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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. Actually downloading music is illegal and you can get fine/jailed for it, and they do catch people for it. I'm not sure if making money off of a game is illegal though, just against the rules.
  2. I like all the topics; however, one thing I have found I didn't like is the tutorial section. All the tutorials go there and are unseperated. At Xisto the tutorial section had subsections such as programming, programs, things like that. It would make it easier for people to find tutorials they are looking for. Just my input .
  3. Well, making money off of mmorpgs, well at least the main ones like runescape or everquest, is against their rules and you can get banned for it. Just thought I would let you know.
  4. GLUT is good for games if you are planning on making a small game by yourself. If you plan on making a large game such as call of duty or something I would definitly suggest looking for another tool. GLUT makes the OpenGL API much easier and quicker to use. I'm teaching GLUT because it is easy to learn for the basics of OpenGL.
  5. This is the last of the six tutorials I have moved from Xisto. I hope you enjoy these and the rest soon to come.
  6. Lesson 5 of 6. These are beginning to be more advanced tutorials. If you are not familiar with my previous tutorials you may need to go back and read them.
  7. Lesson 4 of 6. I hope you are enjoying them .
  8. This is the second of the six from Xisto, again, I hope you enjoy.
  9. This is the first of six lessons I am transferring from Xisto for programming in GLUT, and after the six I hope to make more, I hope you enjoy.
  10. Hello, before I came to Xisto I had a series of GLUT programming tutorials at Xisto. Since then I have moved here and wanted to continue the series. As I am told I cannot just repost the tutorials here so I will put them into quotes until I start making new tutorials. I hope everyone will enjoy the tutorials I bring to this community. Ok to get started. Below are some instructions on installing GLUT, the tool we will be using to program in my tutorials. This was actually given to me back when I had a programming site and James deserves full credit for this tutorial. I hope you enjoy it.
  11. I suggest that instead of asking her out, just go spend some time together outside of school/work. Take her to the movies/dinner, but just as friends. If you are brave enough go ahead and tell her how you feel about her. Hope this helps.
  12. Well, I would guess that since no data is fed into the TV for that channel and therefore none of the pixels are initialized/set to certain colors they are fed random data. This random data creates the dots/fuzz instead of lines/solid colors. I'm guessing its black and white because it sets all the colors (red, green, and blue) to the same value instead of setting them differently. The TV is trying to retrieve a signal, but since there is none there it gets a bunch of electrical interference that creates the fuzz. Hope that helped clear things up .
  13. You could take it to the police. You can press charges against him for sexual harrasment. That's what I would do.
  14. Well, I've been to lazy to create my own, so if you really are that bored, I would like one with standard size, the name T3jem on it. My last logo kinda looked like an inscription into a gold bar, I kinda liked that look, but if you feel like something else would look better, go for it.Feel free to put a "made by" in the sig, I'd be happy to let people know you made it for me.I like computers and some extreme sports (i.e. kneeboarding, paintballing, ATC riding, rock climbing..)Like I said, if you don't feel like it, no worries .
  15. Well, I would maybe just spend time with her more, like out of school. Ask her to the movies or to go somewhere to eat or something, not necessarily a date, but just hanging out. If you feel brave enough you may even want to talk to her about how you feel about her. I hope this helps.
  16. Well, I do believe that God created this world; however, not in the same sense as the bible discribes it. I believe that God sparked the big bang and created the physics that brought every thing we know into existance. I do think it is possible that God may have created other planets with life and even another universe. I don't think it was ever possible that all this matter and energy came out of nowhere so I do think God had to be there to start it all. I also think that perhaps the big bang wasn't the beginning of all time, but rather, it was the collapse of an old universe and started anew. Imagine, an entire universe with an unfathomable ammount of matter collapsed on itself due to the weight, so when all the matter collided into a singularity, all that energy exploded and the matter scattered in the form of plasma for thousands of years until it finally cooled. After slowly cooling, gravity begins to pull particles together creating planets, stars, moons, and everything else in the universe. I think this could happen again, and has been happening since the beginning of time. But, like I said, it could never have happened without God to start it all.
  17. for your first question, yes, you will see a majore decrease in loading times and lag; however, I don't think it will render the OS unusable. If you can, i would suggest using firewire, but if your computer doesn't support it, then you'll have to deal with USB. As for brands, I have no idea, sorry.
  18. I looked through it and it looks a little fishy. I'm not sure exactly where they are getting their money from and they use e-gold instead of paypal (main reason I didn't sign up). Their website is hard to use too. If you mess up on registration then you have no idea what you did wrong and you have to hit the back button to sign up. If they used paypal then I may have signed up to see what forums I can use though. Looks interesting to try, but not interesting enough to get me to sign up for yet another money account.
  19. That's pretty good. I like it. It is sad that those students were killed, even though it's unlikely, I hope it doesn't happen again.
  20. The only reason I could see in getting that keyboard is to show off, or to create your custom buttons with regular letters but have all the letters switch around to mess with your friends. . I see no need for a keyboard to have a screen on each of your keys, too power heavy if you ask me.
  21. The way I see it, is if your a kid or adult, if you use violence, even if it's not aimed towards a cop your risking your life. Even if its not violence and it's shop lifting or something, if you try to run you automaticaly give up your security of life. There was a story kind of like this around where I live. A kid had stolen an earth mover and was later shot and killed by an officer. The story was that the kid had stolen the earth mover and when cornered the cops told him to get out and all that; however, instead of getting out, the kid began driving towards the cops, so the cops shot and killed him. The cop that shot him when under investigation and stuff. The media made a huge deal about it because the kid was like 15 or something. So, I think if your going to run or do something violent, you should be ready to be shot and killed, not necesarilly saying you should be, but I don't think you have a right to be protected from it.
  22. I believe time is the fourth dimension in which matter as we know it moves. We can easily move in three directions of space, but time we have yet to freely move around yet. We constantly move down the axis of time; however, Einstein created the theory that you can slow down time by moving very fast in the first three dimension, it has yet to be proven though. So, thats what I think time is, hope this helps.
  23. Well, after learning binary a few months ago, I don't see exactly how computers can "acurratly" calculate trinary code. The binary code of course represent cells in a chip being charged or not, so the only other way I can think of is if it detected a half charge or if you could make it a positive and a negative charge, apart from that, I'm not sure. Will be interesting to see it in a few years when it comes out though.
  24. I've played gears of war at my friend's house, we've beaten it up to insane I think. It's really fun the first couple times you play, but then it gets boring. My friend doesn't have live (one thing I dislike about microsoft, make you pay for internet, wii all the way!!) so I wasn't able to play online, and the multiplayer is ok, but not the greatest. I think the best part of the game is running from the berserker, but that even gets boring after awhile.
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