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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. Have fun then and make your poll :PEDIT: Make sure the poll includes area other than known obvious ones that have problems with religionEX. Middle East
  2. Its possible to predict a large asteroid, that would destroy everything, hitting us, so in some way its sorta predictable
  3. I live in the US :PI enevr really here and prejudic really going on, so wherever in the US u are, its not going on where I am
  4. The world isn't going to come to an end anytime soon imo. Those who say "oh the worlds coming to an end, look at all the events around you" should really think. Ten years from now, probably something else disastrous occurs, people will be saying the world is coming to an end. The world will end when its quite obvious, like 10 seconds b4 it happens.If an Ice Age did occur, I think man and the world would survive, like it did in the last one before. To tow away a planet i dont think would be possible, and would probably result in consequences on earth itself more than helping i think.I don't think religion is slowing the world down. Religion gives people something to believe in, supposedly according to a study, those who pray become happier too. Religious views can be found all around us. Don't kill people is a law, and can be found in the 10 commandments, etc. Religion has played an important part in the growth of the world i think. Good and evil are a point of view
  5. @ arza:Religion has always been a source of conflict between peoples. I don't think today you see a lot of Christians saying that they hate Muslims, Jews etc. but during the time of the Crusades, Black Death, etc. there was a lot of prejudice against other religions. I don't think though the "your going to hell because of your religion" view is still around many Christians today (maybe im thinking of just catholics alone, as im catholic)Hatred of other religions was/is around when it comes to other religious groups, like Muslims sometimes during the Crusades etc. Back on topic:The worst and funniest thing I've heard a christian say would be from William Donahue when he called the creaters of South Park "little whores" "The ultimate hypocrite is not Comedy Central ? that's their decision not to show the image of Muhammad or not ? it's Parker and Stone. Like little whores, they'll sit there and grab the bucks. They'll sit there and they'll whine and they'll take their shot at Jesus. That's their stock in trade."
  6. A war between the US and China is a possibility, but really unlikely to happen any time at all. The UN would try in step in and stop any conflicts and I don't think anyone is in the mood for a war. If a war actually occurred between the two countries, it would be disastrous for both sides and maybe some other neighboring countries where any military bases are. The US would probably win thanks to technological superiority though in my opinion.@aliveNumbers alone dont win a war. Technological superiority and other factors also play a role. Ever heard of the F-22 Raptor? The B2-Bomber? The Chinese AirForce maybe large, but it probably wouldn't stand a chance imo. And I don't think China has a navy as powerful as the US either@stevenWe need Japan! They give us cars, anime, Nintendo, and PS3s!!!!
  7. I don't think the whole world will start doing anything or making a really large effort until the consequences actually are about to or already hit us. How many people on the street do you see talking about global warming? Maybe in a science class, but thats about it imo
  8. I mainly wasn't expecting moody, fred or tonks to die. Maybe some other people. I was hoping for a little bit of a better ending as well, but it was still ok. I finished it around yesterday night. pshh that takes the fun of reading it out
  9. The last time I saw a lunar eclipse was a few years ago on my mom's birthday. Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to see this one
  10. There are a lot of sites were you can watch/download naruto and other anime/manga too Saiyanisland.com Narutopedia.com YouTube.com I hate downloading episodes from narutocentral, it takes usually forever for it to download completely, let alone start downloading at all . YouTube used to be a good spot, but now though after being sued or w/e, there starting to delete shows and episodes
  11. WOW Thats far! It'll be awhile before we go to another galaxy, as we still have to search through our own still, let alone land a man on Mars
  12. Here is my entry. good luck to everyone else
  13. I say sorry really, thats one simple thing you could. Or you could try and make up for it by doing something special or exciting for her. If its on her birthday and you forgot, improvise: Print a card off the computer or make one on your own by drawing stuff on a piece of folded paper
  14. Why do people tear when they yawn? My friend thought I was crying for a minute lol, because i had tears right after I yawned.
  15. I only have the original, not the expansion pack. I mainly found the space battles more interesting than the land ones.
  16. I've played paintball a couple of times, I'd go out with a large group of people every so often and we'd shoot the hell out of each other at some place in Pennsylvania. I think it was called Skirmish USA, where you could bring your own gun or just use a rental. Getting shot in the back of the head hurts
  17. Very nice, and simple. I <3 it. 10/10 from me too
  18. I loved it. It serves as great show for little kids A talking sponge, a squirrel underwater, a lot of the episodes were very funny, its been awhile though since I've watched it though
  19. I don't know how dust is useful to the world, but I hate it. It gives me allergies and my nose gets all clogged, which sucks lol
  20. I like both strategy games and FPS types of gamesMy favorite strategy ones are the Total War series games (Medieval II, Rome Total War, etc.), command and conquer generals series, Age of Empires, company of heroes and I loved Rise of Nations :DMy favorite FPS ones though, where the Medal of Honor games, Call of Duty series, Halo, and some others
  21. If I was to die today, I'd try to do my best at doing the stuff I never did or do the stuff (that I can) I wanted to. I'd probably do some crazy crap though, as I'm going to die. Like everyone else, I'd say goodbye to my family and friends.
  22. America was built on immigration from people who brought their cultures. Technically I don't think it was exactly stealing, but we forced Native Americans off their land and took it through war, killings, force, etc. America was a bunch of colonies, but expanded westward and forced many of its original native people, who had inhabited those lands for centuries, off their lands. Trail of Tears anyone? My view on illegal immigrants is simple: Get out, come back legally. I don't care too much on the economic stuff involved in it really and I have no troubles what so ever on legal immigrants, but I just find it quite stupid that they can't work hard enough to enter the country legally. My parents worked very hard from squat to move here and make a decent living. My mom didn't known anyone when she first came, yet she worked her *bottom* off to make a good living, work a great job, and raise a family. Same with my dad, some of my friends, and probably a lot of the people here's parents/grandparents. Lol owned, j/k. I don't think illegal immigration can stop, and that they will just blend in with the rest of America like the immigrants before them. They'll probably keep coming, regardless of whether they get caught over and over This is what you say about Iraq and what are Americans were doing This is what you say about the Native Americans. Weren't the Native Americans innocent people as well? With children? In my opinion its kinda contradicting yourself here Or maybe I'm just pissing in the wind here with my post
  23. It is creepy, but I don't think the terrorists really planned on some of that, maybe the flight numbers though, as that was the day they chose to hit the towers. I personally though feel that most of it is just mainly a coincidence.
  24. A friend got me with that, I just closed my browser though
  25. It hurt my eyes to see some of those site, my eyes are blurry lol
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