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Everything posted by Spyda
This is pretty good dude. I wonder how this would sound like if you actually recorded this with a beat, ect.
CompleteThoughts is a general chat forum I run. It's half forum half social network. It's really enjoyable and has been a blast to help run that place. Tell me what you think, and consider joining this great community http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Congrats. Ive been here for almost 3 years. This was the FIRST forum I ever registered on and I am glad that I have been able to continuly be hosted by them year in and year out. This plaace has gone a long way from the old Cpanel we used to have, to updating to a newer build, to now having the Mycent implicasted and such. THis place is like a little home for me and I am glad that I have been able to be apart of it.
HEY! Welcome to Xisto.... The best place for free web hosting! Make sure to read the rules and dont do anything dumb lol. But yeah, once you get posting you'll find there are tons of things to get Mycents and to really get your hosting experuience set off. Enjoy your stay... PM me if you need any help
Spammers... Oh, my god... Here are very much spammers.
Spyda replied to stefan_pavikevik's topic in General Discussion
Yeah Ive been recieving a large number of emails that are like this. They are simialr to that of emails that I usually find in my spam box for yahoo mail. It doesnt really bother me that much, these people arent going to trick me in to making myslf give them valuable informatino. I do find it umuorous that they are still trying though -
Is this real? Like did you really meet some guy with this thing on your car and ask him about this or did you just get this from some random website lol? I think that this is from some website but nonetheless this is kind of creepy if you think about like Google is doing more and more things like this that it seems like are privacy intrusive if you know what I mean. Kind of scary. Like said before in this particlar thread... whats next Google living room. Or... here's a good one... Google BATHROOm. Yeah let's see what people are doing in their bathrooms :XD:
How About A Book Club? Why not start a book club at trap?
Spyda replied to Tenshi's topic in General Discussion
If we could make a book club here, I'd be very happy to join it! I like reading a lot and I make trips to the book store (almost) regularly. I read mostly novels, but anything is good as long as it's interesting. It would be pretty cool to be able to hear about books that everyone else are reading, too.So, how exactly would this club be made? ^^; -
First up, try to touch your face as little as possible. The dirt from your hands could cause acne. Never pick your zits! Itt makes it red and worse looking and then it could get infected or scar your face later on. Drinking a lot of water and not eating grease helps. Try to get a lot of rest and try not to feel overwhelmed. A lot of time people's skin acts up because of stress. What I do is wash my face with a cleanser every other day (so it doesn't dry up my skin). I've heard that Proactiv didn't work for a lot of people, but never tried it myself.. There's also people who swear by it, too so it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I've had best luck with Neutrogena's stuff... Their black head eliminating pads makes my skin look really nice and clean. Here's their site with some of their other products: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you ever get really bad acne that won't clear up, give a visit to a dermatologist and they'll find the cause and a way to help you. Everyone has a time in their lives where they have trouble with acne and it's tough. Best of luck finding a cure!
It really depends on the person and their personality and talents, but in my opinion the best job in the whole world would be being a parent... It's a job! You'd never be lonely and you're taking care of a miniature person who loves you. Of course there will be hard times, but what job doesn't have them? When I get older, I think I'd like it a lot.Oh! And of course being a documentolologist (or something... the guy who hosts documentaries) would be oodles of fun. Traveling the world and experiencing its culture firsthand... a vacation every day! It must get annoying narrating everything though. o.oBeing a teacher seems cool, too. I really like being around school supplies for some reason and I like children. My only worry is that they would hate me and I'd get sick of teaching the same stuff over and over.
In General, What Do You Think Of Nintendo? The DS, N64, GameCube, etc.
Spyda replied to Mike's topic in Computer Gaming
The only thing that bothers me about Nintendo really is that they come out with new things so often with only slight changes in them. What they should do is just come out with something once and then it's done with. There's already like three DSs out there.I really like Nintendo and I love the old characters like Mario and Link. There's something about them that makes their games feel so magical and cute. Something that could probably help them is if they made newer characters with original plots and base games around them, but I also think that they shouldn't get rid of the originals either... They are Nintendo. They have a lot of games directed at a younger audience, but I like it like that. They have all kinds of games to make everyone happy.I had the most fun with the Nintendo 64, but that's probably because back then even eating bugs was fun for me. ^^ The Wii is also really cool. -
Let's take a look at the term "UFO" It stands for Unidentified Flying Object. It could be anything, including giant birds and planes. So they do exist! For aliens and stuff, it's more to what you believe because there isn't exactly proof other than what other people say.As for me, I've seen a UFO before. It was a bunch of crazy triangular lights. Probably not aliens, but we joked that it came after my brother. ^^;I think that there is life on other planets out there and that they do come to visit Earth every now and then. It sounds silly, but a lot of the things I've read make sense to me. In a way I feel that the government is covering it up... or I'm just watching too much of Unsolved Mysteries. x3So many people write books about their meeting aliens and it's hard to tell whether to believe them or not. And also with all those early paintings with aircraft looking things. And then there's a theory that aliens made pyramids. If there really are aliens out there, let's just hope that they're on our side...
We used to have a Nintendo 64, but my brother sold it or something. It was always fun though. My brother gave me his yellow Game Boy Pocket and I got a purple Game Boy Color for one of my birthdays. Later on we got a Playstation 2, a Gamecube, a Gameboy Advance, and a Game Boy Advance SP. My newest systems are the DS and the Wii which were from Christmases. They're the only ones I still use, but that's not even that much. My brother has an Xbox somewhere, too.
It's true. Video games do waste time in most cases, but it sort of makes it move faster when you have nothing better to do. People should get fresh air and exercise, but what to do on a rainy day... where the streets are flooded so you can't leave the house? (Well... that was kind of a bad example because the power could easily be knocked out with such a storm.) Not saying to play World of Warcraft until your head explodes (that's bad!), but video games aren't completely bad.A lot of games can be beneficial to the noggin. They get you thinking about how to solve problems and it helps your memory. There's even games like Brain Age which "trains your brain in minutes a day." I noticed after playing that game for a few days that I was able to finish my work in school faster with fewer errors. They are also good stress relievers... Unless you get stuck, but by then you forget what you were worried about before. ^^It's also very important to exercise those thumbs! :lol:But it's even more important to be around people and enjoy life and experience outside the game.
Frustration :s with ImageFilez
Spyda replied to Fractured.Logic's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Maybe bring up this problem to the owners? And then they can probably send you a new link or just activate your account for you. -
I only know from what I read from the bible and what we learned in class, but I do believe in God. I think that God loves all people, plants, and animals and he's a very understanding and kind being that watches over everyone. He wants everyone to be nice and help each other and be at peace and he sees the good in people's hearts. If I think about doing something wrong, I think about God and it makes me stop.Even though there's all this new science stuff like evolution, it still fits together with God to me.
Coke is pretty nice, but I'm more of a Sprite, Tang, or seltzer person. Water beats them all! I rarely drink soda though. For some reason I just don't like it anymore. Burns my nose! ^^;You should probably get your friend some help because caffeine can be addicting. Probably not like pot addicting or anything, but it can have dangerous effects if he drinks that much soda... and all that sugar doesn't do much for his health either. Insomnia, kidney stones, heart problems... And wanting soda so much to the point he's begging you for it is pretty bad.Not soda, but I had a problem for a while where I craved coffee all the time and then when I stopped drinking it I got pretty bad headaches. I still really enjoy coffee, but I try not to drink it anymore.
The look is nice. Very dark, but still nice. :3 The logo is pretty, but I'm not so sure if I like the picture behind the login box. It doesn't really look like the pictures blend much. Good luck with getting a new banner.This looks like a very nice forum, but I don't think I'll join since I don't know the band. Will check it out though.
I'm not a fan of free domains like .tk and I don't think I've ever used one. They just don't seem as professional to me as a .com one would. But it's good that they have free short urls for people who can't get a real domain for whatever reason. That way it's easy to remember in case you want to go back to it. I've always remembered .tk having a bunch of ads, which was one of the big reasons why I've never liked it. They'll probably get a lot more people now that the banners are gone. ^^I'm pretty sure .tk is just redirecting so it gets kind of annoying when you want to link a certain page on the site.
Eragon was very very cute! I got it for my 13th birthday and remember really enjoying it from start to finish. Probably one of my favoritees even. Just finished the third book called Brisingr. I really like Christopher Paolini's style because it really does paint a lasting picture in your mind and you can tell a lot of time was put into it. It also amazes me that he put together a masterpiece when he wasn't even that old. Can't wait for the fourth book! I heard it's the last one, right?It may be just me, but there was a lot of things in the book that shocked me, even with the foreshadowing. They also came out with a movie a while ago. It was okay, but it could've been a little better and accurate. Then again, books are usually always better than the film because the film people try to keep it short and cut out parts.
I like reading a lot of things, but my favorite kind of book is fiction so... But other then that, I like reading magazines with interesting articles (mainly science-y and health-ish things). And then sometimes I read the bible. I also like books on how to do things, DIY/craft books, and maybe a little poetry if I'm in the mood. Every once in a while I open my school textbooks and read them to jump a little ahead.Sometimes I need to check out a few biographies and history books for school projects and stuff. I remember really liking this one on Amelia Earhart. But probably my favorite was this one book on all the different kinds of penguins. ^^
Aids Or Swine Flu? Which Disease is dangerous you think......
Spyda replied to arjupun's topic in General Discussion
AIDS is more dangerous because most of the time, the person who gets it is done for. The swine flu only kills people with a bad immunity. It's just like a person with the regular flu and how that rarely kills. The people who have died were really old or really young and the people who have been dying in other places like Mexico don't have the medical care. What we have to worry about is if it mutates or that so many people get it that the hospitals are overrun.The swine flu is spreading at a way faster rate though. The numbers are beginning to get scary. 2,532 cases in the U.S. -
Even though I don't check my email a lot (maybe once every six months or so), I like Gmail. It doesn't really get spam and it shows your conversations in the email so you don't get too confused. ^^; It's so neat seeing the numbers for space going up! It's like impossible to fill. I want to try to use all of the space some day. :3 Also, Hotmail always loaded slow for me so I don't really like it much.Everything Google makes is super because they are super!
Probably not. I would think about it all the time and make myself not even be able to spend the rest of my life happily. If I do die, I want to do it where I don't know it until .06 seconds before so I won't have enough time to panic. x3 It's also better off not knowing because I'd spend the rest of my life trying to fix the future like some kind of crazy video game... even after being told I can't change it. :PEdit: Actually, that sounds like fun. o.o
I think I remember something in Zelda... but not exactly sure. o.oAnyone remember those NES games in Animal Crossing? My brother and I used to play them all the time and had more fun than the actual game. My favorite was Balloon Fight... it was so cute! My brother went crazy because for some reason he couldn't unlock Wario's Woods.And Donkey Kong 64 had a bunch of bonus stages with different stuff to do and then I also think they had the DK NES game in there.
It looks very cool. It sort of bothers me how Nintendo does this though. They put a must have system on the market and then a few years later they make the same one with a bunch of new features so you end up having to also get that one. x3 I still have the oldest one, but I really want the DSi because of the camera. (There are so many days I go, "I wish I could've brought a camera!") The internet would also be cool if you're in the car, but you're still stuck in a game. Right now, I think they're offering it for free or something at this thing that's similar to the Wii Shop Channel.It also looks very very cute, but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I just spent all of my money on Mother's Day stuff. ^^;