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Everything posted by Neutrality

  1. My favourite classes would be Art [ Visual Arts, not Music or Drama or anything like that ], Electrical Engineering, and Computer Programming a bit. I like Art because I like to draw and cartoon. I used to really enjoy drawing comics. Electrical Engineering is pretty good because it's more hands on [ or at least it has less theory-based learning than other courses ]. I enjoy connecting circuits and working with resistors and transistors and that stuff. Computer Programming is interesting to a certain degree. I really enjoy the design concept of programming, being an art-minded type of guy. The actual programming is okay, but it's not something I could see myself doing as a job for 20 years. The other courses bore me somewhat. It's not that they aren't or weren't challenging enough, it's just thatthey really didn't interest me that much. I don't know, but I'm done with my rant now.
  2. Even though I don't really either one, I'll have to go with McDonald's because of the fries. I don't like McDonald's menu though. I prefer Harvey's over McDonald's any day. And KFC...well, I just don't like fried fatty chicken that much...not much at all. I used to like KFC when I was younger, but now that I try to stick to a healthier diet, I would rather eat a salad from a local Lebanese restaurant. That may sound "unmanly" or whatever, but I care more about my health than what others think of my eating habits. Sorry for the rant.
  3. The design is pretty good. I'm assuming that this is not made using a CMS. Anyways, the layout is pretty good also. I liked how you aligned all of the different divisions of your website. Well done. The only problem I found was that the text is way too bright on the white background. I suggest just darkening the font. The content is decent. It's good to see that you have a lot of downloadable content which adds variety to your website. It gives the site a reputation of providing good resources and other miscellaneous things. It looks great. Good work.
  4. This is a nice-looking website. It may lack images, but it's still original. I like that image also, but maybe you could center it or something. Also, maybe you could move those links to the top of the image [ just a suggestion - you don't need to abide by it ]. The content is pretty self-sustaining. The only problems I had with the content is the fact that several of the pages contain a php error, but I'm assuming that you are fixing them as we speak. By the way, I like the fact that you have a basketball page with the draft picks. I hope you can really pad that page with more useful basketball content and links. All in all, it's a decent site with good content.
  5. This site needs alot of work. The colors are just too dark. I mean I understand if the background is dark and all, but dark text and dark backgrounds equals bad news [ this also goes for light text on light backgrounds ]. The picture on the splash screen page is very hard to see, and looks very awkward on that blocky background. The content and layout of the site is much to be desired as well. None of the links on the left side work, and the layout of the page itself is kind of a turn-off. In my opinion, this is not a very compelling site. Put more effort into it,and it will turn out great.
  6. That's kind of a drag. But I wouldn't really too much about it. As someone else said before, it's only a material possession - it can be replaced [ well, at a price of course ]. Well, I have a similar story. Back in January, I thought my CD Player was broken because the cover was loose from the actual player, and because the CD wasn't playing. I thought there was something wrong with the CD at first. Then I tried another one. It kept saying NO DISC on the player display. I got worried [ not anxious, but abit uptight ]. I thought that I would have to waste another $60-$100 bucks on another one. So three months later, I find out that the batteries had run out. I put in new batteries, and the CD Player worked again. How upsetting. I truly thought that it was the actual CD Player that was the problem, when it fact it was the batteries [ usually when the batteries ran out, they didn't show a NO DISC messgae on the CD's display.] I wasted 3 months of listening time. But that's just my little story. Sorry about the rant.
  7. I like walking the best. I like to use for killing two birds with one stone:getting to a semi-distant location and for abit of a cardio workout. I walk about 30 minutes a day [ not counting the walking I do in high school ]. I like the bus too. It's not too bad. I like it best when the bus is almost empty, because when the bus is full, you don't what you'll find there. The car is okay. I don't mind it when I'm enjoying the summer weather, but whatever. Plane? I've never been on one. I probably wouldn't be scared to go on one. Maybe I'll fly on one someday. *sigh* But that's just a pipedream of a teenager like me.
  8. It's okay. The use of a CMS like PHP-Nuke does get repetitive and monotonous, but that's just my opinion. Your site's design does lack originality because of the CMS, but it won't hurt it's chance of succeeding. The content in decent. The only problem I find is that, as others have mentioned previously, there are way too many links on the side. You need to find a way to condense the number of links. Other than those two points, the site is okay. It's slightly cliche, but that's just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth...almost nothing.
  9. I use the Internet mostly for updating my website, but I also use it for research on the occasion, for posting on Xisto [ which I don't do often ], to post on another message board, and for talking with a few friends. That's about it. I rarely play games on the internet [ or any game for that matter ]. The only time I would even bother playing internet games is in my last period class at school [ and I don't even do that often ].
  10. I can assure you that those were made in MS Paint. It's the only program I can really afford. Just kidding. But I think Paint is sufficient enough for my needs at this point [ I probably won't need anything super-fancy or expensive like PSP or PS anytime soon ]. I would post some of my hand-drawn pictures as well, but I don't have a scanner, so I can't really display them at this time. Maybe I can get a friend to scan them for me.
  11. Besides most dolls being used for sending a bad example for a future generation of kids, they are also annoying. Every time I see a doll commercial [ whether it be Barbie or Strawberry Shortcake or whatever ], I just change the channel or shake my head in some sort of disgust. The worst doll commercials must be the BRATZ dolls. Now those are just whack. These are probably the big contenders when it comes to "infiltrating the minds of young children with teenage angst". The same goes for GI Joes and boy "dolls" as well [ if you know what I mean by boy "dolls" ]. They send a message that they should be carrying around weapons, that they should get beefed up, and other trivial little messages. I'll admit that I had a GI Joe, but once I was old enough to realize that it was notonly boring, but also useless, I threw it away. Not all kids will get effected by the dolls and "GI Joe" figures, but I think many willbe exposed to some of the messages they send.
  12. Here is another one that I made [ it's in a different style than the others, and it's also my avatar ]. And the other two were supposed to be for someone who requested graphics at another forum, but I was never able to post them so I'll show them here as well [ they aren't that good, really ].
  13. Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm glad that my artwork is getting some response, but I'm even happier that it's getting some constructive critism as well. clagnol: Piles of poo? Those aren't piles of poo. They're mountains, plateaus (in the underwater picture), and cliffs. I don't think poo would be on my list for pixellating. But anyways... Noferura: I understand what you mean about his neck. It is too bright, but I was getting the idea that the light source is farther away. If the light source is farther away, it usually casts a lighter shadow. If it's closer, the reverse effect. But I'll admit. The human is somewhat inferior to the other ones, because of the reason you mentioned, and the fact that the .bmp image format leaves out the color detail in pictures. And like the majority, I do prefer the last one . It does look the best, doesn't it?
  14. Gaining respect from someone is one of the hardest things to do. I think nowadays that it's even harder to gain respect from people than before. Most respect goes to the actors, actresses and musicians, so I guess people have some competition when it comes to that. Sure, there are people who do get respect for being kind, for not being a pushover, orwhatever, but most respect is given to those in "gaudy" careers. You have to understand that not everyone is going to respect you, that's a fact. But, if you just do what you do best, put effort into things,and stand up for what you believe in, then you will get respect from some people. It may take awhile to crack some nuts, but patience is a virtue as the old saying goes.And that's my little rant.
  15. Microsoft Word is not that bad. It may not be as good as Word Perfect, but it's no worse than Wordpad either. I don't think that I've ever had problems with MS Word. I think I hate AOL more than MS Word (it crashes too often for me, but that's another topic). But I will admit that most MS programs that I have used are cruddy and annoying, especially PowerPoint and Access.
  16. I have a very inconsistent visiting pattern when it comes to Xisto. Some weeks I visit 2 times a day, other weeks I visit only once that whole week. When I do visit, I usually read the topics in The Vent instead of posting. I may sound lazy because I don't post too often, but many times, I can't respond to a topic, either because it doesn't really interest me, or I don't have enough time to respond to it. It's not that I dislike Xisto or anything like that, it's just that things tendto come before Xisto that are more important. If I could post more, I would, but...And I'm not really into making new topics either. The only time I do make a topic is when I have a creation or something to present to theCreativity Forum.
  17. Thanks everyone. I wasn't expected too many replies, but thanks. They didn't take too long to make, so they really weren't that complicated to make. I still have much to improve in my pixelling though. I still have to learn how to apply the right shadowing, lighting and whatnot to humans (as you can see, the first picture isn't as good as the other ones).And Becca, I may consider pixelling something like that. It would take time and patience, but I would be willing to do it.
  18. Okay, in my spare time, I actually drew several images using MS Paint. It's amaxing what you can do in Paint. But anyways, I made about 4 of them, so I would like to show them and get some feedback. I might add more in the future.
  19. I think that Racism has been stretched too far in some cases. What I mean by this is that people start to think certain things are racist when they actually aren't. I think that's what the media is trying to drill into us - that pointing out any distinguishing qualities from one race is considered racist. There's a fine line between distinguishing two races and putting down one race to boost the other one up. I'm not saying that Racism doesn't exist or anything like that, I'm just saying that some people are trying make even the most innocent comments seemracist.
  20. I find Final Fantasy 8 to be the best FF in the series. The story was great, the graphics were amazing, the bosses and monsters were challenging, and the junction system was really different from the other ability systems in other FF games. After that, the order of my favourite FFs are FF7, FF9 and FF Tactics. I own the ones before FF7, but I haven't played them much. I haven't played the ones for PS2, and I probably won't either.
  21. I don't believe in "Aliens" or UFOs for that matter. I've never seen an alien, nor have I seen a UFO in the sky. I'm not basing my "non-belief" on this point only, so don't think I'm just picking sides just for the hell of it. :)This may be a tad off-topic, but have any of you ever listened to the Art Bell show? If you have, you'll know that he talks to alot of people from the Astronomy field about such things as this. A lot of the stuff spoken of is pretty outlandish, but I think many of you who aven't listened before would enjoy a show like this. If you're on the East Coast, the show is on pretty late, so you may be asleep before it even starts. I listen to it on occasion. Even if I don't believe in Aliens or UFOs, I still find the show somewhat entertaining.
  22. Since I haven't used Opera, I'll have to say, based on my ignorance ofthat particular Browser, that Mozilla FireFox is better. It just makes IEa laughingstock to many Internet users. FireFox has an ad blocker, it has quick page loads, and some other little dohickeys. I'd take FireFoxover Opera (or IE) anyday.
  23. Actually, I haven't been hearing the "your mama" jokes that much lately. I guess the "your mama" joke fad is finally falling into oblivion?I hope so. And yes, they can be offense at times to some people. But most of the time, they're just stupid and something to yawn in boredom at. It's time for people to step up to the plate when it comes to making original jokes instead of just repeating everyone else's jokes.
  24. My favourite RPG would probably be Final Fantasy 8. That was a great game, very challenging, it introduced an addicting card system, and the storyline was not too bad (it got a bit mush-gush at times, but whatever). It was also the first of theFF games I played on the playstation. FF7 and FF9 were pretty close as well. FF7 was pretty good despite the "cubic" graphics. Sephiroth is overrated. I beat him very easily in the end, and I wasn't even at a high level (low 60's I believe). The music was pretty good too (the Forgotten Capital theme is the best, and Safer Sephiroth's theme was pretty good). The story was pretty good. The story doesresemble our world in many ways. FF9 was the "prettiest" of the three. The music was fantastic, the storyline was above average, but it seemed a little too easy to beat (especially Kuja...way too easy). Necron's presence near the end will always remain a mystery to me, but at least he was abit tougher than Kuja. This is the order of my three most favourite RPGs. I'm going to play these games over again just for the nostalgic effect. They were cool.
  25. That fanfic wasn't too bad. I was actually able to invision something like that in my head, so that's a good start. But anyways, about the Kuja question. I believe he did die when the roots of Iifa tree trapped him and Zidane inside. If Kuja was alive, wouldn't Zidane bring Kuja along with him as that was the original intent of Zidane's "rescue mission"? So based on that point, I believe Kuja died there.And about Necron...I still don't see the point of having him as the final boss withouteven mentioning him ONCE in the whole storyline of the game. If anything, thecreators of the game should have made him the "strongest monster", left out Ozma (who is the "strongest monster" in the game), and made Kuja the Final boss.There is only one big inconsistency I see with the game (this may also go for other games, but...) If Kuja was able to destroy a whole planet while in Trance, why is he so easy to beat in the end? He destroyed a whole planet on his own! However, he "dies" at the hands of four individuals? Isn't that ironic? I'm donewith my FF9 rant.
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