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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. my 320GB external drive is serving me well, and I have hardly filled it up at all! I don;t think I will be needing a TB drive anytime soon!
  2. I think the website said that some will be more distinguishable then others, depending on how they were printed.
  3. sten, most networks have their own DNS lookup system. There are only 13 'root servers' in the world, that are scattered around the world (with the majority in the USA). They are named a.root-servers.net through to m.root-servers.net and mostly have IP addresses starting with 192.*** (though some have 202 and 128) These would be used if you don't have a local DNS server (or one thats closer then a world server) My Broadband Modem has a built in DNS Server (and from memory, so does the wireless router). So there is no real need to install other dns software onto the computer if the modem is going to do it for me! You can tell where the DNS server is on your network by the first two lines that come up when you enter a nslookup command. Server: dns-cache-2.<name-of-your-ISP>Address: <IP-address-of-some-DNS-server-at-your-ISP>if the server is a local name, or the address is a private ip address, then the DNS server that you are using is a local one. Still the program is a nice simple one to use (I installed it after reading this article!) and i recommend it to anyone that wants to have their own DNS lookup service!
  4. I think the 15.4" laptop would be a suitable choice for me, as I'm not looking for the portability as much. I have a 17" LCD at home and its great, nice big screen, and with a decent graphics card is lots of fun!
  5. Sounds like a pretty good game! I might have to buy it, or get it off a friend! Pusblishers Website: http://www.codemasters.com/game/overlord-complete-pack/
  6. Sorry, the link wont work cause once the session I was using timed out, the link was invalid. Most of the labels that people have on computers/laptops come from OEM copies of Windows, which aren't allowed to be transfered to a new computer! I told my friend today about it, and he looked at his laptop to find that he also had a 'torn' COA. He was rather suprised, both because it was torn, and that he hadn't noticed it before! EDIT: Found some more information about the Torn Labels, from the Microsoft Website! Source: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de < There is pictures of the two COA Labels on this site I can tell you that the label that my friend showed me resembled nothing like a windows flag!
  7. a friend says that their graphics accelerator does them well for the basic stuff (which is really, all im interested in!) which is good. So I will defiantly go with that!Battery is very important, so the graphics accelerator helps with that also. Though I'm not too fussed about the portability as much, as most of the time it will be on my desk. Does the screen size ultimately define how long the battery is going to last, or is it a minimal factor? I like to have a big screen to be able to spread everything out, instead of it being all on a small monitor, plus i already have a nice 21 inch monitor (I'm, used to BIG monitors )
  8. Thanks, 'll go have a look at this now!
  9. lol yeah, but just imagine the phone calls they would have received, or the retailers would have received!
  10. Its amazing to see how far its developed from the first time I saw it! Well Done and keep up the good work!-jimmy
  11. It's not really NEW news, but I only found out about it today! I found it pretty strange, but that's Microsoft for you! Strange! That would be rather scary to setup work new computer - just to find that the COA looks torn and is almost about to fall off! And all in the name of security. It is supposed to stop people being able to take it off and swap computers - it just makes it look like its already been swapped! Imagine the amount of people that have purchased a new desktop or laptop and are thinking they have got a non-legit copy cause of the COA! Great work Microsoft -jimmy
  12. I think I will go with the onbaord graphics accelerator. I wont be doing that much (if any at all) major 3d work and won't be playing any games, so it shouldn't worry me!I already have a AMD Sempron at home which is a desktop. Its only something like 1.6Ghz, but it works really well! I have Win XP and Suse and it does wonders (well, enough for me!)Should I be expecting a huge performance increase with the core duo also?
  13. Is v6 up and running yet? Also, I'm just wondering why my site is not included in the list? (cubed.astahost.com)
  14. I want to purchase the laptop from a store, just so if I have any problems, I can get it sorted out with the store. But so far, I haven't found any with just Linux or DOS on it.
  15. Thanks for your explanation of PCIe.All of the laptops that I have looked at are Windows Vista Home Basic or Premium, no one seems to be selling XP anymore. Though I did see one store (I think it was an online store) that was offering to downgrade to XP, and then give you the choice to upgrade to Vista again if you wanted to in the future.
  16. Im only guessing here, but I would say that the COM+ Event System handles the event viewer - which logs every time something happens (good or bad ) Go Start > Run > and type in eventvwr, then you will see what the event viewer does.My guess is that the COM+ service, keeps the logs updated!-jimmy
  17. brian, a few weeks ago I had some problems connecting to my website, as well as everyone elses. But same as you, could still access the Xisto forums. I could access pages from Xisto, Trap, all the xisto group, just not the hosted websites.The problem seemed to sort itself after a few days! I did nothing to fix it cause I didn't have them time, then suddenly it worked! Hopefully its working for you soon!-jimmy
  18. I wont be playing many games at all, since the laptop is mainly for work purposes! So the graphics accelerator should be good enough for me! Apparently this graphics accelerator is compatible with Aero (which I'm not to fussed about, I think I'll just turn it off anyway). I have a copy of XP Professional for the computer at home that I could install onto the laptop (instead of vista) if I really don't like it (I'll see how it goes, maybe i can get used to it! ).I'm not to sure on the Hard Drive cache, but if the 5400rpm will consume less power (battery life is important to me) and is still good enough, I think I'll go with that one!Also, what is the PCI Express Card used for. I'm assuming it is not the same as the PC Card (PCMCIA) that is in my other laptop?Otherwise, I think I have everything else sorted. It's got a 15.4" widescreen, 1.3MP camera and fingerprint reader (fancy feature, not too much use ) and the speakers are harmon kardon too.
  19. sten, The laptop that I was looking at (mentioned above) was in the dse catalog sale, which finished today (5/8/07) so the price goes back up $200 or so. I was talking to them today, the store that is closest to me doesn't have any of them anyway!I was playing around the the dell website yesterday - i was starting with the top XPS model and expanding from that, they get very expensive!So far i think it will be a HP, and defiantly Core 2 Duo, but im having problems finding a new laptop without vista, i'm not sure if they are selling them anymore, though they may have some out the back for a bit cheaper! hopefully - im not ready to go vista yet!Another question, graphics - should i be looking for a laptop with an actual graphics card (like the nVidia® GeForce™ Go 7300) or one with a graphics accelerator? Whats the difference and what will be better?I think I will go 1GB (2x 512mb) of memory at the moment and a 120GB hard drive (haven't decided if I want to go the 7200rpm or stick with the 5000rpm drive)
  20. xboxrulz - that is AUD$1000, but actually AUD$1,274. And thanks, I'll have a look at some HP and Acer laptops. I was thinking about Apple, but there isn't that often that I would use the Mac, I more need windows for my development environment, but i'll still have a look - there just really expensive! :PWhat do you think of Dell, cause I was looking at 'building-my-own' from their website? Is it a good brand, cause if it is I can get exactly what I want in the laptop.
  21. If your other computers are XP also (assuming the printer host is XP), then the XP drivers for the printer are already installed and it will install them on the other computer(s) automatically. If you have other versions of windows (98,2000), install the older drivers on the host computer also and it will auto install drivers to the appropriate computer!
  22. thats fair enough, but if physical security isn't an issue, why have a password? I know if you don't have a password in XP, it logs you in automatically - is this the same in vista?
  23. Thanks for your input! I have found another laptop, similar specs but with the core 2 duo. A little more expensive though! But for now, ill keep looking! Thanks again,-jimmy
  24. It would be a good is the had a SD card or memory stick that was that size! If there was a SD card with 64gb, you could carry music, pictures around on the card, and use them in heaps of devices. With a USB drive, you can only use it in computers, the SD card (or similar card) could be used in many more devices (mobiles, pda's etc)
  25. If you can login to vista before it has finished loading, but can't access everything, or things won't work - whats the point? How are you going to be advantaged by logging in earlier?
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