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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. Oh yea I saw that one before already. and yea its a funny video, but also it tells true things, or doesnt it?But hahaha, it went so far, world destruction... omg... and all cause only by a men going to bathroom.Funny stuff.. ya all should see it.
  2. I think it needs a border :)But the entire sig is pretty good, especially the lightning effect.I would rate it with a 9.5/10
  3. It looks cool, but what exactly you tried to make on the pic? make that model look like... ummm.. i dont get it...
  4. Here in Mexico rains more in weekdays than in weekends, and i dont like that XD
  5. So interesting. I dont believe Jupiter would turn into a giant storm, just think, before the storm reaches to its max point, it would have already destroyed the planet, and what i think, is that the storm would dissapear in the space, (or maybe not, cause jupiter is a gas planet XD)But if that can be possible, i dont wanna think what would happen to the planets near to it (maybe also earth o.O )
  6. I suggest you PHP-Nuke, its my favorite, and its like the easier one for configure and install. (if you ever worked with a phpBB forum, its basically the same) And well, if you are looking for a CMS, i can tell you other,PHPBB Plus, well, its not basically a CMS but it works like that. Its a modification of the phpBB2 forums, that enables you to do all the things that CMS's do and more, like Downloads, Calendar, News, Shotbox, etc.. you can find that one Here Also you should visit this webpage: http://www.opensourcecms.com/ to see a demo of many CMS's
  7. Yep, you need to earn respect, lol.Sometimes you gotta face the person that pisses you off, and that can be real hard if you dont have enough confidence on yourself.That used to happen to me before, when i was in secondary school (7th grade in USA.. or something), but now that im on high school, i decided to make a new personality of me, a respectful one, and belive me.. if you do so, all of those damn piss off people will dissapear on your life
  8. Damn I love rock!!! especially Punk Rock.. but i like all the rock subgenresI hate Rap cause all of those songs are related to almost the same.. being the best, money, women and all of that kind of stuff rapers say the have and that they control everything... bah.. its like if they think they would be the most amazing person in the world. Also the Rapers wear lots of jewels like if that would make 'em better than any other singer, i hate that a lot.By the other way, the Rock have songs that tells you about how the life roles, and tell you the truth. Thats what i like of it. The only thing i dont like of a subgenre of Rock is the hard screaming like many Death Metal bands do.
  9. Yep, if your new PC is not too far from your other PC, it would be way better using the wired network. It has more advantages than wireless, you will avoid disconections, speed slowdown and Packetloss (yeah those are really annoying XD )Also if you use wireless, you gotta configure it correctly so other people dont get into your network, otherwise, any person with a laptop and an inalambric netcard would get access to your router and steal your internet speed.
  10. Lol i clicked the link and at first glance i though i didnt leave Xisto hahaha.I like your forums, it seems to have some nice sections and of important themes to discuss.But I dont like that ad at the side either, well, for me thats the only thing that i dont like, but you should also try another template on your forum, so you would have more originality on your site.
  11. Nice website, and you pick some very nice colors there. And the header fits your site as well.Except for the ads (i really hate ads) and the navigation (i also think it should be on left), the entire site is well done.I also saw your forums, and them are cool too, but what do you think if you wrap them on your Joomla site? it would be better, and i think its possible cause that is a PHPbb integration... (also there is a trick that will disable the blocks while being on Forums so you would not lose width )Good Job
  12. What about if you organize your clocks by categories? for example, a category that only contains digital looking clocks (those with numbers only, like the third one) and in other category put the regular ones, and maybe make another with clocks that include calendars, like the first one you have in there.And also, as aggie10 said above, it would be helpful if you put many clocks on a same page, not to click next for see only one at once.btw you site is now on the top 20 on Google... damn, its so hard to keep a good spot on google XD
  13. Does this one fits your needs? EDIT Opps forgot the www. Well, if you like how it looks and wanna take it i can fix that
  14. Man, dope is not legal for an obvious reason, it kills people.You may think it is not as bad as people say but thats cause you use it, and you may not want to admit that it causes more damage than benefits to you.I would suggest you to leave the dope away and find another relief for pain or relaxing but this topic is related to the Legacy of this, not for get inside your life, anyway i say it should not be allowed or legal XD
  15. I would like to battle you but I cant fully understand the Render and Theme type you say.
  16. Thanks for the replies, this is gonna way help me out.I dont use Firefox, i use IE, but i guess i will try it now.
  17. Hey, I was wondering if anyone here know how to save videos that I can see on my web browser to my PC.Like for example, a video that I see on Google video or YouTube, I would save it onto my PC in .avi or .mpeg format, or however.Anyone can help me?Thanks
  18. Hi, I've been learning Flash 8 too.Personally, I think that the best way to start learning is using the Tutorials that come inside the program (See in the Menu Bar, the Help-> Getting Started With Flash) and in the Window of Tutorials, Select the Flash Tutorials submenu and select the first document. That one will help you learn the Interface first, and then you can select the next one and so on, those will help you learning all the basics of flash.
  19. Umm.. i guess you feel something more than a friendly relationship to her.Maybe its like if you dont want to share her friendship with others.You are 8 years older than her, so... ummm... do you feel something like love for her?You should think about that.
  20. Those are very nice sigs, the renders look so good, i will try making some sigs with the render coming out like you did.btw the third one has animated text, did you made it with Photoshop too?
  21. Ummm... would you be able to specify the size? the banner above doesnt show its size.And a very good help would be if you post a link to your forums so the artist would know better how to fit corretly your theme.BTW.. any renders? objects? or something to fit the space there.. or do you want only text there?
  22. Exactly, what about are your forums?Isnt GodofEarth already your GFX head there?
  23. Cool, glad you like it, if you want i can give you the PSD file so you can edit the text and other stuff on Photoshop.
  24. I am making one for you, but just one detail, Do you want a specific font on the text? or should i pick one i think looks good there... **EDIT** Well im gonna sleep now.. but i leave here my work anyway. Personally, i like it, but maybe you want something else, and maybe it doesnt fit correctly your theme but it was hard to blend those renders with the colors XD So what you think?
  25. I guess this is on the wrong section, but anyway...This question is almost obvious.... people send invitations to you Lol.If you have a friend that have a gmail account, you can ask if he/she havent ran out of invitations (i think that every Gmail account have come with 3 invitations, or so)
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