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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. The gallery looks alright, and its fast for me. I have Pentium4 3.0 ghz processor
  2. Well the volume its a little high for me, i think it would be better if being a background music, not like for hear music there :)BTW is this allowed on Xisto? the hosting rules say that you are not allowed to host mp3 files, but people cant download the music being played there, so i got confused... or do you own the copyrights of those songs?
  3. OMG!!!! $400? $3,000? dollars? damn am i reading correctly?! that is the biggest price of a software i've seen (if it is the real price) Now im appreciating all the facilities i have with computer softwares
  4. How is the security there then? it must be so bad... getting mugged at day, is like so noob, who would do that here? the mugger can be easily identified by people as by police.And wow, 50 people on that street and no one saw that..I havent been mugged before, and i hope i dont get it never XD
  5. Well, if there would be a god, i say yes, he is not trying.. he is already killing people. Its like a fair situation, you say that almost every second a child borns, but thats why people die, to keep, or at least try to keep a balance under population.So would you think that every 3 seconds a person die?I personally dont think that god exist, i just think that is how life roles.
  6. Thanks for the tutorial albus. I've shouted a very few times there too, but now im gonna be more active there
  7. Very cool! Woah Tsunami you seems to know how to code and program, thats nice.Yeah the graphics need to be improved but the game seems to be interesting. Is it done or you are going to add more stuff? the only thing i could find were the lessons, but are you gonna add someone to battle or something?Anyway good job.
  8. Thats what i found on some forums. You need to eat more and with some lucky your wrists will grow. I found that wrists have a very little muscle on there (or at least muscles near to wrists) and it can be worked by doing Wrist Rollers: and Grip exercises Those seems to work, i guess..
  9. You can decide between this and PAID hosting services, anyway, you will get the same package quality... Yeah, for me this is like Paid webhosting, it has all the features that those services offer, and no ADS. What else you want? Also posting is not like a pain, is mostly like a hobbie (well, at least for me), you learn new things, share your problems with others, get solutions for almost everything, etc.
  10. Yes, I do have the same exact problem. o.OFirst of all, at top you said that some guys are ok if they have skinny wrist, cause it would make the arms looks bigger, but no, you are wrong, skinny wrists are as notorious in men as in women.I am trying to increase my wrists size as well, cause them are so thin. But as you, that is the only part of my body that looks thin, (well, my stomach is so thin too, but not as my wrists.. relatively...)The wrists volume cant be increased by lifting weights or doing any other kind of exercise, the only solution for it is eat and eat and eat more... and im gonna do that. Well, im a man and its ok for me i get fatter, but if you dont want to mess up with your other body parts by eating so much (for example your waist), you must do condition exercise, examples, running, swimming, sports like football or basketball. In this way, you will be burning all the grease you got by eating, (but only the grease on your torso, generally, if your wrists get bigger, them wont losse volume after if doing that kind of condition exercises).Wish you luck with this, and im gonna do that same, so if you got better results on your problem tell me how you did it
  11. Hey Tsunami, i watch Avatar so often.. well, i used to, cause my parents canceled our Cable TV service, but we got it back 1 week ago, and im gonna watch it again.I didnt see the movie (i didnt even know there was a movie lol) but i like the show, and i just watched the 1st season, or im not sure if i watched some of the 2nd one, can you tell how its called each one? or what episodes are on each.
  12. Awww... but is that i want to do weights cause im so slim and i want to increase the mass of my muscles for give a better impression.I've tried lots of things to get fatter but i cant' i eat more, i stop doing activity (such as doing sports, run, etc, those activities make people loss weight and i do them so often) but i cant get more weight. Thats why im starting to increase my muscles.But i will try everything people tells me here, i will consider that of stop growing up properly.Also i want to know what kind of food makes people get fatter, as i said, i want to increase my weight.
  13. Well im 15 years old. And im 5.4 ft. Do you think im young enough for do that kind of exercises? :)Well, anyway, i guess im tall enough now, i just want to get some muscles, cause appearance its everything at adolescense.
  14. No one knows god, no one have seen him, etc.. but what makes people still think that there exist god, its called faith. With stuff being explain by science, Im lossing the faith on god and religion.I guess the god concept is mostly used like for represent the awesome force of nature, and for unknown events. Of course, i think that unexplainable stuff is gonna be discovered by science someday, near or far, but it will be.
  15. Yeah i guess im gonna buy that, i've found lots of tips for exercises done with 1 dumb bell or tow, but here that kind of stuff is usually expensive, and i didnt want to spend my money on that, but oh well i gotta need it.The brick sugesstion is a nice idea, it would work like the dumb bell thx for the tip jlhaslip.
  16. I want to do exercises for increase my arms muscle, chest, pectorals, etc. That would be easy on a Gym but that is so expensive here in Mexico and i want to make exercises at my house without the need of machines or any other extra stuff. The only ones i know are: Lizards: those are supossed to exercise pectorals and arms with posture variations. Abdominals: well, i guess everybody knows this one.. helps the abdomen. Back: Well that is for exercise the lower back part. Those are the only i know, and i would like to know some exercises, anyones, but being especifically, that would help me with the upper back part, shoulders, forearms, and some more for pectorals. Would someone help me? thanks in advanced
  17. Definitely yea, sports are needed on schools, and are needed for every person, but i never saw something like that omego, the need of score good grades for stay on a sport team, but i bet that works oh well... people love sports (im one of those ) and its a real good motivation for stay active in school.Also sports give a healthy condition.
  18. So you have the highest post number there saint micahel? well anyway great job.. 4000 post.. damn.. thats so high number, i just got 60 and it seems to be very hard, of course, obeying the rules, not everybody can do a quality post on every topic of the forum XD but i dream with getting 1000 someday.. hehe
  19. Dang, ''your mom'' expression is stupid, and outdated loleveryone used to say it so often here in mexico (in spanish of course) but now its like old and if anyone says that then people would call him an idiot .. im glad its like that now :)and yea, the people who just wont shut up even knowning that they piss off people with their ''stupidness'' is like the most annoying thing i can think about.
  20. Yeah albus has the reason.consider these facts at the time of making sigs:Background, its always better if done by you with some brushes.Render, blend the render on the background, and match it with the sig color.Border, every sig needs a border, of any kind, there are many tutorials that helps you to make many kinds of borders.size, yeah, the size matters, 350x150, 400x150, are the most used sizes (i think)Keep working, everyone starts somewhere
  21. I like how looks that sig, it has like a glass effect or something, but it looks pretty nice.9/10
  22. Reasonable prices but damn, thats way too expensive for me. Anyway i always get any program by $5 dollars (50 pesos) here in Mexico :)And do you all think that a Pentium4 3.00 Ghz, 512 RAM and a Radeon 9550 256MB would support perfectly that OS? i guess yes, but i heard somewhere that this new OS will be demanding the most of PC performance.
  23. Yea thats obvious, an external Wireless card works better than an internal one, because those get less packetloss.Just consider some facts at the time of buy a new wireless card:Speed: 54kbps is always the best oneCompatibility: With all standard internet applicationsPower Saving: Well, if you get your laptop on your car it must have its battery recharged, so you dont want to waste half of your battery only on the wireless stuff
  24. I can see it.Man that looks pretty good, it looks kind of professional layout, alingment is the only thing that doesnt seems good as said above but i like the colors you employed and the diagonal patern in the backgound.Keep working on it, really, it can be a very good site. GJ
  25. I guess yes, you killed your motherboard, usually that just happens when your motherboard has long time of life, and if you installed something that wasnt supossed to be supported then there was made an error on some chip. When my old PC messed up, it was not turning On anything, like my monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.. it wasnt sending power to all of those components, does that happens with you? and nothing but your black screen of your monitor can be seen.If your motherboard was not so old (i mean, used for long time) then it may be another thing that messed up your BIOS.
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