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Everything posted by unicornrose

  1. I have a Pentium II computerI have a 2.5 gig hard drive with a second 6 gig hard driveI have 320 mb RamI have a 13 inch moniterI have a logitech optical mouseI have a logitech keyboardI have had this current computer for the past 3 years.I know its oldI plan on upgrading hopefully in the next few months. I use my computer everyday.
  2. Based on the fact that I have had both a camera phone and a regulare phone I would say that in the long run I actually prefer the regular cell phone. Don't get me wrong the picture cell phone was a nice thing to have. However it costed me more by having it than without. When I had the phone I liked taking pictures and stuff. So I was always sending emails and such with pictures and things. Its all pretty darn silly you know. I do like it though. I have a new cell phone now that does not have a camera but it does have all of the other features that my camera phone had which is the calender and other organizer features. I really like that. What is everyone else's opinion?
  3. I also find those in book synopsis very tedious when they are long and drawn out. The synopsis that I was refering too were the ones at the beginning before the actual book begins. Those are usually just before the forward or the intro of the book if there is one. I don't mind short flashbacks that refresh the memory of the reader but if the fashback takes up several pages and is basically a repeat of another book I do find it very tedious and boring. I like to be so involved with the story that I can loose track of time sometimes. That can happen if the author is good enough.
  4. You know what a series is: A grouping of simular or alike objects or related subjects. You find them in sports, movies and in books. You can find them in many other places too. The series that I am about to discuss is the Alien Series. It is considered on of the cult classics of our time. At least I think so. I first encountered the series when I was babysitting when I was in my teens. After the kids had gone to bed and were sleeping I was looking through the tape collection and found Aliens. I had been curious about the series so I watched it. Hehe I watched it in the dark and it was pretty late at night. I scared the bejevies out of myself. LOL I really liked the movie though. So when the other movies came out I went to see them. I have loved every single one of them. Well my roommate recently got all of the Alien movies on DVD as a special set. Well I decided that over the course of the next week or two I am going to watch all of them all the way through. Well the other night I watched Alien the very first movie. In watching it I discovered that I had never actually seen the first movie. I had seen scenes from it and other bits and peices but never ever had I actually seen it. It was great. So my thought is that the directors and people who had written and worked on the films did such a good job with the continuity and adding subtle back story that I was able to understand all the referances even though I had missed the first movie. I have also noticed when reading books that are series that a good author will include a plot synopsis of past books to bring a reader up to speed if they missed the first few books. I have to say though that I think most of the time it is far better to start at the beginning because alot of things make alot more sense if your read from the beginning. However, I do think that each book or movie should be able to stand alone. So if someone does come in the middle of the series on accident they will still understand what is going on. If it is done well enough they may even get curious and read or watch the stuff that came before. What is all of your thoughts?
  5. This is an interesting topic. I thought that moral fiber was going to be about what one person considers moralistic. I would say that in that particular case it all depends on the individual. The reason I say that is because each person perceives things differantly. So depending on your environment, culture and how you are raised is what determines what your morals are and how you will react to a moralistic situation.However, love and crushes are more complicated. People can be pretty silly when it comes to love. Love makes a person think differantly than when they are not in love. In some ways when you are in love you are in a totally differant state of mind. Some of it is chemical. My mom and I think that no one should get married when they fall in love. I thnk that when people fall in love they need to wait a little while to get to know each other. They should at least wait until they start seeing the person for who they really are. As you know most people when they first start seeing someone try to put their best food forward. Over time as they get more comfortable with the other person they relax and allow their hair down. I think that alot of the divorces out just might be preventable if some couples had waited a little bit longer and gotten to know their potential mate a little bit better.
  6. Well the power went out on the whole block tonight and well I screamed cause it startled me. You see we went from lights to pitch black in a matter of seconds. Usually it does not bother me but I was focusing on something. LOL. I don't like dark alleys. I am not a fan of bugs either. Evil people scare me.
  7. Great Subject!!Well I drink alot of water. Its good for ya. I also like iced tea. I like orange gaterade. I also like sprite. I love Kool-Aid too. I know that is funny but its true. As far as alcohol I tend to go for fruity or sweet drinks. However when I am in the mood I love a cold beer or dark ale.
  8. Well this is great topic for discussion. There are so many types of blogs and journals out there now. I do remember when online journals first started being a craze. Welll Blogs have made it to the mainstream now. Pretty much anyone who is anyone has one. There are even a few famous people that have them. The one I visit or read at least semi regularly is Wil Wheaton's site. He has some interesting ideas. I have blogs all over the place including on my own domain. But the one that I post on the most is livejournal. I have a bad habit of getting bored with my layouts so I am always changing the look depending on my mood and feelings at the time. I usually keep a layout for a few months before I get really board. Livejournal has great customization abilities if you have a paid account. Also if you learn CSS and know some html you can make your own layout for your journal. So its not without positives. I am using Wordpress on my domain blog. I don't post as often on that blog but when I do its usually about my political views or views about interests I have. I use my livejournal as an exploritory tool of where I am in life and where I am going. Basically that is my daily life journal. There are alot of people on livejournal. Its a community of sorts. It can be a fun place to hang out in. I have not found it to be to overbearing in the rules department. But maybe I am wrong. Anyway I use all of the differant blogs I have for various functions. Here you see a couple of examples of what my blog use is.
  9. I am one of the few people you will meet that pretty much listens to everything. I am not a huge fan of rap but there are a few songs that I do like. I also am not a huge fan of really heavy metal but if you catch me in the right mood I love it. I mostly listen to the stuff you find on most radios. I guess you call it pop. I love the stuff from the 80s. Considering that I grew up in the 80s that is not that surprising. Alot of the stuff from the 90s is not bad either. I also like some of today's music. I am pretty well rounded cause I also like blues, country, and everything else in between. Beth
  10. Most of the time I really don't look for brands so much as what looks good. It also depends on the price. When you don't have alot of money that makes a differance as to what you can buy. One of my favorite stores is Old Navy so I guess that is probably one of my favorite brands of clothing. LOL Beth
  11. I just wanted to tell you that I like the new updated version of the forums. It gives the forums a more smart and professional look. Even though this is a forum for free hosting it is still nice that it looks more professional and business like. I like how it looks and find it easy on my eyes. I have visited the forums during times that usually are high load times and so far have had no down time when visiting. Time will tell but I think that this looks to be a good move on your parts.Beth
  12. I like Fridays and Saturdays. I like them both because most of the time I know the following day I will either be doing something fun or will have no responsibilities the next day. I also like them because they are sleep in days. I love sleeping in. My bed is very comfy. Its nice to be able to lay in bed half asleep as well. I love to lazily wake up. Sometimes if my cat is in bed with me I will pet him until I am awake enough to get up.
  13. Well I am fond of GMail. I use that email for my personal email. I love the conversations feature. This way most of the time I can look to see what we were talking about in a former email without having to open another page to see what was said. I also like that the email is growing with the users so as you gain more emails and stuff to store the space is growing.I also like yahoo. I use yahoo for all my other email needs. It has many useful features and it is free so yay. Now that its a Gig of space I don't have to check my email everyday and I can let it sit when I get busy. This is a positve thing for me because I am always getting extremely busy. :PI like outlook express too. I have not tried the firefox one yet so I don't know about that one. I have been meaning to though. I am not really happy with hotmail but it has a few things I like. I like that you can see if your buddies are online with it. But you can do that with yahoo too. That is one of my junk emails anyway.That is all from me.
  14. Actually hehe Popcorn can be a healthy snack. It just depends on how you make it. The way I make it is pretty healthy. Its a good source of fiber. If you add a ton of butter and use a high fat content oil then yeah its not very healthy. The popcorn at movie theaters is very high in fat therefore its not too good for you. I pop my popcorn in veggie oil which is lower in fat and add a very small amount of butter. Just enough to add some flavor. There are definately alot of other types of popcorn that are not very healthy too.
  15. Well My family is not perfect but I know when the chips are down they will be there for me. I know they love me.I am an adult and I am going to school for a second major and my family is supporting me through this endeavor. I don't always get along with them or agree with their opinions of things. As they do not always agree with my opinions either. But we love each other and try to accept each other anyway. After all we are all human beings and if we were perfect all the time I think we would all be bored.I do love to spend time with my family sometimes. Especially if we all are in a good mood. The make me laugh.My younger brother gets on my nerves often but that is normal in any sibling relationship. He would not be my brother if he did not irritate me like crazy. But I love him anyway.I have another younger brother who lives far away. I also have an older brother who lives far away. I have two sisters too who also live far away. My Dad and step mom also live far from me. I visit them sometimes. I may be visiting my brother and his wife and two kids this August. So my conclusion is my family is not perfect but I still love them.
  16. I am probably the weirdest person you will ever know but I love popcorn. I love the way it looks and tastes. I also love the texture of it. I think its very itneresting that no popcorn pops alike. I like it with butter and salt. Its so tasty. The best part of it is when it comes to things to be addicted to I would rather choose this than something not so good to be addicted to hehe.I also really like chicken. My favorite dessert is cheesecake.
  17. The playing dead thing with a bear is a common misconception. It really does not work. You are actually better off trying to make as much noise as you can or running through thick under brush. Sharks really don't attack unless they feel provoked or threatened. If the area is known to be a bit problemsome its better off not to be there. However if you have no choice try not to provoke them too much. I would rather be with a bear myself.As far as the finger nails and the spoon and eye thing I would rather they took my fingernails. And if I could choose the eye I would choose the bad eye. LOL.....And I would definately rather have a needle in my butt than my eye. I have already had a needle in my butt thank you. Painful but not a big deal. Quick and easy really.
  18. I really like twister. I also love Independence Day. I also like Men in Black and men in black two. I adore Jurassic Park. That movie just rocks. I also like The Day after Tomorrow. I love disaster films.. I am into science fiction and fantasy too so I like the star wars movies and the star trek movies....that is about it..
  19. I think the idea behind no post count areas is one as Johnny said above some things are cut and paste in those areas and the other is posts in those areas tend to be more of a chat thing than a informative contribution thing. This way when you just want to jabber about whatever you don't have to worry about getting credits taken away for spam posts. These areas are for people to not worry about the post count and to talk about the subject at hand. kind of like a lounge or something.....
  20. I am pretty sure that when you first ask for hosting you always get package one.. Once you get package one then you have to apply for the next package. That is after you have the right amount of hosting credits. btw if you have not figured it out when you become a hosted member the credits turn into days. so if you have 6 or more Days you have 6 or more hosting credits. I am basing my information about the packages on how I had to do it when I first got hosted many months ago when the packages were differant. If I am incorrect I am sorry.
  21. That is a nice poem. I can feel some real emotion in it. Probably because I understand those emotions well. I am dealing with simular feelings.I do hope that you have found this forum interesting and fun so far. Its a great group of people. Anyway welcome to it and please do not hesitate to post and chat with the other members. Most of the time questions are welcome too if you get lost or confused....
  22. Well on my pc I am playing Diablo II on and off I am also playing Diablo I occationally. I still have a PS one so I am playing Final Fantasy 7 and 8 plus Xenogears and Parasite Eve one and two.I know I am a bit behind the times than most people.... but that is okay. I also like to play pyramids on Yahoo games and play games on neopets. I also occationally visit Pogo.com. That is about it.Oh I have the original Unreal game too and I am playing that once in a while....
  23. To the person who said that cats just sleep with you and don't bother you I have to say you don't know my cat hehe. Sometimes if he wants attention when I am sleeping he will pounce on me when I move hehe. I also wanted to mention that I like pekinese dogs in which we have two. They are both very sweet. They do make trouble but they are dogs what can you do hehe. I also like Pomeranions. They are very sweet loving dogs. I am considering when my kitty dies someday to get a little yap yap for me. hehe
  24. Hate is such a strong word. I really don't like it very much. I do use it but usually toward something that I don't like when it happens to someone. When it comes to people I don't hate them I just dislike them strongly. To hate someone is to wish them dead or to want to hurt them. If I dislike them I just don't want to be near them or deal with them. There are people in my life that I am not overly fond of but for the sake of the other people around me I try my best to be kind and nice to them anyway.
  25. Well Pink is my current favorite color. I know that is very girly of me. But I am not a pinkaholic or anything. I like earthy tones too. You know browns blacks and grays. I also like the color of sand and tans. I also like greens and blues. I like to fill my life with color. When I was younger orange was my favorite color so my family painted my room pale orange and gave me a dark orangy red bead spread with matching curtains. And they also gave me a flowery comforter for my bed later that same year with little pale orange flowers. When I was really little I had a pink and teal room. I also had a blue room for a while. Right now I have a white room but eventually its going to be several colors. What we are going to do is transitions all the way around the room the colors. Its going to be gorgeous. So Pink is my current favorite color.
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