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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. I like lunch time and the end of school for the day. Why? I can talk to my friends without being yelled at in class. If i missed any homework I can do it during lunch What makes me stay? Oh the fact that my parents would beat me with a stick and/or kick me out of the house if i dropped out of high school. And to somewhat learn Stop giving so much homework. Countries that dont pound homework on their students supposedly score higher than those that do. Also, fire the teachers that just really suck at teaching. My Algebra II teacher got 4+1 wrong. She seems to go off to 10 different topics that don't apply to anything were learning. Some teachers need to be less uptight. My English and Italian teachers are more relaxed, and their class is alot more enjoyable. Teachers need to know what there doing and actually get us involved and enjoying it. Oh god too many to think of
  2. Last Post Date---> Nov 20 2005, 09:38 PMthis topic was from like 2 years ago man
  3. Your complaining too much. Try high school or college where you have to learn more, and the teachers are "34840583904586560856 times harder with 56430598435 more pounds of homework"
  4. I use Vista Inspirat 2 from Crystalxp.net, i think they got other stuff too
  5. I think its possible that there might be something down their. Like you said, there are underwater caves their for whatever it is to hide in, and Loch Ness was once connected to the sea. I do believe though that it is not a pleasiosaur like a lot of people believe. The thing would have to reproduce a lot and dead pleasiosaurs should be seen washed up shore at least. I think though its a waste of time trying to disprove or prove it. It makes great money for i guess the tourist industry and any local businesses around the lake.
  6. Scary thing knowing that you have nukes flying over you.I read the article on msnbc.com and it said that an officer did lose his job and that some people were suspended from their jobs
  7. I find it interesting that the Chinese would hack the Pentagon. Of course the Chinese government will deny that. A war between China and the US is pretty far off imo. The Chinese need the US to buy its cheap goods, and the US need the cheap goods and workers, like barbie dolls from Mattel
  8. Would you like to give me one of those?
  9. mojoman

    New Maps

    The topic on the forum where your link goes was posted in March. The maps were already released lol, kinda old news.
  10. It was really hot a few weeks ago where I was. My air conditioner broke down so it felt even hotter in my house for about 2 weeks. What made it worse was that work was being done in my house and they had to turn all the lights on as high as they go to see. Luckily i got central air installed
  11. I skipped class first time a few years ago. I went to a private school and they had me and a few other guys help out a teacher moving some stuff. Instead of going back for next class, we just stayed in the bathroom the entire time talking.
  12. Invisibility of course! Blackmail, sneaking around, always winning hide and go seek... I could have fun with that
  13. The Sea-Wolf by Jack LondonIts for summer reading, and sadly I don't get it really or any possible themes that are in the story. If anyone understands it please PM me lol
  14. This is the one used on my forum and some others ive been to: http://www.cbox.ws/ Sadly they put an ad that appears, not a pop-up type, after you type on the free version of it. There are others, but I don't have links to them
  15. I had a small dandruff problem awhile back ago. I asked my mom for some help in getting rid of it, she told me this:Don't use hot water on your hair because that just makes your scalp drier. Also don't wash your hair every time u go to take a shower, every other day is fine. Also use a small amount, like the size of a quarter is good. I followed this and my problem was gone.Try searching for other sites
  16. I don't get it, whats ragnarok
  17. Should be a damn good game when its released. I played the beta for a bit and ti was good. I haven't downloaded the demo because of computer problems sadly.
  18. Because dozens of World War 2 games get boring after a while.
  19. I played this, and it was really boring. U dance around here and there. Then you just yell random crap out, and thats about it
  20. Obviously there are lots of people here who like the xbox 360 :XD:
  21. Well its up to you if you want to believe it or not. If your religious and take the bible very seriously as your guide then don't believe in evolution. It's vital in researching our origins and i guess the origins of life.
  22. I don't think cell phones are a danger at all. People use them everyday, yet you don't seem someone dying because of it i bet
  23. I wonder why the creators chose that name for their search engine..I shall use wikipedia!!
  24. I'd go with the xbox 360. THere are a lot mroe games for the 360 then the PS3. The PS3 is good and all, but I think it costs just too much to play some games. THe lowest price costs more than the pro and I think the elite version of the 360. Next, you got Halo 3 for the 360 which is coming out soon :XD:
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