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Everything posted by bureX

  1. Google has to protect itself sometimes... For example, the phpBB exploit that has been used for a while worked only on versions before the 2.0.13. Every person that tried to find a forum to hack used Google, and often typed "powered by phpBB -version-" to find a victim forum. That's why Google forbids searching for queries that contains the words "powered by phpBB". Try it: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navcowered+by+phpBB A lamer that sees this message will probably think that he actually is infected with a virus!
  2. Yes... Your bandwidth renewes every month (used bandwidth is reseted to zero).
  3. If you are dumb enough to give up half a year of your life and search for a potential security risk in the Apache source code... But, what the heck did you mean by saying that? If any site can be "broken", than the Internet wouldn't exist at all! A few exploits are found here and there, but if your site is down, it's probably your fault that you didn't update your server software on time. Btw: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <---- Break it
  4. Try this: When the +/- button is pressed, the number that is currently in the box should be multiplied with -1. BUG: Try typing a number, 5 for example, and press the "=" button once, and then once again, and again, and again... The number will rise in this order: 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 65, 105, 170... Suggestion: Try to make some sort of an protection system if the number has lots of digits in it. If you press one number more than 24 times, than the numbers will go over the label. Seeing that this is your first piece of code, the calculator work really nice! Keep it up!
  5. If you know Visual Basic, you should have no problem when learning Object Pascal (Delphi, that is). Just remember to put ";" on the end of every line, and instead of the "{" bracket, you will be using the "begin" word, and instead of the "}" bracket, you will be using the "end;" word. Delphi is a very powerful programming language, but it still keeps its simplicity. It wouldn't hurt if you could take some time to learn it.Check out these links if you are interested:https://www.microfocus.com/borland - The makers of Delphi http://torry.net/ - A great web site where you can find allot of components, code examples and applications for Delphi http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - There are some tutorials on this site, and lot's of nice articles (there is a bit more advertising than usual, but it pays off)
  6. bureX


    LOL!I really don't have anything against TV shows made for children, but only if the child that is watching it actually LEARNS something! I tried watching the Teletubbies for about 5 minutes (it was hell) and I was very confused... I really don't get the point?I heard somewhere that "The Teletubbies" is a TV show that was supposed to be made for slightly retarded children? Or am I wrong? Anyway, you requested help.Try http://mondomedia.com/channel/HappyTreeFriends . You probably watched this already on MTV, but it wouldn't hurt to download some flash episodes from this site and present them to your victim... um... cousin brother! Just in case if you didn't hear about them, Happy Tree Friends are a bunch of cute and fuzzy animals that live in a forest and have many weird adventures... For example: "Lumpy" the moose accidentally slices his friend's head (lot's and lot's of blood included!). If your cousin brother grows up to be a serial killer, don't blame me... It's either that, or the Teletubbies (sing along everybody )! Choose one!
  7. Hmm... Maybe here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8253-phpbb-hackers-lol/
  8. Even with 28 registered users, you shouldn't give some ultra-lamer the pleasure of laming your forum. One user tried to do the same thing when I deleted his post containing some very offensive material on my forum. He tried to use the phpBB exploit that I mentioned, and failed because I upgraded to 2.0.13 already .Anyway, I hope that the 2.0.13 version is the last security upgrade version, because the phpBB developer team is working hard to release a new version with a bunch of new features, and I would hate to see them be busy with releasing new patches for security holes instead...
  9. Very nice tutorial!The text is a little blurred up, but everything else is a OK.
  10. I guess you really can't get ANY MORE CREATIVE than that?This is just the same scene when I wrote a tutorial about changing the start menu button caption. The start button was just AN EXAMPLE of what you could do with handles.This is also an example, and there are countless possibilities what you can do with it!In my case:1)I extended this example and made a program that enables me be notified when I receive new e-mail messages when I turn on my computer, but I will also be notified when I receive an important message from my relatives.2)I am also subscribed to a newsletter, and when I receive an email that is from the address that sends that newsletter, my program will automatically download it and show it on the screen (kind of like when somebody brings you the daily newspaper).3)When I receive an e-mail from the phpBB newsletter, it usually means that a new security alert is found and/or there is a new version of phpBB available. There are many script kiddies around that get their hands on the fresh exploits around and can easily trash my forum. That's why I get notified right away when it arrives from my program.In a sea of unread e-mail messages, spam and other junk mail, this small program is very useful to me.BTW: When I read a tutorial, I usually try to learn something, not just follow the instructions, get the job done, congratulate myself on how smart and clever I am, and still know nothing.
  11. Very nice site!Now I am sure that the Windows XP SP2 popup blocker in IE is working just fine!I sure hope that advertising in popup windows will become a thing of the past soon...
  12. You can find many articles and screenshots of beta versions of Microsoft Windows codename Longhorn here:http://winsupersite.com/ Anyway, Microsoft said that it will focus on using the graphic card resources more than ever to make a very exciting and functional interface, so if you want to run Longhorn, you better have at least 32mb of video memory available. But I still hope that the final build of Longhorn will be able to run on slower machines... Not everybody has the money to buy a new PC every time a new Windows OS version comes along...
  13. According to MTV, they didn't actually "brake up", instead, they posted a "statement about an indefinite hiatus". http://www.mtve.com/overdrive.php
  14. ATI Radeon graphics cards usually have a more compact cooling solution, while nVidia does not (some of them even cover up an extra PCI slot). Seeing that I like my PC to be cool, quiet and tidy, that is a big bonus for me.Anyway, I never had any problems with the drivers, and according to the PC World magazine benchmark tests, Ati Radeon cards are a bit faster than nVidia cards.So... ATI is my choice...
  15. Somebody has to pay for the free TV shows that you are watching, but TV advertising is really sometimes aggressive!By the time until the commercials are over, I forget what I was watching!2-3 minutes of TV advertising is quite enough.
  16. Like Haron said, we are dealing with nothing more than script kiddies here. I mean... What kind of a lame person actually sends an email to the owner of the site that he is trying to "hack"??? Anyway, I can still see that you are using phpBB 2.0.11. I RECOMMEND that you upgrade to 2.0.13 as soon as possible! (Xisto cPanel does not offer it yet, but you can download the changed files from https://www.phpbb.com/, and replace the old ones in no time, like I did on my forum: http://forums.xisto.com). The newer versions have an updating system, so when you log in to your administrator panel, phpBB will automatically check for newer versions available. I repeat: Anybody that knows how to use a DOS command prompt, can run an phpBB exploit and gain administrator rights on your forum! Of course, you should backup your forum database regularly.
  17. It takes 50000 years to reach just behind the center of our Milky Way galaxy while traveling at the speed of light... Bummer...Anyway, if we exist, aliens must exist! But, unlike other people who think that aliens are little green men, I think that they exist in a form that we could possibly never imagine.@Spathi:Even if we could develop such a powerful telescope, what we could see now had already happened before 50000 years on the other side of the galaxy.If we want to explore space, we must develop a engine that is able to push space shuttles faster then the speed of light.
  18. It is much easier to write tutorials by using images, because the person who reads it doesn't have to "chase" the words "Standard Primitives" or "Select Modifiers" on the screen.If you get 3ds max, you can find allot of beginner tutorials out there, so it is not really that hard. It took me a few days to get used to the "3D world" and moving objects around by the X,Y or Z coordinates, a week to start using materials. Now I am learning on how to model objects, faces, etc.You just have to be a little bit creative, and the rest is up to 3ds max!You can also go wild, like I did here, I made a complete chaos out of an ordinary sphere, and it actually looks good .
  19. Some chimps even eat meat too! I was really stunned when I saw on TV a group of chimps hunting small monkeys, and beating them to death! Then, they skin him and share the meat between themselves. They also eat some fruit and plants at the same time (kind of like eating a salad)!So, even our closest relatives are meat eaters, even though they don't look like it. The human body is simply designed to eat meat!
  20. I use F-prot antivirus, mostly because it is pretty fast and simple, and does not eat up all of my system resources.I don't even dare to try Norton, because it really slows the system down. Sometimes it even fails when scanning outgoing e-mails, and, therefore, prevents e-mails from being sent at all! My friend (who is using it) is really annoyed by this.
  21. This tutorial will teach you the basics of making abstract images in 3D studio max. In this example, I used a simple sphere, and applied the Noise modifier. Then, I applied a transparent, blue, plastic-like material to spice up the whole thing. Lets start. First, make a sphere by selecting the Sphere button in the Standard Primitives section, and draw somewhere in the center of the perspective view. We will set the size of the sphere later on. The sphere I made looks like this, yours can be different in size and color, but the only thing that is important is to make sure that your sphere is in the center of the perspective view. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Select the modifier tab (looks like a blue rainbow, next to the picture of a mouse cursor) and set these parameters for the sphere: Radius:100 Segments: 80 (to make the sphere smooth, if your PC is slow, you may want to select a smaller value) Make sure that the Smooth checkbox is checked (by default, it is) and we can continue. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Now, we will crystalize the ball by selecting the Noise modifier from the Select Modifiers drop-down list. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Now that we have applied the Noise modifier, we need to set the needed parameters. -You can set the Seed field to any value you want, but I left it at 0. -I also left the Scale field at 100. -Check the Fractal checkbox. -Leave the Roughness value at 0, and set the Iterations value to 10. -Set the X,Y and Z strength values to 300. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Press the M button on your keyboard to open the material editor. 1. Select the first free blank material box. 2. Click the gray box next to the Ambient label, and set the color to be blue, or any other color you like. 3. Set the Specular level value to 60, and the Glossiness value to 45. 4. To make the material transparent, set the Opacity value to 10. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ In order to apply the material to our crystalized sphere, drag the material over to the sphere and release your mouse button. The whole thing should get a blue color. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Now, we need to put everything together in one image by rendering our project. To do that, select Render from the Rendering menu. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Make sure that the Single radio button is selected, because we are rendering an image here, not a video sequence. Select your preferred image resolution, I left it at 640x480. Click on the Render button. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ The image is now rendered and it should look like this: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Wait a little bit before the image is rendered, and save the image by clicking the Save button. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ Thats it! There are many options that you can easily change to give your crystal the look you want.
  22. I overclocked my AMD Athlon 2500+ to a 3200+, and I have a Speeze cooler (which is very similar to a box cooler). The whole system worked just fine, until one day, my PC just froze up for a few seconds and switched off while I was playing Counter Strike. At first, I didn't know what was going on, but I opened up my case, and it was pretty hot in there! Here's the deal... In the middle of July (a very hot day), my PC was turned on at 9 o'clock (AM), and was running in a closed room till 10 o'clock (PM). I just took a shower, and cooled myself up with some lemonade, so I didn't feel any heat at all .Fortunately, I have an Asus A7N8X motherboard, with C.O.P. (CPU overheating protection), and if the CPU temperature crosses a certain limit, the PC will shut down, saving my processor from going up into flames.BTW: Intel processors are much more resistant to heat than AMD, but that still doesn't mean that AMD is out of the game when it comes to overclocking.
  23. I use a white Microsoft Optical Wheel mouse, and it is the best one I have ever seen!When Microsoft makes hardware, it usually does a good job!My mouse cursor does not "run" on the screen when it goes over a multi-color surface, and it shines a cool red light on my hand when I move it .It comes with an adaptor, so it can be connected to an USB port, or a PS/2 port.The wheel is ruffled, and therefore isn't slippery when I roll it.I guess that's about everything I have to say about it...
  24. I agree.What if you ask someone to do some scripts for you, and when the job is done, you refuse to give him the hosting credits you promised to him?Reputations? A person can gain a good reputation by not doing anything! It's just not right!This is supposed to be free hosting, right?BTW: People CAN BE VERY greedy!
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