changes in the weather patterns and temperature. Granted there is a great deal that has changed int emission standards over the years. However it just is not enough. We burn fossil fuels to make our cars go. Those fuels now days have been treated to burn more cleanly but its still not quite enough. I know that our president is encouraging the building of more nuclear power plants, tax breaks for hybrid car manufacturers, and clean burning diesel fuel cars. I have been watching the gas prices even though I don?t drive. Diesel fuel costs about the same as regular gasoline. That is the cheapest of the three types. Granted the reasons the president is trying to move us to hybrid cars and get more nuclear power plants out there is he is trying to get us less dependent on foreign oil companies. But it also has the distinct advantage of helping the environment.I read an article about how the ozone is slowly being disinegrated, which I have known for a very long time. I first learned about the greenhouse effect when I was a young girl of around 10. Not that I am not young at 31 but you get my drift. The oceans have risen around 1.26 inches each decade. That is almost 4 inches in my lifetime. I know that does not seem like much, but think about the millions or even billions of gallons of water that is. That has to be coming from someplace. And it is coming from the polar icecaps. Now think about this if I manage to live to be 100 years old which I hope I do?. that is 69 years from now. If this warming trend continues the oceans will rise approximately another 9 inches. And think about this it may be even bigger if we do not find a way to slow down the break down of the ozone. You say that this does not really affect us now. I gotta tell you that it does. If the atmosphere and the ozone were not there we would be dead. As you know the earth has weather as do the other planets in the solar system. The sun is no exception. The only thing is the sun?s storms sometimes leave the sun and go into space and attack the earth. These are called solar storms and solar flares. Our magnetic field and admosphere are what keep those storms from slamming into the earth and killing us all. There is a possibility that a really strong solar storm could at any time slam into this earth now and destroy our atmosphere. We have been luck so far that it has not. However if we continue this trend we are on of slowly destroying the ozone and the atmosphere?who knows we may just see the end of the world in our own lifetimes.
  17. I love pink. I think the site looks good so far. I hope that you plan on adding some content soon. I actually enjoy using php nuke I like how customizable it is. You can change all the icons and such too. Let us all know when you have updated the site and all that fun stuff....
  18. I think that it is still the standard net speak. It is especially prevailent with the newer internet users. I have noticed a influx of inexperience net users as of late. They tend to be the ones that use the old standard netspeak that we have matured beyond. I just ask people how old and where they are from now. Of course I also bother to look at profiles too to see what I can glean from that..... Some people are a little leary about who they talk to as well. Its interesting to see the trends that come and go online. Its an interesting phenomenon on its own. The internet is a whole life you live in addition to your real life. It has its own things that make it unique.
  19. Welcome to Trap 17 I hope you enjoy your stay here! Its a nice community and the people are fun to talk to .
  20. Google and Yahoo did merge for a while. Google really helped Yahoo improve its search engine capabilities. There are alot of search engines out there. Google and yahoo are top of the line. When you want your site to be seen you should make sure you are high in the ranks on both. I like both google and Yahoo. I have email accounts in both too. I like gmail because of the threaded emails. I also like all the space. However next month yahoo will also be 1 GB of space. Gmail just keeps getting bigger. The reason gmail is still in beta is because they are still working on it. There are still features yet to come on that email. I have been with gmail for about 8 months. I have seen huge improvements. The list goes on and on. I use it for my private email. So my yahoo is primarily for junk mail and yahoo groups and other group related email. I like them both. I thney that they both have a majority of pluses.
  21. Question have you tried asking her what is wrong? Communication is the key to any good relationship. If you and she can not tell each other what is wrong then you will not be able to make the relationship work. I gotta tell you that if you don't learn this skill early no relationships will work for you. It would have been helpful if you had been a little more clear in your original post too cause then people would not have to guess what you are trying to say.
  22. My goal in life is to live. I want to do everything I have dreamed of doing. That means acting, singing, doing ceramics, having a famous web presence. Lots of other crazy dreams like that. If I can ever pass the classes I would love to be a biologist too. Its interesting that you ask this question here because I have hit a crossroads of sorts in my life and am trying to figure all this stuff out. I am alternating between alot of stuff but the one thing that predominates is my wish to go back to ceramics and really work. I took some classes when I got my first degree. I really miss working with clay. I have a few of the peices around my house that I made. I love ceramics so much. I don't have a studio to work in or a kiln. I hope that soon I can start working again.
  23. Its actually interesting what people think others think of themselves. Here is mine:unicornrose or Beth is not afraid to feel. She feels things very deeply. She tries to give whenever she can, sometimes to her own expense. Beth loves to give and receive hugs. She is very enthusiastic. Sometimes a little too enthusiastic. Beth also has a smile ready for anyone she encounters. She also tries to be kind and nice to everyone around her. Occationally Beth is very cranky and gets a little snappy. However, most of the time she is pretty nice. Beth can be amusing and she laughs very easily. She shows that she is educated by the insights she makes when in conversation. Sometimes it seems like Beth is shy but once you get to know her and she is comfortable around you look out. She can be a little crazy. She is a little quirky and eccentric. Beth also is a writer of poetry. Some people even like it. She writes from her heart and tries to use visual imagery. Beth tries to live life to the fullest and enjoy the small things in life that make it pleasurable.
  24. Tutorial on How to Use Yahoo Groups!1. First thing to remember is it is never as hard as you think it is.2. Yahoo Groups are designed to be simple and easy to use.3. Navigation is as simple as clicking your mouse.4. When you join a group for the first time you should spend some time just looking around the group to get your self-orientated.5. If you want to edit your membership you will find that information in the upper right hand corner next to the words Group Member. The link will read Edit My Membership. This is where you decide what Yahoo Profile you will use if you have one, the email address you will use for this group, and how you wish to receive emails and information from this group. Yahoo is kind enough to give you step-by-step instructions throughout the process.6. On the left hand side of the screen you will find the links to the various parts of your group. In our case you will find links to Home, Messages, Post, Chat, Files, Photos, Links, Database, Polls, Members, and Calendar.7. The Home link will bring you back to the main page that you see when you first log on. You can always click this link wherever you are in the group to go back to the beginning.8. The Messages Link will take you to the last 30 messages in the group. If the group has less than 30 messages it will show you all of them. If the group has more than 30 there are navigational links on the top of the list of messages that say Previous, Next, First, and Last. Depending on where you are in the list of messages they will be clickable. You probably noticed under Messages?Post is slightly indented. Well that is because is in the same category as Messages. Click Post and you will get a screen with a subject box and a message box. It will warn you that your email address will be shown to all who post if the group has that setting on. That is the case in this group. You type your happy message and click the send button. In a few minutes it will be posted to the group unless Yahoo is having database troubles. Then it takes just a little longer. When you are on the title or home page of the group you will notice on the bottom that there is a listing of the latest 5 messages. Also if this feature is on below that you will see the months of the year and a number under each month in that year. That number is the amount of posts for that month. This is yet another way to access the archive of messages. Occasionally you will see that a message number is missing in the chronologically of the messages. This means that someone or the moderator removed the message because either it does not pertain to the group or it is not important enough to keep in the archive. The group is limited in space so sometimes messages get removed. An example of a message that might get removed later is a calendar reminder. Or an ad that has nothing to do with the discussion group. Or an author might decide to remove his or her own post. If you notice this and want to know what happened please ask and if we know we will tell you what happened.9. The chat link will lead you to a yahoo chat board which yahoo provides for all groups unless the moderator turns that feature off. It?s yet another way for the group members to communicate with one another. This is live though. You will need a Yahoo ID to do this I believe.10. The Files Link is for things like this happy document. They are documents and files that the moderator and/or the members thought the group as a whole might find useful.11. The Photos Link will lead you to our wonderful albums of all the pictures from our various events. It can hold pictures that the members wish to share with one another as well.12. The Links Link will lead you to helpful links and bookmarks. These are links to other pages that the moderator or the members thought would be of interest to the group.13. The Database Link will lead to a different kind of file section. This is where you will find tables or can create tables with data for whatever reason seems to fit with the group. 14. The Polls Link will lead you to whatever polls are active at the time for this group. This is where you can vote on issues and questions by the moderator or a member. You can even create a poll.15. The Members link will lead you to the list of all members in the group. If they have a Yahoo Profile you can click on their profile and learn more about them. If you click on their email address you can email them directly.16. The Calendar Link will lead you to our calendar where you will see the upcoming events for the month. Members are free to add their birthdays and other events that they wish other people in the group to know about.The most important thing about groups is having fun! If you are still unsure how to use Yahoo Groups please do not hesitate to ask questions of me or anyone else in the group. Email me at hugaholic@rocketmail.comHugs,Beth
  25. I can barely fill 1gb in gmail. I had finally hit 14% and they made it 2gb but the funnest part is everyday the amount of space is growing bigger and bigger. if you go to https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ you will see on the page how the thing is growing.
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