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Everything posted by unicornrose

  1. I just wanted to mention I live near Disneyland. So we are nearish by.
  2. Well I have always thought that the pope was a interesting man. He seemed to genuinely care about the state of the world. He tried his best to try to make this world a better place. I don't know everything he did but I know he cared alot about people and the world around them. When he got sick I realized that his days were numbered. I am sad to see him go because great people are hard to find. It is my hope that the next pope will be able to give to this world his own brand of help. No one can trully fill another's shoes. I think they need to find their own way to make themselves stand out.Beth
  3. Okay first of all let me mention that I like sex just like anyone one else. When I first started using the internet I thought cybersex was kind of fun in a unique new experience sort of way. Well I learned there was more to the internet and grew up and decided that cybersex was not for me anymore.Well I have put out many innocent profiles on my various instand messanger sevices and well strange men contact me hoping to chat about sex. I have had to put in all my profiles that I am not into that sort of thing. The most annoying thing of all is a high percentage of those men are from froeighn countries and have wives. I always tell them to read my profile first because half the time they don't bother. I also tell them I don't want to chat about sex or cybersex. They still persist. What is it about men do they think that us american women are easy or something.I am more than just hormones and physical needs. All well that is my rant.
  4. Every forum in here has a read first sticky on the top of the forum. It tells in those stickies not to spam and to make good quality posts. Most people in general do not read TOS even though they claim to do so. Some people even just skim the TOS. Even if you read it throughly there is bound to be something you miss. Its alot of information to take in at once. That is why if you are unsure about something then you should double check the TOS. Yes you spammed the forum by using articles to get your post credits up. But because you were told that you could not get hosting because you spammed and the TOS was explained to you. You realized your mistake and now are willing to rectify that. Because of that you are now given another chance. People make mistakes. We are all human beings. You are now trying to be a legit part of this community and that gives you points in my book.
  5. I know what company your are reselling for because I am reselling for them too. I do like your site it does look very professional. However the loading time for some of the graphics is a little too long. I am not sure what you can do to fix that. Maybe reduce the dpi if its larger than say 72dpi. I am on dsl and you want fast load time on dial up. Yes there are still people on dial up. If it takes a minute or two for the site to load on dsl it will take 5 to 10 minutes on dial up. Finding ways to reduce the mb of your graphics without actually makint the images smaller in size is the key. I used to work for a web based company and that is what we did to reduce loading time. We always took into consideration that a goodly portion of people still use dial up.
  6. I personally like both headers. There is nothing wrong with leaving the are on the side with no other graphic. I think it looks good the way it is. Maybe someone else has a differant opinion.
  7. Brunnen don't let one person's opinion get you down. Its a matter of taste. There will always be some one out there that will not like how you designed your site no matter how you do it. There have been plenty of sits ou ther that have redesigned that everyone loved that I did not like because it was not my particular taste. Don't let it get you down. Keep up the good work.
  8. I just wanted to put my vote in for Ad-Aware too. I have tried other free spyware cleaners and this one really works the best.
  9. Very nice poem. It was fun too because I can picture each thing as it happens in this shortened version of the fellowship. Beautifully done.
  10. Its good to hear that you guys are on top of things. It really was not down too long. I have had other hosts have the same thing happen and be down for like a week. You guys are very fast. Good job. Its does not matter what system or host you are on there is always someone out there who will try to abuse the system. People are like that. Its a human nature thing.
  11. I like this poem I thought it was kind of cute.
  12. I have a free virus software that works really well. Its by grisoft. What it does not catch I have my spyware cleaner catch. It works pretty well. Also if you have your msn and other im softwares set up so that you have to approve any file transfers you can just say no and it won't even make it to your computer. I have had people I did not know try to send me files but I have automatically rejected the files and blocked the member. There are some precautions as you can see that you can take to prevent this from happening to you again.
  13. Well since you can already play duke nukem on some phones and some other rpg's I don't think it will be long before you can play some of the more advanced rpgs. There are some newer phones that have special tv channels for that phone. Every year they get a little bit more sofisticated. Who knows knows what will come next.
  14. Lukas I am really sorry to see you go. I hope that you feel much better soon and everything gets resolved for you. Kindness and support from afar.
  15. Well I will see if that is the problem later. I think my issues started coincidentally when the mysql database went down.
  16. I am with ghetto here. Runescape is simply a wonderful online rpg game. The graphics are pretty darn good too. There is a lot to explore before you exaust the free areas. YOu can pay to get on the better servers and to explore all the areas you can not get to as a free user.
  17. I wish I could read your language. I like the show Lexx. I like your design though. You did a great job.....Make sure that you let everyone know when its done so we can see how the coming soon pages turned out. That is what I am guessing those pages that are all the same mean. LOL
  18. Well right now the mysql is down for everyone. Try your page tomorrow.They need to fix it.
  19. I hope you did not find my above post harsh. I did not mean it to be harsh. Sigh I think I am starting to get a little tired lol. Welcome anyway.
  20. Here are my websites on this hosted server: http://unicornrose.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There will be others. I have many plans for my hosting. I am still working on all three sites so please be patient with me.
  21. when I can actually get my cpanel working and looked at the server status I noticed that the memory used is up to 85.1% Someone on the system might be using a script that is overloading the system and caused the MySQL to go down.
  22. my site has been down for over an hour I am not sure it will fix that quickly.
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