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Everything posted by szupie

  1. Most schools have filters that block out Google's translatingand cache services, and also most proxy sites. So you probably cannot use the proxies mentioned in the above posts in your school. Although using proxies usually isn't against the rules in schools, you still should not do illegal activities using the proxy.But this topic isn't about using proxies in schools. It's about using proxies to bypass a ban. Which is also a bad thing...
  2. I think the reason they designed the QWERTY layout is that the typewriters weren't very good back then, and the keys always got stuck if you kept using adjacent keys. So they had to rearrange the keys so that you would rarely hit two adjacent keys consecutively. If you noticed, most of the letters I'm using aren't consecutive to each other on the keyboard.At least, that's what I heard about the QWERTY layout.
  3. Thanks, mastercomputers! I knew you would come to save me. But I always thought external styles had the lowest priority. That's what I read in every CSS book and website. Weird. EDIT: By the way, what does the ul in ul#unordered li do? Is it just good practice? Or does it prevent bugs in different browsers?
  4. It works on my Opera (version 8.54). However, it displays "Title: Oh My God" instead of just "Oh My God". But that's not really important, is it?
  5. There's another way to do this with Google. Go to https://www.google.com/gwt/n, and type in the address you want in the box provided. Click Go, and it'll show you a page as if you were viewing it on a mobile phone. The disadvantages of doing it this way is that you cannot see the styles of the page. Also, if a page is too long, you'll have to view it one part at a time, browsing through them using the Next Page link.
  6. No, I'm not trying to turn the ul black. What I'm trying to do is to make every li black using the external style sheet, then turn only one li red using the embedded style. That way, I can have multiple pages that use the same external style sheet, but each have a different embedded style to make that page look different than other pages. Is that confusing?
  7. How can I add li to the embedded style? #hello li does not do anything, because I'm trying to apply it to #hello. I'm only trying to change the style of the #head list item, and not anything else in the #test unordered list. I've updated the listpri.html file. Now it includes more than one li's. I hope that makes it more clear.
  8. First of all, to let you see my code, I've uploaded two example files: testpri.html and style.css. In my external CSS file, I applied a black background style to the li's in #test. Then I added another style in the HTML file, turning the background color of the #hello list item into red. The result isn't what I expected. The #test list item became black, instead of the red style I applied to it in the HTML file. Don't embedded styles have a higher priority than external styles? And don't specific styles have higher priority too? #hello is more specific than #test li, right? Then what am I doing wrong?
  9. Personally, I don't have a problem with Google Calendar. I never plan anything personal, therefore I never have personal information to put on Calendar.Yesterday, I was trying it out, and I decided to create a calendar for the next school year. I thought it would be pretty useful, since it could be informative to other students in my school. So I think if you don't want Google to know your private life, you should use your own program to schedule your private life. You can use Calendar to schedule public things that would be useful to others. Afterall, that's the whole point of sharing your calendar with other Google users.But I can see how your private party situation could be troublesome. There are always those few who use the system incorrectly and ruin it for everyone else. But that could also happen in any calendar program that enables sharing. Google's only fault is its popularity.
  10. No, I mean a screen capture program. It's what your computer does when you press the Print Screen key. Except, I want to capture it as a movie, instead of just single pictures.
  11. I'm looking for a Mac program like Grab, but is able to capture movies as well. I can't find any freeware that lets me do that. Everyone of them is a shareware or demo. Does anyone know about or have such a program?
  12. I think the most noticeable advances would be related to the moniters. (Afterall, that's what we look at when we're on the computer.) Holographic screens may be possible, but unless a miracle/accident happens, I don't think we're get it until a looong time in the future, after we're dead. But here's a cool moniter that may be possible in our lifetime: a tiny projector that puts the image onto a thin peice of glass. The light will be reflected into our eyes with the glass. That way, the moniter can be very thin and be less hot. I don't know how to make that, but I'm sure it can be done. And the controls will be amazing too. The computers in Minority Report were really cool. There are currently "keyboards" that can detect your fingers with just its laser, so that you can type on any surfaces at all. I think they can make it 3 dimensional in the future.
  13. You've never seen your HTML files in IE? What were the other files before this one like? If this one is different than your other files, you've probably done some changes to your Operating System. Try to find one of your older files and see if they also open in IE now. (Yay, testing out the new ACRONYM tag )
  14. Umm... I'm guessing that you don't know what JavaScript is? JavaScript is a client-side language, which means that the viewers of your site will process it with their browsers. Your site server does not parse JavaScript, therefore you cannot get it on your site. Your viewers must get the JavaScript themselves. Or do you mean you want to get some JavaScript codes to put on your pages?
  15. Yes, it depends. For example, Hong Kong (where I grew up) was once a British colony. So en-GB is taught there. However, I'm pretty sure that American English is taught in mainland China. Only one version is taught, but since most of us are so weak in English, we wouldn't be able to tell which one is right.
  16. Wow, what a nice idea. Although this isn't very practical (most of the buttons don't link you anywhere), it shows a lot about the power of CSS and JavaScript. If you view the site with no page style (View > Page Style > No Style), you can see that it doesn't have any images in it. The HTML only contains the content, no image or anything.You can drag the icons around the desktop. The Run button creates a new (draggable) dialog. Even the clock at the bottom right hand corner works.But can anyone get the Control Panel to work properly? I got it once, but the dialog box didn't have any style to it, only the text came up.By the way, Shadow X... Do you know this shadow-x guy?
  17. I don't think American English is the most correct variation of English, but I still think they should leave the programming languages in plain American English (is that a pun? ). Do you see any programming language being translated into Chinese? Dutch? German? I have never heard of that. All programmers in the world will have to learn to program in American English, no matter what their mother tongue is.Also, if we create an alias for all the variant spellings, it'd create confusion for those who don't know English. For example, if they look up how to change the color of something, they'll see "color:gray" on one site, and "colour:grey" on the other. How are they supposed to know that these are two dialects of one programming language?
  18. Well, it is possible to make it work on your DVD players. It's just like making home videos: You need to have the correct DVD burner and the correct player. If they're compatible, you can convert your video file into DVD format. I just don't know how.How can they limit how many copies you make? Do they put some sort of protection code on the file? 1337 hackers could easily get past those codes if that's what MovieLink's doing (I'm not one of them).How's the quality of the movies? If they want to keep the download size low, they'd have to compress the movie a lot.
  19. Yeah, I know where it's supposed to be located, but it's just not there. Not even after a restart... Well, Google doesn't intend for you to download this version yet. Some Google Talk users just found the link themselves. That's why it didn't warn you. I hope Google Talk will still be a compact IM client in the future. Its size and appearance is the main reason that it's my favorite client.
  20. Trekkie101 has just informed me of a new testing version of Google Talk. It's not mentioned by Google's blogs, so there's no page on Google's site that links you to the download. You'll have to get it with this direct link. customizetalk.com has a longer review of this new version. It's got screenshots, too . The two main features of this version are the avatars and the themes. Google Talk users will be able to select a custom avatar for display. It'll appear on both the contact list and the chat dialogs. It doesn't appear in the logs stored on your gmail account, though. You can select a custom theme to display in the chat dialog. There are five default themes. I think you can download other themes, but I'm not sure where. They are coded with CSS, so you can also create your own. However, I'm unable to find the themes folder on my computer, so I don't know what the code looks like . Another useful feature is the new notification dialog that pops up when a friends signs on. And on the contact list, there's a new scroll bar that appears when you have many friends on the list. You can turn it off by clicking the new View button, then select Show One Page. There's a mail icon next to the View button that shows you how many new mails you have in your gmail box. Remember that this is a testing release, so it may have some bugs. EDIT: Fixed the link
  21. Hahaha, I knew what this was all about. So I tried clicking every link on the page. Try going to the Post links on the right. Or, try searching for Romance at the top. I can't believe I fell for the the Lunar center April Fools joke. I thought it was real until today...
  22. Media Player Classic is a player with great performance. It doesn't have any pretty skins, but it's got lots more features than Real, QuickTime, and possibly all the other players you've mentioned. Oh, and it's not released by Microsoft. It doesn't look anything like the current Windows Media Player. I've tried BsPlayer before, but it was so slow that it made the video out of sync, and eventually crashed.
  23. Heh, I think Google Suggest beta came out a long time ago (12/9/04, to be precise), so I wouldn't call it new anymore... But it should be constantly improved by the Google Labs team, so I guess it could be considered new... I don't really like Google Suggest, because it has never been able to correctly guess what I am trying type. After a long time, the list that pops up (or should I say pop under?) just becomes annoying. I become distracted by the list, and sometimes I forget why I was searching the query. But you guys pointed out a good point that I have never thought about before. There are many phrases/idioms that I do not know. Google Suggest can be a great help for that. However, I rarely, if not never, search for these phrases.
  24. It's actually the transparent blue rear part, yordan. I don't think this was intended to be used for spying. I think it's intended as just a mouse with a microphone in it. Then you don't have to buy an extra microphone. But it'd seem awkward to pick up your mouse and speak into it... And also, your computer still needs a sound recording program in order for the mouse to record you. It's not any different than having a microphone plugged into your computer.
  25. I have a Mac OS X 10.4.5, and I don't have any problem with Firefox. Did you install some bad extensions? What sites were you browsing when it froze?Maybe you could try using Firefox 2.0 when it comes out. Or, you can download the Alpha version of it now (intended for testers only).
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