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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. DNS issues with XP or W2K computers not able to access your new web site. This solution works for all M$ based operating systems and this tutorial is written for XP computer with high speed Internet connections. Dialup is a different animal.


    The issue is you can access Xisto and read the board, but as soon as you created your sub-domain name the computer don't connect to your new web site and you are stuck. You can access cPanel using the IP address but not your new site. Part of the problem is how domain names propagate across the Internet. All name servers talk to each other once a day or every 2 days, they query their neighbors and ask if there is any new web sites in their neighborhood or any new web sites that they have knowledge of. In this way the name servers are updated with the new DNS information and now they can send users to your web site.


    The workaround is to add a DNS entry to your computer that points to one of Xisto.com name servers. The steps for this is fairy simple and I?m going to use the long way to get there so everyone trying this can use the step by step instruction se.

    W2K -->>Click "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Control Panel"


    XP -->>Click -> ?Start? -> ?Control Panel? and select ?Network Connections?. Right click on the ?Local Area Connection?, Left click ?Properties? and it will open up the ?Local Area Connection Properties?.

    In the ?General? tab scroll down to ?Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)? and select it (When selected the text is highlighted) and click the ?Properties? button and it will open the ?Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties?


    In ?Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties? the default setting in the ?General? tab is for ?Obtain an IP address automatically? and ?Obtain DNS server address automatically? if they are checked leave them as is. (skip to the solution for dynamic DNS entries)


    This is only for users with static IP and DNS all others go to the next step. If the ?Use following DNS server addresses? is checked note and write both IP addresses and change out the second address with ns1.trap17.com ? and restart your computer and try to access your web site again.


    Dynamic IP and DNS entries solution:

    Click the ?Advanced? button, this will bring up ?Advanced TCP/IP Settings? and select the second tab ?DNS? and click ?Add? button, this will bring up ?TCP/IP DNS Server? here you type for ns1 or for ns2. And then click ?Add? You can add both ns1 and ns2 but you only need one because this is a temporary solution until the domain name has propagated across the internet and all the name servers.


    OK, we are done and you can close all the different windows that are open from this and restart your computer. (Restart is not necessary but recommended because all settings are finished at a restart and any open processes that didn?t quite finish will be cleaned out by the restart.)



  2. We a couple of different sites for members with differnt interes and skill levels.

    This is the asthost intro:

    ATTENTION  : Xisto is more interested in building a forum with quality members and finest posts rather than to make money by showing Advertisements. Making Dumb posts to get hosting will not help. We respect talented members who have the ability to impress people by their wonderful ideas. If you think you have this in you, you are at the right place! Else, you are requested to go to Xisto.com (Our Partner site) with similar features. All posts are strictly reviewed for Web Hosting Applications. Any member accused of spamming may be banned with an immediate suspension or termination of web hosting account (if hosted). Also Check out, Hottest Paid Web Hosting Offer at    Xisto - Web Hosting ( partner site ) [ 50mb space @ $10 / YEAR!  ]PS: Paid Accounts are hosted on separate dedicated servers for unmatched performance and uptime!

    It's a little stricter there than here, but all features are the same now :)
    so it's another hosting site we have. B)


  3. the first 3 banners is supposed to be for advetising Xisto - Web Hosting.com anywhere. You should make the banner as a sales pitch, or a way of promoting the paid hosting, tell about the quality. (use your own imagination :) )


    the fourth is to use as a footer on Xisto & Xisto letting people know that the boards are hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting.com

    Posted Image


    You can use your own slogan for the one to use on Xisto and Xisto (So it don't have to match what is there)


    szupie, nice banners..



  4. Thank you for the header file in that email. I'm using it to see if I can track down the server. It looks like an open relay...
    Did you edit out any IP addresses? if you have the original can you PM me the headers?

    Parsing header:0: Received: from mxscan1.iskon.hr ( by pop.iskon.hr with SMTP; 24 Mar 2005 19:06:26 +0100
    Hostname verified: mxscan1.iskon.hr
    Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts
    Will not trust anything beyond this header
    No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

    I can't get it to parse past the hostname.


  5. It was indicated on the cpanel that I have to pay? It requires manual setup. How much would I pay? I am registered at godaddy.com


    you would change your DNS settings to point to Xisto's nameservers. that takes from 24 to 48 hours. then you park the domain in cpanel and you are ready to use your domain name. It's not going to cost you anything from us, only what you paid GoDaddy for the domain name :)



  6. Nick, huh. I never had a nick in my life. :) I guess I was never "hip" enough to get a nick name but that's OK with me.I am very active in kayak fishing and the sport of kayak fishing. And since we have tournaments and I meet a lot of the people I talk to online I thought it was better to use my real name so that when spoken to I would know that it was me they refered to. I'm known in RW (real world) as Yakfisher_RI but that would be a funny handle on a board for free web hosting :( In the same kayak fishing community I'm also known under the aliases of "Mad Norwegian" or "Crazy Norwegian" because I take kayakfishing to the extreme edge and sometimes over the edge where I would crash and burn (If it wasn't for being surrounded by water).I guide and teach kayak fishing and do seminars on the same topic so using my real name makes life a lot easier but maybe to some extent boring ;)With all the user names and logins aquiered over the years my first name and the first letter of my last name has stuck because I have a hard time remembering what nick I used where if I didn't use the "KISS" method.Nils

  7. This may sound like a stupid question, it's not ment to be.What do you mean by "force a standby" can you define what this term covers?The -f forces a shutdown, the problem is it does not let programs finish and close in the normal way, it forces (terminates) them and shut the computer down. so any excel or other file you forgot to save is lost. Normal shutdown will prompt you to save a file -f bypasses all that.Nils

  8. This is a copy of a tutorial I created for Xisto.com. I'm copying it here as a courtesy to Xisto members. :)

    How to shutdown a XP Pro computer when you are connected using RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) using a batch file or RPC (Remote Procedure Command) This is useful if you can't get to the computer but have remote access to the computer via a network or the internet.


    First To show you what you will see at a command prompt (command.com) when you type: "shutdown /?" Without the " " on each end. :)


    c:\>shutdown /?Usage: SHUTDOWN [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]        No args                 Display this message (same as -?)        -i                      Display GUI interface, must be the first option        -l                      Log off (cannot be used with -m option)        -s                      Shutdown the computer        -r                      Shutdown and restart the computer        -a                      Abort a system shutdown        -m \\computername       Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort        -t xx                   Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds        -c "comment"            Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)        -f                      Forces running applications to close without warning        -d [u][p]:xx:yy         The reason code for the shutdown                                u is the user code                                p is a planned shutdown code                                xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)                                yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

    This is an undocumented feature in XP so I have not found any writeup about it on M$ and everything used here is from other sources. Do not use "cmd" to start the command interpreter (cmd.exe), but type "command" for (command.com. Now you can shutdown the computer by typing "shutdown -s" or to restart the computer type "shutdown -r"


    To create a batch file for this you can use notepad, and save the file as .bat in c:\ (root directory) Here are the 3 most used batch files for shutdown:

    1 save as down.bat

    shutdown -s
    2 save as restart.bat

    shutdown -r
    3 save as forcedown.bat

    shutdown -f
    4 save as logoff.bat

    shutdown -l
    5 save as rpcdown.bat (replace computername with the name of your computer :P )

    shutdown -s -m \\computername
    and this last one is fun in an enviroment using RPC :D


    So that's a piece of cake, the other options are self explanatory and if you need any help creating the batch file, ask and someone will help :P



    This is from Xisto tutorial I made http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82716-shut-down-restart-log-off-xp-using-a-batch-file-undocumented-feature-for-xp/&



  9. How to shutdown a XP Pro computer when you are connected using RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) using a batch file or RPC (Remote Procedure Command) This is useful if you can't get to the computer but have remote access to the computer via a network or the internet.

    First To show you what you will see at a command prompt (command.com) when you type: "shutdown /?" Without the " " on each end. :)

    c:\>shutdown /?Usage: SHUTDOWN [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]        No args                 Display this message (same as -?)        -i                      Display GUI interface, must be the first option        -l                      Log off (cannot be used with -m option)        -s                      Shutdown the computer        -r                      Shutdown and restart the computer        -a                      Abort a system shutdown        -m \\computername       Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort        -t xx                   Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds        -c "comment"            Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)        -f                      Forces running applications to close without warning        -d [u][p]:xx:yy         The reason code for the shutdown                                u is the user code                                p is a planned shutdown code                                xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)                                yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

    This is an undocumented feature in XP so I have not found any writeup about it on M$ and everything used here is from other sources. Do not use "cmd" to start the command interpreter (cmd.exe), but type "command" for (command.com. Now you can shutdown the computer by typing "shutdown -s" or to restart the computer type "shutdown -r"

    To create a batch file for this you can use notepad, and save the file as .bat in c:\ (root directory) Here are the 3 most used batch files for shutdown:
    1 save as down.bat
    shutdown -s
    2 save as restart.bat
    shutdown -r
    3 save as forcedown.bat
    shutdown -f
    4 save as logoff.bat
    shutdown -l
    5 save as rpcdown.bat (replace computername with the name of your computer :( )
    shutdown -s -m \\computername
    and this last one is fun in an enviroment using RPC ;)

    So that's a piece of cake, the other options are self explanatory and if you need any help creating the batch file, ask and someone will help ;)


  10. If you look at the email you can see a couple of glaring errors in the email address for one and in the http link to check your hosting credits. If you clicked the link you may have ended up on a hijack / drive by download site. So make sure you check youf computer for malicious software and or adWare.If you have the email still I would like to have a copy of the header part of the email. If you know how to extract headers please do so and PM it to me, thank you.Nils

  11. If you insist on double posting and posting spam and other junk your posts will be deleted and you will never hava hosting anywhere. Violation of TOS in another post is another reason for your problems.*useless topic closed*Follow the rules like everyone else.Nils

  12. for realVNC to connect you need to know the ip addtess on the computer you are connecting to, if it's xph.Click "Start", "Run" Type: "command" hit enter. In "command.com" type "ipconfig /all" without the " " and you can see the ip address for for that computer and use that in the setupfile for realVNC.Then you should be able to connect the 2 computers. I'll look for the batch file when I get home and post it here. (You should be able to access "start, Shutdown" directly on the remote computer also.The batch file would be for XPP using remote desktop.Nils

  13. Correct, you are banned from the shoutbox. This can be for language, posting links to your posts or asking people to look at your web site "by posting links" it can be for swearing or any other reason that is not acceptable.You should know if you had any of the issues and PM me and let me know why you think you were banned and what you are going to do to behave. If you can't remember what you did then don't ask for shout back because you need to be aware of your behavior and be responsible for your actions. I know a few was banned for horseplay (that resulted in language violations)Nils

  14. Is it:

    XP Pro


    XP Home

    There are a couple of solutions that can be used... depending on OS and if the NIC card has the avility to bot computer remotely.

    If you have XP Pro on both computers you have to create a user account for you on the remote computer. Turn on remote desktop, and create a shutdown batchfile then when you are done connecting to the internet you access the other computer using remote desktop, run the batchfile and that will disconnect you and shut the computer down.

    If it's XP Home you can put realVNC on both computers and run the bach file from there.


  15. OK, to start.. XP has 2 versions of the OS. XP Pro and XP home, both can connect with each other but it's easier and more secure with XP pro.First you have to create a workgroup on on both computers (I'm using XPP for this). The workgroup name has to be the same on both computers and please do not use the default "MSHOME" or "WORKGROUP". You should use something that is not to easy to guess. I used to have a network called "QDINZLAW" and it has no meaning so dictionary attack don't work. :)Next you have to share the foders that you would like to have access to from both computers. Make sure you set permissions and a password for the shares and do not share from c:\ share subdirectories and cd / dvd playeres only.If you have XPP you can setup remote desktop on both computers, then you log into remote desktop and you can work both computers like you at each one and it will be like having 2 computers and one mouse, keyboard and monitor.NIls

  16. A couple of questions, you are connecting to the internet through a dsl / cable modem or are you on a dialup?what is the OS on the desktop, what is the OS on the laptop.What is the topography of the network? (Are your cable going directly from the wall outlet to the desktop computer or is it going to a modem then to wireless routerr)what version (make model of router is it, what make and model wireless NIC cards are you using in the laptop and in the desktop)Nils

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