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Everything posted by hitmanblood

  1. You mean actually if someone does all those things then he is playing for the team and not for himself. However you can see this as nice example in the football. As if you have one player score it is not only his good work but the collaboration of the team. And if this player is then running in the winning run and he doesn't won to wait for other players then he is just playing for himself and not for the team. Because he couldn't score it without team as in fact team helped him.
  2. You are right there with most things. Like that the problem is with consumers but there is also problem with the linux itself it is just not so nice and it is certainly not user friendly. And most common users are having problems with Linux and they would never switch from windows because with windows you click here click there and if you don't destroy your system you probably get what you searched for. but with linux you have to sit down and type and then learn a bit more programming and then type again and so on. you can see rreally whos got advantage over here. That is problem, and I think that is the biggeest problem of the linux. Because people just turn their head away when they see it. And with linux distributions I think they are in fact plus for linux because they are mostly compatible between each other and I wont to say programs are usually compatible at least they were those who I checked. And this is plus because potential user is able to choose from vide variaty of products it is like going to supermarket and then buying there several types of chew gums while microsoft still offers only one and it will stay like that however. Problem is that microsoft is also brand name and in the western culture brand name means really a lot. On the other hand most of the microsoft profits comes from the united states and the problem here is that in the united states Linux is considered some stupid European thing which wants to depreciate their domestic brand.
  3. It is nothing new that windows operating systems have problems with other os installed on the computer. I know that they are sometimes deleting master boot record and you cannot load new operating system that is old one you had before installing on the windows. However I would really like to know what happened to this guy if he did try this and what were results.
  4. OK I agree it is easier to find security hole in windows then in linux and as far as I can recall there were only two or three general viruses for linux operating system. So I agree it is probably more secure. Then again Linux was not made from scratch it is based on Unix systems which missed few moduls which Linus Torvalds wrote and placed on the web and then people started joining the brand new thing called linux. And yes there is influnce that linux is free and that you have to pay a lot for windows. But windows has still many features which linux has trouble to implement. Like nice graphical user interface it is advanced and it can look like windows but it is still not that. Then it is certainly not user friendly as windows and it probably never will if current trend is continued there are just few distributions which work actually without some more torubling intereference like Ubuntu and Suse if I am not wrong.
  5. Hmm this might prove as very useful and interesting principle. Is it something similar to what microsoft is doing with their online passport and so on. Or it is completly new principle. You could put some more info or even link I have trouble finding something about this online. That is from third person resources and not microsoft maybe because it is so new or I don;t know. One way or the other here is Microsoft link to it. CARDSPACE M
  6. Yeah really this is so awful. Hopefully it is different in paradise. Otherwise many would rather stick to the red color of Devil.
  7. Agreed and it will give you a lot of advantage if you know both then if you stay on just one. Furthermore JAVA has nice thing called native methods these are methods written in other programming languages so if you have problem. With something to do it in java or more usually if you want to write crucial part of your program which needs to be executed very fast I would suggest writing it in C or C++ better and even better if you are hardcore in the assembler, although in most cases this might prove as futile attempt. And for torrents clients I think Azureus is better and not because it has been programmed in Java but because it has been so compatible with everything and has planty of ptions.
  8. I think learning online is the future of education and in fact I have learned many thing online so to say. And I know many other people who did the same or are doing the same. It is convenient as you have everything under your nose and you can reach any resource whatever you need in just few minutes so to say. In today's world it would be really stupid to pay someone to educate you in such thing like to learn programming or just the basics of programming languge. Other thing is when you are about to reach a bit further and start learning advanced techniques of algorithms and such things and check with the experience of experienced programmers. And if you have problems with understnading some of the online tutorials community here at the Xisto will certainly be glad to help you and if you still have problems then maybe think about changing profesion:)
  9. I agree with you on this one. And it is main point that United States are trying to inflict some kind of democracy and other things on some other countries why they don't have it in their own baskground. This is the main problem why they are considered as world cop and nation bully as you said although this might be a bit rough. And I would like to add that Iran government has evrry right to not show their reactors to the inspectors as they might be just there to steal technology and what if in Iran they got some new Breakthrough in the nuclear power technology or something similar. Are United States opened their reacotrs to the newspapers and television stations and foreign scientist to check them picture them and tape them. they did not it is not just problem of national security but also problem of technology design and many other things which must be considered.
  10. But how would you determine collateral damage if young child kills himself or herself and their parents cannot save his life just because of the meer fact that suicide is legal wouldn't they be traumatized then. Such things happen even in the cultures where suicide is considered as cleaning your families and your's name like Japan but family still feels the consequences how would that make people in our western culture where suicide has been considered as bad thing and will be considered as bad thing. From now on probably. I cannot see nor can I understand the reason and I cannot find one also why would some country made these suicide killings legal.
  11. I wouldn't agree on this one either as if you check suicide and bomb attacks in London those guys who did it were actually born in London at least those who they caught were born and raised. And as far as I understand London as city and metropole it is made of thousands nations and many religions so how can then society make pressure on one to commit such violent attack of hatrage against other person nation and religion. Because if you are living in certain country you have to abide to the laws of that country and you cannot just bring your laws and you rules in this society it is nonsence and if this is why they commited such violent acts then their parents and they should return to the country of origin. I really don't get how could society influence young person to commit something like that. It is just wrong. And if you explained your idea a bit further it would be appreciated.
  12. I agree that religion is personal choice but you haven't answered other question why aren't there suicide killers in other civilizations or religions with exception Japan which is other way of suicide attack then those practices by muslims. You see this is the problem as Islam is violent religion and if they have holy wars against Christianity and their religious leaders call people to actually go to such war they will go. And this happened in Christianity also but several hundreds years ago human civilization has evolved since that time and such radical approach should be abondened.
  13. OK there were some wrong things said it is like this. Imaginary numbers then real numbers then natural numbers. and not real as first and then imaginary.Also they can be seen either as fractals they are really nice when represented with some fractal function.But they are usually represented in bipole coordinate system or as it is mostly known to everyone x y axis. In which y axis is actually changed for the imaginary numbers and as imaginary numbers are made of two parts real part and imaginary part you represent imaginary part on y axis and x part will then make real axis and you can see them that is why there is also other representation of the imaginary numbers with the distance from origin and angle with the x axis.
  14. I am just interested whether anyone keeps record of what have everyone said and how does leader is working on his plan to take over the world. It funny though. I would like to add some of myself in it but it would be useless if noone keeps record of things done and said.
  15. Yes it works on my machine also it is really good utility and I haven't even know that something like that esxists in the windows. I always put some linux which boots from the cd and then check in there my drivers and components but this is great really.
  16. Well they have really interesting movie on their web site. But if you would check what they are actually explain there you can notice that it is just another sceem as they say they pay nine level deep 3*9 matrix and so on bla bla bla. the thing is that this is just another luck pyramid and that it is not sustainable. Also I am interested how can they gurantee something like 11,000 visitors in 99 days when they don't exist that long and they have only like what one day of existence. Come on can't you see the fraud in it.
  17. Well why not post link so we could see what this site or host has to offer and not to be in some kind of fraud. I mean one way or the other if it is online many people could find and discover it by chance so it is in fact public already. And if you post link then we could see about experience Xisto members have on this site and so on. Which might be really helpful.
  18. I ahve found trap 17 as one of the first hits on the search engine. And I tryed it at first I was just writing in the forums and then decided that I should try the hosting then I started I haven't build my site quite yet but I will work on it.Also I would like to say that it is greatest free service I have found on the net. And I suggest everyone to try it. And it is fun to write on the forums.As a search engine I have used Google.
  19. I am very interested how did you installed you Windows Vista on logical partition because as far as I know you can install operating system on the primary partition at least I had to do it on my system where I run windows XP and linux. And there is limitation for four partitions that is four primary partitions because all logical partitions are held in one primary partition at least i understand it this way. OK here are few things from my experience. Firstly always install windows because if you install linux firstly then when you install windows windows has tendency to delete your master boot record and you cannot run your linux anymore. So Firstly install windows. then another windows then linux.However as you have windows already installed I would suggest that you use any software to build new partitions and build new primary partition you would need also one for the linux swap it best that you leave some space for it also. because linux that is unix baseed systems run better with it. Also when you make your new primary partition you jsut go and install your linux on it. However watch out that you do not intentionally click or press enter to format all the disk because you would lose your data. In fact you want use it but it will be marked for overwriting. Also depends from the disk manufacturer. I once got the old hard drive from local hospitel with deleted data and used software called restringer it is free though I don't know if it is available anywhere any longer and it slowly retrieved all data from formated disk. And I would like to note that I am not certain it is just experience what I had I have never tried to install Kubuntu. So be careful I wouldn't like to be held responsible if you lose some of your data.
  20. Yeah that is because they have moved and rewrite many parts of source code and they have moved most of those things which usually stucked XP to reboot. Like graphical user interface is no more in kernel of the Vista then all explorer has been removed from kernel and it is no longer integrated into system and it has been differencing from the graphical user interface making it more easy to use and upgrade because if you are copying some file and it fails in XP usually you had to rerun your system now system just restarts explorer and you are good to go. Everyone remember that you couldn't uninstall internet explorer from the system well that was because it was integrated and that is why so many security loopholes occured now it is all different story with vista. I was on one Microsoft presentation and MVP(Microsoft Virtual Programmer) said that they are using modular design so in fact Vista is build up from many moduls. And not like XP from one huge stone. That is why vista is easier to upgrade and to find errors because, for last two security loops which were found in vista I read they only needed like 12 hours to correct it and that is nothing if you compare with several months with XP.
  21. In my very personal and humble opinion it is the religion which in fact orders person to kill or those people who explain religion to the common people. Because as far as I can see in the news and reports from the world it is only the muslim who use suicide attacks. No other nation nor religion has made such things. I have never heared about Christian who killed himself on some square or attempted to blow the building with plane hijack. So it is all coming from the muslim and they are extremists I agree and it is all down to the people who explain the Kuran to the young guys who then go to kill themselves. The point here is that they think that they will receive place in heaven and 72 virgins and so on. So you see Christianity doesn't promis such thing so no one is doing it. It is like kinda supply and demand. So the fact is that religion is infecting young people to commit such attempts and so on.However if we look terrorism it is like way to fight the government and it is present in every religion and every society it is not affected by religion. Because there are bomb set ups in the Europe like IRA and ETA and so on. Which are making terrorist attacks however they have stopped in the past few years. So terrorism itself is not infected by religion but extreme terrorism (like suicide bombers) is affected by religion.
  22. Well in some religouns like christianity suicide is like mortal sin so no one should actually do it. However I am against suicide being legal as it will make things worst. Have anyone read here that topic about boy in Netherland who killed himself when his account get hacked. Come on and what would happen if his father and mother found him and saved him. What would happen then would they have to go to the jail because they saved life to their child also. Wouldn't that be insane. Come on they save the boys life and they have to go to jail because suicide is legal. It just doesn't make sense. Also I would like to point out several reasons why suicide shouldn't be legal and to make difference between suicide and euthanasia. Firstly suicide should not be considered as same as euthanasia because persons moment of phycological weakness doesn't mean that some one should help to him or her and then save them life and let them live on. However I am for euthanasia if for person there is no cure and it is certain thing.Secondly we should consider that those who are really and indeed have wish to commit suicide they will do it and no one can stop them. Only way to stop them would be if they are locked or under constant survailance. Which is almost impossible thing to do.Thirdly, the ones who does not want to kill themselves are in fact most of the time just trying to put a bit attention of others on them. And in this case they are usually notifying someone in their family or friends before actually commiting the suicide attempt. And they would be in most cases saved however if it is legal then anyone who attempts to save them would in fact be considered criminal. fourthly, what about suicide killers so they would be legal then you take 5 kg of explosive enter bus and blow yourself and 50 more people in pieces it was perfectly legal would say public relations guy and who would explain this to the families and friends out f those other 50.To end this suicide should not be legal.
  23. Well of course I agree with the space travel and we will be able to do it sooner then anyone else expects because space has become commercial in the last several years and more and more tourists are going to the space to the ISS(international space station). So when something develops as commercial activity in our world it starts developing really fast.I know that few American companies are working on the development of the space craft which could take people in the space like space shuttle for few hours and that would include no gravity environment and special look on the earth. However it won't be available to the general public but rather to the higher paid people. Approximate pricing they suggested is around some 5000 till 10,000 dollars flight so it might be nice wedding or so and such things or one time life experience. But the point is when we start develiping something into commercial sector it tends to develop itself and starts funding it self this is only reason why space will become so popular in the next ten till twenty years. We could have develop technology in the 70's but there was no profit and interest and till the beginning of the XXI's century space was mostly funded trough state funding in every country so to say.This thing has changed since that time every year russian space agency sends few tourists to the space station and so on. So the thing is that this sector is now developing and soon enough when more and more people see space as tourist destination we will develop the technology and even conquer moon once more. And probably start utilizing it with some other things also maybe for harvesting solar power energy and minerals extraction which chine has in plan already and is saying that in next 20 or so years will be able to develop refining stations on the moon and that it will transport minerals all the way to the earth with profitable costs. Which would increase with increase in extraction. Because it is easier to travel from the moon to the earth then from the earth towards moon. As moon gravitation is some 6 time lower then earths and that's why you need less power to leave the moon surface then you need to leave earth other thing is that earth has atmosphere, which slowers the space ship and space ship has to have more protection if it intends to leave earth.OK and now few my futuristic views how will space travel work. Firstly we will develop technology to build fast and safe in the space and we will see increase in the space stations of very different kind tourism research medical then mineral processing and so on. We will conquer the moon surface and moon underground firstly we will use nuclear energy then we will jump to the sun powered power plants and then mineral extraction will begin from moons surface. Because of the constant damage to the sun's powered powerplants we will develop shielding technology which will protect the moon from the asteroids and so on every space body which might infect or destroy artificial buildings on the moon. Also we will start reaching in the other parts of the sun's system. Firstly there is Mars space station then actual buildings and population will start growing on the mars. However after while we will reach europe sattelite. And then we will start researching different ways of propulsion which would shorten the traveeling time. We are doing some experiments with solar wind and so on. After while we will conquer most of our system and generation space ships will start leaving earth and other outposts to reach otehr systems and to colonize them. Our new propulsion has made sun's system traveling local thing however reaching other far away planets is still generation buisness. A lot of new developed corporations has been developed and so on. So you see we have new way of propulsion. We are developing some sort of gates which will bring us to the other systems however other systems still have to be reached out by generation star ships. After a while human race is getting over several star systems. And all have star gates trough which we can almost instantly enter other system. They work on bending space and time so to make this travelling almost instantenious although in fact it is not. Everything stops around while they travel. However we don't have still technology to implement this technology to the space ships nor we are able to make good navigational usage if installed in our high tech space ships. I would like to see others opinion on this and I would like that everyone could add something to this. However please don't just add like we encounter superior intelligence and then they assimilate all of us .
  24. I was just thinking about this because when I submitted my application for hosting I saw this option also and it just disappeared later on. How really do you register and apply for it I have read this first forum post and FAQ's. I would like to know whether it reappears when you collect 250 credits and what actually happens when you obtain it does it deduce more daily from your account or it deduces same amount 1 credit per 24 hours? Thanks in advance.
  25. Yeah I agree with you that we could hardly use all our resources to the point that our technological advantage cannot follow and find new resource this has never happen in the history and I assume it will not happen now. Even though we are using more resources then ever and we are wasting more. I wouldn't really agree with you that we would use better technology it doesn't have to mean neccessery however we would use technology we have and solar power and wind power doesn't mean new nor better technology it just means clean and alternative. I would say fusion would be new and innovative and also clean technology or even Cold Fusion.
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