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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. software developers wont have to face an end ,first of all if an inspector comes he would go to system access logs rather to see which s/w is installed or not ,there are many other ways to detect whether the particular software is used or not ,even deleted logs culd be retrieved and read ,so the company would easily get caught and as per individuals are concerned parated s/w on hardrive is enough for them and don't need to go to portables,so i doubt that the portable system will be a hit ,i doubt any company would have use this thing,their whole business would be at stake
  2. there would be many problems if oil cease to exist,which are stated by many above,i will tell you about some benefits when oils ceases ,all cars would run on a pollution free enviourment like electric cars and water and air cars ,all terrorists funding comes from oil economy based countries ,so no terrorists funding and many other benefits,debts of most cuntries would start getting clear and osama will have no food to eat hehe
  3. welcome to trap 17. its the best thing i have found on the internet , as far as making a site is concerned ,most of us were computer idiots when we started and slowly and steadily started earning ,what i would advise is don't start with a goal of earning a lot of thousands ,just start as a hobby and if it works out you earn,there are thousands of softwares available to make you a site making pro ,just find them and use it,its fun to make a site ,you'll be just loving it best of luck
  4. its more targeted to asian countries and hence its a matrimonial site thanks for reviewing ,can you give me some help, like what you think should be done to improve it
  5. hi everyone, i have somehow managed to make this site the site is a matrimonial site which is completely free for all usersi wanted reviews for my main page, i just feel i need to do something there but can't figure out what improvements should i doplease also tell me is the loading time average or morethanks in advance everyone
  6. oh apology for that , i didn't understood what were you saying ,and as for many worring about taking email , we can change password and all other details ,i don't think anyone would be able to hack after that
  7. you can get yahoo beta emails free , than why not create themyou can get as many email accounts as you want there is no limit
  8. say ' no ' to drugs thats the theme and do the samedoing drugs is like fooling yourself,only weak loosers do drugs ,if anyone is doing than rehabilation is the best choice
  9. the features that Xisto provide is really the best espsecially all the additional features they provide,even i want to thank Xisto a lot for providing this hosting and earning credits is like having fun
  10. the site seems to be too flashy,i think making the fonts all white might help , the fluoroscent color is actually not feel good to eye,and keep trying to make it best best of luck
  11. yo yo to the indian team , i read at news papers that dada(saurav ganguly) is coming back , i think he could change the indian team from top to bottom best of luck to the indian team
  12. most of the teachers are just ignorant and they really eat a lot of head , one of my teacher used to keep babbling 80% of time ,which covered every topic from politician to other teachers and everything dumb stuff
  13. just tell him 'no' and it will be better for both of you , don't keep hanging and it will be trouble for both of you , hope it works out great , best of luck
  14. well i live in india the piece of happiness and non voilence , well may be i am a bit more positive in everything i say Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use the signature feature instead of manually adding your signature
  15. it looks reallyt cool , iwould love to try this thing ,well this won't be my first simulator experience but this one is my first flight simulator but is it free or not Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use the signature feature instead of adding it manually.
  16. hey buff ,just a thought ,give him the credits he want ,he has something valuable to share which all newbie webmasters like me would appreciate it i know many new site that get hack in an month and face many security threats ,spreading info regarding this would help them to avoid such conditions
  17. reading this i feel so glad i am a guy,girls really have a lots of problems ,and most of them they create themselves, but they do have some advantage they seem to get guys faster then the trouble the guys have to go to get a girl hehe
  18. procraistining is not bad ,i know you miss a lot of work because of it but the fault is not in you ,not your procraistinationlet me tell you first what is procraistination, procraistination is trying to avoid some work again and again everytime because you don't feel like doing it , you don't want to do it this is the first step to do accept that you don't want to do it ,that the first step in killing procraistination you feel you don't get enough time for enjoyment so you procraistinate ,just chill relax and tske all the fun you need and then start doing it ,may be go on a vacation so you will be charged to do your work next time ,commit to study only 15 minutes ,than 30,45,60............. and so on ,just go to stevepavlina.com and read his procraistination post it
  19. first of all its not nescessary that you need something common with your partner even if you have completely different attitude than also you can have a great relationship beleive me the best thing you can do is try to understand why she broke with you the first time obviously she would have given you a reason for that ,figure out how you could avoid that reason if avoidable and what she thinks about you, you should leave your current partner becuase what you are currently doing is betraying your current partner ,its betraying that when you don't say you love her you shouldn't say you love her it would be like you got got betrayed so you betrayed her the best thing you can do is tell her truth as far as the old girl is concerned yes you love her,try to know her more first as friends ,yes you need to understand her more if you have doubt that she may broke with you later be clear about yourself and also be clear about what she thinks about me you can even ask her why she broke with you and what she wants from a relationship and then think would you be happy with this relationship , make clear points in your mind to get together with her is either yes or no ,make sure that you already know whether you and her would be able to get together for lifetime if you have doubt yet the girl is not for you and you need to find someone else soon she isn't for you
  20. even i live in a country like yours but i dont think its bad ,what i would say is just keep co-operating them and be what you are the best thing you can do is make you as well as them happy,i know you feel to rebel and all but as far as my personal advice is concerned i won't advice you to go out and leave alone but just try to make things work out don't be negative about them ,be positive and work them outfirst of all forget what has happened and try to sort out thingd now ,the reason your parents take descisions for you is because they feel you are not mature enough ,so act very mature ,make them feel that you are not obviously dependent on them atleast emotionally and show the determination that you are capable of handling everything that goes with your life make some bold statements and then prove them i know actions speak louder than words but both work definately the best if you are average in studies than try to be above average and show them that you know how to be the best ,it would require some initial work, but it would work greatan easy way for you is just become financial independent and move out ,but i wont advice that its not worth you need people to laugh with you , most of the parents don't like video games or computers because they feel you are wasting your time,so first prove them that you are capable to cope up in your studies so that they won't take your gaming,computer or table tennis sessions as issues and would let you do whatever you wantjust remember one thing that running from a problem is always easy but facing it and solving it is difficult but always fruitful in the long run
  21. well no need to feel bad ,she has some bad time going in her life just give her space and she will be all yours when the time is right the best thing you can do now is give all your support to her and slowly and steadily keep on building your relationship strong that is what will help you in the long run ,dont even try to be to itchy just relax and give her all time she needs and you will be success in building the relationship you want
  22. windows vista really looks cool but i doubt that it will be as fast as windows xp ,there seems to be a lot of graphics in windows vista but i don't mind using it it looks great
  23. well i don't know much about xbox 360 but i bet its better than ps3 after all ,the graphics are good in xbox compared to ps3 ,my vote says xbox 360 is worth buying
  24. the signatures you have made are cool i like all of them did u made them on flash they are really best ,i liked the transperent effect you gave to them
  25. richierich1m


    welcome teecee06 you are welcome at Xisto hope you enjoy here its one of the best community i have found hope you enjoy here
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