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Everything posted by Styx

  1. i've only tried out mac OS on other's computers, so i couldn't make a comprehensive decision. i did find though that xp pro was quite easy both to run, user friendly, and also relatively easy to hack. i have it running just the way i want it to run, and have never had any problems with it. the only ones i've heard of are when people who don't know what they're doing get this brilliant idea to reinstall their OS, and then come running for help because they messed up the settings. last week someone came and told me they had encrypted all their files with EFS and then reformatted the C drive, without saving their certificate. what can u say to something like that? in that sense, the 9x systems were better because they were easier to tamper with, but also to recover and repair. i would like to switch over to Linux, but i'm waiting for a better GUI. i don't like working with bare systems.
  2. i use NOD32 as my Antivirus, and tiny pro 6 as my firewall. i like the combination and when i have my firewall set to full security, absolutely nothing can get through. i do have a question though. is NOD32 also a firewall? mine is only an antivirus. i would like to get the firewall from them if they make one, as their systems are the best.
  3. gmail according to me. the intergration with email clients makes it a better choice. plus the storage space, even though yahoo is coming up with 1 GB pretty soon. but this topic has already had several threads.
  4. windows 98 is good for gaming. and XP is good for security and stability. i hate the 2000 and millenium versions, so i won't get into that. but if you're going to install multiple OS's on one computer, the base partition for 9x systems needs to be FAT32. the others can be NTFS, or you can do all FAT32. just the 9x system won't read the NTFS partitions. install 98 on C:, and then XP on D: or wherever else you want. don't put multiple OS on the same partition, don't install a later version first. start with your earliest version and work your way up. theoretically you can have 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP home, XP pro all on the same computer, in different partitions. though you wouldn't want to install all those. i would have put both 98 and XP on mine, but i ran into problems with my laptop drive. a Toshiba 80 GB. even the technincians couldn't get it to run both systems. all other drives worked fine.
  5. Styx

    Pentium Vs Amd

    i have a computer i bought back in 2001, already a second hand computer at that time. still it's running today, and is stable enough. it's an AMD K6 266 Mhz. then my laptop runs a 2.66 Ghz Pentium, and another computer of mine has an AMD 64 chip. i've ben most impressed with AMD chips overall. there isn't that much difference between them at high speeds. only i've had problems with the AMD freezing up at high temperatures. i don't know exactly why, but they don't seem to be all that hot, when they get hot. but with a cooler inside, it runs perfectly fine, even with high end 3D intensive games. if i were to buy another computer, i would go for AMD.
  6. I use Bitlord. no special reason why i chose it. it just happened to be the first one i saw when looking for a torrent program. i have to say i'm pretty happy with it. never had any problems with it using up cpu, or freezing. fast downloads if u have a good line, and of course, that there are enough seeders available. it's a bandwidth hog though, so i either have to run it at night or either when no one else is using the computers, as we have a shared connection and like 6 computers all hooked up to a 256k DSL.
  7. i average about 70 wpm on a keyboard i'm familiar with. ie: my laptop. otherwise i find myself repeateddly hiting the backspace and hunting for missing keys. I'm not a touch typist, at least not a 10-fingered one. I use 4 or 6 fingers usually, and can type like that without looking at the keyboard. that's probably where i mess up when using an unfamiliar keyboard, cuz i've memorized where the places are on mine.
  8. well i really am at wits end at this point. nearly 3 weeks and i still haven't been able to log in. what am i supposed to do? the service otherwise is great here, and the site itself has neve been down for more than an hour, but if i can't get into it, there's no point in having it, really. Opaque, please help! What can I do?
  9. it's cool to have a younger bother cuz' then you can teach him all you know or of not at least one ur own age that way you could play sports together and have funa nd all--i mean what else are brothers for...they're family!
  10. oh well, at least i'm not alone. does it happen frequently for you?
  11. I had this problem before, but in a day it resolved itself. now it's back, and no matter how i try, my password gets rejected. this authenticication-failure is really frustrating! how can i fix it? i've re-entered the password many times, so i know i've not made spelling mistakes.
  12. As i wrote in another post, I installed NOD32 and was VERY impressed with it. Using a total of 5Mb system resources, it's doing as good a job as McAfee does on my other computer.
  13. I installed NOD32 on an extremely slow laptop a friend of mine gave me. it hasn't slipped up on scanning yet, (i've checked it over LAN with McAfee)and it uses a TOTAL of................ 5 MB system resources.BEAT THAT!!!!
  14. I once transferred all my dvds to Divx. I used Xvid, Dr.DivX, Winavi video convertor, and super DVD Ripper. I got good results from basically all of them except Winavi. Though i don't like the fact that DivX takes 6+ hours to shrink a normal 2hr video, the quality is good. i haven't had much experience or success encoding with Xvid, but the few i do have in that codec are superb quality/size.Now since buying a dvd burner i use DVD Decrypter to rip the DVD to Hard disk (to save on spinning the drive) and then re-author with dvd shrink. if anything needs fixing up i use isobuster and dvdfab.
  15. Here's some sites that generally have good prices: http://www.dealtime.com/ http://www.pricewatch.com/ If you're interested in a refurbished computer, check these sites: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (mediocre service-good prices) http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=plasmakings&e=com (ok) http://www.tigerdirect.com/ (good service-ok prices) I bought a refurb a year ago and never had any problems with it. --it was $1200 cheaper than the same (new) model.
  16. Got an A4Tech optical mouse for $8, used it for a year and have never ahd any problems with it/.
  17. look again. get the latest version of winamp (5.08e) and you shouldn't have any problems with bugs, wma files, most videos, etc. WMP is nice sometimes, but i'd pick winamp over WMP anytime. for videos, i use neither program. either WinDVD6 Platinum or DivX.
  18. hey, why razz the french 4 that decision? i'd say that sets a precedent for similar action in other countries, which would benefit alot more people.
  19. Ad-aware's the best! cleans all the cr4p out of your computer, and doesn't hog resources. It also gives you a list of what programs are communicating with the internet and how much bandwidth they're using. -makes it easy to spot stuff that maybe got through the scan somehow.
  20. i've got ADSL at 256k. average download speed is 30, but can spike up to 150 if the site supports high speed downloads. uploads are alot slower, around 6k.
  21. Styx

    What Program Do You..

    in order of use:Firefox ---browsingOutlook Express---mailPhotoshop CS---graphics and layoutWinamp----musicDreamweaver----web sitesM$ Word----everything else& of course i shall not forget to put a plug in for Total Commander---probably my most used program. A great timesaver and all-round knockout champ compared to windows explorer.
  22. i don't have one either. not like it's such a big deal for me, but out of curiosity, how DOES that work? anyone who knows?
  23. yadda yadda....here's a simple way to avoid informercials!STOP WATCHING TV! seriously. I stopped and invest my time (hopefully) more wisely now.
  24. ummm.....yeah. The thing is that programs run differently on different computers, no? depends on what your specs are, what kind of installation you do, how you've tweaked it, etc. so i would say to go search in google for antivirus user reviews, in addition to our 2 cents we've all given. see what the big picture is. you'll get a pretty decent average rating. and compare that to what's been discussed here.
  25. I'd say it means the guy is looking back on his life, and realizes he hasn't done much of any worth. A fitting allegory that comes to mind:*** There was once a washerwoman who worked for a lady named Stoneheart. She was cheated and short-changed by her employer, but every opportunity she got she would give of her little to help others. One night, Mrs. Stoneheart died. An angel was leading her through the streets of heaven. As they were walking, they passed this glorious mansion. She asked the angel whose it was, and he replied that it was her washerwoman's. She was in ecstacy, thinking that if her poor washerwoman would get a mansion like that, how much more beautiful hers would be. But soon the angel stopped in front of a small shack, and said, "This is your place"."My place!? Do you know who i was on earth? Why do i get such a shabby place, while my poor washerwoman gets this fine mansion?"And the angel replied, "that's all you sent on ahead. it's the best we could do with the scraps you sent."***Really, when we die, what will we be able to take with us? Our money? Our possessions? all these material belongings will mean nothing in the end.
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