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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. Making viruses is illegal, everyone knows that, and Microsoft is acussing Google of making one? thats is so serious and the law can take Microsoft down, i mean, its obvious that gmail isnt a virus, thats why i dont think Windows or MS or whatever will win the war, Google hasnt done anything bad there but MS did.Microsoft guys look kinda desesperated or something... they think all the companies will be at their level and are trying to lower their sales.
  2. Yeah ignore him, make like if you dont hear him next time he talks to you like that, and keep doing so, in a while, that will become bored for him and will stop that.And about finding a guy who likes you by your personality, its right what shadowx says, you must give the chance to the guys for know you and pass some time with them, and you will find the right guy for sure. They know your personality and you know theirs.
  3. Very nice desing and color scheme. I have to scroll sideways too. Umm... that can be fixed well if you lower the width of the main window and make that Search square a whole column, you can add more content there, for example, the login form and some links.Overall its a great site, keep the good work
  4. If you dont start your project you wont improve your skills at programming. Its practice what makes the master.So you should start something that you really wanna try, cause its motivation what will make you get the enough dedication for stay on road. But i recommend not to start a work for someone now, cause its true what you say, the pressure will not let you give your best.So better start a project, no matter if you think is hard or simple, but as i said, it must be something you really wanna try, and dont worry if you dont have enough time for doing it, since its for yourself, you can do it with calm.Good luck.
  5. Hey nice points. The choosing of cool guys and nerds also depend on the type of girl. A popular girl would have to have a popular boyfriend (in the most of cases) The cool guys have more options to choose (if you know what i mean many girls would be wanting to date him) so if one of those guys date a girl, he wont take her real serious, or he really wont care about what the girl thinks, he can always date another and another, etc... but the girl do the same.. so thats what make them feel good anyway.. while the nerds or geeks, if they would have a popular girlfriend, they would feel so unconfortable and nervous while being with her... dont know what to talk about, and all of that. So they prefer to be with a girl that would be with them talking with confidence and pass a better time. Thats what makes popular groups being separated of the ''unadapted'' (or something like that) groups, i think thats what makes the things easier. Damn you are so right i cant understand why people say that makes the nerds being the wrong type of people XD
  6. I cant even see the shoutbox lolWell i guess you are missing your CSS ini file that will show all your content on the right place, and be sure to upload all the images you used on your site to your webspace. The only thing i can see is the banner at the top and the text.You can change the theme of your forums for make them a little bit more interesting, the default theme will not work
  7. Its pretty nice, and the text is ok, it doesnt need to be removed cause its small and doesnt interfere with the abstract background.
  8. Scanning your face in the game? well thats already possible on Tony Hawks underground, you can actually take a screenshoot of your face and insert it to a character static mesh. (well not sure if that is what you mean, but anyway... )
  9. And where is Unreal Tournament 2004?!?!!? you cant miss that one!!Its very similar to the Quake series but UT2004 has more action to me.Also we all are awaiting for Unreal Tournament 2007 on March, and seems like it will be the leader of games in graphics terms
  10. Yep, i dont like the fact that is only done with 2 colors, but its ok, everything looks alright, especially the splash effect around the text, i love it (not sure if you tried to do it, but it still looks cool )
  11. Yeah the games could have amazing graphics that could be like watching TV, the characters would seem like real people and just think in the effects..And well, that is on 2026, i wonder how it will be on 2100. I think the games will have another mean by that, it would be all virtual reality and you would be the character inside the game. Yeah that would be so sweet playing a FPS game.
  12. Hey welcome and greetings from Mexico. Wish you luck here and hope you get hosting and what you need here. Its a pretty nice community in these forums, you will enjoy your stay here for sure.Well Have fun
  13. Amazing!!! i'm exactly on the same problem!!! (seriously!)Its my first high school year too, and i used to play basketball so well before, so now, i wanted to tryout in the basketball team, but no one told me when where the practices so i didnt assist many times.Now the coach picked many new players that arent even good at basketball and the coach now wont see my skills! its frustrating.What im doin now is assist to the overall school practices (the ones where all people go, cause its mandatory) and do my best on everyone, and sometimes practice with the Team, even if im not a part of it I bet i may get accepted in a few.If you are good enough for basketball your school Team will even ask you to join them without you trying to do it
  14. You can help yourself by going to some park with lots of trees, in morning, and doing slight excersie, like walking or running for a few and then sit and breath deeply, its always good the breath pure air, and parks and perfect for that.In that way you could be totally cured in less than 3 weeks. First start with just walking, so you wont get exhausted so easily, and then run slowly, it way helps.And yea good job on quitting, its real hard to people leave the cigar away, just hope you dont fall on that bad habbit again.
  15. Haaahhh, i have it and all i can say is Adobe Premiere PRO is the best video software editing out there, but WOOWWw, its about $720!!!! OMG!! are that expensive those programs on US?anyway i also recommend Ulead 8, its kinda cheap and its very powerful.
  16. Hah, sorry but yea that must be a scam phpfreek.Look, if you click on the banners of that Webpage, you will be referred to many other Afilliate webpages containing exactly the same stuff, just the desing is different, like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/,'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with that? that doesnt look like a good ''company'' to me...Also the desing of their site tells it all, its poor and has nothing but links, if they would be a big money rich company they would pay for a great webdesing and scripts that would manage all of their stuff correctly.I always look on those facts before proceding with any kind of offers like that
  17. Well, i play guitar a lot and have been playing it for about 2 years, but i've never heard of that program, what does it? what for is it? tabs? sequences?Maybe if i like what it does i can get it.
  18. Well i dont think that your system performance would affect so much your internet performance. For fix the jerky gameplay, you need to tweak your video card to work better on performance than in quality.I dont know what can cause your high ping, but i may have an idea. I play Unreal Tournament 2004, which is very similar to BF2, and i've been having ping issues for long time. Sometimes, your ISP is what causes those lag problems, even if your ISP gives you a fast speed, they may have experiencing issues with their network. That happened to me a while ago.Also, sometimes, you would just be having Lag Spikes, that is when you lost the connection to the server for a bit, but that is caused by the Server you are playing in. Or other, like i said about the issues with the ISP's, you have network slowdowns, like, in my game, sometimes im playing with 80 ping and suddenly my ping goes up to 500, and it stays like that for 10 seconds or so, and then goes back to normal.Generally, these ping and packetloss problems are always cause by Wireless connections, but if you say your router is wired to your PC's, there would not be any problem.Try testing your Net speed in some pages like http://www.bandwidthplace.com/, and see how much speed you are getting, it must be a little bit lower than what your ISP says, like about 200kbps less, but not so much, if you get a real lower number, then is your ISP fault.
  19. Yeah! i dont use the shotbox so much but anyway i would like a Yellow in there :lol:it would be great if the shoutbox had a RGB color picker or something like that.
  20. My entry: Argh, I wanted animation on it, and i already had my animation done! but i could not get a good GIF quality for it... but oh well.
  21. I just cant figure out my problem. I can watch the embedded videos on Forums or Blogs, but cant watch them directly on Youtube, so that would mean my Flash Player is ok with the videos on there.I have my JavaScript turned on, i even downloaded the latest version, so i dont know what can it be.Anyway thanks for the suggestions about the Flash player 9, i will try that.
  22. I love the second one, it looks like a disc sleeve, or something like that. But yes you could use some other effects in your photos, you can also do some brushing work over the image in a new layer, and then lower the opacity of it and fitting with your image colors, could be a nice effect.I guess i gotta try these kind of sigs cause im a music lover especially Rock bands.I may post my work with that in a few days :lol:Good job bro, and since no one rate sigs anymore, I would like to start that again 1st=7/10 2nd) 9/10
  23. Of what game is your clan? people can do awesome things blending some characters of the game your clan is, like of background effect.
  24. I use Flash for animatin only, im not really so advanced on ActionScript, but i know the basics for work with an animation.Its cool to know a new version of Flash is coming with new and better features, but i hope it has the same interface, cause it took me about 2 weeks to learn the entire interface god, thats a lot.
  25. It looks good man, and i like the effect you did by mixing 2 photos and lowering their opacity, and also degrading the edges of the photos is a cool effect, but if the edges would be less visible would be even better.A yea that reflection of the text looks nice, good job on there.btw Switchfoot is a Punk band? or what genre do they sing...
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