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Everything posted by matak

  1. i don't belive that they are going to install more smileys.. this is serious forum
  2. i'm kinda noob programmer, but i found this post very interesting. i didn't remember that VB aps can be run only in windows environment so i posted this question. i won't learn Vb but C and C++ since it can be compiled both for linux and windows environments. My logic suggests me that C programs could be written to interact with php, and it's kinda logical couse php is written in C (i guess). So if at any time of my life i want to make an application in C to interact with PHP what would be the right way to do that!? It is so soon to talk about that for me, but you don't need to answer right now, and maybe there is more ppl interested in this subject so you could writte anyway. What is the difference between running PHP as Module or as CGI script, how is all of that conected with basic root program of PHP (what is root program of PHP, how can i start modifiying php, and is it smart to do that, just for fun, and for learning purposes) thanks
  3. but it was really good post.. anyhow great forum, you could just add more smiley's .. more smiley's means more fun keep up the good work
  4. I searched for any alerts and notices but didn't find any.. Last night i posted several posts, and some of them were interesting too. I lost all of them today including my credits. Not that i care about credits, i have plenty it's just this post in string theory i care about.. I don't have it saved on my computer!?Oh well, i see that forum is changed a bit now, so probably there has been some loses while changing.. It would be good if someone explained this though..
  5. it's the question of taste. if you like it that way, live it that way if you don't change it. don't let someone elses opinion make you change site looks. first person who needs to like your site is you, then others.. making site look the same in all browsers is your first priority, content should be the second, and after that looks.. if it's gonna be your personal site keep personal looks, but later if you have some kind of community on your site you could probably ask members for suggestions, and design. Well that's what i would do
  6. Volim te!Croatian language..Same as Bosnian and Serbian..
  7. put in some content, and that overflow on header is not cool at all keep up the good work...
  8. EDIT: Just a comment on how this is great post.. Couse i can't delete my entry
  9. This is one of you paragrafs i looked at 1024 version.. when i searched your CSS at /templates/facesofwar/css/1024.css i didn't find any CSS description for giDescription class.. maybe that is the problem?!
  10. great job about programing this site. if you did it all by your self.. cool. i hope i'll learn that soon. i think that you should really go on lighter background on main page, but the part i didn't like most is that LINKS part with strange background image.. you don't need that.. probably you can do without that image... also that table which shows link above the title in MainPage is not aligned nicely, and that gives your site kinda noobish look, even if it is programed pretty nicely and neat... keep up the good work, and post some tuts on how you made it, if you did it from scratch.. Also i love that "Powered By Notepad" logo.. Respect
  11. matak

    Brick Walls

    wall of china was built by slaves, that is why they didn't worry about getting paid. it is made of stone not bricks...every country or region has a tradition in building walls of some sort of material, from stone walls, concrete walls, brick walls, wooden walls and even walls made of paper in high earthquake areas.if you want a good and solid wall you are probably going to need to pay a good and solid amount of money. Reason why todays walls are bad (except if they are really old) is that price for making those walls wasn't fair so it were build at high speeds/low quality ratio..Like everywhere else i guess, you have to pay some fine cash in order to get some quality work...
  12. I also hope that i will be able to use internet to advertise some of my "real" life skills as contract worker (i'm not sure how to explain) I'm building houses and doing small jobs about civil engineering. as soon as i have enough of experience i'm going to publish my works on internet, and maybe somebody would like it, so he could invite me to build something for her/him.. oh, well if we lived in ideal world
  13. Things that really make computer "faster". I put "faster" in quotes beacouse none of those things make your programs faster just a bit more stable. Disableing some of those services can mess some of the windows properties if user might need them. Here are few basic things to have stable and neat windows XP 1. 512 Mb RAM at Least 2. Windows installed in partition made specifically for windows and not any other program, with 10Gb of disk space available. 3. Limiting Virtual Memory to 1Gb MAX and MIN size (Right Click My Computer --> Properties --> Advanced Tab , choose Performance Settings --> Advanced Tab, under virtual memory chose change.) You can chose partition for virtual memory, and if you are a real freak you can even partition your hard drive to have special partition for virtual memory (use at least 2Gb, for 1Gb couse of those annoying XP ballon tips showing lack of disk space if you use exactly 1Gb or a bit more). Chose same size for maximum and minimum, the best ratio is double your RAM (if you have 128 choose 256, for 256 choose 512..) But if you have 2Gb of RAM you probably don't even need virtual memory, and if you set it you don't need more than 2Gb, couse max memory limit for 32 bit computers is 4Gb. NOTE: After you set your virtual memory you will need to restart your computer! 4. Use Disk Defragment to Defragment partitions in which you run programs often (especially Windows partition, most often C: ). You can download special Defragmenting tools or just use windows standart located at (ALL programs, Accesories, system tools --> Disk Defragment) 5. Also, the smartest thing to do is to make special partition for your Programs And Games, and for "static" files like MP3, Video etc.. You most often use only 20% of your hard drive for Programs And Games, and Rest for "static" content. If you have hard drive of 120Gb and use only 10 for Windows and 110 for the rest, when you come to defragment those 110 Gb it can take a lot (and trust me LOT's) of time. So use about 20-30Gb for your games and programs.. Small notice.. This things i mentioned are NOT going to make your computer faster, but are going to help you to have fast and stable computer for a long period of time. Also when uninstalling software use Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs, couse that deletes those programs from Windows Registry (winkey+r , type regedit). Large registry can make your computer go much slower. Also, changing windows services, and tweaking registry are rearly going to make your computer go faster, it can do that for a short period of time, but trust me, for some time weird errors are going to pop-up and sooner or later you will have to format your C drive. If you are going to experiment with those things, try it but after that try some of the things i mentioned here, and you will see the real result. Smart, and neat user creates smart and neat (fast and stable) computer! Respect, and thanks for all the fish
  14. You might find this question strange, but well, i'm a noob.. So it is possible to write programs in C, VB, put them on server and make them "work" and intereact to PHP ?!Any good tutorials on that, or any good simple free programs that do the same? (open source possibly...)
  15. can you make me a fine sig with mila jovovich and fifth element theme :Pvery nice sigs though
  16. i kinda guess that this works for all backgrounds not only body?! and with that you can set background-position: 50% 75%; in pixels too.. haven't tried it, it's a wild guess..
  17. ie is best with handling css, firefox is best with surfing.. maybe a good morph between these two would give "perfect" browser..w3 standards don't have any aspect in those browsers it's pure logic which makes IE better with handling CSS that FFox... Although it can behave stupid sometimes too (left-margin).. But neither of them are great, and i don't give either credit of beeing the best. They both s****!
  18. if you ever play call of duty 2 send me IP of server on ICQ or MSN so i can kill you :Pi also used to play CoD2 through allseyingeye with few of my friends, but they aren't playing any more, and it's kinda boring when you don't play with someone you know or at least can laugh at
  19. Liberty City as stated above!!GTA.. Best game for PS ever
  20. tried that, and it doesnt work.. i know where is the problem in this piece i changed a bit... case 'house': echo ("<div>"); include("$house"); echo ("</div>"); break; When i write just Text in house.php it displays it right below.. But when i just include house.php like this and write that <div> in file house.php it shows an empty line... Strange.. Oh, well... Problem is not that big, but it's that stupid. I even think that this is done on purpose, but well i'm kinda paranoid person
  21. Here's my script INDEX <?php$house = "house.php";$dog = "dog.php";echo ('<div id="navigacija"> <a href="index.php">Index</a><br><a href="index.php?index=house">House</a><br><a href="index.php?index=dog">Dog</a><br></div>');?> hOME (ANALOG IS DOG) <html><style type="text/css">body { background-color: #666; color: white;}#house { background-color: white; width: 100px; height: 100px;}#header { color: black;}</style><div id="house"> <div id="header">Here Be Header!</div></div></html> Here is how it Looks.. firefox is ok, but IE shows strange empty line.. WHY?? OOOO WHYYYYYY
  22. Ergh, Pardon Me But what's HD/TV ?! Is it plasma or LCD or something else?!I really don't have time to search for info, and i find this post great couse i intend to buy something bigger for my computer.I thought of 1m diagonal for monitor, and i don't know what to buy..What are resolutions they display?If i would have 1m TV for computer display it has to have at least 1024x768?Do you think is it smarter to buy BIG LCD for computer or just plain 19'' ? Thanks.. :PIt really bothers my eyes, when sitting long so i thought to buy bigger so i can be at least 2-3-4 meters away from monitor
  23. thanks, it really wasn't much of a problem. Well using hacks is for noobs , but it works just fine.. oh, and another goodie i found is align.. instead of using margin(left,right):auto, just put all divs between <center></center>
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