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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Sounds good, and this answered my question, I wasn't going to gte what pulse because I didn't want it to track my key clicks via internet, but if it is a local client on my machine, sounds good. But I hope you are doing something to recompense jipman for not being able to beat himself. Also, we need to have the banner hosted online somewhere to place it in our signature, right?
  2. Thanks guys, the validation is working now (except I need to add the part to clear the marked portions when it is fixed if other problems appear). If you want to check it out, it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. I would let the mysql_connect() store it's reosurce as a variable and use that resource in every my_sql query(). I woudl also replace mysql_select_db() with mysql_query("use $db) becuase select_db is deprecated while the query is not. And make sure that you are filling up every column in your table. If you have an auto incremented column, like the member ID, then you need to change the INSERT statement to this: "INSERT into $table(username,password,fullname,gender,birthday,birthmonth,birthyear,country,email) ('$username','$password','$fullname','$gender','$birthday','$birthmonth','$birthyear','$country','$email')" where the stuff in the first parenthesis is the names of all the columns you will be filling. Also, try sticking a die("$addit"); right after you define addit to make sure $addit is set the way it is supposed to be.
  4. I have used <img src="blah.php"> to use the PHP image functions to create a gif to display. My problem comes in when I use imagettftext() to display text generated in the php script. I want the text to be semi-transparent and used (correctly I believe) $back = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 100);$textcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 255, 60);to create the color ($text) that I want. The problem is that the code, imagettftext($image, 70, 0, 0, 96, $text, "/font/arial.ttf", $string); displays the text in the proper RGB color but lacking the transparency.This is an example of what the image currently looks like (it is random text): Another thing, is it possible to return the generated random text to the calling php script, or pass the text from the calling php script to the image php script without using post (and preferably without get too)?
  5. I've just started scripting, and so far the best I have done is a remote that says hi to other users as they log on only if a certain other user isn't on. If you want to look it over for me or provide helpful pages with tutorials on mIRC scripting, I would be much obliged. Code of the remote as follows: on *:JOIN:#NBot:{ if ($nick == Qop123) { /msg #NBot hello $nick } if ($nick != $me) { if (Qop123 ison #NBot) { /msg #NBot } else { /msg #NBot hello $nick } }} I also made a simple little remote that lets other users cause me to say they someone with something. Once again, code to follow (since you asked us to share): on *:TEXT:!hit*:#NBot:{ /msg #NBot $nick hits $2 with $3-} I'm also trying to make a script that automatically logs me back onto a channel when kicked from it, but it isn't working. If you could help, I would appreciate it. on *KICK:#NBot:{if ($knick == $me) { /join #NBot}}
  6. If you want to use php instead of javascript (and I'm not saying either's better), but want the javascript ability to have totally different names, you can use this code: <?php$location = "http://blah.blah.foo/foobar"; //this should be the folder containing the //images if they are in separate folders, ignore this line and make the full location of the //images the replacement for pic#.ext in the next line$pictures = ("pic1.ext", "pic2.ext", "pic3.ext"); //make pic#.ext the name of one of your //images no rules as to format of the name this time$maxnum = count($pictures);$randnum = rand(0, maxnum-1);echo "<img src='$pictures[$randnum]'>";?>
  7. For months now I have been trying t o do assembly programming in SVGA. I am doing 16 bit assembly, not 32 bit , so I do not have an API to use. I have been to the VESA page and downloaded their standards. But when entering a lot of the video modes, The screen goes into power saving mode. Any help on resolving this issue would be helpful. And it is a problem with every computer I try it on, so it is not a hardware problem.
  8. What is the text of the error message you are receiving? And if the Xisto setup is like the Xisto setup, then the name of the database will be "cpanelusername_databasename".
  9. I use a TI83+, not a voyager2000, but I found TICalc very helpful. They have all sorts of tutorials. Just download programs, look at them, and watch what they do. Also, read the manual so you know what format everything takes, that is the most useful knowledge, the format every instruction takes.
  10. If the array is completely empty and thus null, you could just use the IsNull function, like so or IsEmpty():If Isnull(array) then msgbox "array is empty"orIf IsEmpty(array) then msgbox "array is empty"
  11. szupie made one, you can find it here. It's a very nice one that can easily go on any site. All yuo would need to do is link it back to Xisto.
  12. If you have the ability to use PHP, it is easy to make a random image script. Give each picture the same name but with a number at the end of it (make foo.bar foo1.bar footype.bar foo2.bar). Then stick the following code anywhere in the page and make sure the page is a .php type.(The instructions are in the comments). <?php$min = 1; //The first number one of your images has$max = 10; //The highest number you image has$number = rand($min, $max);$url = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; . $number . ".bar"; //change the url to your url //for the image split the url into two parts by separating in between the image name and //extensionecho "<img src='$url'>";?> That ought to do it.
  13. I think I see the problem. All of your if statements check to make sure the data was entered correctly. If it was, you then define a variable $SQL which holds the query instruction for sql. Then you check if the variable exists, and if it doesn't display success and if it does, display failure. But you never connect to the database or execute the the query. What I would do is right after defining deifning $SQL insert this code: $resourceID = mysql_connect("localhost", "yourusername", "yourpassword");if (!$resourceID) { die("Error" . mysql_error());}$database = mysql_query("use yourdatabase", $resourceId);if (!$database) { die("Error" . mysql_error());}$success = null; //make success a null variable, you can also define it to false insteadif ($resourceID) { $success = mysql_query("$SQL", $resourceID);} yourusername and yourpassword are the username and password you use to access the mysql database. yourdatabase is the name of the database to take the data. Then change the final if statements in your code to if($success) instead of if(!$SQL) Hope this helps.
  14. I can't tell if that works or not because the page keeps continuing on to the php script that is supposed to process the form. Here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Thank you, I will try that immediately.
  16. Thank you very much dungsport, they are very useful.
  17. I have the welcome screen active. When I boot up or resume from standby (for some reason the computer goes to standby is by closing the lid, not time), the computer goes to welcome screen. But from screensaver it is tha classic logon.
  18. vizskywalker


    What are indexes, what are the different kinds, and how do they differ? Also, why and how do I use them. Most of the tutorials I have found for SQL have them, but don't really specify why they have them. Thanks.
  19. My laptop used to go to the welcome screen after resuming from screensaver or standby to prompt for a password. It stopped doing that. When I set the option to prompt for password after resume from screensaver in the display settings, it no longer uses the welcome screen, but more of a classic screen. Any ideas how to reset this. On a similar note, any idea why it doesn't like to go to standby after 30 minutes like the power settings are set for?
  20. Okay, I know how to use cgi or php to make sure a form is filled out the way I want, and if not, post up a page marking what needs to be fixed. I also know how to make a javascript to alert what needs to be fixed and not procede until they are fixed. What I want to do is use javascript to mark everything that needs to be fixed without using alerts, probably by changing the color. Any ideas as to how to do this?
  21. So it was for the Xisto and Xisto sites. I noticed the changes in a little bit, and I think they are good ones.
  22. Or make the edit button just be addition only, that way people can say "what I meant was", but the bogus posts can be read by admins and marked as spam, and the perpetrators will lose more credits for a deleted post than they would for just editing it.
  23. I agree, why did we lose the edit button in the first place? If people were abusing it by not thinking before posting, than make it ppear after a day or so. I dunno, but bring it back pleasee.
  24. for even faster access, create a shortcut file for each batch and put them in a folder. Right click on the Taskbar and go to toolbars New Toolbar... pick the folder you have the shortcuts in. Then right click the toolbar and deselct show title and showtext to save space
  25. In response to the second question, while Pascal is a high-level language (Delphi is just an IDE for Turbo Pascal), it was designed to have easy inline assembly code. Most better Delphi/Pascal code utilizes assembly for a wide variety of features. Plus, these languages are both very old and unfortunately not widely used, which makes this the old language section.For the first question, I know I have seen some, but can't remember them. I will keep my eye out for you, and try Yahoo! I find better tutorials more often on Yahoo! than Google. And don't forget to try a local library.
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