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Zero Ziat

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Everything posted by Zero Ziat

  1. Gee, this is gonna be so short: On 2003/2004 Exadv1(A guy) released a game called "console" on BYOND hub. It was about programming, and it was multiplayer. There were LOTS of interesting stuff to do, but there was NO MANUAL. Exadv1 never updated console. I decided to make a page about console. With relevant stuff, tips, and a lot of members. The game wasn't quite popular between normal people because you needed to program and most lowered-IQ people thought it was for nerds/geek. It lost rating. I started making my site on freewebs. It sucked but it had a bit of info. It got really outdated (REAAAALLLLY). I decided to make a new site on Freewebtown.com, the service was great but I wasn't conformated. My friend, Kinori Kalrath(Or Stari) gave me hosting on zero.kalrath.com, as he was also a good console player with me. The site was great, I had my own forums. The game got really outdated (Version is from 2004!) and I decided to close website. I left some profanities on main page and went to Xisto when I discovered it before(A newbie console player) told me about it. Now I decided to make my website with lots of fun stuff and a lot of people, but I lack of them. (Please visit my site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) CONSOLE That's all
  2. Mikey, I want to register, but do the easy favor of giving the RIGHT link. : /
  3. Lucky you can use the Shoutbox, I was banned from it, well, 1 bandwith waster less.
  4. Great...So...Why did you reply to an year old topic? :)Didn't seem worth it. : /
  5. I ever had the thought since 8 years that like 1864 people die daily. : /But yeah, our God is actually awful.When world ends, will he create another world same as this but in BENEFIT to humans?
  6. He already said you need to terminate your hosting account and reapply for it. >_>;
  7. I've got one really gross from this game called Liberal Crime Squad where you gotta make the country achieve Liberal status by chaning laws, getting sleepers(people infiltrated) etc...Here it goes:"Hey, can we play trains? You sit on my face and I will go 'Chew!, Chew!, Chew'!"XD
  8. Hmm...I don't remember what was my last book, it was a LOOOONG time since I don't read one.I started to get bored of books. So, I just quitted them, but in fact, I like reading and I don't see much problems with thick blocks of text.-Zero
  9. Come visit me at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Nextly .com!) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also works. Looking for admins and suggestions on what can I mainly focus my site. I am member-less. Tsunami: Yes, I've fixed the registration issues. Enjoy!
  10. /End_Of_Commercial ()I just stay here with TrendMicro and that's it. But a friend said "OMFG THAT'S ZE CRAP, USE AVAST!"Seems good, I might replace TrendMicro with it. I am still unsure, but go Google the link as I don't have it right now.G'Luck.--Zero Ziat.
  11. Seems already going good. Do you have any system to prevent voting abuse? ( AKA oneoneoneX546 times)
  12. Well, I mainly post to keep my hosting account but I am also interested in contribuiting and I post in many other forums too... All.
  13. I stay with Nintendo, and well...I don't like that control that much, good to see it anyways. Wii is still my winner.
  14. Nice, but why the huge text? I don't feel it's necessary, as just posting with normal text.
  15. I've seen them a lot of times but I ignored them as a lot of ads I see. >_>;Amusing anyways.
  16. Explain better, not even me understands what happens, page cannot be displayed.
  17. Google would FAIL SO MUCH if we should pay for it, everyone would disperse and install themselves into the other engines, there's no point for it, Google should stay unpaid free service as it haves LOTS of pages in its and it is very easy and reliable, not being the FIRST search engine, Google rocks.I would never pay for it, if they made it for paid use only, I would probably send a rant to Google staff.
  18. Err, already said they won't fix it. It will be a good curiosity anyways.
  19. Dragon Ball Series was in fact, a waste of time, ALL THE INTERNET is being stupidified. You know, when I go to play into BYOND...I will just give an example:SSJGOKU3215 has logged in!SUPER DUPER GOTENKS has logged in!SSJBULMA321573278 has logged in! Dude, what the hell? They just look for some stupid balls and the guy dies and revives and trains and kills then dies again and revives and trains and kills, it is dumb when it gets monotone and the characters...gah, Master Roshi is a .pdf file!Awful.HATE with heart.I remember I even made a petition to remove all DBZ games from a gaming community (http://www.petitiononline.com/ Remove DB Games from BYOND. Petition)
  20. How about making a robots.txt tutorial? (You know more) I don't know if there is one already made. I will go check.
  21. We can leave that to OpaQue.But well, your idea just rocks, period.*Thumbs and feet up*.
  22. Yeah, the first day and my Drupal CMS warning showed up this while I was setting up my website: So, I executed a tracert on that mysterious IP as NO ONE had an account on my site except ME. CONSOLE Tracing route to crawl-66-249-65-133.googlebot.com []over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 41 ms 19 ms 19 ms rcor2bras1.antel.net.uy [*] 2 21 ms 18 ms 20 ms gcorecor2-acc.antel.net.uy [*] 3 22 ms 19 ms 20 ms ibordeagu1-backb.antel.net.uy [*] 4 179 ms 178 ms 178 ms POS1-1.GW4.MIA4.ALTER.NET [] 5 180 ms 178 ms 225 ms 0.so-0-1-0.XL1.MIA4.ALTER.NET [] 6 202 ms 214 ms 253 ms 0.so-7-0-0.XL1.CHI2.ALTER.NET [] 7 201 ms 201 ms 286 ms POS6-0.BR3.CHI2.ALTER.NET [] 8 206 ms 201 ms 205 ms so-4-2-1.mpr1.ord7.us.above.net [] 9 205 ms 201 ms 202 ms so-1-0-0.cr2.ord2.us.above.net [] 10 205 ms 203 ms 222 ms so-2-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net [] 11 207 ms 202 ms 202 ms so-0-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net [] 12 204 ms 205 ms 204 ms so-6-0-0.mpr2.iad1.us.above.net [] 13 203 ms 204 ms 204 ms so-3-0-0.mpr1.iad2.us.above.net [] 14 209 ms 205 ms 205 ms main1.above.net [] 15 206 ms 204 ms 205 ms crawl-66-249-65-133.googlebot.com[] Trace complete. Well, if you aren't experienced, that guy is the Googlebot, which basically is just a bot(duh) that indexes keywords and similar stuff and then puts it into google's database so it shows up when it querys that keyword or similar keyword. I am sure it will be wroking on by tomorrow, but if you search my name on google you will get a lot of gaming profiles and a lot of spanish/english stuff. ( Stalk, Stalk!) What hinted me was the IP(I remembered some octets) and that it was looking for robots.txt (A file to restrict certain bots programmed for indexing or whatever else like translation engines to enter your website). Well, I am happy by now. See ya!
  23. Well, I've registered there, and it is easy, the click & win stuff is odd, but I got my first seven points by "registering" to a guy who sold diamonds an things for womans with an e-mail address I made in GMail to store all my spam, I clicked confirmation link on my e-mail, and when the owner of EzyRewards (Elliot) checked my data with the guy that I registered a while before, my account was granted seven (7) points...yay... 993 to go. Most of the offers aren't on my region. So meh. I'd need a referral somewhere else. Hope you understood.-Zero Ziat
  24. I've heard this method is expensive as hell, are you sure about it? Anyways, my cell phone is GPRS-Less. And I never felt like using an extremely slow connection...
  25. But...That Hard Drive trick sounds REALLY crazy, wouldn't it do any kind of short circuit or something else?Those images left me actually clueless.
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