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Everything posted by leiaah

  1. I'm not quite sure what you mean but I've dug up a few java projects in the past and I saw this code. To change the over-all look-and feel of your buttons (including the whole frame) just call these functions like this: WindowUtilities.setJavaLookAndFeel(); import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;public class WindowUtilities { //WINDOWS (or whatever your OS is) LOOK --> WINDOWS BUTTONS public static void setNativeLookAndFeel() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error setting native LAF: " + e); } } //JAVA LOOK --> JAVA BUTTONS public static void setJavaLookAndFeel() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error setting Java LAF: " + e); } } //DARK RED COLOR--> COOLER-LOOKING BUTTONS! public static void setMotifLookAndFeel() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error setting Motif LAF: " + e); } }} Now if you only need to change the buttons You can try to include an image in your button. By doing this: buttonName.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/btn1.gif"));
  2. If you're having some difficulty with PHPFanBase you can try the script Enthusiast. I used to own a fanlisting but I decided to abandon it because of my hectic school schedule. Good luck to you! Website of Enthusiast Script
  3. Has anyone visited twingine? It's basically a webpage with two frames, one for google and one for yahoo. Twingine website It's silly but it works and it's twice as fast!
  4. I actually prefer MiniGal. I just think it's easier than coppermine and personalizing it doesn't require you to tweak parts of the code. You can even download then install skins to suit your site's theme. I used to install both Gallery and Coppermine but I found that Gallery looks too simple and Coppermine a bit complex. I'm finding them hard to tweak/modify until I came across MiniGal. It's really nice, you only have to download it from the website and then upload it to your folder and then just change the settings to whatever you like. Minigal main website My Gallery
  5. I personally think Winrar is better. It is able to open different file types and winzip doesn't offer that. I used to have Power Archiver before but now I'm a winrar user.
  6. What's required is a client-server model. The computers in the Admin and Billing room will share a centralized server but the Nurses' stations, Pharmacy and Information desk will only have limited access to the server.
  7. Hello. I have a school requirement in my data communications subject and I'm currently lost. It?s supposed to be a client-server model proposal for a hospital here in my city. I?m clueless with regards to computer networks and the hardware specs required for it. I have tried reading books about it but I?m still not quite sure about the PROPER network TOPOLOGY to be used in the kind of set up the hospital has. I don?t know any network administrators besides my teachers so I was hoping to come across with a few here. I just need OPINIONS regarding the kind of ARCHITECTURE and TOPOLOGY to be used and maybe the HARDWARE required (hubs, switches, servers?!). I have a centralized DATABASE in mind but I?m not closing on a distributed database yet. It?s all just a blur right now. I don?t want people to think I?m letting people do my project but I really, really need someone to teach me HOW TO START with it because I?m really stuck. I?ve learned to use AutoCADD already and I?ve started with the floor layout and the first few paper works but until I get pass the TOPOLOGY, I can?t move forward to the budgetting and implementation plans. If anyone here knows anything about what I?m talking about please, please help me out. It?s only a few computers, all currently stand-alone and there?s no network set up yet. Please post if you have questions so I can clarify things. Please help me out! Thanks in advance to those who will. Here?s a picture of the layout.
  8. leiaah

    Sim Cards

    Well the sim usually comes with the cellphone package. Why don't you try to go to your dealer? They might give you the sim.
  9. el chupacabra sure looks like it's made of rubber! I love conspiracies and mysteries but I don't know about this one. I'd rather believe in loch ness monster and big foot than el chupacabra! It kinda sounds like la cucaracha (cockroach right?)
  10. leiaah

    Hey All

    hey there nick! Welcome to Xisto and I hope you get what you want here the way I get what I want here. I'll be seeing you around I guess.
  11. hey there! I think you should try to keep the fonts for your text smaller (but still readable) than what you used. Also, it would be nice to keep the font size in your navigation uniformed or consistent. If its a sports discussion forum I think you should put more pictures of athletes and other sportsy things like what yhcln1 said. I'm no good myself but I think you should try to improve the graphics and the whole look-n-feel of the site and maybe add more content to it. But I know its still new and I'm sure you have plans of improving it. Just keep at it.
  12. You can download tutorials from the sun microsystems website here or you can buy the book Java How to Program by Deitel and Deitel. The book is a very good reference and has excellent sample programs in each chapter. I hope this helped.
  13. I don't play any instruments I sort of regret not begging my mother enough to enrol me in music classes. I wish no that I spent my summer vacations having guitar lessons when I was younger and not just lie around in the house. So now for my graduation gift I'm begging my mother for a SHINY, RED, ELECTRIC GUITAR!! Kidding! I don't even know how to play the acoustic.
  14. Hey tdktank59. I don't know if by the time you get this message you've already asked her out but I'll still try to give you some advice. I used to chat online and I don't know about you but sometimes what you talk about or the chemistry that you and the person on the other end feel when chatting (or texting) might not be the same or might be different when you actually talk face to face. Umm..I guess my advice is to keep at it. If you say you know her for 3 years already then just ask her out. She seems eager to be asked out by you.
  15. I don't think there's something wrong with people who listen with their headphones on and it's not their fault if they annoy you. What's wrong is if those people deliberately try to annoy you by turning the volume to superhigh while banging their heads in front of you and grinning like an annoying idiot (it happened to me once).
  16. Hey Zach! If you are using Macromedia Dreamweaver you can make use of the behaviors panel there to create the JavaScript to open a new window for your index page.Find the Behaviors Panel > Add behavior > Open new window (or something like that...can't remember and this isn't my pc ) . You only have to change the EVENT (also in the behaviors panel) to 'onLoad' so that when you type in the address bar, your site will automatically open in a new window.If you're not using Dreamweaver you can code the javascript yourself and just change the EVENT to onLoad then assign it to the javascript function that opens the new window like onLoad="openNewWindow();" . That's basically the principle behind it.I hope this helped..
  17. Yeah my teacherS are the same. I'm usually at my friends house on the weekends doing our research papers and other projects. One teacher sort of likes our group and thinks we're ALL THAT that she gives us more difficult topics to research about. It really annoys the crap out of me. (what does this smiley do?)
  18. Hey compute. I you don't post for a really long time you'd end up with a negative credit. If you have 0 credits already and you stopped posting for 7 days you'd have a credit of negative 7. You'll have to keep on posting if you want your site to be online.
  19. I don't know much about these things since I'm no admin but I don't think Xisto gives out credits through referrals.
  20. I like battle realms, ceasar, zeus and red alert! I don't know what specific genre they belong in but I like building infrastructures and training an army then later attacking my opponent.
  21. Hey Jae-unit! Yes, school is full of posers. You're in high school but it doesn't get better in college. There are still posers in the university! Not as many as in high school but yep there's still hanging in the lobby posing.
  22. Nice work! I wish I have the patient to do some vectoring, 9 hours is WAY too long for me. I don't think I can squeeze that leisure activity in my schedule right now cuz it's just crazy!Again, nice work! Kudos to you. It's only your 3rd vector? Keep at it!
  23. I had a similar problem yesterday and I changed the permissions of my public_html folder under the file manager to 777. I can't remember changing the permissions before I got suspended though.
  24. Hey thanks for the link. I'll try to download the script from hotscripts and check it out. I hope I can test it offline. Thanks again! I would not have known how to code it.
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