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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. I guess so eh....... to do this really fast, you could do what I said in the "Nice clean php coding" thread, then you could just strip from the $template variable, and when you echo it, the swears, and whatever are gone.....
  2. I'm in the same situation as silver_wolves... I'm really looking forward to this game, it'd be sweet!!!Especially since I'm in a band... but we can't play any shows because its an online band (record wat you need to, share, and track... then release...)... so yeah.... this would give the expiereience lol!
  3. I used some scrap renders from bryce, but then I very heavily edited them in photoshop... made two colors... enjoy Fire of the Risen: Cold Blue:
  4. I'll be honest... I was trying to use the Frozen Explosion Tutorial from Spoono.com.... it didn't turn out like I hoped. I didn't have some of the brushes I needed, nor the filters, and not the skill . Anyways, I played around with it some more, added a ghost face, and here is A Haunted World. Please Enjoy.
  5. This is pretty simple but very useful if you don't want people to swear. We will be using str_replace for this. <?phpstr_replace ("curseword, "replacemet");?> Thats pretty simple, just fill in the curse word and the replacement, and then repeat... heres what it would look like full size: <?phpstr_replace("swear", "replacement");str_replace("swear", "replacement");str_replace("swear", "replacement");str_replace("swear", "replacement");?> Ok, but how do you get it to work on your page now? Well, save that file as wordfilter.php and use <?php include "wordfilter.php"; ?> at the top of your page... and now people can't swear... By the way, I'm pretty sure these are case sensitive, so you'll have to put capitals as well, etc..
  6. haha... you wouldn't hurt my feelings... but I think its pretty good... but you need a fast computer... as for screenshots there is probably some on the website... otherwise I can't help you with that right now
  7. WOW that is really good and useful... I'll have to see if I can use it anywhere for my site...
  8. Hey my website is called 2K ART http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Anyone want to link exchange? Just put a text link on your homepage and I'll do the same for you. Just make sure you post your site adress and the sites title...
  9. thats even better.... I actually want to try that now...That would be very interesting and mighty funny.....
  10. Hi, I just got done my website... I hope you enjoy everything that it has to offer. Also, since my forum is brand new I bassically have no members, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could join and stay active... Well I guess thats all, enjoy! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Theres something I'm having trouble with though.. I can't have any links or anything in the variables which really sucks... no php code either, it has to be straight text... formatting tags work... is there anyway to make it so I can have links and stuff in the content variables?
  12. I know some good websites you can go to: http://www.w3schools.com/ http://www.tizag.com/
  13. Well I thought of this one day in my basement and tried it... it worked.... although I'm sure lots of other people have though of it already...Step 1> Take a screen shot of someones desktopStep 2> Set it as their backgroundStep 3> Hide all of their icons, either delete them, or hide them in a folder, etc...Step 4> Hide task bar by draging it downIts so funy, they go to click on an icon, and all they do is click the desktop... I love it...This one got done to me:First of all, make sure its a public computer place, with row upon row of computers.Step 1> Find two computers side by sideStep 2> Take the mouse cord from the right machine and put it in the left, leave the mouse by the right machine so it looks like it's still plugged into the right machineStep 3> Do the same, but reverse the sides, left goes to right, etcStep 4> Do step 2 and three for each key board. Its pretty funny when two people sit down and begin controlling the others computer....
  14. So after two all nighters I have finally got my website done. I am dead tired.... and I imagine some of my pages are poorly written for that very reason, but at least I'm finally done!! For those of you that want to see the finished product: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I would also appreciate it if you joined my forum as well, no members yet........ thanks... I would just like to say: Xisto, I could never have made this with out you... because I'm cheap and I wouldn't buy paid hosting!
  15. I cant pick one.... here are all my favorites...Frost Like AshesA.W.A.S.Divine FireDream QuestAdiastasiaVirgin BlackLiving Sacrifice Extoland the list continues.....
  16. Okay my site is: 2kart.trap17.comI added your site to the bottom of every page on the main site.
  17. I love the design of your website....Its so fluid and buetiful!!! You should be proud!
  18. Well one uber disturbing thought just came to my mind...What if she could move everyone of those limbs.... creepy.... and interesting if she could...That would be very amazing, but I don't think its the case...
  19. Cool I can stretch the dimensions of the Navigation!!! jk... but yeah, fix that.... Good idea for a site though. I'm not one of them, but I'm sure lots of people are very interested in it. You should expect, if your not receiving already, lots and lots of trafic. For the most part... Good job!
  20. In my first post I said that you could have all your pages on one file. Well, I'll show you how to do it now, so you don't have to figure it out. This file would be called index.php<?php$pageone = <<< htmlblabla bla this is page one!!!html;$pagetwo= <<< htmlblabla bla this is page two!!!html;$default = "$pageone"; if ($_GET['id'] == ""){ $id = $default;}elseif (isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = $_GET['id'];}$template = <<< html<html><title>Whatevs</html<body><table width=780><td width=780>$id<br><br><a href="index.php?id=$pageone">Go to page one!</a><br><a href="index.php?id=$pagetwo">Go to page two!</a></td></table></body></html>html;echo $template;?>All your doing is creating variables to act as pages. You change the variable when you click a link, so the new variable will be displayed in place of the old one. I'm currently using this for my blog. Also, I recomend using this only for small scale websites, or minisites, etc. If there is one error it blows up the whole page, so the more code you have the harder it is to fix Understand? It took me for ever... so don't be surprised if you can't figure it out for a little while...
  21. Thank you Oh so much!!! I finally got it up and running....Yay!!! I can't thank you enough. Below is the finished result as far as coding. And it actually works!!! <?php$time = date("g:ia");$main = <<< htmlWelcome to Kansuke's Blog, powered by 2K ART. There won't really be anything on here for a while, at least not until I get everything set up. Please be patient!html;$writing = <<< htmlThis page will eventually have some poems, songs, etc. on it. But none for now! Come back later please!html;$misc = <<< html<b>Total Posts:</b> 0<br><b>Current Host:</b> Xisto<br><b>Blogs on Network:</b> 1/10<br><b>Current Time:</b> $time (Central)<br>html;$art = <<< htmlThis page will eventually have artwork on it. But none for now! Come back later please!html;$comp = <<< htmlThis page will eventually have some computer specifications on it. But none for now! Come back later please!html;$about = <<< htmlThis page will eventually have some information on it about the user. But none for now! Come back later Please!html;$default = "$main"; if ($_GET['id'] == ""){ $id = $default;}elseif (isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = $_GET['id'];}$template = <<< html<html><head><title>2K Blogs\\ Kansuke's Blog</title></head><body marginwidth="0" topmargin="5" rightmargin="5" leftmargin="5" bottommargin="5" bgcolor="#505050"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css" type="text/css"><table border="0" width="780" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4" align="center"><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="780" class="head"><img src="banner.jpg"></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="780" class="table_class" bgcolor="#727272">[ <a href="index.php?id=$about">About Me</a> <b>·</b> <a href="index.php?id=$comp">Computer Specs</a> <b>·</b> <a href="http://2kart.trap17.com" target="_blank">2K ART</a> <b>·</b> <a href="index.php?id=$misc">Misc. Specs</a> <b>·</b> <a href="index.php?id=$art">Artwork</a> <b>·</b> <a href="index.php?id=$writing">Writing</a> ][ <a href="index.php">Index</a> ]</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="780" class="table_class" bgcolor="#727272">$id</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td valign="top" width="780" class="table_class" bgcolor="#727272">Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.</td></tr></table></body></html>html;echo $template;?> thanks again!!!
  22. Ok thank you so much! But what about with this: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53226-apparently-this-isnt-working-help-please/ with this problem I just need to use the GET funtion like sonesay said in his reply right?
  23. I am having lots of trouble getting some different php codes to work on traps servers.... <?php $default = "blah.html"; if($id == ""){$id = $default;}elseif(isset($id)){$id = $id;} ?><?php include ("$id"); ?><a href="?id=blah2.html">Link</a> For example, I tried this to creat a link, but it would not work... is there anything I can do that I may not be doing, or that I may be doing wrong, or don't know about? It seemse to happen for a few other things too... help me please.
  24. N64 was freakin' insanely awesome!!! I still got mine and a few games left... Its pretty fun. I don't know where you'll be able to find one now adays... Speaking of old consoles, I still have my NES... can't get it to work though....
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