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I didn't really know where to put this, so I put it in this forum. Basically, this is a "program" I made using a piece of game-making software called Game Maker. It's a calculator. It differs in style from the MS Calculator, but it lacks many of the features that the MS Calculator has. This is my first piece of software I have made with this program, so it isn't the best, but it's okay. You can download it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are three problems with the actual program: ~ The +/- button doesn't work (or at least not in this version) ~ An error occurs when you press the equals sign before a number or operator ~ If you press the decimal more than once, an error occurs I hope to upload a new fixed version today that corrects these bugs, but this version should suffice for now.
I think the credits go down .01 credits every 14-15 minutes. But it's notthat hard to stay above ten credits. I'm usually under ten credits because I only post every 2-3 days, but I post 2-3 posts every 2-3 days, so my credits are never really in danger unless I'm on vacation or something.
I've been through that many times. Especially on my end-of-semesterexams. I thought I was going to do well on my Grade 11 English exam,but I found out it was much lower than a 70 when I found out my gradeoverall. There are other instances, like my French exam two years ago,and Religion in Grade 11 as well. Then again, I wasn't doing that wellin Grade 11, so why would I even think about getting a good mark in theexams if I did crappy in the courses?
How Often Do You Exercise? Very good for health
Neutrality replied to Dragonfly's topic in Health & Fitness
I'm pretty active compared a few months ago. I ride my exercise bike every second day or so from 15-25 minutes. I can actually work up a sweat doing it.Sometimes I work out at home with the barbells and dumbells. I have physed atschool also, so I run alot. So I'd say I'm exercising in a healthy manner for the most part. -
I enjoyed my art class last semester. I do have a natural talent to draw, so I enjoyed it to a certain extent. Our teacher taught us some new concepts and reviewed some old ones, but you can't really teach art. In my case, I had the talent, but no motivation. Of course, I'm not an amazing drawer or painter, so there was still challenge in the course. Then again, I was taking an art class that was a grade less than my actual grade, so there you go.
I have several good friends, many people that I talk to on a regular basis, but not a best friend. I would rather have just a few good friends that I can depend on instead of having 50 friends who really couldn't give a damn as long as I've got money or something they want. It doesn't even matter how many friends someone has. It's irrelevant. The strength of one's friendships is much more important than the number of friends one has. Then again, this is what I think.
I live in Canada. I've lived in the same city for my whole life, but it's nice. I want to travel to Germany and Scnadinavian countries. There'sjust something about them that's just so fascinating to me. Maybe it's their history and culture. But, I also want to visit Greece and visit theParthenon in the Acropolis. I wouldn't mind going to Egypt either. The pyramids (and even Egyptian Mythology) interests me. But, if I don't get to go to these places, I would just like go live up north near a mountainous area (in the Rockies) with millions of trees.
Ipod Vs Mp3 Is Ipod good compared to other Mp3 players ?
Neutrality replied to football123213's topic in General Discussion
I prefer neither. I'll just stick with my CD Player. It's good enough forme. I don't need all of these high-tech mp3 players to enjoy music. As usual, the ipod is just another fad getting a company the big bucks. Plus, I don't usually follow fads, so I don't really care about them. In my opinion, I find it to be a waste of money, especially if I'm not going to listen to 1500-2000 songs. But that's just me. -
This tutorial will help those who want to get away from the mediocre formatting functions of HTML and into the stylizing formatting functions of CSS. Now here is a simple run-down of what CSS is. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It's used to expand the possibilites of a website in terms of color, style, positioning and whatnot. It's a very simple scripting language (or markup language if you will ), that has no other purpose than to add style to a website. Now, let's get into the process of using CSS in webpages. Let's start off with the ways CSS can be used. It can be used in three ways: a) through the current page, b ) through an external .css file and c) through the style attribute in any HTML element. I'll be focusing on the first one in this tutorial only. This is how it would be written. But don't worry, I'll explain what it all means. <head><style type='text/css'><!--//Style properties go here--></style></head>Now, this is the set up of every css that you use within the current page. The <head> tag should be recognizable to you. The STYLE tags let you create astylesheet within the webpage's HEAD tags (always remember to put stylesheets within the HEAD tags). A stylesheet is just a set of style properties as you will see. The 'type=text/css' component makes sure that the Browser reads the text as CSS and not as HTML. Okay, you now maybe wondering what these <!-- --> are for. Well, this is an old practice done by many specifically for users with older browsers. Older browsers can not read CSS, so some use those <!-- --> to "comment" out the code. That means that the Browser does not look at that code. It just continues interpreting the HTML code (this same procedure applies to Javascript as well). Now that you have the format down pat (well I hope you do), let's move on to some actual style properties. Here is a small example: <head><style type='text/css'><!--BODY { background-color: black; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10; }TABLE { background-color: #555555; }--></style></head>Here we have two html tags, BODY and TABLE. But they aren't tags. They are referred to as elements. These elements have been given several properties.As you can see, there are a number of properties inside these elements. A property is basically the same as an attribute in HTML. The only difference is that properties are assigned values without an equal sign. Instead, a colon ( is used. And after each property set, a semicolon( is used. Please be sure to use these properly. Your stylesheet will not work properly if you leave out a colon or semicolon. Each set of styles needs curly brackets { }. Don't forget these either, or else your stylesheet will not work. Now, the BODY element contains three properties: background-color, font-family, and font-size. I'm assuming that you know what these mean, so I don't really need to explain them. The TABLE element contains one property - background-color. The BODY and TABLE's properties are global - this means that all HTML tags, including BODY and FONT, will take on the same properties as these two elements. This can be a blessing and a curse. Unless you use classes (which I will get into soon), everything within the body of the page will take on those font properties. And the same goes for the tables. Every table used in an HTML page will have the same background color. But what if you want more flexibility? What if you want to have different tables with different colors and different fonts? Well, this is where classes come in. Classes are basically sets of properties that don't effect all HTML tags in a webpage - but effect specific tags. Think of a class as a set of traits. Each human has a set of traits. One human can draw, write fast, swim, while another can run fast, read quickly, and dance. The traits are the properties. I hope I didn't lose you there. Here's an example of a class: <head><style type='text/css'><!--.myfirstfont { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10; color: blue; }.mysecondfont { font-family: Arial; font-size: 12; color: red; }.mythirdfont { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 16; color: green; }--></style></head>Okay, there are three classes in this code. Each class in this code (myfirstfont, mysecondfont, mythirdfont), set aside a number of properties for any specific HTML tag. These would most likely be used in FONT tags, but that's not importantright now. You understand what these properties mean, so now what? At this point, these are useless. Utterly useless. For them to be of any use, you'll have to embed them into HTML (don't worry, it's not hard). Here is a sample HTML page that embeds those three classes into FONT tags: <html><head><style type='text/css'><!--.myfirstfont { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10; color: blue; }.mysecondfont { font-family: Arial; font-size: 12; color: red; }.mythirdfont { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 16; color: green; }--></style></head><body><font class="myfirstfont">Here is my first font.</font><br><font class="mysecondfont">Here is my second font.</font><br><font class="mythirdfont">Here is my third font.</font></body></html>Take a look at those three lines of HTML between the BODY tags. There arethree FONT tags used. Now, the three classes we made earlier have been embedded into the HTML. You do this by using the CLASS attribute as shown above. I hope this tutorial was of use to you. It's purpose was to introduce the basics to those just starting off in web design. I've provided a list of CSS properties. If you want to learn what these properties do, plus many other properties, visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. text-align, text-decoration, text-transform, font-family, font-size, color, font-weight font-style, margin-left, margin-right, margin-top, margin-bottom, background-color background-image, vertical-align, align
Well think about this question as a hypothetical question: if humans did not eat meat at all, if not one single human ate meat, do you know whatwould happen? More deadly diseases would spread and be formed fromthe rotting corpses of the animals. Instead of slaughtering them, theywould just die naturally and their corpses would probably rot some-where (unless you burn their bodies). Look at India for example. In most places, cows are considered to be sacred, so those Indians refrain from eating cow meat, and some even go vegetarian. So instead of eating them, they are going to let the cows die off. Their rotten corpses will give off diseases (possibly mad cow disease), and many humans will die in that area. You see, when humans stop eating animals, diseases begin to form and spread. But, another important factor is that meat contains important vitamins that most fruits and vegetables don't have - protein. Proteinbreaks down into amino acids, which help humans fight off certain diseases, and help increase the health of their immune systems. Theseare two reasons why eating meat is important.
The Best Browser In Your Opinion for WIN32/64 systems
Neutrality replied to jacob's topic in Software
I used to be a hardcore IE user. But now, I just hate it. It's so buggy, and slow. Now I use Firefox. It's great. It blocks popups, the pages runabit faster, and other things. And it's much smaller in size than IE. I'm never going back to IE. It can't compare to Firefox. The only problem with Firefox is that it doesn't jive with Javascript (when I say "jive", I mean "work well"). Plus, Firefox doesn't come with most of the plugins,but that's fine. I don't use too many anyways. -
Billing System In Php-mysql Or Postgres where can i get it for free?
Neutrality replied to err's topic in Programming
You could try to find one at http://www.hotscripts.com/. They have a very extensive script database so you should be able to find what you're looking for. If you don't find anything there, just go onto google and search for "Billing System in PHP". I hope this helps. -
I don't have a favourite. I don't plan to use a CMS anytime soon. I just don't see why people would bother with it besides the fact that it's pre-made (not too much work involved for the user of the software). I may sound abit old-fashioned, but I think it's best just to make your own website and code it yourself. Or make your own CMS if you will. I know that it's easier to use a CMS, but I think visitors get turned off by seeing a bunch of sites with a similar layout. People do get turned off by things like this. Originality over simplicity? I'll take the former.
As much as I hate Microsoft, I am stuck to Windows 98. I like the Mac's interface, but I like Windows better. But to be more specific, I like Windows 98 a lot more than the newer versions of Windows (like Windows XP and Windows 2000). Plus, I'm too lazy to change to a Macanyways. I understand that it has a lot of great software (especially graphics software), but I'm just so used to Windows that I feel that there isn't a point to learning how to use another OS. I know Windowsso well.
This is what the script does: when a file is uploaded from a form, this script checks what directory it should go into. So before the upload occurs, the alphanumeric directories are created ( only once, of course). Here it is in code (Please note that this just example code): UPLOAD.PHP<?phpecho "<form action='upload-sort.php' method='get' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";echo "Upload a file: <input type='file' name='upload'>";echo "</form>";?>UPLOAD-SORT.PHP<?php$alphaNum = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);$arraySize = count($alphaNum);for($n=0; $n<$arraySize; $n++){ if(!directory_exists($alphaNum[$n])) mkdir($alphaNum[$n]); if(substr($_FILES['upload']['name'], -4) != ".exe") { if(substr($_FILES['upload']['name'], 1) == $alphaNum[$n]) copy($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['upload']['name']); }}?> I'm hoping that the $_FILES array works. If you have any trouble with that variable, use the $HTTP_POST_FILES instead and see if it works. If it doesn't, come back here and I'll correct that problem.
I know what you are talking about. What you're seeing is a variable being passed to the browser. This is very common in php-based websites. Instead of creating multiple pages for a website, you can use a variable to indicate what content you want to show. For example: echo "<a href='index.php?page=pagetwo'>Some Page</a>";if($page=="" or $page=="home"){ echo "Welcome to my website! I hope you enjoy it.";}else{ if($page=="pagetwo") { /* Let's assume that this code here is index.html */ echo "This is the second page on my website. "; }} This code should help you understand why there was a webpage's name behind a variable. I hope it does. By the way, you're partly right when you said that "index.php" is a menu and "something.html" a choice. But, it's not a frame. Not at all. It's a page "generated" by the .php file. Well, it's not a "page" really, but you get the idea.
I might be the bottom of the barrel in this sector. I have dialup, but most of the time, my download speeds are between 2-3 KB/s. That isincredibly slow. But I don't care. I'm still able to use the internet and actually do something constructive with it. I'm not really jealous aboutanyone elses connection. I don't download software too often anyways,so it's not that big of a deal.
This is actually the concluding stanza of a poem I co-wrote in my English class last year (we had to write it in groups, so I wrote the conclusion). I'm not the poetic type, but this "poem" is okay by my standards. Here it is: Your thoughts? (Don't worry. If you hate it, don't hesitate to speak your mind. I don't mind.
Here comes another one of Inspired's "amazing" PHP scripts. This little script lets you display a random message every time the user visits that particular page. It's not really that useful, but it does make the page a bit more "dynamic". $randMsg = array("Hi, welcome to my page!", "Hey you! Thanks for visiting!","Bonjour, mon ami!", "So, do you like the site?", "Come one, come all!");$MsgNum = count($randMsg);$MsgGenNum = floor(rand(MsgNum));echo $randMsg[$msgGenNum]; You can edit those values in the array if you want. Add more if you so choose. Enjoy!
Where did I first learn HTML? That was about 2 years ago. I was learning about it in my web design class. I remember the first time I used it. We had to use Notepad. It was a very crappy web page...a very crappy web page. It was so ugly and useless (I used a space background! ). After that, I learned the rest from tutorials on the Internet.
Well, I'm not too affluent to these new 3D functions. I don't work with GM6 or its3D functions. So you would know better than me. But anyways, you're right. The 3D graphics are "pseudo-3D". Maybe in the future, I might actually look into using the 3D functions. Not now though. I have a few projects of my own to keep me busy.
What is the meaning of life? Well, that's a subjective question, obviously.Each person has a "meaning of life" per se. To me, the meaning of lifeis to be the best person you can be. Strive to reach your goals. Work hard. Enjoy the moments you have with your family and friends. Enjoylife (I don't mean like partying 24-hours-a-day, I mean travelling andthat sort of thing). Be kind and helpful to others. Stand up for what isright. This is what I believe is the meaning of life. Simple concepts I'd say.
I know what career path will be for the most part. I plan to either get into Electrical Engineering, or into Computers. I am taking courses for them right now, so I'm on the right path. Now, what is uncertain for me is whether to attend college or university. I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there. I want to have a job that I enjoy and one that pays well (I don't want to be rich or anything, but you probably know what I mean). I also want to be able to travel to Northern Europe and visit those countries, like Germany, and Scandinavia. There is just something about them that is just so interesting...I don't know what it is. I also want to have a cottage up North...a cottage in a serenearea with plenty of foliage (Mountains, trees, etc.) I want to be able to get away from the city once in awhile. But, this is just what I want to be able to do. It will probably not come to fruition. I'm hoping it does.
I have heard of this before. It's a shame, really. So basically, if you are over the age of 19 (or whatever the minimal age of entry is), then you are most likely going to go fight. Talk about impeding on people's freedom of speech. People shouldn't have to be forced to serve theircountry. That's pathetic. I don't care if it is "unpatriotic" or not. If I were actually living in the USA, and the Draft did happen, I would not agree to go. I would rather go to jail than be forced into something that I don't want to participate in. That's my opinion on this issue.
What's Your Favorite Game System - Console select one from each poll
Neutrality replied to ICE-XG's topic in Computer Gaming
Apart from the majority, my favourite console would be Game Cube. Since it's theonly system I play on a regular basis ( my other consoles are PS and N64 ), I find it to be my most favourite. The graphics for most of the games I have played are pretty good (except in Windwaker, which was more cartoony than usual). My favourite games for Game Cube would be Windwaker and Spyhunter ( that was a good game). Windwaker is awesome like most Zelda games. Different graphics,but still good gameplay.