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Everything posted by unicornrose

  1. If you think fresh water is a pain in the *bottom* then you will definately hate working with salt water. It is really difficult to keep the pH and the salt content correct in a salt water tank. I do eventually want to have a 55 gallon tank with reef fishes. You have to keep a constant eye on the pH balance and not let the water evaporate out too much. Salt water fish tend to be alot more sensitive to changes in their water than fresh water. Beth
  2. Hi there.... I like the buttons and the background. I don't think you should change that. You just need to make the text white or something simular in the light catagory. The site looks nice but it definately needs content. Also when I went to visit it had an error.
  3. I know you are looking for males for the site but I thought I would take a look too. Looks like an interesting site and I think I will add it to my bookmarks for later parusing. Thanks for sharing. I hope that you get more males.
  4. So you want to have fish. 1.The very first thing you should do is look for more information on the internet or by going to the pet store and buying a book on the type of fish you want to get. Probably the most low maintenance fish you can get is a simple goldfish. But when it come to fish that need the water heated probably the easiest is the Molly. It will give you some idea what it is like to breed fish too. 2. The next thing you want to do after you have learned what your new fish needs and what things are a no-no is to decide what size tank you need. This all depends on how many fish you want, the type of fish and how much space you have for the fish tank. My recommendation for most people starting out is to get a 5 to 10 gallon tank at first and start with Goldfish. 3. Now that you have decided what size you will get you need to go to the pet store. YOU WILL NOT BE BUYING YOUR FISH TODAY! Sometimes you can find a fish tank with the filter and pump as part of the package. In a smaller tank you can use a pump that sits on the top of the fish tank edge and has a pipe that almost touches the bottom that pulls the water up and forces it though a filtered wall to catch all the bad gunk and stuff. After the water has been cleaned it is waterfalled into the tank again. This creates a current and aerates the tank. In some cases you will get a gravel filtrations system. In this case there is a part that goes on the bottom of the aquarium that a tube attaches to and the gravel will go on top of that. When the tube is attached then you also attached a filter to the tube and then some air tubing. The air tubing will then be attached to a air pump. This pump will blow air through the tubing and the charcoal in the the filter will filter out the impurities from the air. The pushing of the air will cause the water to be sucked into the gravel and forcing the gunk into the gravel and as far down as possible. The air will also put oxygen into the water. 4. After you have gotten the pump it is now time to buy a light for your aquarium. Most aquariums have light fixtures but you have to buy a light bulb for it. Somtimes the light bulb comes with it. It is always helpful though to have an extra light bulb handy when the other one burns out. 5. Now that you have the basic necessities for the working of the aquarium you can do a little fun shopping. Taking into consideration the color of your fish you should now pick out some aquarium gravel. Most gravel will tell you on the outside what size tank you can fill which each bag. It is more creative to use more than one color in your tank but it is your tank so you are free to do it one color if you like. Once you have done that then you can pick out plants and other aquarium decorations. Remember that your fish needs room to swim so don't buy too many things. Also if you are considering buying real plants remember that they need a plant light to grow and also may need a special pH to grow. You may have to wait until you get your fish before you buy your plants. If you are getting a fish that needs heat make sure you buy a heater and a thermometer. 6. Now that you have picked out your plants and your decorations you need to think about the basic necessity of all aquariums and that is water. When you fill your aquarium most likely you are going to be using tap water. Well most tap water is full of impurities. Well that means you need to add something to the water that will neutralize the impurites. I recommend STRESS COAT by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. If you can not find this brand ask your local pet store what brand they have for water conditioning. Another thing you need to consider buying for your fish tank is a bottle of bacteria. I don't remember what brand I use but it really does wonders for seasoning the tank and gives the fish a real chance at survival for that first week. The bacteria that you will add from that bottle helps keep the nitrates and the Chlorine down in your tank. You should now buy a bucket that has never been used. One to two gallon will do nicely. Keep this bucket for fish tank work only. 7. Once you have all the things above you take them home. Once again you have not purchased your fish yet. You see when you get a new fish tank you need to let it run for at least two weeks. If you have a freind who has and established healthy tank you can always get about 1/3 the water you need to fill the tank and then you only would have to run the tank for 1 week before you can buy your fish. Follow the instructions that come with all the products you have purchased on how to set up your tank. Be sure to rinse everything with hot water before you put it into the tank. This is especially important with the gravel. There tends to be lots of dust on the gravel. DO NOT USE SOAP! Soap will put chemicals into your tank that can kill the fish. Once you have rinced everything you can now put it all into the aquarium to your own personal taste. 8. Once that is done then it is time to add yoru water. Read the label from your water conditioner. It will tell you how much conditioner to add per gallon of water. Add that amount of conditioner to each bucket of water you need to fill your tank. After the tank is filled follow the instructions on the label of the bacteria and add that much to the tank. Sometimes when you are just starting the tank the instructions will advise you to add more bacteria in a few days. Then put your bottle in the fridge so that the bacteria will last longer. Now run your pumps and cycle the water for two weeks. 9. During that two weeks keep and eye on your equipment. Make sure that everything seems to be in working order. This two weeks is your chance to make sure that your equipment is good. Its better to find out now that you have a bad peice of equipment than when you have a fish in the tank. 10. Once the tank has been running for two weeks then you go back to the store and look at all the fish. You choose your fish and ask an employee to get it for you. What they will do usually is get a clear plastic bag and open it up and use a cup to fill the bag with water from the tank your fish is in. Then the employee will use a net to catch your fish. Speaking of which a net is good purchase for your aquarium too. The person will then put your fish into the bag. Then the person should add some air to the bag and close it up. Be very careful when handling the bag and try to make sure that you do not jostle it too much. After you have picked out your fish you should also pick up some food for the fish. 11. When you get your fish home set the bag in the water. DO NOT LET YOUR FISH INTO THE WATER YET! Wait 15 minutes to allow the water from the aquarium to adjust the temperature in the bag to reduce the fish's stress level when you do release it. So once the 15 minutes are up open up the bag carefully and try to turn the bag so that the water from the aquarium mixes with the water from the bag. Sometimes the fish will swim out on their own and sometimes you have to kind of gently take the bag away as they come out. Just be careful not to squish you fish in the bag. They can sufficate too. After this you can now enjoy your fish. Notice from whyme: unicornrose, as we've discussed in a private pm, i'm not sure if this can constitute as a tutorial. However, if there are no visible objections, then it is in my opinion that this tutorial can be considered valid.
  5. Welcome to Xisto! I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Make sure you read the TOS and the rules for each forum so you know what is going on. If you get confused there always seems to be someone around to answer your questions. I really hope you have a good time here.
  6. The thing about urban legends is they don't become a legend unless people keep sending them around. Everytime someone sends me a warning email I look up the email on snoops and other sites that deal with urban legends. 9 times out of 10 I will find that email or one with the words slightly changed on that site saying its just untrue.There are so many guilible people out there that would believe anything. Some of them are not so much gulible as innocent. I try to educate people and ask them to think before they forward. The world is scarry enough when we watch the news without adding these stories which are full of garbage.
  7. Hey all!I actually like the way that gmail does things. And I always have 50 invites. I actually went on a invite binge and I sent out 30 invites. The next day I was back to 50 invites. In this way gmail is open to public. You really can get an account if you try. I prefer gmail to yahoo although I use both. Gmail is my primary and private account. I really don't get much spam there. I give my second primary account out to potential spam places. Places that may sell my email address. I also like the idea of the cell phone to get invite codes. That is a great system. Also it really does work better if you have to work for what you get. You appreciate it more. I honestly love my gmail account. I love that our opinion counts. I have sent suggestions to gmail and most of the time they have been implimented with in a month or two....
  8. awstats will not show up for your site until 1. you turn them on. and 2. the site has been running for at least a month. I had wondered why I could not view them at first myself but once a month passed they started showing up. I hope that helps.
  9. Well I am guessing you have visited your cpanel already if you have deleted everything and started fresh. There are alot of pinned topics above this message that have some great information. However you can upload your pages and information through the file manager in your cpanel and you could also download a free ftp program which will allow you to upload and download from your website with ease. Make sure you download a freeware version not a free trial unless you want to buy it and then go at it... ;)If you are unsure as to how to proceed and make your pages you can install some scripts from your cpanel. There are lots of premade website tools in there that you just have to configure when you have them uploaded..... Look under fantisco to learn more. Also on this site you will find under tutorials lots of very interesting and helpful tips on how to work with html and other fun stuff. I hope this helps.
  10. Well that is my name in characters.... At least the name I go by which is BETH! I like this sort of thing. Its fun. Thanks dude!
  11. I thought of something as I was reading all your answers. Something that has been happening increasingly with all the camera phones out there is venues that do not want you taking pictures asking people who have camera phones not to bring them. In some places it will get the phone taken away and others it will get the person kicked out. I am a college student so some teachers will take a cell phone away from their students if it goes off in class and they will give it to the Dean of students for the student to pick up later. Alot of teachers are getting tired of them going off. Its very interesting to see now days that so many people have cell phones. You can not go anywhere anymore without seeing someone talking on one.
  12. I meant to reply to this one sooner but got distreacted by the other posts. I never read through Nancy Drew all the way. I read only a few of them. I am pretty sure that I did not read them in exact order or half the time even in sequence like I would skip some. I only read the ones that interested me when I read the teaser thing. I hae to agree with you that those books did stand on their own. I do remember enjoying them when I did read them. Beth
  13. I wanted to say a few things about this latest version of the forum. I have been gone for two weeks to Georgia. I had gotten my hosting credits up quite high because I did not know how much internet access I might have while there. Anyway I came back yesterday and today I came here to visit and do some posting. After that is what all this is about. Anyway to my surprise the board had seen another makeover. I like this makeover much better. The colors are much more pleasing to the eye and it feels better. I agree with some people that the NNR thing is a little confusing but I think that I will get the hang of things again soon. Anyway keep up the good work because it looks great!!!!
  14. So your post is very interesting but what does it have to do with the subject at hand which is What is a Series? Did I miss something? I have looked through the other posts and am unclear as to what you may be referring to. Is UFO a Arthur C. Clarke book? I have read some of his books but its been a very long time. I am afraid my memory is not quite clear on which ones or what they were about. I would recognize them if I saw them again though. Anyway not trying to critisize just curious.
  15. I like what you have to say about the Hobbit. The first time I tried to read that book I was in high school. For some reason I really could not get into the book. I was reading other really difficult books at the time. Books by Arthur C. Clarke and the like. I don't know why I could not get into it. When the movies came out I made it a point to read the entire series. Iam so glad I did. I have plans in the next few months to read them again. I really enjoy the whole series. Its amazing the character development and the well developed storyline. I am now reading The Silmrillian. Its tough because parts of it read like a history book. But the little stories and discriptions of things that have happened to the elves and how Morgoth developed make it all worth it. It certainly is opening my eyes to the extent that Tolkien went when creating his universe. He created a history as well as amazing ideas. He even created his own languages. A true brilliant mind that man is.
  16. Well I am using the latest version of MSN and I also like it. ICQ, Yahoo, and AIM have always integrated themselves with IE. AIM also integrates itself with Outlook as well as ICQ. Since AIM did those things I am not surprised that MSN is following suite. Right now you can chat with your ICQ buddies with AIM and your AIM buddies with ICQ. If all the IM players would ever get together and agree then we will eventually have an integration of all the im's out there and then everyon will just have to have one sign in name instead of like four as I do. One for each type. That is the ultimate goal you know all the im's integrating to facilitate better communications accross the world.
  17. In all honesty they are not reallly comparable. I use both sites. I have a livejournal account which I use as my primary journal. I like how its set up and I think its very customizeable. Granted its more customizable when you pay for an account than when not. I like that you can have friends to read your journal and that you have three privacy settings. Well more than three if you use the friends settings. There is a way to pick and choose which friends get to read which entries. You can even have completely private entries. MySpace is a meeting site. It has its pluses and minuses. More pluses than minuses now. I don't use the blog feature so much. I think its nice that you can customize the blog and your profiles to look the way you want them too. I also like that there is a way to get private messages and there are also games to play on there. The best part of this site is it is free. You can find a few sites out there that are free but I think this one has a lot of great features. Tribe.net is a site that is in direct competition with myspace as well as friendster. I don't think friendster comes even close. However tribe is nice. I don't think lj or myspace are compareable though because they just don't really do the same things.
  18. This is quite interesting. I also like to read about astonomy and space stuff. I think that our sun has a little while yet before it super or hypernovas. I think that we would have to worry more about solar storms or the planet's poles switching on us. I talked about this a little bit in my site blog along with my rant about global warming. I think we as humans probably will destroy the earth way before any of those big disasters happen but you never know. Who know the earth might spontaneously spew us off lol. Okay I am being a little obnoxious.
  19. All I gotta say is this site is super duper obnoxious lol. I may visit it again later. I just shared it with my brother cause well he is obnoxious so I thought he would appreciate it. I also put the link on my livejournal lol. Thanks so much for sharing.
  20. Facinating article.I however would not put that as a hypnosis technique. I have taken one interpersonal communications class and have gone to a couple of seminars on simular subjects. What you are talking about is communication skills and somewhat manipulation. Persuasion sounds better than manipulation though. There are three types of natural persuaders or manipulators. Conscious, subconscious and semi conscious. A conscious manipulator knows what they are trying to do and will change their tactics if it is not working. A subconscious manipulator does not knwo they are trying to manipulate some one and get frustrated or do not know why things are not going their way. A semi-conscious manipulator sometimes knows what they are doing and sometimes does not. Alot of people fall into the semi catagory.The interpersonal communication class and seminars really opened my eyes to learning how to better communicate with other people. I still am not the best at it but net everyone is. I think everybody had good days and bad days with communication. We all get mad and stuck in our ways on some things. One of the most interesting things that has stuck with me about that class and the seminars is the physical things that people do without realizing it.For example if one person crosses their legs at the ankle over the coarse of the next few minutes other people will cross their legs at the knee or at the ankles too with out realizing that they are doing it becuase someone else is doing it. Its the same way with interlacing your fingers together in your hands or putting one hand on another. Its interesting how we subconsciously communicate.
  21. First off I personally think this is a valid discussion. Jurisdiction has been a subject of question for all the 200+ years that this country has been around. In a good government such things should be always under scrutiny and a government should be flexable enough to change with the times. There are laws out there in differant counties and states that do not go with the times that they just never bothered to remove from the books but are ignored or they look away when they are not done. The law in particular that comes to mind which I can not remember where it is, but the law is the one where a person has to walk in front of the car with a lantern and a bell. the Bell has to be rung so that the horses were not startled by the car. I forget the exact amount of feet or whatever that the person had to be walking in front of the car so the horse would not be startled. Obviously now we get around on cars and horses these days are used to them. There are a few places where horses are better but I digress.Juristiction is always being questioned. Police officers visit other cities and states all the time to help with cases but are unable to do any arrests or actual investigations because they have no juristiction. Occationally there are special cases where a police officer is given special juristiction for a particular case or circumstance. Its usually granted by the state or county to said police officers. There are special laws for some circomstances too. Criminals sometimes try to get out of the country to get away with crimes but there are laws on many of our books and other countries books about criminals trying to get away. Alot of times a country will help another country catch a dangerous criminal.Basically Juristiction has a very hazy line depending on the circumstances and the voilence of the crime.
  22. A friend of mine came across this game and when you get other people to visit your link and they sign up you sire them and get 10 pints of blood. Anyway its a text based game. You can move among squares and you get one action point every half hour. You can pull pints from other vampires or from humans. You get money from humans. I have not been playing long so I don't know all the details. There is a chat room too. If you want to join or check it out click Here!
  23. Morals are a very sticky subject. Obviously doing something right to impress someone else when you could careless about what really happens is not really a good reason to do the right thing. Its not always wrong either. Sometimes when you do something right for the wrong reasons you learn something from it and maybe the next time you will do the right thing for the wrong reasons. Also what one culture may consider morally wrong, another culture may consider morally right. That is why I say morals are such a sticky subject. It also depends on how or where you grew up. Sometimes morals are differant with differant families. You find this all the time in today's society. That is just a few thoughts that crossed my mind about what you all said.
  24. Hey Saint Michael! For a little while there were some Cpanel problems and all of them said unlimited space. I had asked about it and they said that it was a server problem and everyone's said the same thing. After a week or two it seemed to get resolved.
  25. What it comes down to when it comes to web browsers is not necessarily whatis better or worse, but what people are used to. Alot of people are either resistant to change or have a hard time with change. I am used to explorer. I do have Firefox on my computer. I also do use it. I think its a better web explorer. I am not resistant to the use of it I am just a little stuck in my ways. I have used explorer for years and so I naturally use explorer first when I am doing the majority of my web work. I have also found that firefox does run a little slow on my computer. I think it may be because my computer is so slow. I am hoping when I upgrade or get a new computer that will change. That is just my take as to why more people don't use firefox.
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