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Everything posted by Forbez

  1. Isn't there an option on dreamweaver to do that? It one of the option when you want to preveiw your page. Also, on Photoshop at the bottom of web page saveing preveiw. You can see how long that peice would take to load on 56kb/s.
  2. ALL RIGHT! FREE TACOS!Great publicity act, hope it works for them. But they won't get into profits for a quite long time I guess.
  3. I'm totally for cloning. Cloning is the furture and is and will be a massive step for medical research. Cloning will basically cure nearly every disease known to man. If you've lost a limb, they can grow you a perfect match and you have that new limb whatever that could be. If you have a heart disease and need a transplant, who is a better donator then yourself? They can grow you a new heart.So in cases of cancer where they remove the parts of your body which contain cancer, they can replace them with your clone of that body part.For those who think cloning is wrong, infact their wrong. Cloning is natural, and many animals can actually clone themselfs. I don't know any personally, but alot of plants defiently can.Cloning is going to happen in the furture, too many advantages and very little disadvantages.
  4. Havn't seen that site in ages. Last time Much improvement form the last time I saw it. And 55,000+ members, thats ALOT for anyone. A MASSIVE staff would be required to manage all that. But to be honest, I doubt anyone really takes that website that seriously. So noone will be that intrested in a staff positions. Your far to kind with your score, 0.9 from me.
  5. You really expect to get this hosting, completely for free! please, are you some sort of idiot. No sorry, you are an idiot. Of course there is some cost, just not in the tradtional sense. In exchange for the hosting, you have to post here. They get an active community, higher website ranking which means more money for hosting ads on their own forum/website. Plus other details which I'm not too sure about.Stop being an idiot and stop moaning.
  6. Question is abit stupid, reading it back to myself. But what I want to express, is how do YOU make build up your website and aim to complete it.For example, at the moment I have quite a big project to do with my MAIN website. So i've added plain pages to each section so people know what to expect. Each time I finish a section, I will add that to the news for veiwers to see and take a look at the new complete section.
  7. I would make a difference if your partner is a virgin.If it's both your first times, then thats going to be easier for both as they have nothing to compare it to. But then as nethier has any experience, how do they know their doing it right? Or what their doing is the best way to go about it. Sex isn't that hard to do really, so shouldn't be any problems. Main thing about being with an expeirenced person is the secruity, that they know what their doing. Like parachuting with somoen who has done it before, makes you feel mroe safer.But if your on the toher side, the experienced one. Then it's pressure on you, this will be their first time, which everyone remembers. If you slip up, it will never be forgotten. At least they have the excuse of saying "it's my first time". Whilst you, best you can say is "i'm not good at having sex" which then makes you the less confident one. If your brillant at sex, you have no worries at all.It shouldn't really matter anyways, if you are both "in love" with each other, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. You both trust each other, so whats the problem?Different cultures have different veiws. Some culture would rather have sex with just virgins, others with experienced people. I personally think it's up to you. If you'd rather be the one to teach someone the ways of making love, then have sex with virgins. If you'd rather be the one to have sex with someone of the same level as you, that do that. As said before, you must love the other person, love everything about them. if you can't beat the fact your parnet is a virgin, then your not in love. Because love means to love the person and everything about them.But of course, we all know. You don't always have sex when your in love. So refer back to what I said about your choice of who you slep with, experienced or virgin. The majority of us would say experienced over virgin as you both know what your doing, as long as you've had sex before...
  8. The earth is round, end of. It's just stupid to believe it is flat. The amount of REAL people who have travel around the whole earth and got back to where they started in any sort of method; vehicles; planes; cars, w/e. When you go on a plane, look out the window, dpending on your height, you can see the curve of the earth. What about the moon and the sun, aren't they round as well? Or are they flat, but we just see a circle for no reason. Why would NASA do this for? It would cost them too much to fund this conspiracy for no real gain. So what if we know the earth is round? How does that effect what I do in my life? Even if the earth was flat, what differences does it make. It's a stupid idea to think the earth is flat.
  9. I like the imageshack toolbar add-on and downloadthemall thingy. Works quite well
  10. Once again, bringing the coumminty closer together. Great thinking, I love it. Keep up the good work!
  11. Yeah, orange box looks good. I might be getting it, alot of my friends have plenty to say about orange box and how much fun they have.I think your missing a game of it, there is another game. Which isn't a great, or eeven good game. You get the trial or something for it.
  12. Yeah googleplex, I thought everyone knew that? It has like a million 0 after the 1 or something. Not even the worlds population of money equals a googleplex.You should search googleplex on google, see what you find .
  13. Lol, marrying a robot, that is just sad. If you marry a robot, you've admitted you are unsuccesful in life. Would also mean a lower population if marry robots catches on.This is the distant future though, we are still in 2007 and I haven't seen any everyday walking robots yet.
  14. I haven't brought a domain, ever. BUT when you look around at other sites, the majority purcahse from godaddy.com. They must for a reason, so I suggest you try thsoe guys out.Domains don't cost too much, if you don't like their services just change to yahoo.
  15. Terrorism is powered by the everyday media. They will put on the news the latest terrorist attack and oif course, show suspects. As always, muslim people. We see this and without realising we are, start hating muslim people. You will treat them differently just because of their faith. Now that you are discrimating against innocent muslim people this, of course, makes them angry. If you were were constantly suspected to be a terrorist, wouldn't you get abit angry?The terrorist recruiters use this and with their own make, make them join their terrorist group. I'm not saying ALL muslims do this, but this is a form of recruitment the terroist group use.To stop terrorism, stop hating them. No country can nuke another, without the back-up of the UN, if they do that is all out war on that country. I strongly doubt america, infact any country could deal with that.Also america reley on those parts of the countries for supplies in oil and food, would be a HUGE cost to fire a nuke as well. Too many disadvantages and not enouh advantages.
  16. Thanks alot for the help guys, first time i've ever been hacked. So kinda good then :)So just change my cpanel password and forum password? Should I change anything else on my computer, or is just the Xisto account been hacked?
  17. I think I may of been hacked. I finally got to log into my cpanel and got this messageat the top left. Last login from: Could someone confirm is that was just an admin checking my account, or is this serious.
  18. Yeah, I tried that, didn't work. Gonna write up the support ticket now though.
  19. Not so perfect them. If they don't have a active staff, moderators and admins and such. Then there is no point joining it, this accounts fro EVERYTHING online. There is simply no point,y our not going to get any OFFICAL help from anyone so you always have to hope nothing goes wrong.I think they just used perfect hosting for a promotion reason. Get their name, or another companies name out their. Thats why after 2 days they deleted your account and lost ALL contact with you. That way you think you get something for free, but they take it from you but still did their purpose, to promote. Crafty plans which seems to work.I'm glad you stick with Xisto, they are a very good company for free webhosting. I'd like to see anyone find another company which is better.
  20. 10 credits.... I'll try and get them by tonight. Please post if there is any other way.
  21. I need to get my cpanel password. I've competly lost, I normally rely on my computer to automatically save it. But I hadn't loged into my cpanel for ages so it had forgot all the data. So could one of the admins send me my password, or someone else give me a link to the password recovery system, cause I can't find it.
  22. Thats quite serious, all over one site. I use demoniod mostly but pirate bay is good to. All this will just bring more customers to the Pirate Bay. Even if Pirate bay loses, someone else will start it again and so on. There are millions of pirates who need their bays.
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