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Everything posted by hitmanblood

  1. Yeah I've played this game its really good and I play it still from time to time. I like the new things like religion and so on which really adds some more thought ot the process of thinking and mastering the game. However it is somewhat slow and according to the gameplay I would give one more run to the third part rather then the fourth. I assume next civilization would be even greater. Because odd numbers are regulary better then even. And also I wanted to point out that if you would like many civs and so on you should try free civ as it gives you almost every civilization which ever existed in the world and it can be customized even more then the current original civilizations.
  2. The worst RTS in my humble opinion is FAR WEST I played it just few hours one day and then deleted the game from my system as it was so bleeding boring that I just couldn't bear it.
  3. I have read that article you have posted and they have just explained there that nuclear testings have stopped and that surveillances is needed of those Ilands however the military activity want stop which is kinda logical as it is military site in fact. Also this animal gigantic species are somewhat scary if you have watched the movie Godzilla and if you consider that such thing might actually happen that the hall population of gigantic let's say sharks might deveople or something more possible then Godzilla itself. Also I would like to point out that the facts you have mentioned are nothing new to the science world because these are shell I say natural affects of the nuclear bomb explosion and there are several sites in the USA with such affects so not only it is disgrace for France every other country which had to test nuclear weapon had to find appropriate site for it and to test it there so to say. I would say that the biggest disgrace lies still on the united states because they had committed far the most nuclear testing on the earth. And have polluted teh earth with far more radiated particles then any other country either with Uranium waste or with nuclear probes. If you check just how many sites did USA had in the times of cold war everything will be cleear to you/
  4. I see that we are reaching dead end here with jokes and so. But I would like to say that eenthough you offend person it depends on the joke really. I wouldn't say that joke which is taking some stereotype and making fun of it is racistic even though it made person feel bad it is up to that person and not to the guy who told joke. But if someone is mocking with someone and making him look bad and lower then himself then this and such joke is and should be considered racistic eventhough it may or may not made person feel sorry. As such it highly depends on the person to whom are you telling joke. In my bunch we are mixed of like five nationalities and we all came from different countries and we are constantly joking and mocking around on each other sense and no one is becoming mad about it as everyone are aware that it is joke and there is no harm meant. Eventhough we were raised and lived in different social structures and accustomed to different way of living. So it really depends to whom are you speaking and referring.
  5. I completely agree with you because in fact USA has set up themselves as world cup. But as far as it looks they will never use their nuclear arsenal. Because they would then bring annihilation on the human specie. Also I would like to point out that there is rightful fear against the muslim countries because if some extremists gets his fingers on the nuclear weapon he or she will not wait to lunch it against the USA or any Christian country in fact. So it is question where are those nuclear weapons and how well are they protected and also who can get his fingers on them.
  6. Eh I don't like this software it has some nice features and it is working nice you can integrate more or less everything in it. however I am still stick to use the textpad to write my code and then just try it using server and see where the bug is. Also the problem is that few times when I used this software I have noticed that is scrambles the output of the errors in very strange fashion making me buzz over it for hours not noticing where the real error is. And I would like to point out that you could use eclipse with extension and it works nice and it is free.
  7. I was just reading this article when I saw your post on the forum. I think you can do it with the php in fact I assume it is not problem at all (I won't try but there shouldn't be any obstacles in your way). However your price would be speed because the emphasizes here is on the speed and the fact that you don't have to reload page once again to change its content and that is true however you would have to load page if you are about to change it with php. Or at least specific part of page as like frame or pop up window. This is my oppinion I would like to hear what do you think is it valid I mean the speed sacrifice, against this implementation. Because they presented really nice merge of technologies over there.
  8. Hm Interesting however most graphical things that movie industry is actually doing is done in the linux and open source software. I would like to point out that windwos XP had working memory 1GB that is RAM memory or sometimes even 1.5GB if you haven't done some extreme engeniring it would not go over this number. However because of paging every Operating system uses it today you could run XP on some 512 MB or even 256mB everything less would make your computer suffer and your hard drive even more because the rest had to be read often from hard drive.With vista it is 2 GB normal paged memory however some testings on my faculty heave pushed it till four MB and they don't expect that normal user will ever push it over. So if you have Vista and 4 GB of memory it will work really nice and without any problems. However most of the time it might not even use all that abundant memory it of course depends what are you using your computer for. If you are developing some new 3d engine then it really might use it all or even more.However when you run your programs they should be saved in the memory and then you shouldn't experience any delay when opening any of those programs. So to say.
  9. I also prefer the AMD it is a lot better processor and the company itself produces many better solutions then Intel. Eventhough they are regulary late with new processor types and behind the Intel when their new processor is on th emarket it is sold at higher rates ebcause of price range then because of the stability and overheating problems and so on.I would like to point out biggest advantage of AMD processors over the intel processors and that is operations per second it is just that you would compare Olympic weight lifter with Body Builder. One uses shear power and doesn't look to have muscles at all while other uses stereoids and other medicins to grow his muscles and show them around. Its the same thing here. AMD doesn't show his muscle by his speeds like intel does but instead it is able to do a lot more oprations then intel processors on the same clock speed.
  10. Yes you cannot really boost your conection because you are limited by the conncetion to the server that is your internet service provider. But however you can boost, your download speed as this is not limited with your connection in the most case but with the remote server. In this programs like download accelerator could help you because they start downloading several instances of the same file from the remote server and then compile it similar principle is used in torrent network. So you can in fact increase your overall download rate but your connection is limited and only way to increase it is to pay for higher plan at your ISP.
  11. I have tested this service and there are really many icons which are really good. However I am considering that there are many things which are in breach of the copyrights. Like those coca cola icons.
  12. Yes, I would like to just add here some things.I don't know whether you have heared for the Imagine Cup it is Microsoft funded competition where students of computer science develop innovative software.And last week on the presentation I had watched similar software in use developed by few guys from my faculty. With one thing one you typed words it was searching for the prases then for the events and so on it was using google search engine except they have utilized then looping trough the search list that is result list. And after a while using graph theory techniques it started several pictures depending on the era event involved persons and so on larger result and influence of the event. Then person could choose the the suitable graph and program would continue searching the phrases and data according to the given graph after a while it would draw mind map.So this was not actually innovative but the style how they did it was really creative adn innovative. Also I would like to point out that these programs are really helpful when you are learning using cognitive perspective.
  13. Plenoptic have you ever searched how much your laptop would cost without vista sometimes windows come with computers for free sometimes you give big bucks on them so you might check this.The biggest problem is and this thing no one considers is that people are not checking the computers when XP came on. You see the thing here is that vista came a bit ahead of hardware the same thing happens with XP everyone were speaking how it uses way too much resources and you cannot run properly any program and so on and so on. But after some half year or even year everything stopped then everybody argued about XP security, I see that similar thing will happen also here. Because people are now saying how vista uses a lot of memory processor power and so on. Well it does and this will not change however in the half year time or a year it will be casual system requirements. Computer hardware which will be sold in the half year time will in fact be normal and everyone will stop complaining. Of course considering those who buy new computers and so on.Then they will find something new to complain against Microsoft it is always against Microsoft also I would like to say that Microsoft started revolution in computers and it will stay as that although people are mostly talking against them there are millions users for the Microsoft and will stay using Microsoft products. And furthermore, microsoft is always bringing new things to the general public even though Linux may have had it some years before them but it is alive when general public sees it and not five geeks somewhere.
  14. I would like to point out that server systems are hole different thing than home users we were discussing about in this topic. Also You have to consider how safe is program in which everyone can take a look by mere typing in the search engine. Because if someone sits long enough and wants to hack your server he will certainly find loophole in the linux based system also.
  15. Hmm I really don't catch what are you explaining and what do you intend to do however, I would be willing to help. I don't believe in the church as an organization however I have explained and understood god on my own way, I don't want to seem like some some anti religious person or against Christian Church it is just that as I am more believe in what you see and feel and you are able to prove so I had to find way to explain the god to myself.Also I am really interested what do you have in mind because there is hall bunch of portals concerning god himself and religion and so on. I am really enthusiastic about this yours new hopefully creative and helpful idea.
  16. I would agree with that however I was suggesting something else and that is what bothers Albus Dumbledore. Either homosexuals or straight people are the same more or less you cannot say that one group is smarter then the other or better looking, and so on. This would be prejudice. That is the problem I was stating completely different thing. I personally don't have anything against gays, (once I had roommate gay and he was completely good person a bit eccentric as he was artist but he was really good roommate) especially against lesbians I would say that most straight men would found to lesbians attractive and that they would fired up their imagination. And many would agree with me.
  17. Well if you would like to simulate drive for opening the iso files then I would suggest either Deamon tools as sniperkillers suggested or alcohol 120%. Alcohol is better software but it is not freeware so you would either stick to the trial version or you would have to buy it.Also whenever you have opportunity just burn iso image it will solve you a hell of a lot problems, with security on windows platform and with some driver fighting.
  18. HUH you've got enegry and hungry beast. I am glad to see that someone has really machine that can beat vista's needs. Also You might post us few pictures to watch that beauty and eye kandy as someone said. Also how are all effects running and aero in fact I most interested in?
  19. You see that I had right there are many better resources today which have been modernized and adjusted to the current standards because knowldge is increasing in the computer science every day and if you see its almost decade old. And there are now books which are really well written and adjusted either for starters or experienced programmers. Like advanced 3D game progrmaming. So you see things have to be updated regulary if you want to have good reference for starting some serious project.
  20. No I think that USA is scared of Iran and that any strike against Iran could end up bad for USA as there are many countries which are in direct or indirect support of Iran.And there is one more thing to consider this current government set up in Iran were actually funded in the beginning from the USA and they just took out of control like severel other infiltrators from the Cold War . I would like to point out that USA is not doing anything agains North Korea Also even though they are actually testing the rockets and their systems very ofter so USA has real problem with those two countries. And if we look Iraq it was all for the oil they haven't found weapons for mass destruction yet there and they will never find it.And if any nuclear strike occurs against Iran which is hardly to happen it will be on larger scale. Firstly because dirty sand and winds with radiation will travel over middle east and maybe even over to the India as there is no real natural habitat dam to stop the expension of radiated particles so the final effect of the nuclear strike might infect stability on the hall world and many nations would turn they support against USA which might even end in the third World War. Eventhough kids in the future might learn that 9/11 was actually the beginning.
  21. A lot has been said since yestrday on this topic. I would like to add few more things. It is good to joke about other people and it is good to accept jokes on yourself or on your part this has to be mutual. And if you are ready to joke with someone be ready to get the same back. It is so and I already wrote it here in this topic. And I consider that there is nothing wrong when someone jokes about someone else's stereotypes they are in most cases not truth. But it is nice to hear joke on that and I laugh also I laugh when someone points out some stereotypes of my own people. And it is funny, I don't consider that racism at all.However there is other point here which has to be selucated from the joking. It is when someone is trying to put or make you lower then he. That is when someone is actually saying that you are lower person then him and that you are worst person if you are member certain community. If I were Afro American I would never consider joke about Afro Americans and Nigers. Come On black people sometimes call themself niger and if they do that then some white guy calles them niger there is racist thing. I wanted to say that if There is joke about Afro American's and Nigers as I was just listening to one stand up comedian and there is talk how Klu Klax Klan burned some poor black guy's hose. There is different one thing is to joke other is to harm someone. And there is difference.
  22. I don't know whether in your country there is RTL it is german television station. And they have show called Explosive about not casual things and events in the world and in fact interesting for the general public. And I saw there once man who has tatoos on his body like tigar then nails and theets. Really strange and to some extent funny. But he walks over the streets normally is not going to some jungle. Maybe he likes urban jungle.
  23. Well Universe is huge expanse and I assume that we would always be able to find some way of acquiring for our civilization resources needs. Sometimes in one era they will be more expensive and in other they will be cheap and abundant. However, I wouldn't agree that we should all become animals you might think of it as natural selection although it is really cruel one and mean and everything else. We still have to live. And have you ever heared for Voluntery Human Extinction Movement. I am not fond of such organization however they exist and they have many members really. Maybe you and this other guy who wrote this might consider joining joking that take it too serious. Yes but even when clean water becomes scarce as in many desert parts of world. We still have ways to clean polluted water maybe not from radiation and other nano pollutant but against any micro pollutant water can be cleaned and reusable. In times of war we were drinking water from the river in which from time to time dead bodies were and from underground wells. We were just cooking this water and then drink it and no one cought any sort of disiese.
  24. The biggest problem with linux is that it is not user friendly at all. I know there are distributions which are installing automatically more or less similar to the wondows. However if you check then driver support and if one component fails to install you've got real problem.Then again there is problem with the driver support as companies aren't often writing driver support for the linux systems. And there are several more things like gui which is some way ugly I know it works nicely with and that it can be configuration to look like windows but it is still not the same. Also windows has nice policy they allow windows to be cracked and hacked for home suers because they are then making bunch of money from the licencies which companies are paying. And if some user is used to windows at home he will wont to work on the linux also it is fact. And if we look for security most home users don't need that much of security or are not interested however companies servers are usually on linux at least its the case at me. So everything is on windows except server.Also one more thing which should be considered is that linux is operating system for power users and most of them still don't use it as you can see many developers are still working on the windows.Also I would like to say what I have read in one PC magazine is the thing that in windows they are actually using linux based system although a bit adjusted for their needs. So that says much about windows and security. Why don't they use their own software
  25. You can use also win rar I use it and it is free. It might be a bit slow from time to time but it nevered crashed on me and it has wide varaity of files you can open with it. Among the other rar. File which waas its basic principle. I have downloaded several more but they were all bad and weakly programed, and they often crashed.
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