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Everything posted by thebluekirby

  1. i've never played any of the old final fantasy games besides 1 and 2. But usually old games are good, so i'll give it a try
  2. you need 7 hosting credits to get back your accountand i think by every 24 hrs, your hosting account goes down by 1if you post over 300 characters, you get more then 1 pointso just post a lot
  3. I WANT IT SO FREAKIN BADLY!!! Even though I'm still trying to finnish the first one... I STILL WANT IT!! I'm half way done with the first one, and it seems really awesome. for an old game, it has pretty good graphics. and the plot lines are awesome, too!! so if that one is good, i bet the next one will be better!!! I can't wait to get to XDsore rulz
  4. note pad is awesome, i can't open my php files with anything BUT notepad!!! Yay notepad!!! *i just relized notepad's greatfulness XD*
  5. i like american pie, that movie was funny and good
  6. it's nice, but i wouldn't call it the best
  7. i try not to worry about the furture, i focus on what's goin gon now XPbut if i ever do think about the future, i always wonder who i'll marry, what my kids will look like, if i get the job i want and die the way i want to
  8. halo 2: the second game is always better then the first
  9. holy crud!! those are like...really awesome!!!! i can't make wallpapers like that XP
  10. holy crude, 15 minutes? that's pretty good. Just, maybe you should get rid of that ingrave thingy cuz that mkes the siggy look bad
  11. wow! now i don't think i need to sign up for counters anymore!!! thank you mucho grande!!
  12. thebluekirby

    Bad Drivers

    feh..everyone is a bad driver at first XDbut all i have to say is, if you want to drive peacefully again, go in early or really really late lol
  13. then post a lot more when you go on that trip :)i think hosting credits is a more oragnized way to make people post more, but i kinda think it gets annoying when you're too busy to post. Maybe the admins should increase the amounts of points you get per character in a post. But it's really no different from the old system. You'll just need to post more often
  14. thebluekirby


    feh...i don't belive in god, but i don't hate it. It's good that someone came up with god, it give us people something to belive in, even though we all know it's not real. Sort of like heaven. We all know heaven doesn't exisist, but we'd all like to, right?Just because people belive in god doesn't give you a reason to hate them. Sometimes praying to god brings your hopes up. You think you'll get better at something just because you prayed to god, but it's just you. So...yeah.... it's nothing to really hate
  15. thebluekirby


    dude, it's a baby show. That give it an excuse for sucking so badly. you don't have to hate it so much, it's just a baby show. I mean, blues clues and barney are much worse *shivers*but when i was in first grade, i use to love the teletubbies and dance along with them XD. But I don't hate the show, I just think I'm too old for it.
  16. you bumped into walls and you're blamming school for that ? lol XDbut i have to agree, school does kinda suck. but it's just the early get up and the boring classes that I have. But I love the temptation to get home, i's always fun to have temptations ^__^ and plaus, you get to see all your friends at school and probably, if it weren't for school you wouldn't have met them. but the people who like school seriously suck. I don't hate school, I just don't enjoy it
  17. thebluekirby


    feh... i always do a search to find a topic i like. you didn't need to post a topic on the vent just to sya you have nowhere to post.
  18. waaaaahhh....i don't know the names to any drummers T______T
  19. i like both =D rock is awesome, so is offspring. I like kids aren't alright, that song is really good
  20. search "perl tuturials" on google.com and you'll get lots of results.always try googling before trying anything else. google has good results. But don't do image searches *shivers*
  21. eventually, we'll find a way to prevent crime. I think in the furutre we might have digital money so that people can't rob from banks. And you might need a card to buy things instead of having paper money. Then again, people can steal oyur card or hack into your banking accoutn. Darn it!But eventually, we'll be able to make a super cool security system that prevents people from doing crimes. But who knows. Theres no possible way to stop people from doing crimes, even if they know the consquesnces (can't spell XP). So, I hope my pointless paragraph helped a little
  22. SORA!!! I luff sora <3333 Great signature!! I've never thought of making my signatures like your style, i should try it ^__^ looks really nice, awesome job!!! I like kindom hearts too (as you can obvioulsy tell)
  23. wow... this tuturial can come in handy when I feel like scripting in PHP! thanks!
  24. don't go on that site very much, but it sounds interesting ^__^
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