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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. How do we submit the banners? In this post? And is it a contest or are you going ot pick multiple people's banners?
  2. I used to have that problem as well, occasionally. But then, after I updated to version 1.0 from .99, I had both installed, so I uninstalled everything and reinstalled 1.0 to save space (and later upgraded to 1.01, but that doesn't matter to what I'm about to say), and after the reinstall, it worked fine. My suggestion is to save allt he bookmarks, memorized passwords, remembered searches, and config files and reinstall, it isn't that hard to do, and isn't hard to save those files if you want them saved. as a matter of fact, you may be able to just select to keep them when uninstalling. Like I said, it worked for me, but no promises.
  3. I have a linksys setup as well, but let me ask a couple of clarifying questions so we can better help you.First, what OS are you using?Second, is this an accurate picture of the wireless situation.The laptop with the linksys card used to get the neighbor, then got your compex router, and now gets nothing.The laptop with the compex card gets the compex router.Is that correct
  4. NilsC is right, we do need more information. But based on I'm going to assume both are running WinXP. In this case,if you have actually set up a notework and each computer has a name, try this. 1) open up command prompt by going start, run, type in "cmd" (without quotes), and hit ok 2) type in "shutdown -m \\computername -s" where computer name is the name of the desktop, and once again without quotes.
  5. I don't know for certain, because I don't have it, but I would try Nero. The link I gave you takes you to the list of features provided in Nero 6 (I believe they are all provided). Check and see if this has everything you need. I will keep searching for a freeware version for you, and let you know if I find anything.
  6. Does anyone know of a program that can be used to view the contents of a dll, say, to find specific icons. I know I used to have a program like this, but I can't remember what it was. I need one to find several windows icons, such as the restart icon. Thanks
  7. If he your friend has forgotten the administrator password , he won't be able to do the safe mode trick. Otherwise, that is the best option. If that doesn't work, there is a program available to help with this problem. I hesitate to recommend it though, because it costs $90.00. Here is the link, however. Information on how to use it can be found at annoyances.org. I'm looking for the file(?) that XP stores password information in to help find a free solution, but so far no luck. Sorry.
  8. Oh goodness, I read more webcomics than I can count.-8-bit theater-Ctrl-Alt-Delete-VGCats-Something PositiveAt Keenspot.com-General Protection Fault-Helpdesk-RPGWorld-Sore Thumbs-College Roomies from He**-It's Walky-Melonpool-Nukees-Sporkman-Abby's Agency-Count Your Sheep-Queen of Wands (which kind of just ended, no new strips )-Sinfest-Striptease (about Comic strips)-The Suburban Jungle-Wapsi Square-ShortpackedYeah, I'd definitely recommend Help Desk and RPG World if you are reading Ctrl-Alt-Del and 8-bit
  9. Recover from what? Did the computer crash, has he forgotten it? More details could add tothe helpfulness of a solution.
  10. Three(ish) questions:1) Does anyone know where (and even in what file if it is in a dll) the icon that is used for the restart symbol in WinXP is? The green one with the starish symbol? 2) Does anyone know how to cause the computer to standby, hibernate, and or log off using the switch users method using a command line option (so I can make a shortcut out of it)?3) Does anyone know how to set a Windows sound event to choose a random sound from a list of sounds, maybe a batch file or something?Thanks in advance.
  11. I checked out the various sites and did not seem to pick up a virus. I think the trojan came from elsewhere and was either activated on a delay, or by something else you did. I, however, feel those sites are safe, and you may place them on your review site with no fear that people will gain viruses.
  12. I didn;t really need the special characters. I was writing a program and wnated to stick a header in a box and use the ASCII double lines for the box. The character sheet worked fine, and the characters were lost when saved with ANSI anyway, so I'm fine without them. And soon I will have word 2003 for any special stuff I need.
  13. Man I wish there was an edit button because I forgot to ask if you clicked any links on that site. I want to try and recreate what you did.
  14. Glad to be of assistance, and I'm glad you posted this. I'm to cheap to buy protection for my computer, so the I have to be careful where I visit if I'm not on the family computer.
  15. You could try using an onSubmit code with javascript and redirect the top to the site you want to go to. Or use PHP or Perl or another language that can easily process form data and print a new page to handle it. Sorry I don't have code for you, but I don't have time to look it up and haven't done it before. The javascript onSubmit is all over the web though, just do a search.
  16. Depending on your memory, the speed of your computer, adn other things like that, the blocking may or may not have been instantaneous. If you know the websites that you visited, since you know McAfee does block the trojan, maybe try onme site a day and see which site McAfee picks the virus up on. The virus could have come from another site, but it would have to be through a link or code on the site you visited. Also, if you want to, provide the sites you visited and the name of the trojan (if you remember it or McAfee gave it to you) and I could track it down (probably).
  17. I have an idea, I don't remember being presented with a ToS when I signed up. I think it was just a check box or something saying "I have read the ToS and accept" or something like that with a link. Maybe if you made reading the ToS a page, like setup utilites, and put a note in large colorful text stating "The Xisto ToS is exclusive to Xisto and differs from other ToS" maybe more people will read it. And tripletriangle, to answer your question, yes, I do think you plagiarized, because when you publish something, and according to modern law, putting something on the internet is publishing, you claim credit for that published work. However, I don't think you knew this so I do think you did it unintentially. But let this be a lesson to you that gaming the system is becoming increasingly difficult, and isn't really worth it anymore.
  18. Okay, thanks. i just remember the alt thing working in older versions of notepad. I knew Windows discontinued many functions with XP, but hoped this wasn't one of them. And thanks for pointing out the character map.
  19. Thanks, that was useful, but is there a faster method I can use from inside Notepad?
  20. How do I put extended ASCII characters in notepad and/or wordpad. I know in Word (which I don't have), you can use the alt key and press the code, but that doesn't work in notepad, I get beeps. This XP notepad, and any help would be appreciated.
  21. I don't know that XP allows for actual locking, I'll look into that for you. However, if you are using fast user switch mode, simply log off by switching users. Yo bring the log off menu up press the windows key and the L key. Then, a password will be required to regain access, but programs will be left running. To lock the computer and require users to press ctrl-alt-del before logging on follow these instructions (from Windows help and support center)1: Open User Accounts in Control Panel2: Click the advanced tab3: In Secure Logon select Require users to press CTRL-ALT-DEL
  22. We may also be able to provide better help if you could tell us what errors winxp setup gave you before it stopped.
  23. There are two ways to share cookies between IE and Firefox, the first isn't true sharing. It is when you install Firefox, import all of your IE cookies. The second, which is true sharing, is done through IE. IE allows you to change the Temporary Internet Files folder location. This folder is the folder IE stores cookies in. If this folder is set to the location Firefox stores its cookies, it may cause problems. It can't really be set to the location that Firefox stores its cookies in, because Firefox uses a file, but if the IE cookies and the Firefox cookie file are in the same folder, it may cause problems. The problem may lie with the Firefox file as well. What version of Firefox are you using, if it is not 1.01, update and see if that helps. Otherwise, open the cookie file for Firefox (c:\Documents and Settings\you\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\bclibax8.default\cookies.txt where you is your user name if you are using XP. Otherwise, do a search for "Firefox" and open the folder labeled Firefox and then search in that folder for cookies .txt). Make sure the file begins "# HTTP Cookie File # http://www.aol.com// # This is a generated file! Do not edit. # To delete cookies, use the Cookie Manager" without the quotes and the line breaks may or may not occur.
  24. And just in case something messed up in the insatllation of Firefox and something was installed in the wrong place (which may, even though this event is unlikely, be why yuo were suffering from cookie problems), do a search on your hardrive for anythinf with fire in the title, then for stuff with fox, then for stuff with ff to makes sure you get everything. And a tip on the reinstall, don't share cookies with IE, it can lead to problems.
  25. We sang songs in math class, but I didn't do anything else because I like to utilize all the digits, so I believe in one pi day every time the year begins 15 so the lasy one was March 14, 1592. So, yeah, there won't be one to that many places in my lifetime .
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