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Everything posted by hitmanblood

  1. OK I read posts in this topic and found several mistakes in them firstly it is called planet so its surface temperature is less then surface temperature on the earth then its sun is smaller providing that it produces less heat and as the planet is far its temperatures might be equivalent to the Neptune and so on. Then again it is larger then the earth so its gravity is larger != fun. As one guy wrote less gravity = funI would like to point also several other things which are commonly known among the scientist and I don't know why are they putting such stupid news inn the news reports. Because some of them state that on the planets surface there is like water but anyone studing either physics or chemistry will know that this is find by using method called spectroscopy and if sun rays travel trough water vapor anywhere from that planet till this ours earth and they pass trough water vapor we can think that there is water vapor on that planet. It is just absurd thing to think. And if there is life in the universe it can be on any planet not just on our earth or earth like planet as it will probably be different then our life and we might even have some problems percieveing it.
  2. I honestly think that this will not happen as both companies are huge and yahoo had some law suites against microsoft so if this really happens microsoft will gain by those lawsuites and several other things he will gain all the users of the yahoo so in fact I think that Microsoft does have really good things to go for this merge, in fact in my oppinion more then yahoo. Also I would like to point that similar thing happened when microsoft was overtaking bigger part of the Apple, and gaining by apple releasing his law suites and many more things like monopoly threats with microsoft investing bunch of money in the Apple research projects.Also there are a lot of reasons why it will not affect google as google has hall bunch of projects which are different from the yahoo and two companies are sharing more or less just two services search engine and mail service eventhough google has many and more advanced services likegoogle earth and google video and so on. And difference is that yahoo is doing huge bunch of busnesses google has strong financial support from the advertising community which earns billions for them while yahoo is not based just on advertisement also on the earning from auctions and many other things.Also interesting thing if and when microsoft buys yahoo would be to see how well will microsoft work with such things like advertisement because it was generally evading such thing as selling some space to advertisers you can see this if you have microsoft instant messanger or MSN in which there is oftern picture your advertisement here but usually there is no other picture then that. So you see microsoft will have to learn this new buisness strategy if it wants to challange google which has so much experience in this field of internet and tech buisness.
  3. Yes I completely agree with green and if you check the way they are paying out it is obvious that it is scam as no one can supply such ampount of money especially if it is going several levels in the pyramid that is almost impossible. Also this is funny thing with sceams that many people actually fall for them and don't see the point and simple calculus that if anyone is doing and oging in such buisness he is going to try to work out some way to earn and if he pays so much money it is almost impossible to maintain without external injection of money.I wouldn't suggest using any of these services. Also the only thing where you can earn money is trough some ad network like google if you have site I haven't noticed any of these pyramid sceems working or lasting for more then a year.
  4. Well are you sure that this script works if you send mail on some other server because I found many problems with such things also. I would suggest that anyone who would like to use specialized class called php mailer. It solves all your problems and anyone who use is able to send also attachments by using it.
  5. Well the ide you decide to use it really depends on what do you intend to do with java. So if you are about a lot of graphical user interface I would suggest to everyone to use netbeans it is robust and to osme extent massive but it makes graphical user interface really a play. And if you are about overall programing and let's say networking or all the other things you can imagine I would suggest you to use eclipse. And bluej is more for the beginners it helps them a lot to understand principles of the object oriented programing and the basic java structure.
  6. I find it very unlikely that it will work the fact is that if you use external hard drive some connections are slower then other and I think that if you use usb then it will probably not work however you could use e SATA it is quite fast and it may work for you.However for the overall I would suggest using the WD MyBook Premium ES Edition WDG1SU5000E it is in my oppinion the best overall external hard drive with the price of about 0.5 euros for one giga byte. and its size is the 500 GB however the real size is some 465GB. In my very personal opinion this is best external hard drive although it just supports USB 2.0 and e SATA connectors and it does not support the USB power so it has to have external source of energy. I intend to buy for me.
  7. Well you can solve your problem in several ways first one which is the easiest if your printer supports Ethernet connection then you just plug it in and then it ill download ip's and other stuff directly from the server and all users of your home network will be able to see it and check it as default printer. However if you don't have such printer then just in control panel and printers and faxes folder click with right click on your printer and tehn choose option printer preference s and make option printer sharing available in this way everyone who see your computer in the network should see this printer also.good luck if you have any porblems feel free to write here someone will find the way to solve them. You can also experiment with other options in this menu.
  8. Well its good and nice you should make all those buttons work then the full potential of the site can be seen.I just wander with whom did you created this design when you say let us know what you think
  9. I would chose The Godfather it is ultimate in the movies. there are a lot of good movies and it is really hard to pick one but The Godfather first part is really the great. And it depicts that way of life and mafia in the best sense of that word.
  10. Well if we look in the sixties they had also imagined various things that might just happen to the people and how will human civilization dvelop till some time like 2000 or something similar we are also doing such research and imaginaning what will be and so on. They had wrong in most part and we will be wrong probably in the biggest part. And so on in the circle.However I think that influence on the common man by the computers is really significant and it cannot be forgoten just like that. And this influence is really extended and computers have so much integration in our lives that they want and will not be forgotten just like that. I think that in the future computer will integrate even more in our life and that person will not be able to live without one, also we might start experimenting wtih various sorts of body implants which will enable us to connect to interent and various other things. I could add that with computers sky is the limit although this is not quite true.
  11. Heh this is really some it looks like we are over but human specie survived several other massive asteriod bodies hitting the surface of earth so I think that important thing wold be to know where it would hit if they know when it would hit. And if this mission has ability to destroy it that is change its corse from hitting the earth and as they stated in this article there is good chance that there will be more similar bodies to this. So space is crowded and we cannot do a lot about it we can jsut hope it will either miss or that those scientist who founded it made some mistake in the calculations or that by the time we will develop certain weaponry which will help us to destroy it.
  12. This is really interesting I will have to try this service. Although I still don't get some of the parts or rather options offered there but hopefully I'll understand it sooner or later maybe I even get rich with it
  13. I would like to point out that 300 users is not enough to make them enter big players. Maybe 300 thousands would help :unsure:Today it is really hard to be competitive with the operating system which has been started from the scratch.
  14. Well I have download demo from their site and it works quite good also it has plenty of options however I would suggest that you try using smart audio mixer for gnome I heared it is really good software with which you can even control the sounds in the operating system and not only mix your own sounds.
  15. I am just interested why it was disabled in the first place. Why this option is not turned n when you install firefox to the computer.Also I would like to know whther it works on every firefox version in the same way?tnx in advance.
  16. I already wrote my oppinion on this forum but as I was just reading the computer based newspaper and they had test of the antivirus software in fact it was not antivirus but all in one software and I though I might put their results over here how they marked it was effective and they also in calculated the price range then how much system resources it takes then how much processes starts how much infected files it finds and so on ok not to prolong this here is the list:1. BullGard Internet Security 7.02. ZoneAlarm Security Suite 7.03. Panda Internet Security 20074. BitDefender Interent Security v105. Trend Micro PC-cilin INternet Security 20076. kaspersky internet security 6.07. Norton Internet Security 20078. F-Secure Internet Security 20079. CA Internet Security Suite 200710. McAfee Internet Security Suite 2007They tested only these products and this is overall result
  17. Well it is common practice of windows to send out software which is not completly finished and they have problems with their own software. I don't know if any of you are using microsoft office 2007 but if you would check when you do export in the .doc format I have certain problems that is other users have certain problems when they try to open this document with pre vious microsoft office software. And I think that it is nothing bad if microsoft has released vista before it should have been but it is doing better job with correcting mistakes then with the XP as we see every few days new small update of vista and with xp it was waiting and then waiting and waiting again until they would put some patch together and then again have problems with this new patch. And if someone says that this is bad thing that there are so many updates for vista he is wrong as any serious operating system has to stay in touch and has to be updated decently.
  18. OK XAMPP is free software and it is fully functional with php at least I haven't had any problems with it and it helped me to build my site as I have set it. Also I would like to point out that if you are using XAMPP it is not really the best choice for the hosting software as it sets itself up automatically and runs sometimes quite slow. And speed is esential thing in the hosting buisness.You might want to try to learn and do setting up of apache mysql and php alone and it will prove helpful and work a lot faster and you will have a lot more control over everything in this way.Or you might also try using some of the free linux distributions for the servers this will help you as you will do all the setting up by yourself, and it will provide you with bigger stability and speed and also ability to control almost everything.
  19. Well mind mapping is thing which in fact helps you learn something new that is it helps you acquire knowledge in the easiest possible way by association if you are such visual learning type of persons. Also they exploit cognitive scheme in physiology and in that way help you assosiate newly acquired knowledge with the knowledge you've already absorbed and have in your own memory that is why this process is faster and helps you learn a lot more in certain time interval. However I would like to point out also that if you consider everything can be learned by using mind maps you are wrong. You cannot learn those things that are in fact imaginative and you have to be visual type of person to do this to be able to learn trough this process. Hopefully I was helpful enough there is a lot material available on this subject online you can try acquiring it by google or just do search on wikipedia.
  20. I would agree these are not really programs for the beginners and as there is no comment present I think beginners will not have any help from it. As one way or the other they want understand what have you done in certain parts of code.
  21. Well it looks nice at least screenshots present ontheir home web site look nice. However you could add that they have shown mostly air combat and not so much of the ground combat itself so this does produce certain thing to think when they advertise this game as completely 3D destructive environment command and conquer also was saying such things for the generals and what were you able to do destroy few trees and buildings. Of course it is easier in this sort of games to produce the 3D enviroment then for some first person shooting. But I am still missing few pictures about the soldier fight in the city or something similar. Also we have to wait and see how will it be after realease although you cannot judge game by screenshots.And I would like to add that they have chosen qwrong year to push this game out as command and conquer tiberium sun has realead and several really nicely done games. So the market is quite saturated at the moment with good rts games.
  22. It is also known as laughing gas. Or at least in the literature I read it is commonly reffered like that.Also I think that it does not affect the nerve system as it rather changes the density of the gases in our throut so when we speak we produce high pitch sounds as density is less. Or something similar. Once I tried to produce it in the labaratory and inhalated it but it did not affect me at all.
  23. I played number one also but it was long time ago and I officially stopped playing when age of empires two got its expansion package. So one is good and interesting and it has great campaigns however as I see some of you played defence. Well my tactic was usually ofensive for the bigger time of the game. I could say that first several minutes I was playing like defence to dvelop my units but than I started attacks.It is easy to some extent but in this case we could say that number two is really betterthen number one and it is really more interesting and funny and it had multiplayer so it was my multiplayer game.I still remember how I played it over slow dial up
  24. I hate to say but I think you are wrong as we can deduce by the method you explained just which elements are present in the star and trough which elements did light passed. And as far as I know we don't have way to find which elements are on certain planet and especially that distant. And furthermore we are not even certain if europe has water I am reffering to that satellite. And water is needed for life but only life in this form we know and if there is life in the universe then for certain there had been some other forms of life and not similar to ours.
  25. Yeah I think this is nice idea but that other idea of having alarm when something is getting to close is even better if we would implement that to the cars with some computer system then it could fast calculate whether we are overspeeding and so on. And all this could be implemented with things we already know and have like doppler effect in the similar way in which police checks your speed we could check whether it is your speed up to the road standard and everything. If otherwise you are overspeeding then computer would slow down vehicle.
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