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Zero Ziat

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Everything posted by Zero Ziat

  1. Oh...I had a tablet where I used a digital pen...Man, never leave them a long time near a magnet. Like most computer hardware.I don't have more advice, sorry.
  2. I use SmartFTP, it rocks, it never disconnects(for me) and it haves a neat and nice interface, I never tried FileZilla, but I am fine enough already with the SmartFTP client.I recommend SmartFTP.
  3. Zero Ziat


    Oh, I used Elysium time ago. It was boring and it was most-likely a dead community which I didn't get, and the games where really odd. O.o; Despite the fact it didn't work well for me, it was a bit ok, but I'd rather recommend a web search on another kind of program. Elysium bored me to death. :SNever thought of making a thread about it.
  4. I stay with Firefox whatsoever, I love it, and it is the rockster, will anyone FOR REAL try IE7?I won't. >_>;*Raises sign "FIREFOX!"*
  5. Woah! Find that one of the huge with only 5 MB capacity! I *MUST* see it. It's ok if ya don't find it.
  6. Yup. First time I've seen it, it was really funny. XDWhen I didn't know what was google bombing, I thought Google in fact hated it for real, so, I went to know more about this, and I discovered it was product of guys who post amazingly a lot of links with the keyword "failure" in popular blogs and that stuff, I guess that the idiocy of the president will be left there for ever. :)I've remember other Google Bombing projects by YTMND that tried to bring up "The Unfunny Truth About Scientology" site which made searching "Scientology" or "The Unfunny Truth About Scientology" bring to that site and let you watch that.Most of the people hates that religion because it killed people, etc... You can find the whole story somewhere else.-ZZ
  7. It is made by Google Bombing, search it in Wikipedia. But yeah, I agree with Google.They can't fix it as it is a system abuse making the googlebot get confused and get Mr. President. () Well, later (As I don't have anything else to comment).
  8. Well, can I use co.nr domain in the registration form?That's all, answer quickly, please.
  9. Everytime I've seen reports, news, articles and stuff about world dying made me go sad, the first time I got depressed thinking I would die without even getting married, but then I noticed it wouldn't happen until a lot of years. Then I've seen something on TV about a meteor passing by 2012 with a high chance of doing something bad and whatever else... I don't wanna die, but I will die one day. There is nothing I can do about it. I wish myself a life full of fruits and happiness the long I can survive it. Because life gives you different emotions and experiences. That is *darned* beautiful.
  10. Making money for visiting something that gives you COOL benefits isn't bad for me, alright, it won't do any damage to yourself, and you would be helping the owner.And obviously ads are not placed for fun.So, yeah, OpaQue makes money, he gets happy, we all have our websites, databases, domain hosting, subdomains, and more stuff. A lot of it. >_>Xisto is still the only exit.
  11. So, this is a talk about racism? Racism sucks by itself, I think we don't need to discuss this any more, but the guys anyways are already protecting just a skin colour, which isn't really worth it, by just going "LOL, WHITE'S BETTER" they won't achieve anything. Nothing at all. Suckage.Skin colors don't give you special powers or any difference but appeareance. Kill racism for a darned time already.Anyone who encourages racism must be stupid. For real.
  12. I definetely agree with you, she is being stubborn for real, she should not be doing that.She still deserves the right to be wrong, so, this should sort out easy. If not, I'd recommend a serious talk with your mom about the maturity.Or a family therapist. *Sigh*
  13. Woah! HUGE list, good work dude. The kriegger think does not work for me, I unzip it and run it...Spits error report screen. : /Well, I think I'd just get back to my normal routine, I stopped playing games or whatever else since some time, but well...Hope the list gets updated. Thanks for it!
  14. Yeah, I swear it was impossible, I thought it could be some kind of stupid bluffy scam. But when I took a look at forums, it was truth. I continued with my stupid website. It was never visited, and it would never work out to something that rocked everything. I got eventually pissed about it. I left a notice on it. (PM me for the URL WARNING: Contains 'bad language'.) And well, here I am, and if I fit really well, and I am welcome in a so kind way, I stop searching, Xisto is the exit to the websearching, the exit to all the stupid web hosts I've been, the start of a new era for me, I am sure I will be pleased with these services. I love them. Congratulations to OpaQue. Thank you. Also, thanks to the guys that welcomed me, again. You are all so nice!
  15. I don't care about violence in this game, I wish I could play it, it basically rocks. Period. I so need this game. A friend haves it and it is hellalot of fun, the missions are really funny, and it haves a good plot and history, the fact is that if you don't like violence, you should be trying another thing. I've also heard Rockstar is getting out this game called Bully, where you are actually located in High School...but I don't remember anything else, go get the trailer on Youtube.com, or go here from Rockstar: http://www.rockstargames.com/bully/home/ I should go get Bully soon. Try it too.
  16. I think a doctor should know something about it, or call a help line. I don't really know.I hope to not have this problem. (I think) there should be a way to fix this.
  17. I hope mayoman123 gets this, if not, he can find a "better" paid host somewhere else. Xisto is the ONLY exit. (At least for me. ) Thank you for being free. Notice from jlhaslip: Signing off on your posts is not allowed. Removed
  18. So, I think that clicking that link was an error...I am sad. That guy died 21-08-06, right?...I was partying my thirteen years that day. 21 August is my birthday. So, when I was having a great time, another guy on this world was dying.I feel bad. I never lost a friend and I'd never want to lose one.OpaQue, I am sorry for you.Hats off to Derek.
  19. My brother keeps it on all the days and nothing bad goes on, in fact, I love laptop, and he uses the old 256 RAM computer (EEEK).I shut down laptop and he just leaves desktop computer on, downloading random stuff. It is noisy and I can't sleep. : /-Zero Ziat
  20. It is in benefit to yourself! You can make friends, get well along and you get better stuff than most paid hosting services. If you see my introduction topic, I pointed it out.Dude, enjoy this.Just post. Get along well, not all is free, you just have to post useful stuff and not short answers, read Xisto.com readme for more info.
  21. I got in love with Pirates of The Caribbean. Darn, Jack did really silly stuff and I really laughed A LOT. Another thing I loved was Scary Movie 4. IT ROCKED. It was great!About Scary Movies...They aren't scary, I laugh when I see them. But the most stupid thing is that NO Scary Movies scare me except Blair Witch Project! It is stupid, I watched it EVERY TIME and it SCARES ME. It is plain stupid, they just throw some stupid guys with a camera into a forest and they just scare me! I don't know how it just scares me, I suppose it will be the same but it ends up scaring me. Creepy and odd. : /
  22. I updated it. :SIf I have read this before...Well, anyways I don't use the iPod. Shouldn't this be on Trapinion? (I think)
  23. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Rocks a lot.
  24. You seem to be an emoticon fan, I don't think they are necessary, we just can express ourselves with creativity, you could just try to be nice with text, not images. Think about it. Yup. >_>
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