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velma last won the day on February 25 2013

velma had the most liked content!

About velma

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  1. Inea and Eza have been banned.. Sick of the spam

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baniboy


      I think lately it's only been annoying to read her impersonal and fake posts. I didn't notice spam like advertising or anything...

    3. velma


      Some of her posts are impeccable which makes me wonder whether she is simply paraphrasing another's work.

    4. anwiii


      it's about time. although her posts have changed DRASTICALLY....for the better even. it just sorta makes me wonder why. almost like two different people writing the posts. i've been gone for over a week so i don't know what she did to deserve a ban when others were allowing her to continue on....

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