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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. what is money?it's the root of all evilim amazed no1 posted that sentance yet
  2. it was excellent! even though it was more or less on the same lines as the da vinci code (conspiracy, secret societies, the church...) i loved it he could make another one about conspiracies and secret societies and i'd still like it lol... however i dnt think its better than the da vinci code, nothing beats that, cos u can actually end up believing some of the things in there lol for example something which majorly freaked me out yesterday....i read in a history book that a lot of knights templar fled to excommunicated scotland after the friday 13th massacres...... and then i saw a picture of the scottish flag.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the blade & chalice? not only that, but i found out that rosslyn chapel is also in scotland......majorly freaky stuff
  3. democracy has been around for over 2000 years lol...the ancient greeks invented it
  4. George bush is an idiot. No offence . I dont mean to say hes evil or anything, or all this bad stuff that's his government are doing is because of him....i just think he's a fairly simple dude who is merely a puppet.... the real bad guys are the people behind him who control him. the oil companies.....*BLEEP* cheney, condoleeza rice.....the arms companies, possibly even the CIA. Bush clearly didn't have the capability to win an election, or to run the government afterwards - correction - he didnt win the election, his brother jeb bush and the supreme court did the idea that george bush has any power whatsoever is ridiculous...
  5. i cant acess my ACP!whenever i enter my usernam & pass it says "this page cannot be displayed" my forum/website and everything else is working fine though...
  6. i notice Xisto forums are invision power board 2.1.x ...i have a 2.1.7. if any1 knows anything about the mods for the following: (everything circled in red) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png if anyone knows where to find the mod/images that are used for this forum's reply system, i'd be v grateful (basically, the dropdown menus for fonts/sizes/etc, the Bold, italics, etc, the spoilers/codebox/etc)
  7. to make games you neeed.....sum1 with graphical skills to make 3D images in photoshop or the like....you also need to know a bit about coding. Tell you what, buy Medeival 2 total War! there's a very active "modding" community at totalwar.org that makes modifications of the game....one team of modders recently declared they were ending modding and starting their own game making company! its v good practice for making games imo, a lot of the TW modders start with no skills at all!
  8. mojoman


    omg are you ppl crazy??of COURSE god exists!he's me!
  9. of course there could be, there could be absolutely anything beyond the dephts of space that we dont know about it. as terry pratchett said, "some people believe that the universe is carried about in a leather sack by an old man. And they're right too." there could be flying space monkeys called timkins beyond our univierse, who knows??
  10. i dunno if any of you guys here play MTW2, but if you do:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ name is GERUDO and the Warriors of CROM (tag: G|WoC)CROM is an ancient celtic god of warthe meaning of GERUDO is lost in the mists of time but we all agreed that it stands for:Great Elite Rampaging Uberpwning Deathdefying Orang-utans some other trivia:- we pwn yo face- we pwn everyone elses face too- this is the clan you are looking for
  11. try buying a punchbag dude, or a stressball
  12. I think suicide should definetly be legal. i mean come on, its YOUR life, surely YOU should be allowed to end it. In my humble opinion its taking away a basic human right...sure if they fail try everything you can to help them not to, maybe allow their families to lock them up in a suicide watch clinic or something, but making it a punishable offence is just silly
  13. its supposedly also mentioned in some prediction by nostradamus of the birth of the 3rd antichrist (the first and second ones were napoleon and hitler) seeing as he got the first and 2nd ones right im pretty freaked myself but his predictions are pretty vague, and this one i think was that he'd just start becoming known at around 6/6/6...it could be anytime from 1998 to 2020
  14. hehe! that was 1 good plan bro... very well planned and all. I never knew about the whole river electricity thing in congo...thats BS!!! if that could potentially save all of africa, why arent the idiots at the G8 summit building it?? surely THAT would end poverty in africa! anyway back on topic......iv'e had my own idea of taking over the world, though its much more simple and there are probably much more catches...also, its not very peaceful and much more evil ingredients: 1 evil genius a group of loyal international friends (like yours, the interent would play a big role in this) 1 Keen ambitious chinese political genius 1 Keen ambitious chinese military fanatic 1 keen ambitious american spy fanatic 1 keen ambitious american military fanatic 1 keen ambitious british spy fanatic 1 keen ambitious british political genius 1 keen ambitious russian political genius 1 keen ambitious russian spy fanatic 1 keen ambitious russian military fanatic various criminal organisation contacts in all of the above countries Execution of the plan: You become an american citizen, if your not one already...you work your way up the political ladder.....eventually becoming president! in the meantime, all your fanatic buddies are rising to the top of THEIR ladders....any1 who gets in their way, the criminals send suicide hitmen against...it wont matter if they get caught, when the political geniuses become leaders of the said country, they will be let out! NOTE: Contact must be kept up with the political geniuses, so that they run for president/prime minister at exactly co-inciding times! eventually..... you are president of the USA the chinese military fanatic is the head of the chinese military the chinese political genius is chairman of china the american military fanatic is the the british political genius is PM of the ul the british spy fanatic is head of MI5 the american military fanatic is the chairman of the joint chiefs the american spy fanatic is head of the CIA the russian military fanatic is the commander of the russian military the russian spy fanatic is the head of the russian intelligence agency (dunno what its called nowadays lol) now, you and your buddies are the ultimate powers in military, wealth, and shady stuff 1 by 1, u "liberate" other countries.....why liberate them? because they have bad leaders...who are these bad leaders? agents from your intelligence agencies of course! if any newspaper guy, or any1 gets in your way, first you can send your criminal contacts after them, aided in secret...by your secret services! you could even intimidate newspapers to work for you! like emperor palpatine, you would control the law and the criminals....you could even stage events with your criminal buddies where they get "arrested" and are in all the papers so that YOU look good! the possibilites are endless! anyway, though this sounds evil, the ends justify the means, and when you and your buddies have sucessfully "liberated" all their said areas....(UK liberates europe, scandinavia, and africa, russia liberates the middle east, china liberates japan and asia, the USA liberates mexico, the carribbean, australia, and the pacific islands) .....you will then be free to do whatever you want! make wars a thing of the past, destroy poverty, etcetera etcetera..... well that's my plan...discuss!
  15. I believe there making a second one for the Wii
  16. I voted "I don't know". Space is a vast unknown area, being able to see some of it would be a great experience. Seeing Pluto and laughing at how it got kicked out of the list of planets, the Kupiter belt, etc. Would all be great to see all of this stuff in one life time. In the end though my decisions would depend on the situation back home. If I'm at a good enough age to say that I've seen enough, or that I'm really just about to die soon, then I'd take the trip. If its not free I wouldn't do it
  17. ya me too, when i try to open my forum it says this: and i also get a blank page @ my CpAnel.... that's the same prob as u guys are having right? only some noob messaged me on msn and said he "hacked my forum, lol"....but after i saw this thread i figured he's probably winding me up...
  18. In the past, History books were always written by the winners......but that was pretty much OK, you knew who may be fibbing, you knew what to look for....when militiary coups and such happened, they happened in the open.....julius ceasar stabbed by senators, countless medieval kings and warriors being deposed by their own armies and displayed for everyone to see...now it's different... the media, the fact that people CAN overthrow governments (the various communist uprisings) has made governments scared to tell everyone the shady stuff they do....its hidden from us with clever CIA-tricks, false facts, false testimony, editing of info....the media is an important part of day-to-day life, and one of the hallmarks of democratic freedom, but i fear they are tricked far too easily....imo, its hard to tell which is better....example 1:Baron:Ok, i killed your last baron, im the new one...there's going to be a few changes around here...first of all, we are going to attack the other baron over the river there and take his castle, lands, wealth, and iron, so i can build more weapons for my army and become the richest baron in the land. and you people are going to help me.Peasant:and why the hell should we do that??Baron:Because i have inch-thich plate armor, a horse, a shiny sharp sword, a big shield, and 100 loyal, fierce, fit men-at-arms with iron armor, crossbows, and spears who do what i tell them to. Adn your a smelly un-healthy peasant with a pitchfork. also, you'll get a bit more land to farm on if we take that baron's lands....which means more food for you in the winter.Peasant:Ok! very well explained, lets go own that baron-across-the-river noob, come on lads!example 2:CIA agent:Ok here's the deal men, go and blow up the twin towers...kkthxbaiCIA men:yessir!a week later....White House Spokesman:the evil terrorists killed thousands of americans, and we are going to go own them in afghanistan!American 1:Yeah! the damn noobs, go own them! good on you! those damned middle easterns, i knew they were a shady lot!American 2:yeah, i knew they were all like that...savages, savages....a year later:White House spokesman:and in addition to supporting the acts of osama bin laden, iraq reportedly has weapons of mass destruction which will shortly be very damaging to american interests!americans:Yeah! the damn noobs, all the same arent they?a month later....Journalist:so how is the war progressing, mr general sir?General:oh very well, we've captured the oil wells!Journalists:and the WMDs?General:oh...havent found any yet, we're still searchingmeanwhile, back home....CIA agent: Pwned! lol!President: lmao...and we didnt even have to give the peasants any land!which 1 is better ...? though im jsut a wild conspiracy theorist, i doubt the US government would order their own trade centre to be blown up...
  19. if there was no internet....i'd spend all my time watchi9ng movies and DVDs ;)i agree with it being scary though, in 10 years from now, people wouldnt be able to cope if the internet was taken away...
  20. well the easiest way to fight anger imo, is to concentrate all your brainpower on why the other guy/girl is doing what he/she is doing, or liking, or has an opinion on, or whatever.....if you understand why, your anger will dissapear, as you know its human, and even if its wrong it is simply a human mistake and not blameable.....if that doesnt work, you probably need a holiday, maybe a permanent one if its rly bad.....also, dont eat fast food, or anything with E-numbers in it, its been proved than people who dont eat/drink E-numbers/fast food are far less agressive and more rational, as well as more clever and healthy, than people who do...
  21. Area 51 is just a top secret testing facility for military technology. Talk of their being aliens is just completely absurd. Its all kept a secret for one obvious reason..Its a top secret military base.. I believe Area 51 test aircraft, mainly working on things such as stealth technology. I found Area 51 on google Earth and took a screen shot of it. Was kinda funny at first lol.
  22. As a person who has been doing martial arts for most of my life, you should know when it is proper to use force. If there is no escape from that person, then its understandable to fight back, especially if that one person is using a lethal weapon/attacking you. But if the guy is lets say just threatening to punch you for whatever reason, you should try and talk it out with the person. As you said, if your being ganged up upon, I wouldn't actually try to hold your own, depending on the form of martial arts you take, you probably wouldn't be able to take them on.When applying force against someone, your not just going to sensely beat upon the person. Your going to just subdue the person enough that they won't have the power to chase you down. You wouldn't just go stand there and try to keep fighting back and beating the crap out of him, as soon as you have disable him enough, you should run for help, as again, violence won't solve anything. If you kill the person or cause severe bodily harm, then you will obviously get in some what trouble still. Breaking a leg or an arm out of self-defense is understandable imo, but really just taking it far enough and beating the person real badly won't do you much,
  23. Get DBZ my friend. Nothing beats the joy of pounding someone.
  24. If you read some of the posts before you'll get your answers. I would say though its more of an opinionated question. I would have to prefer firefox now. Before I would use Internet Explorer 7, but it would always take me forever to load. Although it allows tabbed browsing just like firefox, I again found the time just for IE to open a pain. I don't know if there are any pluggins for IE, but the pluggins i use for firefox help make soem of the stuff I have to do easy.IE is ok and all, but pages sometimes take forever to load there, yet in contrast firefox speeds it up pretty quickly. On firefox I rarely ever get pop-ups.I've tried Oprah as well, and it does load somewhat faster then firefox, but I can't exactly find any add-ons for it, so I don't know what I'm gona use it for.
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