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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. I believe this article may satisfy your needs. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1306847,00.asp
  2. Hahaha thanks. I just used one of the materials I had in my library... called 'Unfinished Death Star'.... its not really that great of a material though... I should learn more advanced material editing. If I ever re-do this, I'll definately fix the lazer...
  3. Instead of an embedded style-sheet which is what you have posted above, I would recommend external stylesheets. Why you ask? Lets say you want to make a change to the text color on your pages. You would have to go and edit every single file to make that change across your whole website. If you have 20 pages, it can be quite a waste of time. With external stylesheets you can edit one file, and it adjusts all the pages linked to the stylesheet. If you would like to learn more I highly suggest you read some of the materials here. http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
  4. Alright... well this is my first attempt at creating a death star in Bryce 5... and its also my first atttempt at a realistc image.... I ususally do abstracts with lots of wierd shapes.... and I'm so sorry if your a starwars fan... feel free to shoot me.. XD
  5. bwhahaha... thats a hilarious story man... of course it was a criminal act and all.... but its still frickin' funny....And photohsopin' your report card... thats amazing... haha.....
  6. Description Learn to create super sexy booleans with Bryce. This skill will increase your 3D capabilites, an improve your artistic, or design skills over all. As well it enables you to turn basic shapes into more complex shapes, allowing you to create more realistic, or even funkier images/objects than you would have been able to previosly. FINISHED PRODUCT Try It Out Alright, as this is only a tutorial, we'll be starting with something quite simple. On the object tool bar, select the sphere twice. After these spheres have been created, move them so they look roughly like the following image. IMAGE 1 Got 'er? Ok next step. There are two types of objects that you need to be concerned about when creating booleans. Postitive, and Negative objects. A boolean is an object that is created by removing one object from the other. So, the object you want to see is your positive object, and the object you want to remove is you Negative object. To change a Nuetral object to a negative or postitive object, click on the object, and select the attributes panel. (the little 'A' near the top) of the list that appears. Change the first sphere from nuetral to positive and the second sphere from nuetral to negative. Example: IMAGE 2 IMAGE 3 Easy enough? If this was done properly you may notice a slight change to the wireframe structure of the object. The negative object will look slightly different. It should be simmilar to the following. IMAGE 4 Now, for the final step! Left click and drag your mouse across the two spheres you have created to select them. You should see a little list of options come up beside them. Click the 'G' button to 'group' the objects together. Your wireframe image should look like this. IMAGE 5 Alright! Now its time to render! Click the large round render button on the left side of your screen. The results should look something like this. Image 6 (note, I have changed the camera view so you can get the full effect of the boolean) Congratulations! You have succesfully created your first boolean object! You can apply these principals to virtually any primitive (simple shapes: pyramids, spheres, taurus, etc. trees and mountains do not apply (to my knowledge)) shapes in Bryce! So expirement a little with some different shapes and see what you get!
  7. I don't think I've even ever seen the page not available error thingy for google in my whole life... hmmm... well... I'm pretty sure google doesn't error nearly at all....hmmmmm..... welll at least its workin for ya
  8. I'd like to take that a little further.... everybody in this world should be treated as equals, without any sort of discrimination. As much as I wish this could happen..... (albeit, a little creepy if it did) I know that it won't as intolerance is really quite rampant, and won't end... well, 'till humans end...
  9. Many people in society often argue that you are either born gay or straight... well... I beg to differ. Its your choice man, do you want to be gay, straight, or bisexual? Its your choice, not your bodies or your hormones, etc.
  10. Well.. uh.... if you really need more info on it.... you can just ask me stuff via pm and I'll see what I can do... or you can just google for related information.
  11. I must agree with you. Christianity without faith... well its not really Christianity. But then I run into one problem, why are many without faith in Christ considered Christians by themselves and others? This leaves me at the conclusion religion is able to exist apart from faith... or at least it has become able to... although... it really shouldn't. In short what I am saying: "Religion should not exist apart from faith, unfortunately, it does." I can't argue much on scientology... which I know hardly anything about.
  12. http://www.i-am-bored.com/2008/03/first-time-on-a-treadmill.html haha... this is freakin' amazing... I love how he is shriekin near the end...
  13. 2. As impossible as it may seem, I would say no, there would be no resolution loss. Which was one of my other points. The Bible is essentially God's Love letter to us, so surely (as He is all powerful), He would allow no errors. But again, this matter comes down to faith and trust. 3. Time and time again, we see the word religion as defined as rituals, a set of beliefs, and practices. Now, as you will probably have noted in definition NO. 5 the "ritual observance of faith". So as you noted in point No. 3, religion includes faith. IMO, this is not always the case. Which is why as I stated previosly faith can and often is intertwined with religion, but religion without faith is useless. My point was that Christianity as a religion without faith is no better than any other religion, but Christianity as a religion with faith far surpasses any belief out there. (Note: I desperately hope the purpose of this argument is to find truth... if it becomes something else... I may no longer participate)
  14. Haha... I guess I'm not explaining my opinion clearly enough... sorry. 1. I am a Christian. 2. What I said was that God didn't send the Bible directly down from heaven. Now what I should have added/replaced to that statement was "He didn't send it down from heaven for us in a nice neat pre-formated book". I definately believe that all the texts Bible are God inspired, otherwise my faith would be worthless to me. But, IMO, "God Inpsired" does not mean God literally wrote it, and gave it to us. And further on what I was saying, even if God did not directly write it, I believe He certainly would have decided what was in the "Bible" that we have to day. I am certain He would not give us the Word with lies in it. 3. As far as I know, religion is the act of rituals and practices. However, faith is the belief in something. Therefore, faith can be included in religion, but I could definately keep my faith if I did not have any religious practices to go with it. So the essence of my argument was that: "Christianity, if considered purely as a religion, is certainly no more than any other religion. However, faith with/without these religious practices is much more than any religion could ever offer." Unfortuneately, I was not being clear enough. Hopefully you understand me now. If not... well.... I'll try again
  15. The general logic of the example still applies. On another point I would like to add something. Christianity (as most people view it), is just another religion. However, faith in Christ is on a whole new level. These statements are useless. First of all, people have never changed the Bible. Would you like to know why people have never changed the Bible? Well, No. 1: God didn't send it down from heaven as you stated. The entire Bible has been compiled and written by human beings. So really, God never sent down a book for us to change in the first place. No. 2: there is a difference between translation/clarifying (clarifying would include adding those brackets), and changing the actual text. No. 3: it would be majorly wrong if an all powerfull God allowed humans to make changes to the text. Surely, He would not allow that to happen... after all He sustains everything in this world. Thats all I have time for... bye bye....
  16. I'll make you one if you really want... but I do not have a lot of time on my hands recently... if you want to see some of my grunge work: I tend to use lots of fractal and various other grunge brushes... so yeah.... if you liked my work then I'll gladly design one for you... once I have time.
  17. Wonderful analogy brother! This is absolutely true. Sin has such destructive effects on your life, but it disguises itself as something good. We all need to be careful and guard ourselves against sin.
  18. Monday to Friday: 10:00pm - 6:45amOn weekends my sleep patterns are quite sporadic. I often go to friends places, or my fathers house, and I usually stay up nearly all night. On a weekend, my average night consists of a maximum of 4 hours... but quite often less...As for why I tend to stay up so late...... I'm really not quite sure... I always feel like crap all weekend... but yeah... I get lots of web and gfx stuff done...
  19. You could always use flat-files if your bent on not using a database... write the content directly to the files instead of storing the information on a database.... you may want to look up some information on file-writing if you do not already no about it... http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file.asp using some of this in conjuntion with a form, and some includes, you should be able to accomplish what you want....
  20. In response to SpeedFX.Its an interesting signature... I'd give it a 6.5/10... its a little grainy in certain areas and parts of it do not blend to well together...
  21. Thanks for your input man... I'm not to familiar with functions... unfortuneately..Me and coolcat are using this method for our upcoming gfx site... hmm... I'm definately liking this whole function idea though.. I might have to go in and use that instead of what I was using before...
  22. Well... now that I think on it. Google is such a basic website, that in all truth.... it doesn't really need super valid code... Its pretty much going to work... even if it is invalid. Also, certain browsers (especially IE) like to shy away from the standards.... (why I don't know) so really... I guess if you code it to fit every browser fairly good, I don't see what the problem is... But..... if your a perfectionist.... then I guess It'll bother you...
  23. Description Learn to create easy to edit content-only pages with php. By parsing your layout into your pages, you can reduce file sizes and files will become much neater. Try it out Ok, lets start by creating a file called template.php. <?php//---------------------------------//Layout top section//---------------------------------$top = <<< html<!-- include HTML header code here --><body>INSERT CODE FOR [b]TOP[/b] OF LAYOUT HERE. html;//---------------------------------//Layout bottom section//---------------------------------$bottom = <<< htmlINSERT CODE FOR [b]BOTTOM[/b] OF LAYOUT HERE. </body>html;?> Ok simple enough. We created two variables. $top represents the top part of the layout. This should include all the code that would go over top the content on a regular page. $bottom represents the bottom part of the layout. This should include all the code that would go underneath the content on a regular page. Now for part two! Here is where the "content-only" file comes into play. Create a new file named index.php (or whatever page you want). Make it look similar to the following. <html><?php include ("template.php");echo $top;?>Put your content here!!!<?phpecho $bottom;?></html> Congratualations! You now have "content-only" pages! (I'll be honest.. theres a little php... lol) You can create small, neat, tidy, and easy to edit files!
  24. http://randompictures.livejournal.com/3250583.html hahahaahhahahah!!!! This is freakin' brilliant.
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