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Zero Ziat

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Everything posted by Zero Ziat

  1. I never cared about the power or graphics, just it's new gameplay system makes it for me. I wish I could buy it when it comes out. I will hope for one, then.
  2. PM an admin, and that is sad, sorry to hear that. Hope ya luck.
  3. Nice welcome, thanks guys. Anyways, I don't care if you don't like rap music or hip-hop, you have your own opinion and likes, and I don't feel in position of ordering someone around over here, anyways, better if you like it
  4. My family has been yanked off a lot and a lot of sad things happened, but I am still fine and I don't really care.Get a familiar therapist, ASAP as Saint Michael said. It will help somehow, if not, get a psychotherapist or psychiatric for yourself, and talk to him/her about your problems.
  5. Well, damn, Microsoft haves a weakness, and if the official .com site gets defaced, I will kill that Microsoft FireWall. *Points at firewall with .44*I expect the .com NOT to be hacked. >_>Surely they are a bit creeped out hugging each other...Not really, they would just double-check the server for vulnerabilites, and fixing them.In addition, dear Microsoft, "Owned".Continue on. Notice from truefusion: Please don't sign off your posts. We know who it is that posted. Thanks.
  6. Heh, basically I was really excited about it and told most people, I just get too much surprised with this stuff. >_>Anyways, GMail rocks. I don't even have to state it. No other service gave me the same or similar features. But now I have 3 e-mail addresses; I don't tget that used and it's difficult to handle. xD
  7. Simple story, I was in class, sitting behind this guy, then, he shouts (Alert: Nublike speech for hating him) "MUV DMNIT, I HAV NO FSCKING SPACE"(I actually had no freaking space too and I didn't cry), you may not knowing, the guy was a midget, and he tried to pick on me most of the year, it was BORING already, I hated him.I stood up from my chair and in a single movement I shouted at him(Middle of class): "WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT THE *BLEEP*ING HELL UP, MOTHER*BLEEP*ING DUMBASS!!!">_>Didn't come out that fine, the guy wanted to "meet me at the exit" replied with "I have no time for your damned childish games", the spanish language professor looks at me in a different way, LAST, but not least, I was sent to psycho--whateverelselike.What can I do about this? I DID NOT EVEN WANT TO DO THAT! It wasn't me. Fury overloaded on me. Notice from jlhaslip: Editted Topic Title to shorten it.It was stretching the thread.
  8. Try mailing/contacting support department of your router manufacturer.They should DEFINETELY know what happened...or else.
  9. I present myself, Zero Ziat... I've ran from my little stupid website(which I dismantled) to make something nicer here. Not sad but I'd hate to find out I've broken the heart of most of my website fans. Anyways it was just stupid. >_> It wasn't really needed. And when a guy gave me a link to here...IT WAS LIKE A DREAM. I still can't believe what I see here! Options for domains, sub-domains, e-mail, FTP accounts, MySQL databases, PHP, MySQL server, Apache, like 48 things, AND FOR THE LOW PRICE OF JUST POSTING IN FORUMS AND MAKING RELATIONSHIPS, ALL IS IN BENEFIT TO THE CLIENT! Boom. God, it was friggin' great. I hope to become a nice member on the community and help most guys(& girls) here. Me? I like rap, hip-hop, most-likely Eminem, D-12, I was born in Urugay, South America, and still here, yeah, I am foreign and my english is almost perfect...I still cannot believe I achieved this. Thanks for all.
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