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Zero Ziat

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Everything posted by Zero Ziat

  1. I've been reading about PERL on some HTML teaching website, which also teached some stuff with PERL, unfortunately, I don't get how to use it. So, what I want to know/just want: A simple guide to PERL How can I use it on my acc. Uh, that's all, thank for all by now.
  2. Woah. Nice, I think Xisto can achieve even more than Google.Plus, the name pwns.
  3. Fantastico should help ya already. It haves pre-installed scripts that auto-installs the software.
  4. So...I am uploading Xoops CMS (Already tried Joomla and Drupal and didn't like) because Fantastico's is outdated. My FTP Client connection breaks down continously alone. Is this my problem or is there a server issue I should know about?Should I send in a different mode like ASCII or Auto? I am also sending with PASV(Passive) parameters.Thanks by now.
  5. Congrats, Proto, if you are gonna get a domain and you point it at an existing domain who hasn't pointed that domain at Xisto's nameservers, there isn't anything happening.
  6. Thank you too! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Xisto requires you to post quality posts. If you want to thank a member, kindly use the PM system in our forum.
  7. Man, that's GREAT to know, have fu--Dude, that is spamming, read the Xisto Readme, the link can be found at the shoutbox.Don't do this again, you win nothing, plus, you just posted on a board with no post count.I declare this topic dumb.
  8. Yeah... Me? I don't remember but I am interested to know about you. I know it may seem a stupid question but it interests me.So...What was your first comp and how did you learn to use it?
  9. 11? Woah. I am new here too, I like getting along with these kind of people, they rock...About your spelling, keep practicing(It's good by now but I know you can do better).
  10. Well, a user never recieved my registration e-mail at his AOL account, he tried a LOT of times...So...Are you sure?There is also this Drupal module called "SMTP" that will allow me to use another SMTP server but I obviously need it's address, port, username and password...So, I dunno.
  11. Thanks jlhaslip, but how do I access it?Does it have an specific port? A special authentication or something as that?
  12. Hey guys! I can't ask in shoutbox so I've got to use the slow way. : /As you've probably read, I need it for my website's registration, I've learned this by asking in the Drupal(a CMS) Support, this good man said that I should have an SMTP server setup for it to work, unfortunately, I don't know if Xisto haves it and I don't know how to access it.If there is none, could you recommend a free solution?If there is one, could you be so kind of teaching me how to use/access it?Thanks by now.P.S: Go Xisto crew!
  13. Well, most dumb guys actually just:A ) Burn toilet paper.B ) Wet toilet paper and throw it in the ceiling. (Wtf, they just give even more work to the janitors.)I'd rather suggest someone to watch the toilets.It's just retarded. : /
  14. You should add more content in that post, I mean...It lacks of info. Saying that playing C&Q is boring won't solve anything.Add more info.
  15. uTorrent rocks already. :)It haves an included search engine, it doesn't have the stupid XXX chat as BitTorrent does.uTorrent is the FTW here.
  16. Uhh...Didn't BuffaloHELP check your IP and discovered you are ProtoMan? (Ownt.)
  17. I actually COULDN'T control it, seriously, if you knew that guy, you would have done most-likely the same.Plus, I was already fed-up, ambition of finally facing him got him, and well, I shouted to him at class where the nice professor could hear well. (:S)I'd never want to do that again.
  18. Can't a malware that captures keystrokes or saves critical data use the RunAs command to abuse it ?
  19. If I want to see my house very closer without pixelating and blurring anormally, what should I use? Google Earth Blurs the hell out. : /
  20. O.O DIDN'T NOTICE IT. XDThank you Albus!Close Topic.
  21. I've tried but I didn't get clear results, some forum threads...etc. Help me please. : (
  22. Well, I want basically a cron job that will run and backup my MySQL database. I've been told in the shoutbox that you can do it via cron job.Didn't told me how.Now, I just want help on how to do it and what commands I should put in the cPanel.
  23. My e-mail is GMail and my Xisto account.My IM client is MSN.
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