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Everything posted by QuickSilva

  1. As I am not a violinist myself, I don't really know much on this issue. All I can say do you have a case to put it in? And if I did have a violin, I would put it in a case at the top of a wardrobe or something like that. Place it well out of the way.
  2. Oh very cool! I can't wait for this. I am at school at the moment and the website is already banned. Seems that all these Paypal haters day will be made just better. Google is certainly having a good shot at taking over the web in a way, with the fabulous Gmail, Google Maps and many many others. I will certainly be using this over Paypal.Have a good day!-Tom
  3. Learn from your mistakes, I am sure you'll never go there again. I always use Xisto - Web Hosting for all my domain needs. They're speedy and as you know, the Xisto - Web Hosting support is excellent! Well I have to rush.Have a good day!
  4. Very good tutorial on how to do this! I don't think I am going to use this method though, I just open the files directly off the server in Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. I find it much simpler doing ,it this way and also some times these package installers such as XAMPP restrict some features in PHP, may not be the case in this one, but sometimes it does. Anyway nicely written tutorial!Have a good life!-Tom
  5. Very very good work. Brilliant contrast between colours there! The font also goes very well with all the sigs and just finishes the classy look off. How long have you been making these for? Looks like you've been doing it for absolute ages with the quality there!Keep up the excellent work!-Tom.
  6. Well I got the chance to live on earth for another Christmas and spend some quality time with my family for Christmas! I feel that is the best thing you could ever get in the world. Nothing can ever beat family love and a good time. Also I got a piano and other things. :PHope you all had a great Christmas!-Tom
  7. I'm not actually a 'paint baller' my self, but if I did I would probably go for the more slower and where there is more strategy involved and picking up from you lot discussing it, i pick up it is Woodsball. Correct? Hmm... Maybe I should start to get into these sports. They seem pretty fun and... different! :PHave fun paint balling!-Tom
  8. Hello and welcome to the tutorial of creating a simple user system! In this tutorial we will be using sessions in order to keep the user logged in. All passwords in the database will be encrypted with MD5. Ok first of all run this SQL on your database: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `username` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1; As you see above we have 4 fields:ID: The ID will basically keep the ID of the user. This ID adds 1 for everytime a new row is created (basicly someone registering) Username: Pretty self explanatory, keeps the username of the user. Password: Again pretty self explanatory, this keeps the password of the user. For the passwords we will be encrypting them with MD5. This will keep them secure so that no-one can get in to there account by hacking the database or other means. Email: This is the email address for the user. ----------------- Ok now we move onto db.php. This file will allow us to connect to the database and will hold some other things in here aswell, such as the function for checking if the user is logged in. I have explained as well as I could in the code it's self. Please take time to read this, as it will make you understand the code more. <?phpsession_start(); /*This will start our sessions. Without this the sessions will not run. This must be at the very top of the page.*/$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","DB USER","DB PASS");/*Basicly above this is what is happening. It is going to connect to the database using them credentials. Edit DB USER and DB PASS to what you have set it to be in cPanel. Localhost should only be changed if instructed by your host to do so, normaly if you have a dedicated mysql server.*/mysql_select_db("DB NAME") or die(mysql_error());/*This selects the database and if it can't, it will display the error that mysql outputs.*/$username = $_SESSION['username'];/*This is assigning the variable $username to the session.*/$password = $_SESSION['password'];/*This is assigning the variable $password to the session*/$id = $_SESSION['id'];/*This is asigning the variable $id to the session*/function checklogin($error_str){ /* This sets the functions checklogin. We have one parimeter called $error_str. This is the error to be put if there not logged in *//*This function will check if the user is logged in*/$checklogin = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password' AND id = '$id'")); /* This is the second check. It checks if there actualy in the database with the information by the sessions*/if ((!isset($username)) || (!isset($password)) || (!isset($id))){ /* Checks if the sessions are set. This is the first login check. */die($error_str);}elseif($checklogin == 0){ /* If the database said it can't find them anywhere */die($error_str);} /* Closes the elseif */} /*Closes the function */unset($checklogin, $password, $id);?> ----------------- Right next we are going to make register.php. This is the form where the user can register up to the user system. Again I will try and comment it as much as possible so you understand it more. <?phpsession_start(); /*Start the session as always*/include("db.php"); /*Here we are including the database file in order to connect to the database*/if ($_POST['submit']){ /*If they have clicked the submit button*//* On the next few lines we will set a variable for what they have put. Remember variables always begin with a $. */$post_username = $_POST['username'];$post_password = $_POST['password'];$md5_password = md5($post_password);$post_email = $_POST['email'];$usernamecheck = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$post_username'")); /* Check if the username has already been taken */if ((!$post_username) || (!$post_password) || (!$post_email)){ /* if they have missed a field */echo "You have missed a field!";}elseif($usernamecheck != 0){ /* If the username has already been taken */echo "This username has already been taken!";}else{ /* Username hasnt been taken and all fields filled in, let's carry on! */mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (`id`, `username`, `password`, `email`) VALUES ('', '$post_username', '$md5_password', '$post_email')"); /* Adds them to the database */echo "You have registered!";}}else{ /* If the form hasn't been submitted... */?><html><head><title>Register</title></head><body><!-- Starts the form --><form style="margin: 0px; display: inline;" method="post"><!-- Starts the layout table --><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="31%" align="center"><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><strong>Register</strong></td></tr><tr><td width="50%" align="right">Username:</td><td width="50%"><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr><tr><td align="right">Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr><tr><td align="right">Email:</td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr><tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register!"></td> </tr><!-- Ends the layout table --></table><!-- Ends the form --></form></body></html><? } ?> ----------------- The next page is login.php so the user can actualy login <?phpsession_start(); /* Starts the session as always */include("db.php"); /* Includes database file so we can connect */if ($_POST['submit']){ /* If they have clicked submit */$post_username = $_POST['username']; /* The username they filled in */$post_password = md5($_POST['password']); /* The password they filled in. Notice the md5. This will encrypt our password so we can match it up to the database */$numrows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$post_username' AND password = '$post_password'"));if ((!$post_username) || (!$post_password)){echo "You have missed a field!";}elseif($numrows == 0){echo "Incorrect username or password!";}else{$fetcharray = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$post_username' AND password = '$post_password'")); /* We are selecting the row from the database which is theres in order to get there id. This will put it all into arrays eg. $fetcharray[id] is what we are going to use. */$_SESSION['username'] = $post_username; /* Notice theyre the other way round? This is because we are setting a session. */$_SESSION['password'] = $post_password;$_SESION['id'] = $fetcharray[id];echo "You are now logged in!";}}else{ /* They didn't submit the form. */?><html><head><title>Login</title></head><body><form method="post" style="margin: 0px; display: inline;"><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="31%" align="center"><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><strong>Login</strong></td></tr><tr><td width="50%" align="right">Username:</td><td width="50%"><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr><tr><td align="right">Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr><tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></td></tr></table></form></body></html><? } ?> ----------------- Ok finally I will show you how to make a page where they are required to be logged in. You can name this page what you want <?phpsession_start();include("db.php"); /* Includes the database */checklogin("You need to be logged in to access this page!"); /*Error if they are not logged in and also this checks if they are.*/?>Your page here for logged in people! ----------------- Thank you very much for reading this and I hope you have learnt something. If you ever need help reply here or message me. Check back for part 2 coming soon!
  9. Also the website TechTuts has a extremely good user system and a lot of adons for it including admin panel, messaging system etc. A must checkout website for people! -Tom.
  10. Not true, the reason he was doing this is to escape the PHP so he could put the HTML in. This did not cause the error.Example: <?php$var = "hi";if ($var == "hi"){ //if the variable $var is equal to "hi" carry on.echo 'Hey there!';}?> Is the same as: <?php$var = "hi";if ($var == "hi"){ //if the variable $var is equal to "hi" carry on.?>Hey there!<?php}?> Also I think this is the other way to echo: <?phpecho <<<EOFyou can put anything here really including " and 'EOF;?> Hope this helps! -Tom
  11. I scored 8/10. Some were quite easy to guess, but others weren't. Very good! Thanks for sharing!-Tom.
  12. Well the biggest tip I can think of is use automatic update. Then you don't have to think about it and it does it automaticaly. Also you need a reliable anti-virus/firewall as well as one with many features. I wouldn't go for a firewall that blocks every single thing, as it can disable things such as instant messaging programs (IM) and VoIP (Such as skype) and lots of other things too.-Tom.
  13. Cool! Microsoft Bill Gates edition. Well first impressions show that it is quite fake. I don't really think there is much more to comment on this. Just that some coders have probably got Windows XP and altered the startup or something else, and by giving you that CD it is actual a violation of copyright as you don't have a license to run it.-Tom.
  14. Gmail, what can I say? What a good email provider! I firstly got my email within the first week of the website opening by an invite off somebody. Later down the line they increased the invites you could send out to about 99 (if i'm not mistaken). By then you could tell it was getting a bit closer, not a lot, but a bit. Gmail's AJAX features I find quite impressive, other email providers try to get better, but with too many features it becomes a nightmare. Gmail's interface is a very simple and slim one boosting the AJAX even more. I really cannot complain when it comes to Gmail. All I can say is, What a good email provider!. -Tom. P.s. Happy emailing!
  15. Hmm... Well... Tricky one. David not taking his medication is a very serious issue. The best thing to do is alert David's parents and tell them what's going on. The should really be the first to know and if there is a youth center/worker near by, I would suggest going to them and asking for confidential advice. David has clearly broken the rules of which you all signed, and basically that is betrayal. If I was you, I would try and try again to get him back on the medication. If all fails, I would then alert parents and ask them on what to do and put David onto the phone to him or see his parents over the issue. I think in a way this isn't his fault, but then again, it is going agaist the rules and causing a good experience a bad one. Hope you have a good life! -Tom. Edit: Sorry I didn't see that you had replied. Well I am all glad that it is all good for you now and that everything is back to, should I say, normal. Sorry to hear that you had to resort to the police coming into the picture, but you had to do it and followed your heart. Have a good time and good luck with everything! -Tom.
  16. I'm pretty curious about this. I keep all my DVDs/CDs in it's case so if you do that you won't ever have to resort to using methods of lifting the scratches. Well I suppose as a last resort these would be ok attempts, but I wouldn't put anything on a valuable DVD such as collector's edition or other.-Tom.
  17. Well you have to look at it two ways: Pros: School helps you make new friends and in a way get a better social life (not saying this is for everyone), as the amount of people you will meet at school will be more than on your street or at your local football club. Teachers are strict for a reason, and the reason to enforce rules and to make school actualy better for you. Abuse at teachers because of this is quite bad and is not very polite to the teacher because simply, they're only doing there job and what they are set to do. You can go on and on about 'that horrible maths teacher' or 'that horrible science teacher who gives detentions out for nothing'. Well teachers won't give detentions out for nothing if they're doing there job right, they give them out for a purpose. And if a teacher is giving them out constantly for nothing, I would recommend you go and see there head of department, or even the School's head. Cons: School can be boring at some times, you will find that odd lesson where all the teacher does is read out of a text book and make you copy 10 paragraphs out. Some teachers, and I know this for sure do give detentions out, just to pick on people. My friend today got shouted at very loudly for not taking his coat off, when he walked into the classroom after the teacher had said this. Well I suppose it was his problem because of coming late into lesson and wearing his coat indoors, but a simple 'please take your coat off...' may go a longer way than 'GET YOUR COAT OFF NOW!'. I would consider re-thinking your views of school and coming to a good conclusion. Have a good life! -Tom.
  18. 30 Gigs? Let me start off by saying what is the point? By far for a standard web user 200mb is more than enough. Gmail's 2805mb+ is more than enough for basicly the majority of people. Yes there will be people with large attachments etc. But 30gb? There hard drive must have terabytes of storage if they even want to think of this. Well I don't think this will help me at all, I have Gmail and I am fine with that. 30GB, too much by my opinion.-Tom.
  19. Hey,Well first you need to find the cause of the anger. I recommend really going to see a Local Youth Worker or Coucellor at your school or local Youth Club. I would think this would be the best for you to sit down with the Youth Worker and discuss things confidentialy. They will know a lot more on this issue than me, so it is better going to see them. Some people feel quite intimidated by going to see these people, but they shouldn't. These people's job is to help people and make the bad good.Hope this helps and remember, make your own decision and have a good life!
  20. Ok, if you login to paypal you will see at the top some numerous 'tabs', then there will be some more below. Click the 'Withdraw' button. Now depending on what you have linked to your account there will be some options here. Click the one where you want the money to go to.There may be some fees on the different options depending on how much you want to withdraw. Type in the amount, check, then check again and click the 'Continue' button. There maybe more pages after this, but I haven't done this before, so I do not yet know.Hope this helps you in your E-bay buying/selling!
  21. I first came aware of Trap 17 ages ago, I think I opened my very first site here on another account. I came aware of the site via the search engine Almighty Google! Since then I have been posting away until a bit ago then I stopped (I don't know why). But tonight I had a buzz and wanted to get helping a few people with Counseling issues as Trap 17 has a counseling forum.
  22. It depends on what you mean by 'rocks your world'... If you mean as in love... Of course it will be my beautiful Girl Friend who I would love above anyone and can say we're in a very happy relationship, but this isn't to do with my relationship with my Girl friend, so I won't go into that .If you mean as in role model/hero... It has to be David Caruso, I adore him as an actor and not necessary himself as a role model, but a person who cares for all the good people in life called Horatio Caine in a drama called C.S.I. Miami. I may not be an actor myself, but the way he does things I really like and every day I wish I could be more like him, but still I believe everyone is on this Earth for a reason, and I shouldn't be swayed by other people and follow my own path in life.Well that's a bit about me-Tom.
  23. Last time I got a blue screen, it must have been urr... when I was using Windows 98 Second Edition. I never have it any more *touch wood* and I hope I don't. Now sometimes I just make my computer freeze by having too much memory and CPU using software open at the same time. Oh and my tendency to have 200+ tabs open in Firefox (maybe a slight exaggeration there). Well it is actually a long time since I thought of a blue screen. You have just brought it back into my head. Not really much else I can put on this.-Tom
  24. Well this happened when I was about 10-12 with me. My granddad seemed to be the only one who cared for me. He looked after me and took my out and about. My parents did nothing, the only thing they praised my for is good marks in my exams. Maybe my case wasn't as bad as your friend's, but it is seriously worth a visit to a youth club or even his school's head of year or someone to go over what he can do to bring this to a stop. In my case I sat down with my mum and dad and talked about it. To this date I don't think they bothered to listen, but anyway. The horribleness stopped, I became a bit more helpful round the house, and we started to act more like a family.Now we still have our moments, but who doesn't? That's just life, isn't it?Hopefully your friend will make his decision, and one that he makes with pride.-Tom.
  25. I would look at it too ways:It is her decision and should be respectful for that, but she is endangering her own life and maybe others taking this route. I would sit with her as a councilor and go over the pro's and cons. But don't force your opinion into the matter as it may make things only worse.Or the other thing, which is my private opinion is that she is making her self worse and others. What happens if she has a seizure while driving? They have removed her license to drive for a reason, and I would think that is that she can endanger other people's life's by driving. She wouldn't mean to, but it isn't her fault.Hope that helps and I wish the best for you and her.
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